// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Go definitions of internal structures. Master is chan.c package runtime type sudoG struct { g *g_ selgen uint32 offset int16 isfree int8 link *sudoG elem [8]byte } type waitQ struct { first *sudoG last *sudoG } type hChan struct { qcount uint32 dataqsiz uint32 elemsize uint16 closed uint16 elemalign uint8 elemalg *alg senddataq *link recvdataq *link recvq waitQ sendq waitQ free sudoG lock } type link struct { link *link elem [8]byte } type scase struct { chan_ *hChan pc *byte send uint16 so uint16 elemp *byte // union elem [8]byte } type select_ struct { tcase uint16 ncase uint16 link *select_ scase [1]*scase }