path: root/contrib/
diff options
authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /contrib/
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..be7d47b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# For a specified tool and optional list of test variants, extract
+# test results from one or more test summary (.sum) files and combine
+# the results into a new test summary file, sent to the standard output.
+# The resulting file can be used with test result comparison scripts for
+# results from tests that were run in parallel. See usage() below.
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation
+# Contributed by Janis Johnson <>
+# This file is part of GCC.
+# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF >&2
+Usage: $PROGNAME [-t tool] [-l variant-list] [-L] sum-file ...
+ tool The tool (e.g. g++, libffi) for which to create a
+ new test summary file. If not specified then all
+ specified sum files must be for the same tool.
+ variant-list One or more test variant names. If the list is
+ not specified then one is constructed from all
+ variants in the files for <tool>.
+ sum-file A test summary file with the format of those
+ created by runtest from DejaGnu.
+ If -L is used, merge *.log files instead of *.sum. In this
+ mode the exact order of lines may not be preserved, just different
+ Running *.exp chunks should be in correct order.
+# Write a message to the standard error.
+msg() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+# Parse the command-line options.
+while getopts "l:t:L" ARG; do
+ case $ARG in
+ t) test -z "$TOOL" || (msg "${PROGNAME}: only one tool can be specified"; exit 1);
+ TOOL="${OPTARG}";;
+ L) MODE="log";;
+ \?) usage; exit 0;;
+ esac
+shift `expr ${OPTIND} - 1`
+if test $# -lt 1 ; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+trap 'EXIT_STATUS=$?; rm -rf $TMP && exit $EXIT_STATUS' 0
+# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files.
+ TMP=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d -q "${TMPDIR}/dg-combine-results-$$-XXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
+ test -n "$TMP" && test -d "$TMP"
+} ||
+ TMP=${TMPDIR}/dg-combine-results-$$-$RANDOM
+ (umask 077 && mkdir $TMP)
+} ||
+ msg "${PROGNAME}: cannot create a temporary directory"
+ { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+# Find a good awk.
+if test -z "$AWK" ; then
+ for AWK in gawk nawk awk
+ do
+ if type $AWK 2>&1 | grep 'not found' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ :
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Verify that the specified summary files exist.
+ if ! test -f $FILE ; then
+ msg "${PROGNAME}: file $FILE does not exist."
+ fi
+test $ERROR -eq 0 || exit 1
+if [ -z "$TOOL" ]; then
+ # If no tool was specified, all specified summary files must be for
+ # the same tool.
+ CNT=`grep '=== .* tests ===' $SUM_FILES | $AWK '{ print $3 }' | sort -u | wc -l`
+ if [ $CNT -eq 1 ]; then
+ TOOL=`grep '=== .* tests ===' $FIRST_SUM | $AWK '{ print $2 }'`
+ else
+ msg "${PROGNAME}: sum files are for multiple tools, specify a tool"
+ msg ""
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Ignore the specified summary files that are not for this tool. This
+ # should keep the relevant files in the same order.
+ SUM_FILES=`grep -l "=== $TOOL" $SUM_FILES`
+ if test -z "$SUM_FILES" ; then
+ msg "${PROGNAME}: none of the specified files are results for $TOOL"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ "$TOOL" = acats ]; then
+ # Acats *.sum or *.log files aren't dejagnu generated, and they have
+ # somewhat different format.
+ ACATS_AWK=${TMP}/acats.awk
+ cat <<EOF > $ACATS_AWK
+ print_prologue=1; curfile=""; insummary=0
+ passcnt=0; failcnt=0; unsupcnt=0; failures=""
+/^[ \t]*=== acats configuration ===/ {
+ insummary=0
+ if (print_prologue) print
+ next
+/^[ \t]*=== acats tests ===/ {
+ if (print_prologue) print
+ print_prologue=0
+ next
+/^Running chapter / {
+ if (curfile) close (curfile)
+ curfile="${TMP}/chapter-"\$3
+ print >> curfile
+ next
+/^[ \t]*=== acats Summary ===/ {
+ if (curfile) close (curfile)
+ curfile=""
+ insummary=1
+ next
+/^# of expected passes/ { if (insummary == 1) passcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unexpected failures/ { if (insummary == 1) failcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unsupported tests/ { if (insummary == 1) unsupcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^\*\*\* FAILURES: / {
+ if (insummary == 1) {
+ if (failures) sub(/^\*\*\* FAILURES:/,"")
+ failures=failures""\$0
+ }
+ if (print_prologue) { print; next }
+ if (curfile) print >> curfile
+END {
+ system ("cat ${TMP}/chapter-*")
+ print " === acats Summary ==="
+ print "# of expected passes " passcnt
+ print "# of unexpected failures " failcnt
+ if (unsupcnt) print "# of unsupported tests " unsupcnt
+ if (failures) print failures
+ rm -f ${TMP}/chapter-*
+ exit 0
+# If no variants were specified, find all variants in the remaining
+# summary files. Otherwise, ignore specified variants that aren't in
+# any of those summary files.
+if test -z "$VARIANTS" ; then
+ VAR_AWK=${TMP}/variants.awk
+ cat <<EOF > $VAR_AWK
+/^Schedule of variations:/ { in_vars=1; next }
+/^$/ { in_vars=0 }
+/^Running target/ { exit }
+{ if (in_vars==1) print \$1; else next }
+ touch ${TMP}/varlist
+ for FILE in $SUM_FILES; do
+ $AWK -f $VAR_AWK $FILE >> ${TMP}/varlist
+ done
+ VARIANTS="`sort -u ${TMP}/varlist`"
+ for VAR in $VARS
+ do
+ grep "Running target $VAR" $SUM_FILES > /dev/null && VARIANTS="$VARIANTS $VAR"
+ done
+# Find out if we have more than one variant, or any at all.
+if test $VARIANT_COUNT -eq 0 ; then
+ msg "${PROGNAME}: no file for $TOOL has results for the specified variants"
+ exit 1
+cat $SUM_FILES \
+ | $AWK '/^Running/ { if ($2 != "target" && $3 == "...") print "EXPFILE: "$2 } ' \
+ | sort -u > ${TMP}/expfiles
+# Write the begining of the combined summary file.
+head -n 2 $FIRST_SUM
+echo " === $TOOL tests ==="
+echo "Schedule of variations:"
+ echo " $VAR"
+# For each test variant for the tool, copy test reports from each of the
+# summary files. Set up two awk scripts from within the loop to
+# initialize VAR and TOOL with the script, rather than assuming that the
+# available version of awk can pass variables from the command line.
+ GUTS_AWK=${TMP}/guts.awk
+ cat << EOF > $GUTS_AWK
+ variant="$VAR"
+ firstvar=1
+ expfileno=1
+ cnt=0
+ print_using=0
+ need_close=0
+/^EXPFILE: / {
+ expfiles[expfileno] = \$2
+ expfilesr[\$2] = expfileno
+ expfileno = expfileno + 1
+/^Running target / {
+ curvar = \$3
+ if (variant == curvar && firstvar == 1) { print; print_using=1; firstvar = 0 }
+ next
+/^Using / {
+ if (variant == curvar && print_using) { print; next }
+/^Running / {
+ print_using=0
+ if (variant == curvar) {
+ if (need_close) close(curfile)
+ curfile="${TMP}/list"expfilesr[\$2]
+ expfileseen[\$2]=expfileseen[\$2] + 1
+ need_close=0
+ testname="00"
+ next
+ }
+/^\t\t=== .* ===$/ { curvar = ""; next }
+ testname=\$2
+ # Ugly hack for gfortran.dg/dg.exp
+ if ("$TOOL" == "gfortran" && testname ~ /^gfortran.dg\/g77\//)
+ testname="h"testname
+/^$/ { if ("$MODE" == "sum") next }
+{ if (variant == curvar && curfile) {
+ if ("$MODE" == "sum") {
+ printf "%s %08d|", testname, cnt >> curfile
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ }
+ filewritten[curfile]=1
+ need_close=1
+ print >> curfile
+ } else
+ next
+END {
+ n=1
+ while (n < expfileno) {
+ if (expfileseen[expfiles[n]]) {
+ print "Running "expfiles[n]" ..."
+ if (filewritten["${TMP}/list"n]) {
+ if (expfileseen[expfiles[n]] == 1)
+ cmd="cat"
+ else
+ cmd="LC_ALL=C sort"
+ if ("$MODE" == "sum")
+ system (cmd" ${TMP}/list"n" | sed -n 's/^[^ ]* [^ |]*|//p'")
+ else
+ system ("cat ${TMP}/list"n)
+ }
+ }
+ n = n + 1
+ }
+ SUMS_AWK=${TMP}/sums.awk
+ rm -f $SUMS_AWK
+ cat << EOF > $SUMS_AWK
+ variant="$VAR"
+ tool="$TOOL"
+ passcnt=0; failcnt=0; untstcnt=0; xpasscnt=0; xfailcnt=0; unsupcnt=0; unrescnt=0;
+ curvar=""; insummary=0
+/^Running target / { curvar = \$3; next }
+/^# of / { if (variant == curvar) insummary = 1 }
+/^# of expected passes/ { if (insummary == 1) passcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unexpected successes/ { if (insummary == 1) xpasscnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unexpected failures/ { if (insummary == 1) failcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of expected failures/ { if (insummary == 1) xfailcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of untested testcases/ { if (insummary == 1) untstcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unresolved testcases/ { if (insummary == 1) unrescnt += \$5; next; }
+/^# of unsupported tests/ { if (insummary == 1) unsupcnt += \$5; next; }
+/^$/ { if (insummary == 1)
+ { insummary = 0; curvar = "" }
+ next
+ }
+{ next }
+END {
+ printf ("\t\t=== %s Summary for %s ===\n\n", tool, variant)
+ if (passcnt != 0) printf ("# of expected passes\t\t%d\n", passcnt)
+ if (failcnt != 0) printf ("# of unexpected failures\t%d\n", failcnt)
+ if (xpasscnt != 0) printf ("# of unexpected successes\t%d\n", xpasscnt)
+ if (xfailcnt != 0) printf ("# of expected failures\t\t%d\n", xfailcnt)
+ if (untstcnt != 0) printf ("# of untested testcases\t\t%d\n", untstcnt)
+ if (unrescnt != 0) printf ("# of unresolved testcases\t%d\n", unrescnt)
+ if (unsupcnt != 0) printf ("# of unsupported tests\t\t%d\n", unsupcnt)
+ PVAR=`echo $VAR | sed 's,/,.,g'`
+ rm -f $TMPFILE
+ rm -f ${TMP}/list*
+ cat ${TMP}/expfiles $SUM_FILES | $AWK -f $GUTS_AWK
+ # If there are multiple variants, output the counts for this one;
+ # otherwise there will just be the final counts at the end.
+ test $VARIANT_COUNT -eq 1 || cat $TMPFILE
+# Set up an awk script to get the combined summary counts for the tool.
+cat << EOF > $TOTAL_AWK
+ tool="$TOOL"
+ passcnt=0; failcnt=0; untstcnt=0; xpasscnt=0; xfailcnt=0; unsupcnt=0; unrescnt=0
+/^# of expected passes/ { passcnt += \$5 }
+/^# of unexpected failures/ { failcnt += \$5 }
+/^# of unexpected successes/ { xpasscnt += \$5 }
+/^# of expected failures/ { xfailcnt += \$5 }
+/^# of untested testcases/ { untstcnt += \$5 }
+/^# of unresolved testcases/ { unrescnt += \$5 }
+/^# of unsupported tests/ { unsupcnt += \$5 }
+END {
+ printf ("\n\t\t=== %s Summary ===\n\n", tool)
+ if (passcnt != 0) printf ("# of expected passes\t\t%d\n", passcnt)
+ if (failcnt != 0) printf ("# of unexpected failures\t%d\n", failcnt)
+ if (xpasscnt != 0) printf ("# of unexpected successes\t%d\n", xpasscnt)
+ if (xfailcnt != 0) printf ("# of expected failures\t\t%d\n", xfailcnt)
+ if (untstcnt != 0) printf ("# of untested testcases\t\t%d\n", untstcnt)
+ if (unrescnt != 0) printf ("# of unresolved testcases\t%d\n", unrescnt)
+ if (unsupcnt != 0) printf ("# of unsupported tests\t\t%d\n", unsupcnt)
+# Find the total summaries for the tool and add to the end of the output.
+cat ${TMP}/var-* | $AWK -f $TOTAL_AWK
+# This is ugly, but if there's version output from the compiler under test
+# at the end of the file, we want it. The other thing that might be there
+# is the final summary counts.
+tail -2 $FIRST_SUM | grep '^#' > /dev/null || tail -2 $FIRST_SUM
+exit 0