/* This tests passing of structs. */ #include "defines.h" #include "args.h" struct IntegerRegisters iregs; struct FloatRegisters fregs; unsigned int num_iregs, num_fregs; struct int_struct { int i; }; struct long_struct { long l; }; union un1 { char c; int i; }; union un2 { char c1; long l; char c2; }; union un3 { struct int_struct is; struct long_struct ls; union un1 un; }; void check_union_passing1(union un1 u ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { check_int_arguments; } void check_union_passing2(union un2 u1 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { check_int_arguments; } void check_union_passing3(union un3 u ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { check_int_arguments; } #define check_union_passing1 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing1) #define check_union_passing2 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing2) #define check_union_passing3 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing3) #ifdef CHECK_M64_M128 union un4 { __m128 x; float f; }; union un5 { __m128 x; long i; }; void check_union_passing4(union un4 u1 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u2 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u3 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u4 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u5 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u6 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u7 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, union un4 u8 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { check_m128_arguments; } void check_union_passing5(union un5 u ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { check_int_arguments; check_vector_arguments(m128, 8); } #define check_union_passing4 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing4) #define check_union_passing5 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing5) #endif union un6 { long double ld; int i; }; void check_union_passing6(union un6 u ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { /* Check the passing on the stack by comparing the address of the stack elements to the expected place on the stack. */ assert ((unsigned long)&u.ld == rsp+8); assert ((unsigned long)&u.i == rsp+8); } #define check_union_passing6 WRAP_CALL(check_union_passing6) int main (void) { union un1 u1; #ifdef CHECK_LARGER_UNION_PASSING union un2 u2; union un3 u3; struct int_struct is; struct long_struct ls; #endif /* CHECK_LARGER_UNION_PASSING */ #ifdef CHECK_M64_M128 union un4 u4[8]; union un5 u5 = { { 48.394, 39.3, -397.9, 3484.9 } }; int i; #endif union un6 u6; /* Check a union with char, int. */ clear_struct_registers; u1.i = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u1.c = 32; iregs.I0 = 32; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing1(u1); u1.i = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u1.i = 33; iregs.I0 = 33; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing1(u1); /* Check a union with char, long, char. */ #ifdef CHECK_LARGER_UNION_PASSING clear_struct_registers; u2.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u2.c1 = 34; iregs.I0 = 34; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing2(u2); u2.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u2.l = 35; iregs.I0 = 35; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing2(u2); u2.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u2.c2 = 36; iregs.I0 = 36; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing2(u2); /* check a union containing two structs and a union. */ clear_struct_registers; is.i = 37; u3.ls.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u3.is = is; iregs.I0 = 37; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing3(u3); ls.l = 38; u3.ls.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u3.ls = ls; iregs.I0 = 38; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing3(u3); u1.c = 39; u3.ls.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u3.un = u1; iregs.I0 = 39; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing3(u3); u1.i = 40; u3.ls.l = 0; /* clear the struct to not have high bits left */ u3.un = u1; iregs.I0 = 40; num_iregs = 1; clear_int_hardware_registers; check_union_passing3(u3); #endif /* CHECK_LARGER_UNION_PASSING */ #ifdef CHECK_M64_M128 clear_struct_registers; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { u4[i].x = (__m128){32+i, 0, i, 0}; fregs.xmm0._m128[i] = u4[i].x; } num_fregs = 8; clear_float_hardware_registers; check_union_passing4(u4[0], u4[1], u4[2], u4[3], u4[4], u4[5], u4[6], u4[7]); clear_struct_registers; fregs.xmm0._m128[0] = u5.x; num_fregs = 1; num_iregs = 1; iregs.I0 = u5.i; clear_float_hardware_registers; check_union_passing5(u5); #endif u6.i = 2; check_union_passing6(u6); return 0; }