// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package rpc import ( "fmt" "http" "log" "net" "os" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" ) var ( serverAddr, newServerAddr string httpServerAddr string once, newOnce, httpOnce sync.Once ) const ( second = 1e9 newHttpPath = "/foo" ) type Args struct { A, B int } type Reply struct { C int } type Arith int func (t *Arith) Add(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error { reply.C = args.A + args.B return nil } func (t *Arith) Mul(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error { reply.C = args.A * args.B return nil } func (t *Arith) Div(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error { if args.B == 0 { return os.ErrorString("divide by zero") } reply.C = args.A / args.B return nil } func (t *Arith) String(args *Args, reply *string) os.Error { *reply = fmt.Sprintf("%d+%d=%d", args.A, args.B, args.A+args.B) return nil } func (t *Arith) Scan(args *string, reply *Reply) (err os.Error) { _, err = fmt.Sscan(*args, &reply.C) return } func (t *Arith) Error(args *Args, reply *Reply) os.Error { panic("ERROR") } func listenTCP() (net.Listener, string) { l, e := net.Listen("tcp", "") // any available address if e != nil { log.Exitf("net.Listen tcp :0: %v", e) } return l, l.Addr().String() } func startServer() { Register(new(Arith)) var l net.Listener l, serverAddr = listenTCP() log.Println("Test RPC server listening on", serverAddr) go Accept(l) HandleHTTP() httpOnce.Do(startHttpServer) } func startNewServer() { s := NewServer() s.Register(new(Arith)) var l net.Listener l, newServerAddr = listenTCP() log.Println("NewServer test RPC server listening on", newServerAddr) go Accept(l) s.HandleHTTP(newHttpPath, "/bar") httpOnce.Do(startHttpServer) } func startHttpServer() { var l net.Listener l, httpServerAddr = listenTCP() httpServerAddr = l.Addr().String() log.Println("Test HTTP RPC server listening on", httpServerAddr) go http.Serve(l, nil) } func TestRPC(t *testing.T) { once.Do(startServer) testRPC(t, serverAddr) newOnce.Do(startNewServer) testRPC(t, newServerAddr) } func testRPC(t *testing.T, addr string) { client, err := Dial("tcp", addr) if err != nil { t.Fatal("dialing", err) } // Synchronous calls args := &Args{7, 8} reply := new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Add", args, reply) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Add: expected no error but got string %q", err.String()) } if reply.C != args.A+args.B { t.Errorf("Add: expected %d got %d", reply.C, args.A+args.B) } args = &Args{7, 8} reply = new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Mul", args, reply) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Mul: expected no error but got string %q", err.String()) } if reply.C != args.A*args.B { t.Errorf("Mul: expected %d got %d", reply.C, args.A*args.B) } // Out of order. args = &Args{7, 8} mulReply := new(Reply) mulCall := client.Go("Arith.Mul", args, mulReply, nil) addReply := new(Reply) addCall := client.Go("Arith.Add", args, addReply, nil) addCall = <-addCall.Done if addCall.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Add: expected no error but got string %q", addCall.Error.String()) } if addReply.C != args.A+args.B { t.Errorf("Add: expected %d got %d", addReply.C, args.A+args.B) } mulCall = <-mulCall.Done if mulCall.Error != nil { t.Errorf("Mul: expected no error but got string %q", mulCall.Error.String()) } if mulReply.C != args.A*args.B { t.Errorf("Mul: expected %d got %d", mulReply.C, args.A*args.B) } // Error test args = &Args{7, 0} reply = new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Div", args, reply) // expect an error: zero divide if err == nil { t.Error("Div: expected error") } else if err.String() != "divide by zero" { t.Error("Div: expected divide by zero error; got", err) } // Non-struct argument const Val = 12345 str := fmt.Sprint(Val) reply = new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Scan", &str, reply) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Scan: expected no error but got string %q", err.String()) } else if reply.C != Val { t.Errorf("Scan: expected %d got %d", Val, reply.C) } // Non-struct reply args = &Args{27, 35} str = "" err = client.Call("Arith.String", args, &str) if err != nil { t.Errorf("String: expected no error but got string %q", err.String()) } expect := fmt.Sprintf("%d+%d=%d", args.A, args.B, args.A+args.B) if str != expect { t.Errorf("String: expected %s got %s", expect, str) } } func TestHTTPRPC(t *testing.T) { once.Do(startServer) testHTTPRPC(t, "") newOnce.Do(startNewServer) testHTTPRPC(t, newHttpPath) } func testHTTPRPC(t *testing.T, path string) { var client *Client var err os.Error if path == "" { client, err = DialHTTP("tcp", httpServerAddr) } else { client, err = DialHTTPPath("tcp", httpServerAddr, path) } if err != nil { t.Fatal("dialing", err) } // Synchronous calls args := &Args{7, 8} reply := new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Add", args, reply) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Add: expected no error but got string %q", err.String()) } if reply.C != args.A+args.B { t.Errorf("Add: expected %d got %d", reply.C, args.A+args.B) } } func TestCheckUnknownService(t *testing.T) { once.Do(startServer) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", serverAddr) if err != nil { t.Fatal("dialing:", err) } client := NewClient(conn) args := &Args{7, 8} reply := new(Reply) err = client.Call("Unknown.Add", args, reply) if err == nil { t.Error("expected error calling unknown service") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "service") < 0 { t.Error("expected error about service; got", err) } } func TestCheckUnknownMethod(t *testing.T) { once.Do(startServer) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", serverAddr) if err != nil { t.Fatal("dialing:", err) } client := NewClient(conn) args := &Args{7, 8} reply := new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Unknown", args, reply) if err == nil { t.Error("expected error calling unknown service") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "method") < 0 { t.Error("expected error about method; got", err) } } func TestCheckBadType(t *testing.T) { once.Do(startServer) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", serverAddr) if err != nil { t.Fatal("dialing:", err) } client := NewClient(conn) reply := new(Reply) err = client.Call("Arith.Add", reply, reply) // args, reply would be the correct thing to use if err == nil { t.Error("expected error calling Arith.Add with wrong arg type") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "type") < 0 { t.Error("expected error about type; got", err) } } type ArgNotPointer int type ReplyNotPointer int type ArgNotPublic int type ReplyNotPublic int type local struct{} func (t *ArgNotPointer) ArgNotPointer(args Args, reply *Reply) os.Error { return nil } func (t *ReplyNotPointer) ReplyNotPointer(args *Args, reply Reply) os.Error { return nil } func (t *ArgNotPublic) ArgNotPublic(args *local, reply *Reply) os.Error { return nil } func (t *ReplyNotPublic) ReplyNotPublic(args *Args, reply *local) os.Error { return nil } // Check that registration handles lots of bad methods and a type with no suitable methods. func TestRegistrationError(t *testing.T) { err := Register(new(ArgNotPointer)) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error registering ArgNotPointer") } err = Register(new(ReplyNotPointer)) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error registering ReplyNotPointer") } err = Register(new(ArgNotPublic)) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error registering ArgNotPublic") } err = Register(new(ReplyNotPublic)) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error registering ReplyNotPublic") } } type WriteFailCodec int func (WriteFailCodec) WriteRequest(*Request, interface{}) os.Error { // the panic caused by this error used to not unlock a lock. return os.NewError("fail") } func (WriteFailCodec) ReadResponseHeader(*Response) os.Error { time.Sleep(60e9) panic("unreachable") } func (WriteFailCodec) ReadResponseBody(interface{}) os.Error { time.Sleep(60e9) panic("unreachable") } func (WriteFailCodec) Close() os.Error { return nil } func TestSendDeadlock(t *testing.T) { client := NewClientWithCodec(WriteFailCodec(0)) done := make(chan bool) go func() { testSendDeadlock(client) testSendDeadlock(client) done <- true }() for i := 0; i < 50; i++ { time.Sleep(100 * 1e6) _, ok := <-done if ok { return } } t.Fatal("deadlock") } func testSendDeadlock(client *Client) { defer func() { recover() }() args := &Args{7, 8} reply := new(Reply) client.Call("Arith.Add", args, reply) }