! { dg-do run } ! Checks the fixes for PR34681 and PR34704, in which various mixtures ! of default initializer and allocatable array were not being handled ! correctly for derived types with allocatable components. ! ! Contributed by Paolo Giannozzi <p.giannozzi@fisica.uniud.it> ! program boh integer :: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 ! call mah (0, c1) ! These calls deal with PR34681 call mah (1, c2) call mah (2, c3) ! if (c1 /= c2) call abort if (c1 /= c3) call abort ! call mah0 (c4) ! These calls deal with PR34704 call mah1 (c5) ! if (c4 /= c5) call abort ! end program boh ! subroutine mah (i, c) ! integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(OUT) :: c ! type mix_type real(8), allocatable :: a(:) complex(8), allocatable :: b(:) end type mix_type type(mix_type), allocatable, save :: t(:) integer :: j, n=1024 ! if (i==0) then allocate (t(1)) allocate (t(1)%a(n)) allocate (t(1)%b(n)) do j=1,n t(1)%a(j) = j t(1)%b(j) = n-j end do end if c = sum( t(1)%a(:) ) + sum( t(1)%b(:) ) if ( i==2) then deallocate (t(1)%b) deallocate (t(1)%a) deallocate (t) end if end subroutine mah subroutine mah0 (c) ! integer, intent(OUT) :: c type mix_type real(8), allocatable :: a(:) integer :: n=1023 end type mix_type type(mix_type) :: t ! allocate(t%a(1)) t%a=3.1415926 c = t%n deallocate(t%a) ! end subroutine mah0 ! subroutine mah1 (c) ! integer, intent(OUT) :: c type mix_type real(8), allocatable :: a(:) integer :: n=1023 end type mix_type type(mix_type), save :: t ! allocate(t%a(1)) t%a=3.1415926 c = t%n deallocate(t%a) ! end subroutine mah1