#define LIBFFI_ASM #include <fficonfig.h> #include <ffi.h> /* Constants for ffi_call_win64 */ #define STACK 0 #define PREP_ARGS_FN 32 #define ECIF 40 #define CIF_BYTES 48 #define CIF_FLAGS 56 #define RVALUE 64 #define FN 72 /* ffi_call_win64 (void (*prep_args_fn)(char *, extended_cif *), extended_cif *ecif, unsigned bytes, unsigned flags, unsigned *rvalue, void (*fn)()); */ #ifdef _MSC_VER PUBLIC ffi_call_win64 EXTRN __chkstk:NEAR EXTRN ffi_closure_win64_inner:NEAR _TEXT SEGMENT ;;; ffi_closure_win64 will be called with these registers set: ;;; rax points to 'closure' ;;; r11 contains a bit mask that specifies which of the ;;; first four parameters are float or double ;;; ;;; It must move the parameters passed in registers to their stack location, ;;; call ffi_closure_win64_inner for the actual work, then return the result. ;;; ffi_closure_win64 PROC FRAME ;; copy register arguments onto stack test r11, 1 jne first_is_float mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx jmp second first_is_float: movlpd QWORD PTR [rsp+8], xmm0 second: test r11, 2 jne second_is_float mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx jmp third second_is_float: movlpd QWORD PTR [rsp+16], xmm1 third: test r11, 4 jne third_is_float mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 jmp fourth third_is_float: movlpd QWORD PTR [rsp+24], xmm2 fourth: test r11, 8 jne fourth_is_float mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9 jmp done fourth_is_float: movlpd QWORD PTR [rsp+32], xmm3 done: .ALLOCSTACK 40 sub rsp, 40 .ENDPROLOG mov rcx, rax ; context is first parameter mov rdx, rsp ; stack is second parameter add rdx, 48 ; point to start of arguments mov rax, ffi_closure_win64_inner call rax ; call the real closure function add rsp, 40 movd xmm0, rax ; If the closure returned a float, ; ffi_closure_win64_inner wrote it to rax ret 0 ffi_closure_win64 ENDP ffi_call_win64 PROC FRAME ;; copy registers onto stack mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+16], rdx mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rcx .PUSHREG rbp push rbp .ALLOCSTACK 48 sub rsp, 48 ; 00000030H .SETFRAME rbp, 32 lea rbp, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] .ENDPROLOG mov eax, DWORD PTR CIF_BYTES[rbp] add rax, 15 and rax, -16 call __chkstk sub rsp, rax lea rax, QWORD PTR [rsp+32] mov QWORD PTR STACK[rbp], rax mov rdx, QWORD PTR ECIF[rbp] mov rcx, QWORD PTR STACK[rbp] call QWORD PTR PREP_ARGS_FN[rbp] mov rsp, QWORD PTR STACK[rbp] movlpd xmm3, QWORD PTR [rsp+24] movd r9, xmm3 movlpd xmm2, QWORD PTR [rsp+16] movd r8, xmm2 movlpd xmm1, QWORD PTR [rsp+8] movd rdx, xmm1 movlpd xmm0, QWORD PTR [rsp] movd rcx, xmm0 call QWORD PTR FN[rbp] ret_struct4b$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_4B jne ret_struct2b$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] mov DWORD PTR [rcx], eax jmp ret_void$ ret_struct2b$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_2B jne ret_struct1b$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] mov WORD PTR [rcx], ax jmp ret_void$ ret_struct1b$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_1B jne ret_uint8$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] mov BYTE PTR [rcx], al jmp ret_void$ ret_uint8$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_UINT8 jne ret_sint8$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movzx rax, al mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp ret_void$ ret_sint8$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SINT8 jne ret_uint16$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movsx rax, al mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp ret_void$ ret_uint16$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_UINT16 jne ret_sint16$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movzx rax, ax mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_sint16$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SINT16 jne ret_uint32$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movsx rax, ax mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_uint32$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_UINT32 jne ret_sint32$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] mov eax, eax mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_sint32$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SINT32 jne ret_float$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] cdqe mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_float$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_FLOAT jne SHORT ret_double$ mov rax, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movss DWORD PTR [rax], xmm0 jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_double$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE jne SHORT ret_sint64$ mov rax, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] movlpd QWORD PTR [rax], xmm0 jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_sint64$: cmp DWORD PTR CIF_FLAGS[rbp], FFI_TYPE_SINT64 jne ret_void$ mov rcx, QWORD PTR RVALUE[rbp] mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax jmp SHORT ret_void$ ret_void$: xor rax, rax lea rsp, QWORD PTR [rbp+16] pop rbp ret 0 ffi_call_win64 ENDP _TEXT ENDS END #else .text .extern _ffi_closure_win64_inner # ffi_closure_win64 will be called with these registers set: # rax points to 'closure' # r11 contains a bit mask that specifies which of the # first four parameters are float or double # # It must move the parameters passed in registers to their stack location, # call ffi_closure_win64_inner for the actual work, then return the result. # .balign 16 .globl _ffi_closure_win64 _ffi_closure_win64: # copy register arguments onto stack test $1,%r11 jne .Lfirst_is_float mov %rcx, 8(%rsp) jmp .Lsecond .Lfirst_is_float: movlpd %xmm0, 8(%rsp) .Lsecond: test $2, %r11 jne .Lsecond_is_float mov %rdx, 16(%rsp) jmp .Lthird .Lsecond_is_float: movlpd %xmm1, 16(%rsp) .Lthird: test $4, %r11 jne .Lthird_is_float mov %r8,24(%rsp) jmp .Lfourth .Lthird_is_float: movlpd %xmm2, 24(%rsp) .Lfourth: test $8, %r11 jne .Lfourth_is_float mov %r9, 32(%rsp) jmp .Ldone .Lfourth_is_float: movlpd %xmm3, 32(%rsp) .Ldone: #.ALLOCSTACK 40 sub $40, %rsp #.ENDPROLOG mov %rax, %rcx # context is first parameter mov %rsp, %rdx # stack is second parameter add $48, %rdx # point to start of arguments mov $_ffi_closure_win64_inner, %rax callq *%rax # call the real closure function add $40, %rsp movq %rax, %xmm0 # If the closure returned a float, # ffi_closure_win64_inner wrote it to rax retq .ffi_closure_win64_end: .balign 16 .globl _ffi_call_win64 _ffi_call_win64: # copy registers onto stack mov %r9,32(%rsp) mov %r8,24(%rsp) mov %rdx,16(%rsp) mov %rcx,8(%rsp) #.PUSHREG rbp push %rbp #.ALLOCSTACK 48 sub $48,%rsp #.SETFRAME rbp, 32 lea 32(%rsp),%rbp #.ENDPROLOG mov CIF_BYTES(%rbp),%eax add $15, %rax and $-16, %rax cmpq $0x1000, %rax jb Lch_done Lch_probe: subq $0x1000,%rsp orl $0x0, (%rsp) subq $0x1000,%rax cmpq $0x1000,%rax ja Lch_probe Lch_done: subq %rax, %rsp orl $0x0, (%rsp) lea 32(%rsp), %rax mov %rax, STACK(%rbp) mov ECIF(%rbp), %rdx mov STACK(%rbp), %rcx callq *PREP_ARGS_FN(%rbp) mov STACK(%rbp), %rsp movlpd 24(%rsp), %xmm3 movd %xmm3, %r9 movlpd 16(%rsp), %xmm2 movd %xmm2, %r8 movlpd 8(%rsp), %xmm1 movd %xmm1, %rdx movlpd (%rsp), %xmm0 movd %xmm0, %rcx callq *FN(%rbp) .Lret_struct4b: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_4B, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_struct2b mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx mov %eax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_struct2b: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_2B, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_struct1b mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx mov %ax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_struct1b: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SMALL_STRUCT_1B, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_uint8 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx mov %al, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_uint8: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_UINT8, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_sint8 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx movzbq %al, %rax movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_sint8: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SINT8, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_uint16 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx movsbq %al, %rax movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_uint16: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_UINT16, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_sint16 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx movzwq %ax, %rax movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_sint16: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SINT16, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_uint32 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx movswq %ax, %rax movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_uint32: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_UINT32, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_sint32 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx movl %eax, %eax movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_sint32: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SINT32, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_float mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx cltq movq %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_float: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_FLOAT, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_double mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rax movss %xmm0, (%rax) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_double: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_DOUBLE, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_sint64 mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rax movlpd %xmm0, (%rax) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_sint64: cmpl $FFI_TYPE_SINT64, CIF_FLAGS(%rbp) jne .Lret_void mov RVALUE(%rbp), %rcx mov %rax, (%rcx) jmp .Lret_void .Lret_void: xor %rax, %rax lea 16(%rbp), %rsp pop %rbp retq .ffi_call_win64_end: #endif /* !_MSC_VER */