// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// The png package implements a PNG image decoder and encoder.
// The PNG specification is at http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Contents.html
package png

import (

// Color type, as per the PNG spec.
const (
	ctGrayscale      = 0
	ctTrueColor      = 2
	ctPaletted       = 3
	ctGrayscaleAlpha = 4
	ctTrueColorAlpha = 6

// A cb is a combination of color type and bit depth.
const (
	cbInvalid = iota

// Filter type, as per the PNG spec.
const (
	ftNone    = 0
	ftSub     = 1
	ftUp      = 2
	ftAverage = 3
	ftPaeth   = 4
	nFilter   = 5

// Decoding stage.
// The PNG specification says that the IHDR, PLTE (if present), IDAT and IEND
// chunks must appear in that order. There may be multiple IDAT chunks, and
// IDAT chunks must be sequential (i.e. they may not have any other chunks
// between them).
const (
	dsStart = iota

const pngHeader = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"

type imgOrErr struct {
	img image.Image
	err os.Error

type decoder struct {
	width, height int
	palette       image.PalettedColorModel
	cb            int
	stage         int
	idatWriter    io.WriteCloser
	idatDone      chan imgOrErr
	tmp           [3 * 256]byte

// A FormatError reports that the input is not a valid PNG.
type FormatError string

func (e FormatError) String() string { return "png: invalid format: " + string(e) }

var chunkOrderError = FormatError("chunk out of order")

// An IDATDecodingError wraps an inner error (such as a ZLIB decoding error) encountered while processing an IDAT chunk.
type IDATDecodingError struct {
	Err os.Error

func (e IDATDecodingError) String() string { return "png: IDAT decoding error: " + e.Err.String() }

// An UnsupportedError reports that the input uses a valid but unimplemented PNG feature.
type UnsupportedError string

func (e UnsupportedError) String() string { return "png: unsupported feature: " + string(e) }

// Big-endian.
func parseUint32(b []uint8) uint32 {
	return uint32(b[0])<<24 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[3])

func abs(x int) int {
	if x < 0 {
		return -x
	return x

func min(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

func (d *decoder) parseIHDR(r io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32, length uint32) os.Error {
	if length != 13 {
		return FormatError("bad IHDR length")
	_, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:13])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if d.tmp[10] != 0 || d.tmp[11] != 0 || d.tmp[12] != 0 {
		return UnsupportedError("compression, filter or interlace method")
	w := int32(parseUint32(d.tmp[0:4]))
	h := int32(parseUint32(d.tmp[4:8]))
	if w < 0 || h < 0 {
		return FormatError("negative dimension")
	nPixels := int64(w) * int64(h)
	if nPixels != int64(int(nPixels)) {
		return UnsupportedError("dimension overflow")
	d.cb = cbInvalid
	switch d.tmp[8] {
	case 8:
		switch d.tmp[9] {
		case ctGrayscale:
			d.cb = cbG8
		case ctTrueColor:
			d.cb = cbTC8
		case ctPaletted:
			d.cb = cbP8
		case ctTrueColorAlpha:
			d.cb = cbTCA8
	case 16:
		switch d.tmp[9] {
		case ctGrayscale:
			d.cb = cbG16
		case ctTrueColor:
			d.cb = cbTC16
		case ctTrueColorAlpha:
			d.cb = cbTCA16
	if d.cb == cbInvalid {
		return UnsupportedError(fmt.Sprintf("bit depth %d, color type %d", d.tmp[8], d.tmp[9]))
	d.width, d.height = int(w), int(h)
	return nil

func (d *decoder) parsePLTE(r io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32, length uint32) os.Error {
	np := int(length / 3) // The number of palette entries.
	if length%3 != 0 || np <= 0 || np > 256 {
		return FormatError("bad PLTE length")
	n, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:3*np])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	switch d.cb {
	case cbP8:
		d.palette = image.PalettedColorModel(make([]image.Color, np))
		for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
			d.palette[i] = image.RGBAColor{d.tmp[3*i+0], d.tmp[3*i+1], d.tmp[3*i+2], 0xff}
	case cbTC8, cbTCA8, cbTC16, cbTCA16:
		// As per the PNG spec, a PLTE chunk is optional (and for practical purposes,
		// ignorable) for the ctTrueColor and ctTrueColorAlpha color types (section 4.1.2).
		return FormatError("PLTE, color type mismatch")
	return nil

func (d *decoder) parsetRNS(r io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32, length uint32) os.Error {
	if length > 256 {
		return FormatError("bad tRNS length")
	n, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:length])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	switch d.cb {
	case cbG8, cbG16:
		return UnsupportedError("grayscale transparency")
	case cbTC8, cbTC16:
		return UnsupportedError("truecolor transparency")
	case cbP8:
		if n > len(d.palette) {
			return FormatError("bad tRNS length")
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			rgba := d.palette[i].(image.RGBAColor)
			d.palette[i] = image.RGBAColor{rgba.R, rgba.G, rgba.B, d.tmp[i]}
	case cbTCA8, cbTCA16:
		return FormatError("tRNS, color type mismatch")
	return nil

// The Paeth filter function, as per the PNG specification.
func paeth(a, b, c uint8) uint8 {
	p := int(a) + int(b) - int(c)
	pa := abs(p - int(a))
	pb := abs(p - int(b))
	pc := abs(p - int(c))
	if pa <= pb && pa <= pc {
		return a
	} else if pb <= pc {
		return b
	return c

func (d *decoder) idatReader(idat io.Reader) (image.Image, os.Error) {
	r, err := zlib.NewReader(idat)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer r.Close()
	bpp := 0 // Bytes per pixel.
	maxPalette := uint8(0)
	var (
		gray     *image.Gray
		rgba     *image.RGBA
		paletted *image.Paletted
		nrgba    *image.NRGBA
		gray16   *image.Gray16
		rgba64   *image.RGBA64
		nrgba64  *image.NRGBA64
		img      image.Image
	switch d.cb {
	case cbG8:
		bpp = 1
		gray = image.NewGray(d.width, d.height)
		img = gray
	case cbTC8:
		bpp = 3
		rgba = image.NewRGBA(d.width, d.height)
		img = rgba
	case cbP8:
		bpp = 1
		paletted = image.NewPaletted(d.width, d.height, d.palette)
		img = paletted
		maxPalette = uint8(len(d.palette) - 1)
	case cbTCA8:
		bpp = 4
		nrgba = image.NewNRGBA(d.width, d.height)
		img = nrgba
	case cbG16:
		bpp = 2
		gray16 = image.NewGray16(d.width, d.height)
		img = gray16
	case cbTC16:
		bpp = 6
		rgba64 = image.NewRGBA64(d.width, d.height)
		img = rgba64
	case cbTCA16:
		bpp = 8
		nrgba64 = image.NewNRGBA64(d.width, d.height)
		img = nrgba64
	// cr and pr are the bytes for the current and previous row.
	// The +1 is for the per-row filter type, which is at cr[0].
	cr := make([]uint8, 1+bpp*d.width)
	pr := make([]uint8, 1+bpp*d.width)

	for y := 0; y < d.height; y++ {
		// Read the decompressed bytes.
		_, err := io.ReadFull(r, cr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Apply the filter.
		cdat := cr[1:]
		pdat := pr[1:]
		switch cr[0] {
		case ftNone:
			// No-op.
		case ftSub:
			for i := bpp; i < len(cdat); i++ {
				cdat[i] += cdat[i-bpp]
		case ftUp:
			for i := 0; i < len(cdat); i++ {
				cdat[i] += pdat[i]
		case ftAverage:
			for i := 0; i < bpp; i++ {
				cdat[i] += pdat[i] / 2
			for i := bpp; i < len(cdat); i++ {
				cdat[i] += uint8((int(cdat[i-bpp]) + int(pdat[i])) / 2)
		case ftPaeth:
			for i := 0; i < bpp; i++ {
				cdat[i] += paeth(0, pdat[i], 0)
			for i := bpp; i < len(cdat); i++ {
				cdat[i] += paeth(cdat[i-bpp], pdat[i], pdat[i-bpp])
			return nil, FormatError("bad filter type")

		// Convert from bytes to colors.
		switch d.cb {
		case cbG8:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				gray.Set(x, y, image.GrayColor{cdat[x]})
		case cbTC8:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				rgba.Set(x, y, image.RGBAColor{cdat[3*x+0], cdat[3*x+1], cdat[3*x+2], 0xff})
		case cbP8:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				if cdat[x] > maxPalette {
					return nil, FormatError("palette index out of range")
				paletted.SetColorIndex(x, y, cdat[x])
		case cbTCA8:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				nrgba.Set(x, y, image.NRGBAColor{cdat[4*x+0], cdat[4*x+1], cdat[4*x+2], cdat[4*x+3]})
		case cbG16:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				ycol := uint16(cdat[2*x+0])<<8 | uint16(cdat[2*x+1])
				gray16.Set(x, y, image.Gray16Color{ycol})
		case cbTC16:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				rcol := uint16(cdat[6*x+0])<<8 | uint16(cdat[6*x+1])
				gcol := uint16(cdat[6*x+2])<<8 | uint16(cdat[6*x+3])
				bcol := uint16(cdat[6*x+4])<<8 | uint16(cdat[6*x+5])
				rgba64.Set(x, y, image.RGBA64Color{rcol, gcol, bcol, 0xffff})
		case cbTCA16:
			for x := 0; x < d.width; x++ {
				rcol := uint16(cdat[8*x+0])<<8 | uint16(cdat[8*x+1])
				gcol := uint16(cdat[8*x+2])<<8 | uint16(cdat[8*x+3])
				bcol := uint16(cdat[8*x+4])<<8 | uint16(cdat[8*x+5])
				acol := uint16(cdat[8*x+6])<<8 | uint16(cdat[8*x+7])
				nrgba64.Set(x, y, image.NRGBA64Color{rcol, gcol, bcol, acol})

		// The current row for y is the previous row for y+1.
		pr, cr = cr, pr
	return img, nil

func (d *decoder) parseIDAT(r io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32, length uint32) os.Error {
	// There may be more than one IDAT chunk, but their contents must be
	// treated as if it was one continuous stream (to the zlib decoder).
	// We bring up an io.Pipe and write the IDAT chunks into the pipe as
	// we see them, and decode the stream in a separate go-routine, which
	// signals its completion (successful or not) via a channel.
	if d.idatWriter == nil {
		pr, pw := io.Pipe()
		d.idatWriter = pw
		d.idatDone = make(chan imgOrErr)
		go func() {
			img, err := d.idatReader(pr)
			if err == os.EOF {
				err = FormatError("too little IDAT")
			pr.CloseWithError(FormatError("too much IDAT"))
			d.idatDone <- imgOrErr{img, err}
	var buf [4096]byte
	for length > 0 {
		n, err1 := r.Read(buf[0:min(len(buf), int(length))])
		// We delay checking err1. It is possible to get n bytes and an error,
		// but if the n bytes themselves contain a FormatError, for example, we
		// want to report that error, and not the one that made the Read stop.
		n, err2 := d.idatWriter.Write(buf[0:n])
		if err2 != nil {
			return err2
		if err1 != nil {
			return err1
		length -= uint32(n)
	return nil

func (d *decoder) parseIEND(r io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32, length uint32) os.Error {
	if length != 0 {
		return FormatError("bad IEND length")
	return nil

func (d *decoder) parseChunk(r io.Reader) os.Error {
	// Read the length.
	n, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:4])
	if err == os.EOF {
		return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
	if err != nil {
		return err
	length := parseUint32(d.tmp[0:4])

	// Read the chunk type.
	n, err = io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:4])
	if err == os.EOF {
		return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
	if err != nil {
		return err
	crc := crc32.NewIEEE()

	// Read the chunk data.
	switch string(d.tmp[0:4]) {
	case "IHDR":
		if d.stage != dsStart {
			return chunkOrderError
		d.stage = dsSeenIHDR
		err = d.parseIHDR(r, crc, length)
	case "PLTE":
		if d.stage != dsSeenIHDR {
			return chunkOrderError
		d.stage = dsSeenPLTE
		err = d.parsePLTE(r, crc, length)
	case "tRNS":
		if d.stage != dsSeenPLTE {
			return chunkOrderError
		err = d.parsetRNS(r, crc, length)
	case "IDAT":
		if d.stage < dsSeenIHDR || d.stage > dsSeenIDAT || (d.cb == cbP8 && d.stage == dsSeenIHDR) {
			return chunkOrderError
		d.stage = dsSeenIDAT
		err = d.parseIDAT(r, crc, length)
	case "IEND":
		if d.stage != dsSeenIDAT {
			return chunkOrderError
		d.stage = dsSeenIEND
		err = d.parseIEND(r, crc, length)
		// Ignore this chunk (of a known length).
		var ignored [4096]byte
		for length > 0 {
			n, err = io.ReadFull(r, ignored[0:min(len(ignored), int(length))])
			if err != nil {
				return err
			length -= uint32(n)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Read the checksum.
	n, err = io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:4])
	if err == os.EOF {
		return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if parseUint32(d.tmp[0:4]) != crc.Sum32() {
		return FormatError("invalid checksum")
	return nil

func (d *decoder) checkHeader(r io.Reader) os.Error {
	_, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.tmp[0:8])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if string(d.tmp[0:8]) != pngHeader {
		return FormatError("not a PNG file")
	return nil

// Decode reads a PNG image from r and returns it as an image.Image.
// The type of Image returned depends on the PNG contents.
func Decode(r io.Reader) (image.Image, os.Error) {
	var d decoder
	err := d.checkHeader(r)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for d.stage != dsSeenIEND {
		err = d.parseChunk(r)
		if err != nil {
	var img image.Image
	if d.idatWriter != nil {
		ie := <-d.idatDone
		if err == nil {
			img, err = ie.img, ie.err
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return img, nil

// DecodeConfig returns the color model and dimensions of a PNG image without
// decoding the entire image.
func DecodeConfig(r io.Reader) (image.Config, os.Error) {
	var d decoder
	err := d.checkHeader(r)
	if err != nil {
		return image.Config{}, err
	for {
		err = d.parseChunk(r)
		if err != nil {
			return image.Config{}, err
		if d.stage == dsSeenIHDR && d.cb != cbP8 {
		if d.stage == dsSeenPLTE && d.cb == cbP8 {
	var cm image.ColorModel
	switch d.cb {
	case cbG8:
		cm = image.GrayColorModel
	case cbTC8:
		cm = image.RGBAColorModel
	case cbP8:
		cm = d.palette
	case cbTCA8:
		cm = image.NRGBAColorModel
	case cbG16:
		cm = image.Gray16ColorModel
	case cbTC16:
		cm = image.RGBA64ColorModel
	case cbTCA16:
		cm = image.NRGBA64ColorModel
	return image.Config{cm, d.width, d.height}, nil

func init() {
	image.RegisterFormat("png", pngHeader, Decode, DecodeConfig)