! { dg-do run } ! PR31052 Bad IOSTAT values when readings NAMELISTs past EOF. ! Patch derived from PR, submitted by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org> program gfcbug61 implicit none integer :: stat open (12, status="scratch") write (12, '(a)')"!================" write (12, '(a)')"! Namelist REPORT" write (12, '(a)')"!================" write (12, '(a)')" &REPORT type = 'SYNOP' " write (12, '(a)')" use = 'active'" write (12, '(a)')" max_proc = 20" write (12, '(a)')" /" write (12, '(a)')"! Other namelists..." write (12, '(a)')" &OTHER i = 1 /" rewind (12) ! Read /REPORT/ the first time rewind (12) call position_nml (12, "REPORT", stat) if (stat.ne.0) call abort() if (stat == 0) call read_report (12, stat) ! Comment out the following lines to hide the bug rewind (12) call position_nml (12, "MISSING", stat) if (stat.ne.-1) call abort () ! Read /REPORT/ again rewind (12) call position_nml (12, "REPORT", stat) if (stat.ne.0) call abort() contains subroutine position_nml (unit, name, status) ! Check for presence of namelist 'name' integer :: unit, status character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=255) :: line integer :: ios, idx, k logical :: first first = .true. status = 0 ios = 0 line = "" do k=1,10 read (unit,'(a)',iostat=ios) line if (first) then first = .false. end if if (ios < 0) then ! EOF encountered! backspace (unit) status = -1 return else if (ios > 0) then ! Error encountered! status = +1 return end if idx = index (line, "&"//trim (name)) if (idx > 0) then backspace (unit) return end if end do end subroutine position_nml subroutine read_report (unit, status) integer :: unit, status integer :: iuse, ios, k !------------------ ! Namelist 'REPORT' !------------------ character(len=12) :: type, use integer :: max_proc namelist /REPORT/ type, use, max_proc !------------------------------------- ! Loop to read namelist multiple times !------------------------------------- iuse = 0 do k=1,5 !---------------------------------------- ! Preset namelist variables with defaults !---------------------------------------- type = '' use = '' max_proc = -1 !-------------- ! Read namelist !-------------- read (unit, nml=REPORT, iostat=ios) if (ios /= 0) exit iuse = iuse + 1 end do if (iuse.ne.1) call abort() status = ios end subroutine read_report end program gfcbug61