/***************************************************************/ /* perk: PE Resource Kit */ /* Copyright (C) 2015--2016 Z. Gilboa */ /* Released under GPLv2 and GPLv3; see COPYING.PERK. */ /***************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "perk_reader_impl.h" #include "perk_errinfo_impl.h" static int pe_free_image_meta_impl(struct pe_image_meta * meta, int ret) { int i; if (meta) { for (i=0; isummary.nimplibs; i++) free(meta->idata[i].items); free(meta->idata); free(meta->sectbl); free(meta); } return ret; } void pe_free_image_meta(struct pe_image_meta * meta) { pe_free_image_meta_impl(meta,0); } int pe_get_named_section_index(const struct pe_image_meta * m, const char * name) { int i; for (i=0; icoff.cfh_num_of_sections; i++) if (!(strcmp(name,m->sectbl[i].sh_name))) return i; return -1; } int pe_get_block_section_index(const struct pe_image_meta * m, const struct pe_block * block) { int i; uint32_t low,high; for (i=0; icoff.cfh_num_of_sections; i++) { low = m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_addr; high = low + m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_size; if ((block->dh_rva >= low) && (block->dh_rva + block->dh_size <= high)) return i; } return -1; } int pe_get_roffset_from_rva(const struct pe_image_meta * m, uint32_t rva, uint32_t * roffset) { int i; uint32_t low,high; for (i=0; icoff.cfh_num_of_sections; i++) { low = m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_addr; high = low + m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_size; if ((rva >= low) && (rva < high)) { *roffset = (rva - low) + m->sectbl[i].sh_ptr_to_raw_data; return 0; } } return -1; } int pe_get_rva_from_roffset(const struct pe_image_meta * m, uint32_t roffset, uint32_t * rva) { int i; uint32_t low,high,ref; for (i=0, ref=~0; icoff.cfh_num_of_sections; i++) { low = m->sectbl[i].sh_ptr_to_raw_data; high = low + m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_size; if ((roffset >= low) && (roffset < high)) { *rva = (roffset - low) + m->sectbl[i].sh_virtual_addr; return 0; } else if (ref > low) { ref = low; } } if (roffset < ref) { *rva = roffset; return 0; } return -1; } int pe_get_expsym_by_name( const struct pe_image_meta * m, const char * name, struct pe_expsym * expsym) { uint32_t offset; uint32_t * symrva; const char * sym; unsigned i; offset = m->hedata->sh_virtual_addr - m->hedata->sh_ptr_to_raw_data; symrva = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)m->image.addr + (m->edata.name_ptr_rva - offset)); for (i=0; iedata.num_of_name_ptrs; i++) { sym = (const char *)m->image.addr + symrva[i] - offset; if (!(strcmp(sym,name))) { if (expsym) { expsym->name = sym; expsym->eaddr = 0; expsym->maddr = 0; expsym->roffset = 0; } return 0; } } return -1; } int pe_get_expsym_by_index( const struct pe_image_meta * m, unsigned index, struct pe_expsym * expsym) { uint32_t offset; uint32_t * symrva; uintptr_t symaddr; if (index >= m->edata.num_of_name_ptrs) return -1; if (expsym) { offset = m->hedata->sh_virtual_addr - m->hedata->sh_ptr_to_raw_data; symrva = (uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)m->image.addr + (m->edata.name_ptr_rva - offset)); symaddr = (uintptr_t)m->image.addr + symrva[index] - offset; expsym->name = (const char *)symaddr; expsym->eaddr = 0; expsym->maddr = 0; expsym->roffset = 0; } return 0; } int pe_get_image_meta( const struct pe_driver_ctx * dctx, const struct pe_raw_image * image, struct pe_image_meta ** meta) { int ret; int i,s; long l; unsigned j; const unsigned char * mark; struct pe_image_meta * m; char * base; base = image->addr; if (!(m = calloc(1,sizeof(*m)))) return PERK_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx); m->ados = (struct pe_raw_image_dos_hdr *)base; if ((ret = (pe_read_dos_header(m->ados,&m->dos)))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,ret)); m->acoff = (struct pe_raw_coff_file_hdr *)(base + m->dos.dos_lfanew); if ((ret = (pe_read_coff_header(m->acoff,&m->coff)))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,ret)); mark = (const unsigned char *)image->addr + m->coff.cfh_ptr_to_sym_tbl; mark += m->coff.cfh_num_of_syms * sizeof(struct pe_raw_coff_symbol); m->coff.cfh_ptr_to_str_tbl = m->coff.cfh_ptr_to_sym_tbl; m->coff.cfh_ptr_to_str_tbl += m->coff.cfh_num_of_syms * sizeof(struct pe_raw_coff_symbol); m->coff.cfh_size_of_str_tbl = pe_read_long(mark); mark = &m->acoff->cfh_signature[0]; m->aopt = (union pe_raw_opt_hdr *)(mark + sizeof(*m->acoff)); if ((ret = (pe_read_optional_header(m->aopt,&m->opt)))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,ret)); mark = &m->aopt->opt_hdr_32.coh_magic[0]; m->asectbl = (struct pe_raw_sec_hdr *)(mark + m->coff.cfh_size_of_opt_hdr); if (!(m->sectbl = calloc(m->coff.cfh_num_of_sections,sizeof(*(m->sectbl))))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx)); for (i=0; icoff.cfh_num_of_sections; i++) { pe_read_section_header(&m->asectbl[i],&m->sectbl[i]); if (m->sectbl[i].sh_name[0] == '/') if ((l = strtol(&m->sectbl[i].sh_name[1],0,10)) > 0) if (l < m->coff.cfh_size_of_str_tbl) m->sectbl[i].sh_long_name = base + m->coff.cfh_ptr_to_str_tbl + l; } /* .edata */ i = pe_get_named_section_index(m,".edata"); s = pe_get_block_section_index(m,&m->opt.oh_dirs.coh_export_tbl); if ((i >= 0) && (i != s)) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,PERK_ERR_IMAGE_MALFORMED)); if (s >= 0) { m->hedata = &m->sectbl[s]; m->aedata = (struct pe_raw_export_hdr *)(base + m->sectbl[s].sh_ptr_to_raw_data + m->opt.oh_dirs.coh_export_tbl.dh_rva - m->sectbl[s].sh_virtual_addr); } else if (i >= 0) { m->hedata = &m->sectbl[i]; m->aedata = (struct pe_raw_export_hdr *)(base + m->sectbl[i].sh_ptr_to_raw_data); } if (m->aedata) { pe_read_export_header(m->aedata,&m->edata); m->summary.nexpsyms = m->edata.num_of_name_ptrs; } /* .idata */ struct pe_raw_import_hdr * pidata; union pe_raw_import_lookup * pitem; i = pe_get_named_section_index(m,".idata"); s = pe_get_block_section_index(m,&m->opt.oh_dirs.coh_import_tbl); if ((i >= 0) && (i != s)) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,PERK_ERR_IMAGE_MALFORMED)); if (s >= 0) { m->hidata = &m->sectbl[s]; m->aidata = (struct pe_raw_import_hdr *)(base + m->sectbl[s].sh_ptr_to_raw_data + m->opt.oh_dirs.coh_import_tbl.dh_rva - m->sectbl[s].sh_virtual_addr); } else if (i >= 0) { m->hidata = &m->sectbl[i]; m->aidata = (struct pe_raw_import_hdr *)(base + m->sectbl[i].sh_ptr_to_raw_data); } if (m->aidata) { /* num of implibs */ for (pidata=m->aidata; pidata->name_rva[0]; pidata++) m->summary.nimplibs++; /* import headers */ if (!(m->idata = calloc(m->summary.nimplibs,sizeof(*m->idata)))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx)); for (i=0; isummary.nimplibs; i++) { pe_read_import_header(&m->aidata[i],&m->idata[i]); m->idata[i].name = base + m->hidata->sh_ptr_to_raw_data + m->idata[i].name_rva - m->hidata->sh_virtual_addr; if (m->idata[i].import_lookup_tbl_rva) m->idata[i].aitems = (union pe_raw_import_lookup *)(base + m->hidata->sh_ptr_to_raw_data + m->idata[i].import_lookup_tbl_rva - m->hidata->sh_virtual_addr); /* items */ uint32_t * hint; m->idata[i].count = 0; if (m->idata[i].import_lookup_tbl_rva) { pitem = m->idata[i].aitems; hint = (uint32_t *)pitem->hint_name_tbl_rva; for (; *hint; hint=(uint32_t *)((++pitem)->hint_name_tbl_rva)) m->idata[i].count++; if (!(m->idata[i].items = calloc(m->idata[i].count,sizeof(*(m->idata[i].items))))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx)); } for (j=0; jidata[i].count; j++) { if ((ret = pe_read_import_lookup( &(m->idata[i].aitems[j]), &(m->idata[i].items[j]), m->opt.oh_std.coh_magic))) return pe_free_image_meta_impl( m,PERK_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,ret)); switch (m->opt.oh_std.coh_magic) { case PE_MAGIC_PE32: m->idata[i].items[j].flags = m->idata[i].items[j].u.import_lookup_entry_32; break; case PE_MAGIC_PE32_PLUS: m->idata[i].items[j].flags = (m->idata[i].items[j].u.import_lookup_entry_64 >> 32); break; } if (!m->idata[i].items[j].flags) { struct pe_raw_hint_name_entry * pentry = (struct pe_raw_hint_name_entry *)(base + m->hidata->sh_ptr_to_raw_data + m->idata[i].items[j].u.hint_name_tbl_rva - m->hidata->sh_virtual_addr); m->idata[i].items[j].name = (char *)pentry->name; } } } } /* image */ m->image.addr = image->addr; m->image.size = image->size; /* all done */ *meta = m; return 0; }