This directory contains tests for link-time optimization (LTO). Tests in this directory may span multiple files, so the naming of the files is significant. The name of every file must end with '_N' where N is an integer. All the files with the same name base and different _N suffixes will be compiled separately and linked together to form the final executable. By default, each set of files will be compiled with list of options listed in LTO_OPTIONS (../../lib/lto.exp), which can be overwritten in the shell environment or using the 'dg-lto-options' command in the main file of the set (i.e., the file with _0 suffix). For example, given the files a_0.C a_1.C a_2.C, they will be compiled as: $ g++ -c <flags> a_0.C $ g++ -c <flags> a_1.C $ g++ -c <flags> a_2.C $ g++ -o <executable> a_0.o a_1.o a_2.o Tests that do not need more than one file are a special case where there is a single file named 'foo_0.C'. The only supported dg-lto-do option are 'assemble', 'run' and 'link'. Additionally, these can only be used in the main file. If 'assemble' is used, only the individual object files are generated. If 'link' is used, the final executable is generated but not executed (in this case, function main() needs to exist but it does not need to do anything). If 'run' is used, the final executable is generated and the resulting binary executed. The default value for dg-lto-do is 'run'.