// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Formatting of reflection types and values for debugging. // Not defined as methods so they do not need to be linked into most binaries; // the functions are not used by the library itself, only in tests. package reflect_test import ( . "reflect" "strconv" ) // valueToString returns a textual representation of the reflection value val. // For debugging only. func valueToString(val Value) string { var str string if val == nil { return "" } typ := val.Type() switch val := val.(type) { case *IntValue: return strconv.Itoa64(val.Get()) case *UintValue: return strconv.Uitoa64(val.Get()) case *FloatValue: return strconv.Ftoa64(float64(val.Get()), 'g', -1) case *ComplexValue: c := val.Get() return strconv.Ftoa64(float64(real(c)), 'g', -1) + "+" + strconv.Ftoa64(float64(imag(c)), 'g', -1) + "i" case *StringValue: return val.Get() case *BoolValue: if val.Get() { return "true" } else { return "false" } case *PtrValue: v := val str = typ.String() + "(" if v.IsNil() { str += "0" } else { str += "&" + valueToString(v.Elem()) } str += ")" return str case ArrayOrSliceValue: v := val str += typ.String() str += "{" for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { if i > 0 { str += ", " } str += valueToString(v.Elem(i)) } str += "}" return str case *MapValue: t := typ.(*MapType) str = t.String() str += "{" str += "" str += "}" return str case *ChanValue: str = typ.String() return str case *StructValue: t := typ.(*StructType) v := val str += t.String() str += "{" for i, n := 0, v.NumField(); i < n; i++ { if i > 0 { str += ", " } str += valueToString(v.Field(i)) } str += "}" return str case *InterfaceValue: return typ.String() + "(" + valueToString(val.Elem()) + ")" case *FuncValue: v := val return typ.String() + "(" + strconv.Itoa64(int64(v.Get())) + ")" default: panic("valueToString: can't print type " + typ.String()) } return "valueToString: can't happen" }