path: root/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
diff options
authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/ b/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..700c5ef43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+// New abi Support -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2009, 2011
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of GCC.
+// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
+// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
+// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
+// <>.
+// Written by Nathan Sidwell, Codesourcery LLC, <>
+#include <cxxabi.h>
+#include <new>
+#include <exception>
+#include <bits/exception_defines.h>
+#include "unwind-cxx.h"
+namespace __cxxabiv1
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct uncatch_exception
+ {
+ uncatch_exception();
+ ~uncatch_exception () { __cxa_begin_catch (&p->unwindHeader); }
+ __cxa_exception* p;
+ private:
+ uncatch_exception&
+ operator=(const uncatch_exception&);
+ uncatch_exception(const uncatch_exception&);
+ };
+ uncatch_exception::uncatch_exception() : p(0)
+ {
+ __cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals_fast ();
+ p = globals->caughtExceptions;
+ p->handlerCount -= 1;
+ globals->caughtExceptions = p->nextException;
+ globals->uncaughtExceptions += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate and construct array.
+ extern "C" void *
+ __cxa_vec_new(std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ return __cxa_vec_new2(element_count, element_size, padding_size,
+ constructor, destructor,
+ &operator new[], &operator delete []);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __cxa_vec_new2(std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ void *(*alloc) (std::size_t),
+ void (*dealloc) (void *))
+ {
+ std::size_t size = element_count * element_size + padding_size;
+ char *base = static_cast <char *> (alloc (size));
+ if (!base)
+ return base;
+ if (padding_size)
+ {
+ base += padding_size;
+ reinterpret_cast <std::size_t *> (base)[-1] = element_count;
+ reinterpret_cast <std::size_t *> (base)[-2] = element_size;
+ }
+ __try
+ {
+ __cxa_vec_ctor(base, element_count, element_size,
+ constructor, destructor);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ // Core issue 901 will probably be resolved such that a
+ // deleted operator delete means not freeing memory here.
+ if (dealloc)
+ dealloc(base - padding_size);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ return base;
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __cxa_vec_new3(std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ void *(*alloc) (std::size_t),
+ void (*dealloc) (void *, std::size_t))
+ {
+ std::size_t size = element_count * element_size + padding_size;
+ char *base = static_cast<char *>(alloc (size));
+ if (!base)
+ return base;
+ if (padding_size)
+ {
+ base += padding_size;
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(base)[-1] = element_count;
+ reinterpret_cast <std::size_t *> (base)[-2] = element_size;
+ }
+ __try
+ {
+ __cxa_vec_ctor(base, element_count, element_size,
+ constructor, destructor);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ if (dealloc)
+ dealloc(base - padding_size, size);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ return base;
+ }
+ // Construct array.
+ extern "C" __cxa_vec_ctor_return_type
+ __cxa_vec_ctor(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ std::size_t ix = 0;
+ char *ptr = static_cast<char *>(array_address);
+ __try
+ {
+ if (constructor)
+ for (; ix != element_count; ix++, ptr += element_size)
+ constructor(ptr);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ __cxa_vec_cleanup(array_address, ix, element_size, destructor);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ _GLIBCXX_CXA_VEC_CTOR_RETURN (array_address);
+ }
+ // Construct an array by copying.
+ extern "C" __cxa_vec_ctor_return_type
+ __cxa_vec_cctor(void *dest_array,
+ void *src_array,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_return_type (*constructor) (void *, void *),
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ std::size_t ix = 0;
+ char *dest_ptr = static_cast<char *>(dest_array);
+ char *src_ptr = static_cast<char *>(src_array);
+ __try
+ {
+ if (constructor)
+ for (; ix != element_count;
+ ix++, src_ptr += element_size, dest_ptr += element_size)
+ constructor(dest_ptr, src_ptr);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ __cxa_vec_cleanup(dest_array, ix, element_size, destructor);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ }
+ // Destruct array.
+ extern "C" void
+ __cxa_vec_dtor(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ if (destructor)
+ {
+ char *ptr = static_cast<char *>(array_address);
+ std::size_t ix = element_count;
+ ptr += element_count * element_size;
+ __try
+ {
+ while (ix--)
+ {
+ ptr -= element_size;
+ destructor(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ __cxa_vec_cleanup(array_address, ix, element_size, destructor);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Destruct array as a result of throwing an exception.
+ // [except.ctor]/3 If a destructor called during stack unwinding
+ // exits with an exception, terminate is called.
+ extern "C" void
+ __cxa_vec_cleanup(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor) throw()
+ {
+ if (destructor)
+ {
+ char *ptr = static_cast <char *> (array_address);
+ std::size_t ix = element_count;
+ ptr += element_count * element_size;
+ __try
+ {
+ while (ix--)
+ {
+ ptr -= element_size;
+ destructor(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ std::terminate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Destruct and release array.
+ extern "C" void
+ __cxa_vec_delete(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ __cxa_vec_delete2(array_address, element_size, padding_size,
+ destructor,
+ &operator delete []);
+ }
+ extern "C" void
+ __cxa_vec_delete2(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ void (*dealloc) (void *))
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return;
+ char* base = static_cast<char *>(array_address);
+ if (padding_size)
+ {
+ std::size_t element_count = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(base)[-1];
+ base -= padding_size;
+ __try
+ {
+ __cxa_vec_dtor(array_address, element_count, element_size,
+ destructor);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ dealloc(base);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ }
+ dealloc(base);
+ }
+ extern "C" void
+ __cxa_vec_delete3(void *array_address,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t padding_size,
+ __cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ void (*dealloc) (void *, std::size_t))
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return;
+ char* base = static_cast <char *> (array_address);
+ std::size_t size = 0;
+ if (padding_size)
+ {
+ std::size_t element_count = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *> (base)[-1];
+ base -= padding_size;
+ size = element_count * element_size + padding_size;
+ __try
+ {
+ __cxa_vec_dtor(array_address, element_count, element_size,
+ destructor);
+ }
+ __catch(...)
+ {
+ {
+ uncatch_exception ue;
+ dealloc(base, size);
+ }
+ __throw_exception_again;
+ }
+ }
+ dealloc(base, size);
+ }
+} // namespace __cxxabiv1
+#if defined(__arm__) && defined(__ARM_EABI__)
+// The ARM C++ ABI requires that the library provide these additional
+// helper functions. There are placed in this file, despite being
+// architecture-specifier, so that the compiler can inline the __cxa
+// functions into these functions as appropriate.
+namespace __aeabiv1
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_ctor_nocookie_nodtor (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count)
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_ctor (array_address, element_count, element_size,
+ constructor, /*destructor=*/NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_ctor_cookie_nodtor (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count)
+ {
+ if (array_address == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ array_address = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address) + 2;
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-2] = element_size;
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-1] = element_count;
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_ctor (array_address,
+ element_count, element_size,
+ constructor, /*destructor=*/NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_cctor_nocookie_nodtor (void *dest_array,
+ void *src_array,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ void *(*constructor) (void *, void *))
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_cctor (dest_array, src_array,
+ element_count, element_size,
+ constructor, NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_new_cookie_noctor (std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count)
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_new(element_count, element_size,
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ /*constructor=*/NULL, /*destructor=*/NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_new_nocookie (std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type constructor)
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_new (element_count, element_size, 0, constructor,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_new_cookie_nodtor (std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type constructor)
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_new(element_count, element_size,
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ constructor, NULL);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_new_cookie(std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type constructor,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ return abi::__cxa_vec_new (element_count, element_size,
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ constructor, destructor);
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_dtor (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ std::size_t element_size,
+ std::size_t element_count)
+ {
+ abi::__cxa_vec_dtor (array_address, element_count, element_size,
+ destructor);
+ return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t*> (array_address) - 2;
+ }
+ extern "C" void *
+ __aeabi_vec_dtor_cookie (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return NULL;
+ abi::__cxa_vec_dtor (array_address,
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-1],
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-2],
+ destructor);
+ return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t*> (array_address) - 2;
+ }
+ extern "C" void
+ __aeabi_vec_delete (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type destructor)
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return;
+ abi::__cxa_vec_delete (array_address,
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-2],
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ destructor);
+ }
+ extern "C" void
+ __aeabi_vec_delete3 (void *array_address,
+ abi::__cxa_cdtor_type destructor,
+ void (*dealloc) (void *, std::size_t))
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return;
+ abi::__cxa_vec_delete3 (array_address,
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-2],
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ destructor, dealloc);
+ }
+ extern "C" void
+ __aeabi_vec_delete3_nodtor (void *array_address,
+ void (*dealloc) (void *, std::size_t))
+ {
+ if (!array_address)
+ return;
+ abi::__cxa_vec_delete3 (array_address,
+ reinterpret_cast<std::size_t *>(array_address)[-2],
+ 2 * sizeof (std::size_t),
+ /*destructor=*/NULL, dealloc);
+ }
+} // namespace __aeabiv1
+#endif // defined(__arm__) && defined(__ARM_EABI__)