-- CXA3002.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that the conversion functions for Characters and Strings -- defined in package Ada.Characters.Handling provide correct results -- when given character/string input parameters. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- This test checks the output of the To_Lower, To_Upper, and -- To_Basic functions for both Characters and Strings. Each function -- is called with input parameters that are within the appropriate -- range of values, and also with values outside the specified -- range (i.e., lower case 'a' to To_Lower). The functions are also -- used in combination with one another, with the result of one function -- providing the actual input parameter value to another. -- -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0 -- 22 Dec 94 SAIC Corrected evaluations of Functions In Combination. -- --! with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Characters.Handling; with Report; procedure CXA3002 is package AC renames Ada.Characters; package ACH renames Ada.Characters.Handling; begin Report.Test ("CXA3002", "Check that the conversion functions for " & "Characters and Strings defined in package " & "Ada.Characters.Handling provide correct " & "results when given character/string input " & "parameters"); Character_Block: declare Offset : constant Integer := Character'Pos('a') - Character'Pos('A'); begin -- Function To_Lower for Characters if ACH.To_Lower('A') /= 'a' or ACH.To_Lower('Z') /= 'z' then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Lower - 1"); end if; for i in Character'Pos('A') .. Character'Pos('Z') loop if ACH.To_Lower(Character'Val(i)) /= Character'Val(i + Offset) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Lower - 2"); end if; end loop; if (ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Grave) /= AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Grave) or (ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.UC_Icelandic_Thorn) /= AC.Latin_1.LC_Icelandic_Thorn) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Lower - 3"); end if; if ACH.To_Lower('c') /= 'c' or ACH.To_Lower('w') /= 'w' or ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.CR) /= AC.Latin_1.CR or ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.LF) /= AC.Latin_1.LF or ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.Comma) /= AC.Latin_1.Comma or ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.Question) /= AC.Latin_1.Question or ACH.To_Lower('0') /= '0' or ACH.To_Lower('9') /= '9' then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Lower - 4"); end if; --- Function To_Upper for Characters if not (ACH.To_Upper('b') = 'B') and (ACH.To_Upper('y') = 'Y') then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Upper - 1"); end if; for i in Character'Pos(AC.Latin_1.LC_A) .. Character'Pos(AC.Latin_1.LC_Z) loop if ACH.To_Upper(Character'Val(i)) /= Character'Val(i - Offset) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Upper - 2"); end if; end loop; if (ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_U_Diaeresis) /= AC.Latin_1.UC_U_Diaeresis) or (ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Ring) /= AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Ring) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Upper - 3"); end if; if not (ACH.To_Upper('F') = 'F' and ACH.To_Upper('U') = 'U' and ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_German_Sharp_S) = AC.Latin_1.LC_German_Sharp_S and ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis) = AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Upper - 4"); end if; --- Function To_Basic for Characters if ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Circumflex) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Tilde) or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_E_Grave) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_E_Acute) or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_I_Circumflex) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_I_Diaeresis) or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.UC_O_Tilde) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.UC_O_Acute) or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.UC_U_Grave) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.UC_U_Acute) or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Acute) /= ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Basic - 1"); end if; if ACH.To_Basic('Y') /= 'Y' or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_E_Acute) /= 'e' or ACH.To_Basic('6') /= '6' or ACH.To_Basic(AC.Latin_1.LC_R) /= 'r' then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of function To_Basic - 2"); end if; -- Using Functions (for Characters) in Combination if (ACH.To_Upper(ACH.To_Lower('A')) /= 'A' ) or (ACH.To_Upper(ACH.To_Lower(AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Acute)) /= AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Acute ) then Report.Failed("Incorrect operation of functions in combination - 1"); end if; if ACH.To_Basic(ACH.To_Lower(ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_U_Grave))) /= 'u' then Report.Failed("Incorrect operation of functions in combination - 2"); end if; if ACH.To_Lower (ACH.To_Basic (ACH.To_Upper(AC.Latin_1.LC_O_Diaeresis))) /= 'o' then Report.Failed("Incorrect operation of functions in combination - 3"); end if; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Character_Block"); end Character_Block; String_Block: declare LC_String : constant String := "az" & AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Grave & AC.Latin_1.LC_C_Cedilla; UC_String : constant String := "AZ" & AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Grave & AC.Latin_1.UC_C_Cedilla; LC_Basic_String : constant String := "aei" & 'o' & 'u'; LC_NonBasic_String : constant String := AC.Latin_1.LC_A_Diaeresis & AC.Latin_1.LC_E_Circumflex & AC.Latin_1.LC_I_Acute & AC.Latin_1.LC_O_Tilde & AC.Latin_1.LC_U_Grave; UC_Basic_String : constant String := "AEIOU"; UC_NonBasic_String : constant String := AC.Latin_1.UC_A_Tilde & AC.Latin_1.UC_E_Acute & AC.Latin_1.UC_I_Grave & AC.Latin_1.UC_O_Diaeresis & AC.Latin_1.UC_U_Circumflex; LC_Special_String : constant String := "ab" & AC.Latin_1.LC_German_Sharp_S & AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis; UC_Special_String : constant String := "AB" & AC.Latin_1.LC_German_Sharp_S & AC.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis; begin -- Function To_Lower for Strings if ACH.To_Lower (UC_String) /= LC_String or ACH.To_Lower (LC_String) /= LC_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Lower for strings - 1"); end if; if ACH.To_Lower (UC_Basic_String) /= LC_Basic_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Lower for strings - 2"); end if; -- Function To_Upper for Strings if not (ACH.To_Upper (LC_String) = UC_String) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Upper for strings - 1"); end if; if ACH.To_Upper (LC_Basic_String) /= UC_Basic_String or ACH.To_Upper (UC_String) /= UC_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Upper for strings - 2"); end if; if ACH.To_Upper (LC_Special_String) /= UC_Special_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Upper for strings - 3"); end if; -- Function To_Basic for Strings if (ACH.To_Basic (LC_String) /= "azac") or (ACH.To_Basic (UC_String) /= "AZAC") then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Basic for Strings - 1"); end if; if ACH.To_Basic (LC_NonBasic_String) /= LC_Basic_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Basic for Strings - 2"); end if; if ACH.To_Basic (UC_NonBasic_String) /= UC_Basic_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect result from To_Basic for Strings - 3"); end if; -- Using Functions (for Strings) in Combination if ACH.To_Upper(ACH.To_Lower(UC_Basic_String)) /= UC_Basic_String or ACH.To_Lower(ACH.To_Upper(LC_Basic_String)) /= LC_Basic_String then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of functions in combination - 4"); end if; if (ACH.To_Basic(ACH.To_Lower(UC_NonBasic_String)) /= LC_Basic_String) or (ACH.To_Basic(ACH.To_Upper(LC_NonBasic_String)) /= UC_Basic_String) then Report.Failed ("Incorrect operation of functions in combination - 5"); end if; exception when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in String_Block"); end String_Block; Report.Result; end CXA3002;