path: root/gcc/ada/mlib-tgt-specific-vms-alpha.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/mlib-tgt-specific-vms-alpha.adb')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/mlib-tgt-specific-vms-alpha.adb b/gcc/ada/mlib-tgt-specific-vms-alpha.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9ffa0d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/mlib-tgt-specific-vms-alpha.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- M L I B . T G T . S P E C I F I C --
+-- (Alpha VMS Version) --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2003-2008, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
+-- for a complete copy of the license. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+-- This is the Alpha VMS version of the body
+with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with MLib.Fil;
+with MLib.Utl;
+with MLib.Tgt.VMS_Common;
+pragma Warnings (Off, MLib.Tgt.VMS_Common);
+-- MLib.Tgt.VMS_Common is with'ed only for elaboration purposes
+with Opt; use Opt;
+with Output; use Output;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with System; use System;
+with System.Case_Util; use System.Case_Util;
+with System.CRTL; use System.CRTL;
+package body MLib.Tgt.Specific is
+ -- Non default subprogram. See comment in
+ procedure Build_Dynamic_Library
+ (Ofiles : Argument_List;
+ Options : Argument_List;
+ Interfaces : Argument_List;
+ Lib_Filename : String;
+ Lib_Dir : String;
+ Symbol_Data : Symbol_Record;
+ Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ Lib_Version : String := "";
+ Auto_Init : Boolean := False);
+ -- Local variables
+ Empty_Argument_List : aliased Argument_List := (1 .. 0 => null);
+ Additional_Objects : Argument_List_Access := Empty_Argument_List'Access;
+ -- Used to add the generated auto-init object files for auto-initializing
+ -- stand-alone libraries.
+ Macro_Name : constant String := "mcr gnu:[bin]gcc -c -x assembler";
+ -- The name of the command to invoke the macro-assembler
+ VMS_Options : Argument_List := (1 .. 1 => null);
+ Gnatsym_Name : constant String := "gnatsym";
+ Gnatsym_Path : String_Access;
+ Arguments : Argument_List_Access := null;
+ Last_Argument : Natural := 0;
+ Success : Boolean := False;
+ Shared_Libgcc : aliased String := "-shared-libgcc";
+ Shared_Libgcc_Switch : constant Argument_List :=
+ (1 => Shared_Libgcc'Access);
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Build_Dynamic_Library --
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Build_Dynamic_Library
+ (Ofiles : Argument_List;
+ Options : Argument_List;
+ Interfaces : Argument_List;
+ Lib_Filename : String;
+ Lib_Dir : String;
+ Symbol_Data : Symbol_Record;
+ Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ Lib_Version : String := "";
+ Auto_Init : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ Lib_File : constant String :=
+ Lib_Dir & Directory_Separator & "lib" &
+ Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Filename, DLL_Ext);
+ Opts : Argument_List := Options;
+ Last_Opt : Natural := Opts'Last;
+ Opts2 : Argument_List (Options'Range);
+ Last_Opt2 : Natural := Opts2'First - 1;
+ Inter : constant Argument_List := Interfaces;
+ function Is_Interface (Obj_File : String) return Boolean;
+ -- For a Stand-Alone Library, returns True if Obj_File is the object
+ -- file name of an interface of the SAL. For other libraries, always
+ -- return True.
+ function Option_File_Name return String;
+ -- Returns Symbol_File, if not empty. Otherwise, returns "symvec.opt"
+ function Version_String return String;
+ -- Returns Lib_Version if not empty and if Symbol_Data.Symbol_Policy is
+ -- not Autonomous, otherwise returns "". When Symbol_Data.Symbol_Policy
+ -- is Autonomous, fails gnatmake if Lib_Version is not the image of a
+ -- positive number.
+ ------------------
+ -- Is_Interface --
+ ------------------
+ function Is_Interface (Obj_File : String) return Boolean is
+ ALI : constant String :=
+ Fil.Ext_To
+ (Filename => To_Lower (Base_Name (Obj_File)),
+ New_Ext => "ali");
+ begin
+ if Inter'Length = 0 then
+ return True;
+ elsif ALI'Length > 2 and then
+ ALI (ALI'First .. ALI'First + 2) = "b__"
+ then
+ return True;
+ else
+ for J in Inter'Range loop
+ if Inter (J).all = ALI then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Is_Interface;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Option_File_Name --
+ ----------------------
+ function Option_File_Name return String is
+ begin
+ if Symbol_Data.Symbol_File = No_Path then
+ return "symvec.opt";
+ else
+ Get_Name_String (Symbol_Data.Symbol_File);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ return Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
+ end if;
+ end Option_File_Name;
+ --------------------
+ -- Version_String --
+ --------------------
+ function Version_String return String is
+ Version : Integer := 0;
+ begin
+ if Lib_Version = ""
+ or else Symbol_Data.Symbol_Policy /= Autonomous
+ then
+ return "";
+ else
+ begin
+ Version := Integer'Value (Lib_Version);
+ if Version <= 0 then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Lib_Version;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error =>
+ Fail ("illegal version """
+ & Lib_Version
+ & """ (on VMS version must be a positive number)");
+ return "";
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Version_String;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Local Variables --
+ ---------------------
+ Opt_File_Name : constant String := Option_File_Name;
+ Version : constant String := Version_String;
+ For_Linker_Opt : String_Access;
+ -- Start of processing for Build_Dynamic_Library
+ begin
+ -- If option file name does not ends with ".opt", append "/OPTIONS"
+ -- to its specification for the VMS linker.
+ if Opt_File_Name'Length > 4
+ and then
+ Opt_File_Name (Opt_File_Name'Last - 3 .. Opt_File_Name'Last) = ".opt"
+ then
+ For_Linker_Opt := new String'("--for-linker=" & Opt_File_Name);
+ else
+ For_Linker_Opt :=
+ new String'("--for-linker=" & Opt_File_Name & "/OPTIONS");
+ end if;
+ VMS_Options (VMS_Options'First) := For_Linker_Opt;
+ for J in Inter'Range loop
+ To_Lower (Inter (J).all);
+ end loop;
+ -- "gnatsym" is necessary for building the option file
+ if Gnatsym_Path = null then
+ Gnatsym_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gnatsym_Name);
+ if Gnatsym_Path = null then
+ Fail (Gnatsym_Name & " not found in path");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- For auto-initialization of a stand-alone library, we create
+ -- a macro-assembly file and we invoke the macro-assembler.
+ if Auto_Init then
+ declare
+ Macro_File_Name : constant String := Lib_Filename & "__init.asm";
+ Macro_File : File_Descriptor;
+ Init_Proc : String := Lib_Filename & "INIT";
+ Popen_Result : System.Address;
+ Pclose_Result : Integer;
+ Len : Natural;
+ OK : Boolean := True;
+ command : constant String :=
+ Macro_Name & " " & Macro_File_Name & ASCII.NUL;
+ -- The command to invoke the assembler on the generated auto-init
+ -- assembly file.
+ mode : constant String := "r" & ASCII.NUL;
+ -- The mode for the invocation of Popen
+ begin
+ To_Upper (Init_Proc);
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("Creating auto-init assembly file """);
+ Write_Str (Macro_File_Name);
+ Write_Line ("""");
+ end if;
+ -- Create and write the auto-init assembly file
+ declare
+ use ASCII;
+ -- Output a dummy transfer address for debugging
+ -- followed by the LIB$INITIALIZE section.
+ Lines : constant String :=
+ HT & ".text" & LF &
+ HT & ".align 4" & LF &
+ HT & ".globl __main" & LF &
+ HT & ".ent __main" & LF &
+ "__main..en:" & LF &
+ HT & ".base $27" & LF &
+ HT & ".frame $29,0,$26,8" & LF &
+ HT & "ret $31,($26),1" & LF &
+ HT & ".link" & LF &
+ "__main:" & LF &
+ HT & ".pdesc __main..en,null" & LF &
+ HT & ".end __main" & LF & LF &
+ HT & ".long " & Init_Proc & LF;
+ begin
+ Macro_File := Create_File (Macro_File_Name, Text);
+ OK := Macro_File /= Invalid_FD;
+ if OK then
+ Len := Write
+ (Macro_File, Lines (Lines'First)'Address,
+ Lines'Length);
+ OK := Len = Lines'Length;
+ end if;
+ if OK then
+ Close (Macro_File, OK);
+ end if;
+ if not OK then
+ Fail ("creation of auto-init assembly file """
+ & Macro_File_Name
+ & """ failed");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Invoke the macro-assembler
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("Assembling auto-init assembly file """);
+ Write_Str (Macro_File_Name);
+ Write_Line ("""");
+ end if;
+ Popen_Result := popen (command (command'First)'Address,
+ mode (mode'First)'Address);
+ if Popen_Result = Null_Address then
+ Fail ("assembly of auto-init assembly file """
+ & Macro_File_Name
+ & """ failed");
+ end if;
+ -- Wait for the end of execution of the macro-assembler
+ Pclose_Result := pclose (Popen_Result);
+ if Pclose_Result < 0 then
+ Fail ("assembly of auto init assembly file """
+ & Macro_File_Name
+ & """ failed");
+ end if;
+ -- Add the generated object file to the list of objects to be
+ -- included in the library.
+ Additional_Objects :=
+ new Argument_List'
+ (1 => new String'(Lib_Filename & "__init.obj"));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate the argument list and put the symbol file name, the
+ -- reference (if any) and the policy (if not autonomous).
+ Arguments := new Argument_List (1 .. Ofiles'Length + 8);
+ Last_Argument := 0;
+ -- Verbosity
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-v");
+ end if;
+ -- Version number (major ID)
+ if Lib_Version /= "" then
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-V");
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'(Version);
+ end if;
+ -- Symbol file
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-s");
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'(Opt_File_Name);
+ -- Reference Symbol File
+ if Symbol_Data.Reference /= No_Path then
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-r");
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) :=
+ new String'(Get_Name_String (Symbol_Data.Reference));
+ end if;
+ -- Policy
+ case Symbol_Data.Symbol_Policy is
+ when Autonomous =>
+ null;
+ when Compliant =>
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-c");
+ when Controlled =>
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-C");
+ when Restricted =>
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-R");
+ when Direct =>
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'("-D");
+ end case;
+ -- Add each relevant object file
+ for Index in Ofiles'Range loop
+ if Is_Interface (Ofiles (Index).all) then
+ Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
+ Arguments (Last_Argument) := new String'(Ofiles (Index).all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Spawn gnatsym
+ Spawn (Program_Name => Gnatsym_Path.all,
+ Args => Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
+ Success => Success);
+ if not Success then
+ Fail ("unable to create symbol file for library """
+ & Lib_Filename
+ & """");
+ end if;
+ Free (Arguments);
+ -- Move all the -l switches from Opts to Opts2
+ declare
+ Index : Natural := Opts'First;
+ Opt : String_Access;
+ begin
+ while Index <= Last_Opt loop
+ Opt := Opts (Index);
+ if Opt'Length > 2 and then
+ Opt (Opt'First .. Opt'First + 1) = "-l"
+ then
+ if Index < Last_Opt then
+ Opts (Index .. Last_Opt - 1) :=
+ Opts (Index + 1 .. Last_Opt);
+ end if;
+ Last_Opt := Last_Opt - 1;
+ Last_Opt2 := Last_Opt2 + 1;
+ Opts2 (Last_Opt2) := Opt;
+ else
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Invoke gcc to build the library
+ Utl.Gcc
+ (Output_File => Lib_File,
+ Objects => Ofiles & Additional_Objects.all,
+ Options => VMS_Options,
+ Options_2 => Shared_Libgcc_Switch &
+ Opts (Opts'First .. Last_Opt) &
+ Opts2 (Opts2'First .. Last_Opt2),
+ Driver_Name => Driver_Name);
+ -- The auto-init object file need to be deleted, so that it will not
+ -- be included in the library as a regular object file, otherwise
+ -- it will be included twice when the library will be built next
+ -- time, which may lead to errors.
+ if Auto_Init then
+ declare
+ Auto_Init_Object_File_Name : constant String :=
+ Lib_Filename & "__init.obj";
+ Disregard : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("deleting auto-init object file """);
+ Write_Str (Auto_Init_Object_File_Name);
+ Write_Line ("""");
+ end if;
+ Delete_File (Auto_Init_Object_File_Name, Success => Disregard);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Build_Dynamic_Library;
+-- Package initialization
+ Build_Dynamic_Library_Ptr := Build_Dynamic_Library'Access;
+end MLib.Tgt.Specific;