! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-std=legacy" } ! ! PR37707 Namelist read of array of derived type incorrect ! Test case from PR, prepared by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org> TYPE geometry INTEGER :: nlon,nlat,nlev,projection INTEGER :: center,subcenter,process REAL :: west,south,east,north REAL :: dlon,dlat REAL :: polat,polon REAL :: lonc,latc REAL :: projlat,projlat2,projlon CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: arakawa ='#' INTEGER :: truncx,truncy ! Spectral truncation INTEGER :: cie ! Flag fort CI (0), CIE gridpoint (1) ! or CIE spectral (-1) INTEGER :: nlat_i,nlon_i ! I length in Y and X direction INTEGER :: nlat_e ,nlon_e ! E length in Y and X direction LOGICAL :: do_geo = .true. END TYPE geometry TYPE shortkey INTEGER :: PPP ! 2. Parameter INTEGER :: NNN ! 12. Gridpoint or spectral field 0 = gridpoint, 1 = spectral INTEGER :: INTPM CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: name END TYPE shortkey INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxl = 200 ! Maximum number of levels to be read from namelist INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_atmkey = 10 ! Maximum number of extra fields in the REAL :: ahalf(maxl),bhalf(maxl) TYPE (geometry) :: outgeo ; SAVE outgeo ! Output geometry TYPE (shortkey) :: atmkey(max_atmkey) ; SAVE atmkey TYPE (shortkey) :: mlevkey(max_atmkey) ; SAVE mlevkey character*600 :: l = " &NAMINTERP atmkey%ppp = 076,058,062,079, atmkey%nnn = 000,000,000,000, & & atmkey%name ='LIQUID_WATER','SOLID_WATER','SNOW','RAIN', OUTGEO%NLEV=10, & & AHALF=0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9., BHALF=0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9., /" namelist /naminterp/outgeo,ahalf,bhalf,atmkey print *, outgeo%nlev read(l,nml=naminterp) if (outgeo%nlev /= 10) call abort if (any(ahalf(1:10) .ne. [0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.])) call abort if (any(bhalf(1:10) .ne. [0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.])) call abort if (any(atmkey(1:4)%ppp .ne. [076,058,062,079])) call abort if (any(atmkey(1:4)%nnn .ne. [0,0,0,0])) call abort if (any(atmkey(1:4)%name .ne. ['LIQUID_WATER','SOLID_WATER ','SNOW ',& &'RAIN '])) call abort end