// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package zip import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "testing" ) type ZipTest struct { Name string Comment string File []ZipTestFile Error os.Error // the error that Opening this file should return } type ZipTestFile struct { Name string Content []byte // if blank, will attempt to compare against File File string // name of file to compare to (relative to testdata/) } var tests = []ZipTest{ { Name: "test.zip", Comment: "This is a zipfile comment.", File: []ZipTestFile{ { Name: "test.txt", Content: []byte("This is a test text file.\n"), }, { Name: "gophercolor16x16.png", File: "gophercolor16x16.png", }, }, }, { Name: "r.zip", File: []ZipTestFile{ { Name: "r/r.zip", File: "r.zip", }, }, }, {Name: "readme.zip"}, {Name: "readme.notzip", Error: FormatError}, } func TestReader(t *testing.T) { for _, zt := range tests { readTestZip(t, zt) } } func readTestZip(t *testing.T, zt ZipTest) { z, err := OpenReader("testdata/" + zt.Name) if err != zt.Error { t.Errorf("error=%v, want %v", err, zt.Error) return } // bail here if no Files expected to be tested // (there may actually be files in the zip, but we don't care) if zt.File == nil { return } if z.Comment != zt.Comment { t.Errorf("%s: comment=%q, want %q", zt.Name, z.Comment, zt.Comment) } if len(z.File) != len(zt.File) { t.Errorf("%s: file count=%d, want %d", zt.Name, len(z.File), len(zt.File)) } // test read of each file for i, ft := range zt.File { readTestFile(t, ft, z.File[i]) } // test simultaneous reads n := 0 done := make(chan bool) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { for j, ft := range zt.File { go func() { readTestFile(t, ft, z.File[j]) done <- true }() n++ } } for ; n > 0; n-- { <-done } // test invalid checksum z.File[0].CRC32++ // invalidate r, err := z.File[0].Open() if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } var b bytes.Buffer _, err = io.Copy(&b, r) if err != ChecksumError { t.Errorf("%s: copy error=%v, want %v", z.File[0].Name, err, ChecksumError) } } func readTestFile(t *testing.T, ft ZipTestFile, f *File) { if f.Name != ft.Name { t.Errorf("name=%q, want %q", f.Name, ft.Name) } var b bytes.Buffer r, err := f.Open() if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } _, err = io.Copy(&b, r) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } r.Close() var c []byte if len(ft.Content) != 0 { c = ft.Content } else if c, err = ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/" + ft.File); err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if b.Len() != len(c) { t.Errorf("%s: len=%d, want %d", f.Name, b.Len(), len(c)) return } for i, b := range b.Bytes() { if b != c[i] { t.Errorf("%s: content[%d]=%q want %q", f.Name, i, b, c[i]) return } } } func TestInvalidFiles(t *testing.T) { const size = 1024 * 70 // 70kb b := make([]byte, size) // zeroes _, err := NewReader(sliceReaderAt(b), size) if err != FormatError { t.Errorf("zeroes: error=%v, want %v", err, FormatError) } // repeated directoryEndSignatures sig := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(sig, directoryEndSignature) for i := 0; i < size-4; i += 4 { copy(b[i:i+4], sig) } _, err = NewReader(sliceReaderAt(b), size) if err != FormatError { t.Errorf("sigs: error=%v, want %v", err, FormatError) } } type sliceReaderAt []byte func (r sliceReaderAt) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, os.Error) { copy(b, r[int(off):int(off)+len(b)]) return len(b), nil }