! { dg-do run } ! Test the fix for PR38852 and PR39006 in which LBOUND did not work ! for some arrays with negative strides. ! ! Contributed by Dick Hendrickson <dick.hendrickson@gmail.com> ! Clive Page <clivegpage@googlemail.com> ! and Mikael Morin <mikael.morin@tele2.fr> ! program try_je0031 integer ida(4) real dda(5,5,5,5,5) integer, parameter :: nx = 4, ny = 3 interface SUBROUTINE PR38852(IDA,DDA,nf2,nf5,mf2) INTEGER IDA(4) REAL DDA(5,5,5,5,5) TARGET DDA END SUBROUTINE end interface integer :: array1(nx,ny), array2(nx,ny) data array2 / 1,2,3,4, 10,20,30,40, 100,200,300,400 / array1 = array2 call PR38852(IDA,DDA,2,5,-2) call PR39006(array1, array2(:,ny:1:-1)) call mikael ! http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/fortran/2009-01/msg00342.html contains subroutine PR39006(array1, array2) integer, intent(in) :: array1(:,:), array2(:,:) integer :: j do j = 1, ubound(array2,2) if (any (array1(:,j) .ne. array2(:,4-j))) call abort end do end subroutine end SUBROUTINE PR38852(IDA,DDA,nf2,nf5,mf2) INTEGER IDA(4) REAL DLA(:,:,:,:) REAL DDA(5,5,5,5,5) POINTER DLA TARGET DDA DLA => DDA(2:3, 1:3:2, 5:4:-1, NF2, NF5:NF2:MF2) IDA = UBOUND(DLA) if (any(ida /= 2)) call abort DLA => DDA(2:3, 1:3:2, 5:4:-1, 2, 5:2:-2) IDA = UBOUND(DLA) if (any(ida /= 2)) call abort ! ! These worked. ! DLA => DDA(2:3, 1:3:2, 5:4:-1, 2, 5:2:-2) IDA = shape(DLA) if (any(ida /= 2)) call abort DLA => DDA(2:3, 1:3:2, 5:4:-1, 2, 5:2:-2) IDA = LBOUND(DLA) if (any(ida /= 1)) call abort END SUBROUTINE subroutine mikael implicit none call test (1, 3, 3) call test (2, 3, 3) call test (2, -1, 0) call test (1, -1, 0) contains subroutine test (a, b, expect) integer :: a, b, expect integer :: c(a:b) if (ubound (c, 1) .ne. expect) call abort end subroutine test end subroutine