// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // End-to-end serving tests package http import ( "bufio" "bytes" "io" "os" "net" "testing" ) type dummyAddr string type oneConnListener struct { conn net.Conn } func (l *oneConnListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err os.Error) { c = l.conn if c == nil { err = os.EOF return } err = nil l.conn = nil return } func (l *oneConnListener) Close() os.Error { return nil } func (l *oneConnListener) Addr() net.Addr { return dummyAddr("test-address") } func (a dummyAddr) Network() string { return string(a) } func (a dummyAddr) String() string { return string(a) } type testConn struct { readBuf bytes.Buffer writeBuf bytes.Buffer } func (c *testConn) Read(b []byte) (int, os.Error) { return c.readBuf.Read(b) } func (c *testConn) Write(b []byte) (int, os.Error) { return c.writeBuf.Write(b) } func (c *testConn) Close() os.Error { return nil } func (c *testConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return dummyAddr("local-addr") } func (c *testConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return dummyAddr("remote-addr") } func (c *testConn) SetTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error { return nil } func (c *testConn) SetReadTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error { return nil } func (c *testConn) SetWriteTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error { return nil } func TestConsumingBodyOnNextConn(t *testing.T) { conn := new(testConn) for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { conn.readBuf.Write([]byte( "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: test\r\n" + "Content-Length: 11\r\n" + "\r\n" + "foo=1&bar=1")) } reqNum := 0 ch := make(chan *Request) servech := make(chan os.Error) listener := &oneConnListener{conn} handler := func(res ResponseWriter, req *Request) { reqNum++ t.Logf("Got request #%d: %v", reqNum, req) ch <- req } go func() { servech <- Serve(listener, HandlerFunc(handler)) }() var req *Request t.Log("Waiting for first request.") req = <-ch if req == nil { t.Fatal("Got nil first request.") } if req.Method != "POST" { t.Errorf("For request #1's method, got %q; expected %q", req.Method, "POST") } t.Log("Waiting for second request.") req = <-ch if req == nil { t.Fatal("Got nil first request.") } if req.Method != "POST" { t.Errorf("For request #2's method, got %q; expected %q", req.Method, "POST") } t.Log("Waiting for EOF.") if serveerr := <-servech; serveerr != os.EOF { t.Errorf("Serve returned %q; expected EOF", serveerr) } } type responseWriterMethodCall struct { method string headerKey, headerValue string // if method == "SetHeader" bytesWritten []byte // if method == "Write" responseCode int // if method == "WriteHeader" } type recordingResponseWriter struct { log []*responseWriterMethodCall } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) RemoteAddr() string { return "" } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) UsingTLS() bool { return false } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) SetHeader(k, v string) { rw.log = append(rw.log, &responseWriterMethodCall{method: "SetHeader", headerKey: k, headerValue: v}) } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, os.Error) { rw.log = append(rw.log, &responseWriterMethodCall{method: "Write", bytesWritten: buf}) return len(buf), nil } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) { rw.log = append(rw.log, &responseWriterMethodCall{method: "WriteHeader", responseCode: code}) } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) Flush() { rw.log = append(rw.log, &responseWriterMethodCall{method: "Flush"}) } func (rw *recordingResponseWriter) Hijack() (io.ReadWriteCloser, *bufio.ReadWriter, os.Error) { panic("Not supported") } // Tests for http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=900 func TestMuxRedirectLeadingSlashes(t *testing.T) { paths := []string{"//foo.txt", "///foo.txt", "/../../foo.txt"} for _, path := range paths { req, err := ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBufferString("GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: test\r\n\r\n"))) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s", err) } mux := NewServeMux() resp := new(recordingResponseWriter) resp.log = make([]*responseWriterMethodCall, 0) mux.ServeHTTP(resp, req) dumpLog := func() { t.Logf("For path %q:", path) for _, call := range resp.log { t.Logf("Got call: %s, header=%s, value=%s, buf=%q, code=%d", call.method, call.headerKey, call.headerValue, call.bytesWritten, call.responseCode) } } if len(resp.log) != 2 { dumpLog() t.Errorf("expected 2 calls to response writer; got %d", len(resp.log)) return } if resp.log[0].method != "SetHeader" || resp.log[0].headerKey != "Location" || resp.log[0].headerValue != "/foo.txt" { dumpLog() t.Errorf("Expected SetHeader of Location to /foo.txt") return } if resp.log[1].method != "WriteHeader" || resp.log[1].responseCode != StatusMovedPermanently { dumpLog() t.Errorf("Expected WriteHeader of StatusMovedPermanently") return } } }