// Generated by running // maketables --tables=all --data=http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.2.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt // DO NOT EDIT package unicode // Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived. const Version = "5.2.0" // Categories is the set of Unicode data tables. var Categories = map[string][]Range{ "Lm": Lm, "Ll": Ll, "Me": Me, "Mc": Mc, "Mn": Mn, "Zl": Zl, "letter": letter, "Zp": Zp, "Zs": Zs, "Cs": Cs, "Co": Co, "Cf": Cf, "Cc": Cc, "Po": Po, "Pi": Pi, "Pf": Pf, "Pe": Pe, "Pd": Pd, "Pc": Pc, "Ps": Ps, "Nd": Nd, "Nl": Nl, "No": No, "So": So, "Sm": Sm, "Sk": Sk, "Sc": Sc, "Lu": Lu, "Lt": Lt, "Lo": Lo, } var _Lm = []Range{ {0x02b0, 0x02c1, 1}, {0x02c6, 0x02d1, 1}, {0x02e0, 0x02e4, 1}, {0x02ec, 0x02ee, 2}, {0x0374, 0x037a, 6}, {0x0559, 0x0640, 231}, {0x06e5, 0x06e6, 1}, {0x07f4, 0x07f5, 1}, {0x07fa, 0x081a, 32}, {0x0824, 0x0828, 4}, {0x0971, 0x0e46, 1237}, {0x0ec6, 0x10fc, 566}, {0x17d7, 0x1843, 108}, {0x1aa7, 0x1c78, 465}, {0x1c79, 0x1c7d, 1}, {0x1d2c, 0x1d61, 1}, {0x1d78, 0x1d9b, 35}, {0x1d9c, 0x1dbf, 1}, {0x2071, 0x207f, 14}, {0x2090, 0x2094, 1}, {0x2c7d, 0x2d6f, 242}, {0x2e2f, 0x3005, 470}, {0x3031, 0x3035, 1}, {0x303b, 0x309d, 98}, {0x309e, 0x30fc, 94}, {0x30fd, 0x30fe, 1}, {0xa015, 0xa4f8, 1251}, {0xa4f9, 0xa4fd, 1}, {0xa60c, 0xa67f, 115}, {0xa717, 0xa71f, 1}, {0xa770, 0xa788, 24}, {0xa9cf, 0xaa70, 161}, {0xaadd, 0xff70, 21651}, {0xff9e, 0xff9f, 1}, } var _Ll = []Range{ {0x0061, 0x007a, 1}, {0x00aa, 0x00b5, 11}, {0x00ba, 0x00df, 37}, {0x00e0, 0x00f6, 1}, {0x00f8, 0x00ff, 1}, {0x0101, 0x0137, 2}, {0x0138, 0x0148, 2}, {0x0149, 0x0177, 2}, {0x017a, 0x017e, 2}, {0x017f, 0x0180, 1}, {0x0183, 0x0185, 2}, {0x0188, 0x018c, 4}, {0x018d, 0x0192, 5}, {0x0195, 0x0199, 4}, {0x019a, 0x019b, 1}, {0x019e, 0x01a1, 3}, {0x01a3, 0x01a5, 2}, {0x01a8, 0x01aa, 2}, {0x01ab, 0x01ad, 2}, {0x01b0, 0x01b4, 4}, {0x01b6, 0x01b9, 3}, {0x01ba, 0x01bd, 3}, {0x01be, 0x01bf, 1}, {0x01c6, 0x01cc, 3}, {0x01ce, 0x01dc, 2}, {0x01dd, 0x01ef, 2}, {0x01f0, 0x01f3, 3}, {0x01f5, 0x01f9, 4}, {0x01fb, 0x0233, 2}, {0x0234, 0x0239, 1}, {0x023c, 0x023f, 3}, {0x0240, 0x0242, 2}, {0x0247, 0x024f, 2}, {0x0250, 0x0293, 1}, {0x0295, 0x02af, 1}, {0x0371, 0x0373, 2}, {0x0377, 0x037b, 4}, {0x037c, 0x037d, 1}, {0x0390, 0x03ac, 28}, {0x03ad, 0x03ce, 1}, {0x03d0, 0x03d1, 1}, {0x03d5, 0x03d7, 1}, {0x03d9, 0x03ef, 2}, {0x03f0, 0x03f3, 1}, {0x03f5, 0x03fb, 3}, {0x03fc, 0x0430, 52}, {0x0431, 0x045f, 1}, {0x0461, 0x0481, 2}, {0x048b, 0x04bf, 2}, {0x04c2, 0x04ce, 2}, {0x04cf, 0x0525, 2}, {0x0561, 0x0587, 1}, {0x1d00, 0x1d2b, 1}, {0x1d62, 0x1d77, 1}, {0x1d79, 0x1d9a, 1}, {0x1e01, 0x1e95, 2}, {0x1e96, 0x1e9d, 1}, {0x1e9f, 0x1eff, 2}, {0x1f00, 0x1f07, 1}, {0x1f10, 0x1f15, 1}, {0x1f20, 0x1f27, 1}, {0x1f30, 0x1f37, 1}, {0x1f40, 0x1f45, 1}, {0x1f50, 0x1f57, 1}, {0x1f60, 0x1f67, 1}, {0x1f70, 0x1f7d, 1}, {0x1f80, 0x1f87, 1}, {0x1f90, 0x1f97, 1}, {0x1fa0, 0x1fa7, 1}, {0x1fb0, 0x1fb4, 1}, {0x1fb6, 0x1fb7, 1}, {0x1fbe, 0x1fc2, 4}, {0x1fc3, 0x1fc4, 1}, {0x1fc6, 0x1fc7, 1}, {0x1fd0, 0x1fd3, 1}, {0x1fd6, 0x1fd7, 1}, {0x1fe0, 0x1fe7, 1}, {0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, 1}, {0x1ff6, 0x1ff7, 1}, {0x210a, 0x210e, 4}, {0x210f, 0x2113, 4}, {0x212f, 0x2139, 5}, {0x213c, 0x213d, 1}, {0x2146, 0x2149, 1}, {0x214e, 0x2184, 54}, {0x2c30, 0x2c5e, 1}, {0x2c61, 0x2c65, 4}, {0x2c66, 0x2c6c, 2}, {0x2c71, 0x2c73, 2}, {0x2c74, 0x2c76, 2}, {0x2c77, 0x2c7c, 1}, {0x2c81, 0x2ce3, 2}, {0x2ce4, 0x2cec, 8}, {0x2cee, 0x2d00, 18}, {0x2d01, 0x2d25, 1}, {0xa641, 0xa65f, 2}, {0xa663, 0xa66d, 2}, {0xa681, 0xa697, 2}, {0xa723, 0xa72f, 2}, {0xa730, 0xa731, 1}, {0xa733, 0xa771, 2}, {0xa772, 0xa778, 1}, {0xa77a, 0xa77c, 2}, {0xa77f, 0xa787, 2}, {0xa78c, 0xfb00, 21364}, {0xfb01, 0xfb06, 1}, {0xfb13, 0xfb17, 1}, {0xff41, 0xff5a, 1}, {0x10428, 0x1044f, 1}, {0x1d41a, 0x1d433, 1}, {0x1d44e, 0x1d454, 1}, {0x1d456, 0x1d467, 1}, {0x1d482, 0x1d49b, 1}, {0x1d4b6, 0x1d4b9, 1}, {0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bd, 2}, {0x1d4be, 0x1d4c3, 1}, {0x1d4c5, 0x1d4cf, 1}, {0x1d4ea, 0x1d503, 1}, {0x1d51e, 0x1d537, 1}, {0x1d552, 0x1d56b, 1}, {0x1d586, 0x1d59f, 1}, {0x1d5ba, 0x1d5d3, 1}, {0x1d5ee, 0x1d607, 1}, {0x1d622, 0x1d63b, 1}, {0x1d656, 0x1d66f, 1}, {0x1d68a, 0x1d6a5, 1}, {0x1d6c2, 0x1d6da, 1}, {0x1d6dc, 0x1d6e1, 1}, {0x1d6fc, 0x1d714, 1}, {0x1d716, 0x1d71b, 1}, {0x1d736, 0x1d74e, 1}, {0x1d750, 0x1d755, 1}, {0x1d770, 0x1d788, 1}, {0x1d78a, 0x1d78f, 1}, {0x1d7aa, 0x1d7c2, 1}, {0x1d7c4, 0x1d7c9, 1}, {0x1d7cb, 0x1d7cb, 1}, } var _Me = []Range{ {0x0488, 0x0489, 1}, {0x06de, 0x20dd, 6655}, {0x20de, 0x20e0, 1}, {0x20e2, 0x20e4, 1}, {0xa670, 0xa672, 1}, } var _Mc = []Range{ {0x0903, 0x093e, 59}, {0x093f, 0x0940, 1}, {0x0949, 0x094c, 1}, {0x094e, 0x0982, 52}, {0x0983, 0x09be, 59}, {0x09bf, 0x09c0, 1}, {0x09c7, 0x09c8, 1}, {0x09cb, 0x09cc, 1}, {0x09d7, 0x0a03, 44}, {0x0a3e, 0x0a40, 1}, {0x0a83, 0x0abe, 59}, {0x0abf, 0x0ac0, 1}, {0x0ac9, 0x0acb, 2}, {0x0acc, 0x0b02, 54}, {0x0b03, 0x0b3e, 59}, {0x0b40, 0x0b47, 7}, {0x0b48, 0x0b4b, 3}, {0x0b4c, 0x0b57, 11}, {0x0bbe, 0x0bbf, 1}, {0x0bc1, 0x0bc2, 1}, {0x0bc6, 0x0bc8, 1}, {0x0bca, 0x0bcc, 1}, {0x0bd7, 0x0c01, 42}, {0x0c02, 0x0c03, 1}, {0x0c41, 0x0c44, 1}, {0x0c82, 0x0c83, 1}, {0x0cbe, 0x0cc0, 2}, {0x0cc1, 0x0cc4, 1}, {0x0cc7, 0x0cc8, 1}, {0x0cca, 0x0ccb, 1}, {0x0cd5, 0x0cd6, 1}, {0x0d02, 0x0d03, 1}, {0x0d3e, 0x0d40, 1}, {0x0d46, 0x0d48, 1}, {0x0d4a, 0x0d4c, 1}, {0x0d57, 0x0d82, 43}, {0x0d83, 0x0dcf, 76}, {0x0dd0, 0x0dd1, 1}, {0x0dd8, 0x0ddf, 1}, {0x0df2, 0x0df3, 1}, {0x0f3e, 0x0f3f, 1}, {0x0f7f, 0x102b, 172}, {0x102c, 0x1031, 5}, {0x1038, 0x103b, 3}, {0x103c, 0x1056, 26}, {0x1057, 0x1062, 11}, {0x1063, 0x1064, 1}, {0x1067, 0x106d, 1}, {0x1083, 0x1084, 1}, {0x1087, 0x108c, 1}, {0x108f, 0x109a, 11}, {0x109b, 0x109c, 1}, {0x17b6, 0x17be, 8}, {0x17bf, 0x17c5, 1}, {0x17c7, 0x17c8, 1}, {0x1923, 0x1926, 1}, {0x1929, 0x192b, 1}, {0x1930, 0x1931, 1}, {0x1933, 0x1938, 1}, {0x19b0, 0x19c0, 1}, {0x19c8, 0x19c9, 1}, {0x1a19, 0x1a1b, 1}, {0x1a55, 0x1a57, 2}, {0x1a61, 0x1a63, 2}, {0x1a64, 0x1a6d, 9}, {0x1a6e, 0x1a72, 1}, {0x1b04, 0x1b35, 49}, {0x1b3b, 0x1b3d, 2}, {0x1b3e, 0x1b41, 1}, {0x1b43, 0x1b44, 1}, {0x1b82, 0x1ba1, 31}, {0x1ba6, 0x1ba7, 1}, {0x1baa, 0x1c24, 122}, {0x1c25, 0x1c2b, 1}, {0x1c34, 0x1c35, 1}, {0x1ce1, 0x1cf2, 17}, {0xa823, 0xa824, 1}, {0xa827, 0xa880, 89}, {0xa881, 0xa8b4, 51}, {0xa8b5, 0xa8c3, 1}, {0xa952, 0xa953, 1}, {0xa983, 0xa9b4, 49}, {0xa9b5, 0xa9ba, 5}, {0xa9bb, 0xa9bd, 2}, {0xa9be, 0xa9c0, 1}, {0xaa2f, 0xaa30, 1}, {0xaa33, 0xaa34, 1}, {0xaa4d, 0xaa7b, 46}, {0xabe3, 0xabe4, 1}, {0xabe6, 0xabe7, 1}, {0xabe9, 0xabea, 1}, {0xabec, 0x11082, 25750}, {0x110b0, 0x110b2, 1}, {0x110b7, 0x110b8, 1}, {0x1d165, 0x1d166, 1}, {0x1d16d, 0x1d172, 1}, } var _Mn = []Range{ {0x0300, 0x036f, 1}, {0x0483, 0x0487, 1}, {0x0591, 0x05bd, 1}, {0x05bf, 0x05c1, 2}, {0x05c2, 0x05c4, 2}, {0x05c5, 0x05c7, 2}, {0x0610, 0x061a, 1}, {0x064b, 0x065e, 1}, {0x0670, 0x06d6, 102}, {0x06d7, 0x06dc, 1}, {0x06df, 0x06e4, 1}, {0x06e7, 0x06e8, 1}, {0x06ea, 0x06ed, 1}, {0x0711, 0x0730, 31}, {0x0731, 0x074a, 1}, {0x07a6, 0x07b0, 1}, {0x07eb, 0x07f3, 1}, {0x0816, 0x0819, 1}, {0x081b, 0x0823, 1}, {0x0825, 0x0827, 1}, {0x0829, 0x082d, 1}, {0x0900, 0x0902, 1}, {0x093c, 0x0941, 5}, {0x0942, 0x0948, 1}, {0x094d, 0x0951, 4}, {0x0952, 0x0955, 1}, {0x0962, 0x0963, 1}, {0x0981, 0x09bc, 59}, {0x09c1, 0x09c4, 1}, {0x09cd, 0x09e2, 21}, {0x09e3, 0x0a01, 30}, {0x0a02, 0x0a3c, 58}, {0x0a41, 0x0a42, 1}, {0x0a47, 0x0a48, 1}, {0x0a4b, 0x0a4d, 1}, {0x0a51, 0x0a70, 31}, {0x0a71, 0x0a75, 4}, {0x0a81, 0x0a82, 1}, {0x0abc, 0x0ac1, 5}, {0x0ac2, 0x0ac5, 1}, {0x0ac7, 0x0ac8, 1}, {0x0acd, 0x0ae2, 21}, {0x0ae3, 0x0b01, 30}, {0x0b3c, 0x0b3f, 3}, {0x0b41, 0x0b44, 1}, {0x0b4d, 0x0b56, 9}, {0x0b62, 0x0b63, 1}, {0x0b82, 0x0bc0, 62}, {0x0bcd, 0x0c3e, 113}, {0x0c3f, 0x0c40, 1}, {0x0c46, 0x0c48, 1}, {0x0c4a, 0x0c4d, 1}, {0x0c55, 0x0c56, 1}, {0x0c62, 0x0c63, 1}, {0x0cbc, 0x0cbf, 3}, {0x0cc6, 0x0ccc, 6}, {0x0ccd, 0x0ce2, 21}, {0x0ce3, 0x0d41, 94}, {0x0d42, 0x0d44, 1}, {0x0d4d, 0x0d62, 21}, {0x0d63, 0x0dca, 103}, {0x0dd2, 0x0dd4, 1}, {0x0dd6, 0x0e31, 91}, {0x0e34, 0x0e3a, 1}, {0x0e47, 0x0e4e, 1}, {0x0eb1, 0x0eb4, 3}, {0x0eb5, 0x0eb9, 1}, {0x0ebb, 0x0ebc, 1}, {0x0ec8, 0x0ecd, 1}, {0x0f18, 0x0f19, 1}, {0x0f35, 0x0f39, 2}, {0x0f71, 0x0f7e, 1}, {0x0f80, 0x0f84, 1}, {0x0f86, 0x0f87, 1}, {0x0f90, 0x0f97, 1}, {0x0f99, 0x0fbc, 1}, {0x0fc6, 0x102d, 103}, {0x102e, 0x1030, 1}, {0x1032, 0x1037, 1}, {0x1039, 0x103a, 1}, {0x103d, 0x103e, 1}, {0x1058, 0x1059, 1}, {0x105e, 0x1060, 1}, {0x1071, 0x1074, 1}, {0x1082, 0x1085, 3}, {0x1086, 0x108d, 7}, {0x109d, 0x135f, 706}, {0x1712, 0x1714, 1}, {0x1732, 0x1734, 1}, {0x1752, 0x1753, 1}, {0x1772, 0x1773, 1}, {0x17b7, 0x17bd, 1}, {0x17c6, 0x17c9, 3}, {0x17ca, 0x17d3, 1}, {0x17dd, 0x180b, 46}, {0x180c, 0x180d, 1}, {0x18a9, 0x1920, 119}, {0x1921, 0x1922, 1}, {0x1927, 0x1928, 1}, {0x1932, 0x1939, 7}, {0x193a, 0x193b, 1}, {0x1a17, 0x1a18, 1}, {0x1a56, 0x1a58, 2}, {0x1a59, 0x1a5e, 1}, {0x1a60, 0x1a62, 2}, {0x1a65, 0x1a6c, 1}, {0x1a73, 0x1a7c, 1}, {0x1a7f, 0x1b00, 129}, {0x1b01, 0x1b03, 1}, {0x1b34, 0x1b36, 2}, {0x1b37, 0x1b3a, 1}, {0x1b3c, 0x1b42, 6}, {0x1b6b, 0x1b73, 1}, {0x1b80, 0x1b81, 1}, {0x1ba2, 0x1ba5, 1}, {0x1ba8, 0x1ba9, 1}, {0x1c2c, 0x1c33, 1}, {0x1c36, 0x1c37, 1}, {0x1cd0, 0x1cd2, 1}, {0x1cd4, 0x1ce0, 1}, {0x1ce2, 0x1ce8, 1}, {0x1ced, 0x1dc0, 211}, {0x1dc1, 0x1de6, 1}, {0x1dfd, 0x1dff, 1}, {0x20d0, 0x20dc, 1}, {0x20e1, 0x20e5, 4}, {0x20e6, 0x20f0, 1}, {0x2cef, 0x2cf1, 1}, {0x2de0, 0x2dff, 1}, {0x302a, 0x302f, 1}, {0x3099, 0x309a, 1}, {0xa66f, 0xa67c, 13}, {0xa67d, 0xa6f0, 115}, {0xa6f1, 0xa802, 273}, {0xa806, 0xa80b, 5}, {0xa825, 0xa826, 1}, {0xa8c4, 0xa8e0, 28}, {0xa8e1, 0xa8f1, 1}, {0xa926, 0xa92d, 1}, {0xa947, 0xa951, 1}, {0xa980, 0xa982, 1}, {0xa9b3, 0xa9b6, 3}, {0xa9b7, 0xa9b9, 1}, {0xa9bc, 0xaa29, 109}, {0xaa2a, 0xaa2e, 1}, {0xaa31, 0xaa32, 1}, {0xaa35, 0xaa36, 1}, {0xaa43, 0xaa4c, 9}, {0xaab0, 0xaab2, 2}, {0xaab3, 0xaab4, 1}, {0xaab7, 0xaab8, 1}, {0xaabe, 0xaabf, 1}, {0xaac1, 0xabe5, 292}, {0xabe8, 0xabed, 5}, {0xfb1e, 0xfe00, 738}, {0xfe01, 0xfe0f, 1}, {0xfe20, 0xfe26, 1}, {0x101fd, 0x10a01, 2052}, {0x10a02, 0x10a03, 1}, {0x10a05, 0x10a06, 1}, {0x10a0c, 0x10a0f, 1}, {0x10a38, 0x10a3a, 1}, {0x10a3f, 0x11080, 1601}, {0x11081, 0x110b3, 50}, {0x110b4, 0x110b6, 1}, {0x110b9, 0x110ba, 1}, {0x1d167, 0x1d169, 1}, {0x1d17b, 0x1d182, 1}, {0x1d185, 0x1d18b, 1}, {0x1d1aa, 0x1d1ad, 1}, {0x1d242, 0x1d244, 1}, {0xe0100, 0xe01ef, 1}, } var _Zl = []Range{ {0x2028, 0x2028, 1}, } var letter = []Range{ {0x0041, 0x005a, 1}, {0x0061, 0x007a, 1}, {0x00aa, 0x00b5, 11}, {0x00ba, 0x00c0, 6}, {0x00c1, 0x00d6, 1}, {0x00d8, 0x00f6, 1}, {0x00f8, 0x02c1, 1}, {0x02c6, 0x02d1, 1}, {0x02e0, 0x02e4, 1}, {0x02ec, 0x02ee, 2}, {0x0370, 0x0374, 1}, {0x0376, 0x0377, 1}, {0x037a, 0x037d, 1}, {0x0386, 0x0388, 2}, {0x0389, 0x038a, 1}, {0x038c, 0x038e, 2}, {0x038f, 0x03a1, 1}, {0x03a3, 0x03f5, 1}, {0x03f7, 0x0481, 1}, {0x048a, 0x0525, 1}, {0x0531, 0x0556, 1}, {0x0559, 0x0561, 8}, {0x0562, 0x0587, 1}, {0x05d0, 0x05ea, 1}, {0x05f0, 0x05f2, 1}, {0x0621, 0x064a, 1}, {0x066e, 0x066f, 1}, {0x0671, 0x06d3, 1}, {0x06d5, 0x06e5, 16}, {0x06e6, 0x06ee, 8}, {0x06ef, 0x06fa, 11}, {0x06fb, 0x06fc, 1}, {0x06ff, 0x0710, 17}, {0x0712, 0x072f, 1}, {0x074d, 0x07a5, 1}, {0x07b1, 0x07ca, 25}, {0x07cb, 0x07ea, 1}, {0x07f4, 0x07f5, 1}, {0x07fa, 0x0800, 6}, {0x0801, 0x0815, 1}, {0x081a, 0x0824, 10}, {0x0828, 0x0904, 220}, {0x0905, 0x0939, 1}, {0x093d, 0x0950, 19}, {0x0958, 0x0961, 1}, {0x0971, 0x0972, 1}, {0x0979, 0x097f, 1}, {0x0985, 0x098c, 1}, {0x098f, 0x0990, 1}, {0x0993, 0x09a8, 1}, {0x09aa, 0x09b0, 1}, {0x09b2, 0x09b6, 4}, {0x09b7, 0x09b9, 1}, {0x09bd, 0x09ce, 17}, {0x09dc, 0x09dd, 1}, {0x09df, 0x09e1, 1}, {0x09f0, 0x09f1, 1}, {0x0a05, 0x0a0a, 1}, {0x0a0f, 0x0a10, 1}, {0x0a13, 0x0a28, 1}, {0x0a2a, 0x0a30, 1}, {0x0a32, 0x0a33, 1}, {0x0a35, 0x0a36, 1}, {0x0a38, 0x0a39, 1}, {0x0a59, 0x0a5c, 1}, {0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 20}, {0x0a73, 0x0a74, 1}, {0x0a85, 0x0a8d, 1}, {0x0a8f, 0x0a91, 1}, {0x0a93, 0x0aa8, 1}, {0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, 1}, {0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 1}, {0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, 1}, {0x0abd, 0x0ad0, 19}, {0x0ae0, 0x0ae1, 1}, {0x0b05, 0x0b0c, 1}, {0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 1}, {0x0b13, 0x0b28, 1}, {0x0b2a, 0x0b30, 1}, {0x0b32, 0x0b33, 1}, {0x0b35, 0x0b39, 1}, {0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 31}, {0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 2}, {0x0b60, 0x0b61, 1}, {0x0b71, 0x0b83, 18}, {0x0b85, 0x0b8a, 1}, {0x0b8e, 0x0b90, 1}, {0x0b92, 0x0b95, 1}, {0x0b99, 0x0b9a, 1}, {0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 2}, {0x0b9f, 0x0ba3, 4}, {0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 4}, {0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 1}, {0x0bae, 0x0bb9, 1}, {0x0bd0, 0x0c05, 53}, {0x0c06, 0x0c0c, 1}, {0x0c0e, 0x0c10, 1}, {0x0c12, 0x0c28, 1}, {0x0c2a, 0x0c33, 1}, {0x0c35, 0x0c39, 1}, {0x0c3d, 0x0c58, 27}, {0x0c59, 0x0c60, 7}, {0x0c61, 0x0c85, 36}, {0x0c86, 0x0c8c, 1}, {0x0c8e, 0x0c90, 1}, {0x0c92, 0x0ca8, 1}, {0x0caa, 0x0cb3, 1}, {0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, 1}, {0x0cbd, 0x0cde, 33}, {0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 1}, {0x0d05, 0x0d0c, 1}, {0x0d0e, 0x0d10, 1}, {0x0d12, 0x0d28, 1}, {0x0d2a, 0x0d39, 1}, {0x0d3d, 0x0d60, 35}, {0x0d61, 0x0d7a, 25}, {0x0d7b, 0x0d7f, 1}, {0x0d85, 0x0d96, 1}, {0x0d9a, 0x0db1, 1}, {0x0db3, 0x0dbb, 1}, {0x0dbd, 0x0dc0, 3}, {0x0dc1, 0x0dc6, 1}, {0x0e01, 0x0e30, 1}, {0x0e32, 0x0e33, 1}, {0x0e40, 0x0e46, 1}, {0x0e81, 0x0e82, 1}, {0x0e84, 0x0e87, 3}, {0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 2}, {0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 7}, {0x0e95, 0x0e97, 1}, {0x0e99, 0x0e9f, 1}, {0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, 1}, {0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 2}, {0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 1}, {0x0ead, 0x0eb0, 1}, {0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 1}, {0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 3}, {0x0ec1, 0x0ec4, 1}, {0x0ec6, 0x0edc, 22}, {0x0edd, 0x0f00, 35}, {0x0f40, 0x0f47, 1}, {0x0f49, 0x0f6c, 1}, {0x0f88, 0x0f8b, 1}, {0x1000, 0x102a, 1}, {0x103f, 0x1050, 17}, {0x1051, 0x1055, 1}, {0x105a, 0x105d, 1}, {0x1061, 0x1065, 4}, {0x1066, 0x106e, 8}, {0x106f, 0x1070, 1}, {0x1075, 0x1081, 1}, {0x108e, 0x10a0, 18}, {0x10a1, 0x10c5, 1}, {0x10d0, 0x10fa, 1}, {0x10fc, 0x1100, 4}, {0x1101, 0x1248, 1}, {0x124a, 0x124d, 1}, {0x1250, 0x1256, 1}, {0x1258, 0x125a, 2}, {0x125b, 0x125d, 1}, {0x1260, 0x1288, 1}, {0x128a, 0x128d, 1}, {0x1290, 0x12b0, 1}, {0x12b2, 0x12b5, 1}, {0x12b8, 0x12be, 1}, {0x12c0, 0x12c2, 2}, {0x12c3, 0x12c5, 1}, {0x12c8, 0x12d6, 1}, {0x12d8, 0x1310, 1}, {0x1312, 0x1315, 1}, {0x1318, 0x135a, 1}, {0x1380, 0x138f, 1}, {0x13a0, 0x13f4, 1}, {0x1401, 0x166c, 1}, {0x166f, 0x167f, 1}, {0x1681, 0x169a, 1}, {0x16a0, 0x16ea, 1}, {0x1700, 0x170c, 1}, {0x170e, 0x1711, 1}, {0x1720, 0x1731, 1}, {0x1740, 0x1751, 1}, {0x1760, 0x176c, 1}, {0x176e, 0x1770, 1}, {0x1780, 0x17b3, 1}, {0x17d7, 0x17dc, 5}, {0x1820, 0x1877, 1}, {0x1880, 0x18a8, 1}, {0x18aa, 0x18b0, 6}, {0x18b1, 0x18f5, 1}, {0x1900, 0x191c, 1}, {0x1950, 0x196d, 1}, {0x1970, 0x1974, 1}, {0x1980, 0x19ab, 1}, {0x19c1, 0x19c7, 1}, {0x1a00, 0x1a16, 1}, {0x1a20, 0x1a54, 1}, {0x1aa7, 0x1b05, 94}, {0x1b06, 0x1b33, 1}, {0x1b45, 0x1b4b, 1}, {0x1b83, 0x1ba0, 1}, {0x1bae, 0x1baf, 1}, {0x1c00, 0x1c23, 1}, {0x1c4d, 0x1c4f, 1}, {0x1c5a, 0x1c7d, 1}, {0x1ce9, 0x1cec, 1}, {0x1cee, 0x1cf1, 1}, {0x1d00, 0x1dbf, 1}, {0x1e00, 0x1f15, 1}, {0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 1}, {0x1f20, 0x1f45, 1}, {0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 1}, {0x1f50, 0x1f57, 1}, {0x1f59, 0x1f5f, 2}, {0x1f60, 0x1f7d, 1}, {0x1f80, 0x1fb4, 1}, {0x1fb6, 0x1fbc, 1}, {0x1fbe, 0x1fc2, 4}, {0x1fc3, 0x1fc4, 1}, {0x1fc6, 0x1fcc, 1}, {0x1fd0, 0x1fd3, 1}, {0x1fd6, 0x1fdb, 1}, {0x1fe0, 0x1fec, 1}, {0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, 1}, {0x1ff6, 0x1ffc, 1}, {0x2071, 0x207f, 14}, {0x2090, 0x2094, 1}, {0x2102, 0x2107, 5}, {0x210a, 0x2113, 1}, {0x2115, 0x2119, 4}, {0x211a, 0x211d, 1}, {0x2124, 0x212a, 2}, {0x212b, 0x212d, 1}, {0x212f, 0x2139, 1}, {0x213c, 0x213f, 1}, {0x2145, 0x2149, 1}, {0x214e, 0x2183, 53}, {0x2184, 0x2c00, 2684}, {0x2c01, 0x2c2e, 1}, {0x2c30, 0x2c5e, 1}, {0x2c60, 0x2ce4, 1}, {0x2ceb, 0x2cee, 1}, {0x2d00, 0x2d25, 1}, {0x2d30, 0x2d65, 1}, {0x2d6f, 0x2d80, 17}, {0x2d81, 0x2d96, 1}, {0x2da0, 0x2da6, 1}, {0x2da8, 0x2dae, 1}, {0x2db0, 0x2db6, 1}, {0x2db8, 0x2dbe, 1}, {0x2dc0, 0x2dc6, 1}, {0x2dc8, 0x2dce, 1}, {0x2dd0, 0x2dd6, 1}, {0x2dd8, 0x2dde, 1}, {0x2e2f, 0x3005, 470}, {0x3006, 0x3031, 43}, {0x3032, 0x3035, 1}, {0x303b, 0x303c, 1}, {0x3041, 0x3096, 1}, {0x309d, 0x309f, 1}, {0x30a1, 0x30fa, 1}, {0x30fc, 0x30ff, 1}, {0x3105, 0x312d, 1}, {0x3131, 0x318e, 1}, {0x31a0, 0x31b7, 1}, {0x31f0, 0x31ff, 1}, {0x3400, 0x4db5, 1}, {0x4e00, 0x9fcb, 1}, {0xa000, 0xa48c, 1}, {0xa4d0, 0xa4fd, 1}, {0xa500, 0xa60c, 1}, {0xa610, 0xa61f, 1}, {0xa62a, 0xa62b, 1}, {0xa640, 0xa65f, 1}, {0xa662, 0xa66e, 1}, {0xa67f, 0xa697, 1}, {0xa6a0, 0xa6e5, 1}, {0xa717, 0xa71f, 1}, {0xa722, 0xa788, 1}, {0xa78b, 0xa78c, 1}, {0xa7fb, 0xa801, 1}, {0xa803, 0xa805, 1}, {0xa807, 0xa80a, 1}, {0xa80c, 0xa822, 1}, {0xa840, 0xa873, 1}, {0xa882, 0xa8b3, 1}, {0xa8f2, 0xa8f7, 1}, {0xa8fb, 0xa90a, 15}, {0xa90b, 0xa925, 1}, {0xa930, 0xa946, 1}, {0xa960, 0xa97c, 1}, {0xa984, 0xa9b2, 1}, {0xa9cf, 0xaa00, 49}, {0xaa01, 0xaa28, 1}, {0xaa40, 0xaa42, 1}, {0xaa44, 0xaa4b, 1}, {0xaa60, 0xaa76, 1}, {0xaa7a, 0xaa80, 6}, {0xaa81, 0xaaaf, 1}, {0xaab1, 0xaab5, 4}, {0xaab6, 0xaab9, 3}, {0xaaba, 0xaabd, 1}, {0xaac0, 0xaac2, 2}, {0xaadb, 0xaadd, 1}, {0xabc0, 0xabe2, 1}, {0xac00, 0xd7a3, 1}, {0xd7b0, 0xd7c6, 1}, {0xd7cb, 0xd7fb, 1}, {0xf900, 0xfa2d, 1}, {0xfa30, 0xfa6d, 1}, {0xfa70, 0xfad9, 1}, {0xfb00, 0xfb06, 1}, {0xfb13, 0xfb17, 1}, {0xfb1d, 0xfb1f, 2}, {0xfb20, 0xfb28, 1}, {0xfb2a, 0xfb36, 1}, {0xfb38, 0xfb3c, 1}, {0xfb3e, 0xfb40, 2}, {0xfb41, 0xfb43, 2}, {0xfb44, 0xfb46, 2}, {0xfb47, 0xfbb1, 1}, {0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, 1}, {0xfd50, 0xfd8f, 1}, {0xfd92, 0xfdc7, 1}, {0xfdf0, 0xfdfb, 1}, {0xfe70, 0xfe74, 1}, {0xfe76, 0xfefc, 1}, {0xff21, 0xff3a, 1}, {0xff41, 0xff5a, 1}, {0xff66, 0xffbe, 1}, {0xffc2, 0xffc7, 1}, {0xffca, 0xffcf, 1}, {0xffd2, 0xffd7, 1}, {0xffda, 0xffdc, 1}, {0x10000, 0x1000b, 1}, {0x1000d, 0x10026, 1}, {0x10028, 0x1003a, 1}, {0x1003c, 0x1003d, 1}, {0x1003f, 0x1004d, 1}, {0x10050, 0x1005d, 1}, {0x10080, 0x100fa, 1}, {0x10280, 0x1029c, 1}, {0x102a0, 0x102d0, 1}, {0x10300, 0x1031e, 1}, {0x10330, 0x10340, 1}, {0x10342, 0x10349, 1}, {0x10380, 0x1039d, 1}, {0x103a0, 0x103c3, 1}, {0x103c8, 0x103cf, 1}, {0x10400, 0x1049d, 1}, {0x10800, 0x10805, 1}, {0x10808, 0x1080a, 2}, {0x1080b, 0x10835, 1}, {0x10837, 0x10838, 1}, {0x1083c, 0x1083f, 3}, {0x10840, 0x10855, 1}, {0x10900, 0x10915, 1}, {0x10920, 0x10939, 1}, {0x10a00, 0x10a10, 16}, {0x10a11, 0x10a13, 1}, {0x10a15, 0x10a17, 1}, {0x10a19, 0x10a33, 1}, {0x10a60, 0x10a7c, 1}, {0x10b00, 0x10b35, 1}, {0x10b40, 0x10b55, 1}, {0x10b60, 0x10b72, 1}, {0x10c00, 0x10c48, 1}, {0x11083, 0x110af, 1}, {0x12000, 0x1236e, 1}, {0x13000, 0x1342e, 1}, {0x1d400, 0x1d454, 1}, {0x1d456, 0x1d49c, 1}, {0x1d49e, 0x1d49f, 1}, {0x1d4a2, 0x1d4a5, 3}, {0x1d4a6, 0x1d4a9, 3}, {0x1d4aa, 0x1d4ac, 1}, {0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b9, 1}, {0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bd, 2}, {0x1d4be, 0x1d4c3, 1}, {0x1d4c5, 0x1d505, 1}, {0x1d507, 0x1d50a, 1}, {0x1d50d, 0x1d514, 1}, {0x1d516, 0x1d51c, 1}, {0x1d51e, 0x1d539, 1}, {0x1d53b, 0x1d53e, 1}, {0x1d540, 0x1d544, 1}, {0x1d546, 0x1d54a, 4}, {0x1d54b, 0x1d550, 1}, {0x1d552, 0x1d6a5, 1}, {0x1d6a8, 0x1d6c0, 1}, {0x1d6c2, 0x1d6da, 1}, {0x1d6dc, 0x1d6fa, 1}, {0x1d6fc, 0x1d714, 1}, {0x1d716, 0x1d734, 1}, {0x1d736, 0x1d74e, 1}, {0x1d750, 0x1d76e, 1}, {0x1d770, 0x1d788, 1}, {0x1d78a, 0x1d7a8, 1}, {0x1d7aa, 0x1d7c2, 1}, {0x1d7c4, 0x1d7cb, 1}, {0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 1}, {0x2a700, 0x2b734, 1}, {0x2f800, 0x2fa1d, 1}, } var _Zp = []Range{ {0x2029, 0x2029, 1}, } var _Zs = []Range{ {0x0020, 0x00a0, 128}, {0x1680, 0x180e, 398}, {0x2000, 0x200a, 1}, {0x202f, 0x205f, 48}, {0x3000, 0x3000, 1}, } var _Cs = []Range{ {0xd800, 0xdfff, 1}, } var _Co = []Range{ {0xe000, 0xf8ff, 1}, {0xf0000, 0xffffd, 1}, {0x100000, 0x10fffd, 1}, } var _Cf = []Range{ {0x00ad, 0x0600, 1363}, {0x0601, 0x0603, 1}, {0x06dd, 0x070f, 50}, {0x17b4, 0x17b5, 1}, {0x200b, 0x200f, 1}, {0x202a, 0x202e, 1}, {0x2060, 0x2064, 1}, {0x206a, 0x206f, 1}, {0xfeff, 0xfff9, 250}, {0xfffa, 0xfffb, 1}, {0x110bd, 0x1d173, 49334}, {0x1d174, 0x1d17a, 1}, {0xe0001, 0xe0020, 31}, {0xe0021, 0xe007f, 1}, } var _Cc = []Range{ {0x0001, 0x001f, 1}, {0x007f, 0x009f, 1}, } var _Po = []Range{ {0x0021, 0x0023, 1}, {0x0025, 0x0027, 1}, {0x002a, 0x002e, 2}, {0x002f, 0x003a, 11}, {0x003b, 0x003f, 4}, {0x0040, 0x005c, 28}, {0x00a1, 0x00b7, 22}, {0x00bf, 0x037e, 703}, {0x0387, 0x055a, 467}, {0x055b, 0x055f, 1}, {0x0589, 0x05c0, 55}, {0x05c3, 0x05c6, 3}, {0x05f3, 0x05f4, 1}, {0x0609, 0x060a, 1}, {0x060c, 0x060d, 1}, {0x061b, 0x061e, 3}, {0x061f, 0x066a, 75}, {0x066b, 0x066d, 1}, {0x06d4, 0x0700, 44}, {0x0701, 0x070d, 1}, {0x07f7, 0x07f9, 1}, {0x0830, 0x083e, 1}, {0x0964, 0x0965, 1}, {0x0970, 0x0df4, 1156}, {0x0e4f, 0x0e5a, 11}, {0x0e5b, 0x0f04, 169}, {0x0f05, 0x0f12, 1}, {0x0f85, 0x0fd0, 75}, {0x0fd1, 0x0fd4, 1}, {0x104a, 0x104f, 1}, {0x10fb, 0x1361, 614}, {0x1362, 0x1368, 1}, {0x166d, 0x166e, 1}, {0x16eb, 0x16ed, 1}, {0x1735, 0x1736, 1}, {0x17d4, 0x17d6, 1}, {0x17d8, 0x17da, 1}, {0x1800, 0x1805, 1}, {0x1807, 0x180a, 1}, {0x1944, 0x1945, 1}, {0x19de, 0x19df, 1}, {0x1a1e, 0x1a1f, 1}, {0x1aa0, 0x1aa6, 1}, {0x1aa8, 0x1aad, 1}, {0x1b5a, 0x1b60, 1}, {0x1c3b, 0x1c3f, 1}, {0x1c7e, 0x1c7f, 1}, {0x1cd3, 0x2016, 835}, {0x2017, 0x2020, 9}, {0x2021, 0x2027, 1}, {0x2030, 0x2038, 1}, {0x203b, 0x203e, 1}, {0x2041, 0x2043, 1}, {0x2047, 0x2051, 1}, {0x2053, 0x2055, 2}, {0x2056, 0x205e, 1}, {0x2cf9, 0x2cfc, 1}, {0x2cfe, 0x2cff, 1}, {0x2e00, 0x2e01, 1}, {0x2e06, 0x2e08, 1}, {0x2e0b, 0x2e0e, 3}, {0x2e0f, 0x2e16, 1}, {0x2e18, 0x2e19, 1}, {0x2e1b, 0x2e1e, 3}, {0x2e1f, 0x2e2a, 11}, {0x2e2b, 0x2e2e, 1}, {0x2e30, 0x2e31, 1}, {0x3001, 0x3003, 1}, {0x303d, 0x30fb, 190}, {0xa4fe, 0xa4ff, 1}, {0xa60d, 0xa60f, 1}, {0xa673, 0xa67e, 11}, {0xa6f2, 0xa6f7, 1}, {0xa874, 0xa877, 1}, {0xa8ce, 0xa8cf, 1}, {0xa8f8, 0xa8fa, 1}, {0xa92e, 0xa92f, 1}, {0xa95f, 0xa9c1, 98}, {0xa9c2, 0xa9cd, 1}, {0xa9de, 0xa9df, 1}, {0xaa5c, 0xaa5f, 1}, {0xaade, 0xaadf, 1}, {0xabeb, 0xfe10, 21029}, {0xfe11, 0xfe16, 1}, {0xfe19, 0xfe30, 23}, {0xfe45, 0xfe46, 1}, {0xfe49, 0xfe4c, 1}, {0xfe50, 0xfe52, 1}, {0xfe54, 0xfe57, 1}, {0xfe5f, 0xfe61, 1}, {0xfe68, 0xfe6a, 2}, {0xfe6b, 0xff01, 150}, {0xff02, 0xff03, 1}, {0xff05, 0xff07, 1}, {0xff0a, 0xff0e, 2}, {0xff0f, 0xff1a, 11}, {0xff1b, 0xff1f, 4}, {0xff20, 0xff3c, 28}, {0xff61, 0xff64, 3}, {0xff65, 0x10100, 411}, {0x10101, 0x1039f, 670}, {0x103d0, 0x10857, 1159}, {0x1091f, 0x1093f, 32}, {0x10a50, 0x10a58, 1}, {0x10a7f, 0x10b39, 186}, {0x10b3a, 0x10b3f, 1}, {0x110bb, 0x110bc, 1}, {0x110be, 0x110c1, 1}, {0x12470, 0x12473, 1}, } var _Pi = []Range{ {0x00ab, 0x2018, 8045}, {0x201b, 0x201c, 1}, {0x201f, 0x2039, 26}, {0x2e02, 0x2e04, 2}, {0x2e09, 0x2e0c, 3}, {0x2e1c, 0x2e20, 4}, } var _Pf = []Range{ {0x00bb, 0x2019, 8030}, {0x201d, 0x203a, 29}, {0x2e03, 0x2e05, 2}, {0x2e0a, 0x2e0d, 3}, {0x2e1d, 0x2e21, 4}, } var _Pe = []Range{ {0x0029, 0x005d, 52}, {0x007d, 0x0f3b, 3774}, {0x0f3d, 0x169c, 1887}, {0x2046, 0x207e, 56}, {0x208e, 0x232a, 668}, {0x2769, 0x2775, 2}, {0x27c6, 0x27e7, 33}, {0x27e9, 0x27ef, 2}, {0x2984, 0x2998, 2}, {0x29d9, 0x29db, 2}, {0x29fd, 0x2e23, 1062}, {0x2e25, 0x2e29, 2}, {0x3009, 0x3011, 2}, {0x3015, 0x301b, 2}, {0x301e, 0x301f, 1}, {0xfd3f, 0xfe18, 217}, {0xfe36, 0xfe44, 2}, {0xfe48, 0xfe5a, 18}, {0xfe5c, 0xfe5e, 2}, {0xff09, 0xff3d, 52}, {0xff5d, 0xff63, 3}, } var _Pd = []Range{ {0x002d, 0x058a, 1373}, {0x05be, 0x1400, 3650}, {0x1806, 0x2010, 2058}, {0x2011, 0x2015, 1}, {0x2e17, 0x2e1a, 3}, {0x301c, 0x3030, 20}, {0x30a0, 0xfe31, 52625}, {0xfe32, 0xfe58, 38}, {0xfe63, 0xff0d, 170}, } var _Pc = []Range{ {0x005f, 0x203f, 8160}, {0x2040, 0x2054, 20}, {0xfe33, 0xfe34, 1}, {0xfe4d, 0xfe4f, 1}, {0xff3f, 0xff3f, 1}, } var _Ps = []Range{ {0x0028, 0x005b, 51}, {0x007b, 0x0f3a, 3775}, {0x0f3c, 0x169b, 1887}, {0x201a, 0x201e, 4}, {0x2045, 0x207d, 56}, {0x208d, 0x2329, 668}, {0x2768, 0x2774, 2}, {0x27c5, 0x27e6, 33}, {0x27e8, 0x27ee, 2}, {0x2983, 0x2997, 2}, {0x29d8, 0x29da, 2}, {0x29fc, 0x2e22, 1062}, {0x2e24, 0x2e28, 2}, {0x3008, 0x3010, 2}, {0x3014, 0x301a, 2}, {0x301d, 0xfd3e, 52513}, {0xfe17, 0xfe35, 30}, {0xfe37, 0xfe43, 2}, {0xfe47, 0xfe59, 18}, {0xfe5b, 0xfe5d, 2}, {0xff08, 0xff3b, 51}, {0xff5b, 0xff5f, 4}, {0xff62, 0xff62, 1}, } var _Nd = []Range{ {0x0030, 0x0039, 1}, {0x0660, 0x0669, 1}, {0x06f0, 0x06f9, 1}, {0x07c0, 0x07c9, 1}, {0x0966, 0x096f, 1}, {0x09e6, 0x09ef, 1}, {0x0a66, 0x0a6f, 1}, {0x0ae6, 0x0aef, 1}, {0x0b66, 0x0b6f, 1}, {0x0be6, 0x0bef, 1}, {0x0c66, 0x0c6f, 1}, {0x0ce6, 0x0cef, 1}, {0x0d66, 0x0d6f, 1}, {0x0e50, 0x0e59, 1}, {0x0ed0, 0x0ed9, 1}, {0x0f20, 0x0f29, 1}, {0x1040, 0x1049, 1}, {0x1090, 0x1099, 1}, {0x17e0, 0x17e9, 1}, {0x1810, 0x1819, 1}, {0x1946, 0x194f, 1}, {0x19d0, 0x19da, 1}, {0x1a80, 0x1a89, 1}, {0x1a90, 0x1a99, 1}, {0x1b50, 0x1b59, 1}, {0x1bb0, 0x1bb9, 1}, {0x1c40, 0x1c49, 1}, {0x1c50, 0x1c59, 1}, {0xa620, 0xa629, 1}, {0xa8d0, 0xa8d9, 1}, {0xa900, 0xa909, 1}, {0xa9d0, 0xa9d9, 1}, {0xaa50, 0xaa59, 1}, {0xabf0, 0xabf9, 1}, {0xff10, 0xff19, 1}, {0x104a0, 0x104a9, 1}, {0x1d7ce, 0x1d7ff, 1}, } var _Nl = []Range{ {0x16ee, 0x16f0, 1}, {0x2160, 0x2182, 1}, {0x2185, 0x2188, 1}, {0x3007, 0x3021, 26}, {0x3022, 0x3029, 1}, {0x3038, 0x303a, 1}, {0xa6e6, 0xa6ef, 1}, {0x10140, 0x10174, 1}, {0x10341, 0x1034a, 9}, {0x103d1, 0x103d5, 1}, {0x12400, 0x12462, 1}, } var _No = []Range{ {0x00b2, 0x00b3, 1}, {0x00b9, 0x00bc, 3}, {0x00bd, 0x00be, 1}, {0x09f4, 0x09f9, 1}, {0x0bf0, 0x0bf2, 1}, {0x0c78, 0x0c7e, 1}, {0x0d70, 0x0d75, 1}, {0x0f2a, 0x0f33, 1}, {0x1369, 0x137c, 1}, {0x17f0, 0x17f9, 1}, {0x2070, 0x2074, 4}, {0x2075, 0x2079, 1}, {0x2080, 0x2089, 1}, {0x2150, 0x215f, 1}, {0x2189, 0x2460, 727}, {0x2461, 0x249b, 1}, {0x24ea, 0x24ff, 1}, {0x2776, 0x2793, 1}, {0x2cfd, 0x3192, 1173}, {0x3193, 0x3195, 1}, {0x3220, 0x3229, 1}, {0x3251, 0x325f, 1}, {0x3280, 0x3289, 1}, {0x32b1, 0x32bf, 1}, {0xa830, 0xa835, 1}, {0x10107, 0x10133, 1}, {0x10175, 0x10178, 1}, {0x1018a, 0x10320, 406}, {0x10321, 0x10323, 1}, {0x10858, 0x1085f, 1}, {0x10916, 0x1091b, 1}, {0x10a40, 0x10a47, 1}, {0x10a7d, 0x10a7e, 1}, {0x10b58, 0x10b5f, 1}, {0x10b78, 0x10b7f, 1}, {0x10e60, 0x10e7e, 1}, {0x1d360, 0x1d371, 1}, {0x1f100, 0x1f10a, 1}, } var _So = []Range{ {0x00a6, 0x00a7, 1}, {0x00a9, 0x00ae, 5}, {0x00b0, 0x00b6, 6}, {0x0482, 0x060e, 396}, {0x060f, 0x06e9, 218}, {0x06fd, 0x06fe, 1}, {0x07f6, 0x09fa, 516}, {0x0b70, 0x0bf3, 131}, {0x0bf4, 0x0bf8, 1}, {0x0bfa, 0x0c7f, 133}, {0x0cf1, 0x0cf2, 1}, {0x0d79, 0x0f01, 392}, {0x0f02, 0x0f03, 1}, {0x0f13, 0x0f17, 1}, {0x0f1a, 0x0f1f, 1}, {0x0f34, 0x0f38, 2}, {0x0fbe, 0x0fc5, 1}, {0x0fc7, 0x0fcc, 1}, {0x0fce, 0x0fcf, 1}, {0x0fd5, 0x0fd8, 1}, {0x109e, 0x109f, 1}, {0x1360, 0x1390, 48}, {0x1391, 0x1399, 1}, {0x1940, 0x19e0, 160}, {0x19e1, 0x19ff, 1}, {0x1b61, 0x1b6a, 1}, {0x1b74, 0x1b7c, 1}, {0x2100, 0x2101, 1}, {0x2103, 0x2106, 1}, {0x2108, 0x2109, 1}, {0x2114, 0x2116, 2}, {0x2117, 0x2118, 1}, {0x211e, 0x2123, 1}, {0x2125, 0x2129, 2}, {0x212e, 0x213a, 12}, {0x213b, 0x214a, 15}, {0x214c, 0x214d, 1}, {0x214f, 0x2195, 70}, {0x2196, 0x2199, 1}, {0x219c, 0x219f, 1}, {0x21a1, 0x21a2, 1}, {0x21a4, 0x21a5, 1}, {0x21a7, 0x21ad, 1}, {0x21af, 0x21cd, 1}, {0x21d0, 0x21d1, 1}, {0x21d3, 0x21d5, 2}, {0x21d6, 0x21f3, 1}, {0x2300, 0x2307, 1}, {0x230c, 0x231f, 1}, {0x2322, 0x2328, 1}, {0x232b, 0x237b, 1}, {0x237d, 0x239a, 1}, {0x23b4, 0x23db, 1}, {0x23e2, 0x23e8, 1}, {0x2400, 0x2426, 1}, {0x2440, 0x244a, 1}, {0x249c, 0x24e9, 1}, {0x2500, 0x25b6, 1}, {0x25b8, 0x25c0, 1}, {0x25c2, 0x25f7, 1}, {0x2600, 0x266e, 1}, {0x2670, 0x26cd, 1}, {0x26cf, 0x26e1, 1}, {0x26e3, 0x26e8, 5}, {0x26e9, 0x26ff, 1}, {0x2701, 0x2704, 1}, {0x2706, 0x2709, 1}, {0x270c, 0x2727, 1}, {0x2729, 0x274b, 1}, {0x274d, 0x274f, 2}, {0x2750, 0x2752, 1}, {0x2756, 0x275e, 1}, {0x2761, 0x2767, 1}, {0x2794, 0x2798, 4}, {0x2799, 0x27af, 1}, {0x27b1, 0x27be, 1}, {0x2800, 0x28ff, 1}, {0x2b00, 0x2b2f, 1}, {0x2b45, 0x2b46, 1}, {0x2b50, 0x2b59, 1}, {0x2ce5, 0x2cea, 1}, {0x2e80, 0x2e99, 1}, {0x2e9b, 0x2ef3, 1}, {0x2f00, 0x2fd5, 1}, {0x2ff0, 0x2ffb, 1}, {0x3004, 0x3012, 14}, {0x3013, 0x3020, 13}, {0x3036, 0x3037, 1}, {0x303e, 0x303f, 1}, {0x3190, 0x3191, 1}, {0x3196, 0x319f, 1}, {0x31c0, 0x31e3, 1}, {0x3200, 0x321e, 1}, {0x322a, 0x3250, 1}, {0x3260, 0x327f, 1}, {0x328a, 0x32b0, 1}, {0x32c0, 0x32fe, 1}, {0x3300, 0x33ff, 1}, {0x4dc0, 0x4dff, 1}, {0xa490, 0xa4c6, 1}, {0xa828, 0xa82b, 1}, {0xa836, 0xa837, 1}, {0xa839, 0xaa77, 574}, {0xaa78, 0xaa79, 1}, {0xfdfd, 0xffe4, 487}, {0xffe8, 0xffed, 5}, {0xffee, 0xfffc, 14}, {0xfffd, 0x10102, 261}, {0x10137, 0x1013f, 1}, {0x10179, 0x10189, 1}, {0x10190, 0x1019b, 1}, {0x101d0, 0x101fc, 1}, {0x1d000, 0x1d0f5, 1}, {0x1d100, 0x1d126, 1}, {0x1d129, 0x1d164, 1}, {0x1d16a, 0x1d16c, 1}, {0x1d183, 0x1d184, 1}, {0x1d18c, 0x1d1a9, 1}, {0x1d1ae, 0x1d1dd, 1}, {0x1d200, 0x1d241, 1}, {0x1d245, 0x1d300, 187}, {0x1d301, 0x1d356, 1}, {0x1f000, 0x1f02b, 1}, {0x1f030, 0x1f093, 1}, {0x1f110, 0x1f12e, 1}, {0x1f131, 0x1f13d, 12}, {0x1f13f, 0x1f142, 3}, {0x1f146, 0x1f14a, 4}, {0x1f14b, 0x1f14e, 1}, {0x1f157, 0x1f15f, 8}, {0x1f179, 0x1f17b, 2}, {0x1f17c, 0x1f17f, 3}, {0x1f18a, 0x1f18d, 1}, {0x1f190, 0x1f200, 112}, {0x1f210, 0x1f231, 1}, {0x1f240, 0x1f248, 1}, } var _Sm = []Range{ {0x002b, 0x003c, 17}, {0x003d, 0x003e, 1}, {0x007c, 0x007e, 2}, {0x00ac, 0x00b1, 5}, {0x00d7, 0x00f7, 32}, {0x03f6, 0x0606, 528}, {0x0607, 0x0608, 1}, {0x2044, 0x2052, 14}, {0x207a, 0x207c, 1}, {0x208a, 0x208c, 1}, {0x2140, 0x2144, 1}, {0x214b, 0x2190, 69}, {0x2191, 0x2194, 1}, {0x219a, 0x219b, 1}, {0x21a0, 0x21a6, 3}, {0x21ae, 0x21ce, 32}, {0x21cf, 0x21d2, 3}, {0x21d4, 0x21f4, 32}, {0x21f5, 0x22ff, 1}, {0x2308, 0x230b, 1}, {0x2320, 0x2321, 1}, {0x237c, 0x239b, 31}, {0x239c, 0x23b3, 1}, {0x23dc, 0x23e1, 1}, {0x25b7, 0x25c1, 10}, {0x25f8, 0x25ff, 1}, {0x266f, 0x27c0, 337}, {0x27c1, 0x27c4, 1}, {0x27c7, 0x27ca, 1}, {0x27cc, 0x27d0, 4}, {0x27d1, 0x27e5, 1}, {0x27f0, 0x27ff, 1}, {0x2900, 0x2982, 1}, {0x2999, 0x29d7, 1}, {0x29dc, 0x29fb, 1}, {0x29fe, 0x2aff, 1}, {0x2b30, 0x2b44, 1}, {0x2b47, 0x2b4c, 1}, {0xfb29, 0xfe62, 825}, {0xfe64, 0xfe66, 1}, {0xff0b, 0xff1c, 17}, {0xff1d, 0xff1e, 1}, {0xff5c, 0xff5e, 2}, {0xffe2, 0xffe9, 7}, {0xffea, 0xffec, 1}, {0x1d6c1, 0x1d6db, 26}, {0x1d6fb, 0x1d715, 26}, {0x1d735, 0x1d74f, 26}, {0x1d76f, 0x1d789, 26}, {0x1d7a9, 0x1d7c3, 26}, } var _Sk = []Range{ {0x005e, 0x0060, 2}, {0x00a8, 0x00af, 7}, {0x00b4, 0x00b8, 4}, {0x02c2, 0x02c5, 1}, {0x02d2, 0x02df, 1}, {0x02e5, 0x02eb, 1}, {0x02ed, 0x02ef, 2}, {0x02f0, 0x02ff, 1}, {0x0375, 0x0384, 15}, {0x0385, 0x1fbd, 7224}, {0x1fbf, 0x1fc1, 1}, {0x1fcd, 0x1fcf, 1}, {0x1fdd, 0x1fdf, 1}, {0x1fed, 0x1fef, 1}, {0x1ffd, 0x1ffe, 1}, {0x309b, 0x309c, 1}, {0xa700, 0xa716, 1}, {0xa720, 0xa721, 1}, {0xa789, 0xa78a, 1}, {0xff3e, 0xff40, 2}, {0xffe3, 0xffe3, 1}, } var _Sc = []Range{ {0x0024, 0x00a2, 126}, {0x00a3, 0x00a5, 1}, {0x060b, 0x09f2, 999}, {0x09f3, 0x09fb, 8}, {0x0af1, 0x0bf9, 264}, {0x0e3f, 0x17db, 2460}, {0x20a0, 0x20b8, 1}, {0xa838, 0xfdfc, 21956}, {0xfe69, 0xff04, 155}, {0xffe0, 0xffe1, 1}, {0xffe5, 0xffe6, 1}, } var _Lu = []Range{ {0x0041, 0x005a, 1}, {0x00c0, 0x00d6, 1}, {0x00d8, 0x00de, 1}, {0x0100, 0x0136, 2}, {0x0139, 0x0147, 2}, {0x014a, 0x0178, 2}, {0x0179, 0x017d, 2}, {0x0181, 0x0182, 1}, {0x0184, 0x0186, 2}, {0x0187, 0x0189, 2}, {0x018a, 0x018b, 1}, {0x018e, 0x0191, 1}, {0x0193, 0x0194, 1}, {0x0196, 0x0198, 1}, {0x019c, 0x019d, 1}, {0x019f, 0x01a0, 1}, {0x01a2, 0x01a6, 2}, {0x01a7, 0x01a9, 2}, {0x01ac, 0x01ae, 2}, {0x01af, 0x01b1, 2}, {0x01b2, 0x01b3, 1}, {0x01b5, 0x01b7, 2}, {0x01b8, 0x01bc, 4}, {0x01c4, 0x01cd, 3}, {0x01cf, 0x01db, 2}, {0x01de, 0x01ee, 2}, {0x01f1, 0x01f4, 3}, {0x01f6, 0x01f8, 1}, {0x01fa, 0x0232, 2}, {0x023a, 0x023b, 1}, {0x023d, 0x023e, 1}, {0x0241, 0x0243, 2}, {0x0244, 0x0246, 1}, {0x0248, 0x024e, 2}, {0x0370, 0x0372, 2}, {0x0376, 0x0386, 16}, {0x0388, 0x038a, 1}, {0x038c, 0x038e, 2}, {0x038f, 0x0391, 2}, {0x0392, 0x03a1, 1}, {0x03a3, 0x03ab, 1}, {0x03cf, 0x03d2, 3}, {0x03d3, 0x03d4, 1}, {0x03d8, 0x03ee, 2}, {0x03f4, 0x03f7, 3}, {0x03f9, 0x03fa, 1}, {0x03fd, 0x042f, 1}, {0x0460, 0x0480, 2}, {0x048a, 0x04c0, 2}, {0x04c1, 0x04cd, 2}, {0x04d0, 0x0524, 2}, {0x0531, 0x0556, 1}, {0x10a0, 0x10c5, 1}, {0x1e00, 0x1e94, 2}, {0x1e9e, 0x1efe, 2}, {0x1f08, 0x1f0f, 1}, {0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 1}, {0x1f28, 0x1f2f, 1}, {0x1f38, 0x1f3f, 1}, {0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 1}, {0x1f59, 0x1f5f, 2}, {0x1f68, 0x1f6f, 1}, {0x1fb8, 0x1fbb, 1}, {0x1fc8, 0x1fcb, 1}, {0x1fd8, 0x1fdb, 1}, {0x1fe8, 0x1fec, 1}, {0x1ff8, 0x1ffb, 1}, {0x2102, 0x2107, 5}, {0x210b, 0x210d, 1}, {0x2110, 0x2112, 1}, {0x2115, 0x2119, 4}, {0x211a, 0x211d, 1}, {0x2124, 0x212a, 2}, {0x212b, 0x212d, 1}, {0x2130, 0x2133, 1}, {0x213e, 0x213f, 1}, {0x2145, 0x2183, 62}, {0x2c00, 0x2c2e, 1}, {0x2c60, 0x2c62, 2}, {0x2c63, 0x2c64, 1}, {0x2c67, 0x2c6d, 2}, {0x2c6e, 0x2c70, 1}, {0x2c72, 0x2c75, 3}, {0x2c7e, 0x2c80, 1}, {0x2c82, 0x2ce2, 2}, {0x2ceb, 0x2ced, 2}, {0xa640, 0xa65e, 2}, {0xa662, 0xa66c, 2}, {0xa680, 0xa696, 2}, {0xa722, 0xa72e, 2}, {0xa732, 0xa76e, 2}, {0xa779, 0xa77d, 2}, {0xa77e, 0xa786, 2}, {0xa78b, 0xff21, 22422}, {0xff22, 0xff3a, 1}, {0x10400, 0x10427, 1}, {0x1d400, 0x1d419, 1}, {0x1d434, 0x1d44d, 1}, {0x1d468, 0x1d481, 1}, {0x1d49c, 0x1d49e, 2}, {0x1d49f, 0x1d4a5, 3}, {0x1d4a6, 0x1d4a9, 3}, {0x1d4aa, 0x1d4ac, 1}, {0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b5, 1}, {0x1d4d0, 0x1d4e9, 1}, {0x1d504, 0x1d505, 1}, {0x1d507, 0x1d50a, 1}, {0x1d50d, 0x1d514, 1}, {0x1d516, 0x1d51c, 1}, {0x1d538, 0x1d539, 1}, {0x1d53b, 0x1d53e, 1}, {0x1d540, 0x1d544, 1}, {0x1d546, 0x1d54a, 4}, {0x1d54b, 0x1d550, 1}, {0x1d56c, 0x1d585, 1}, {0x1d5a0, 0x1d5b9, 1}, {0x1d5d4, 0x1d5ed, 1}, {0x1d608, 0x1d621, 1}, {0x1d63c, 0x1d655, 1}, {0x1d670, 0x1d689, 1}, {0x1d6a8, 0x1d6c0, 1}, {0x1d6e2, 0x1d6fa, 1}, {0x1d71c, 0x1d734, 1}, {0x1d756, 0x1d76e, 1}, {0x1d790, 0x1d7a8, 1}, {0x1d7ca, 0x1d7ca, 1}, } var _Lt = []Range{ {0x01c5, 0x01cb, 3}, {0x01f2, 0x1f88, 7574}, {0x1f89, 0x1f8f, 1}, {0x1f98, 0x1f9f, 1}, {0x1fa8, 0x1faf, 1}, {0x1fbc, 0x1fcc, 16}, {0x1ffc, 0x1ffc, 1}, } var _Lo = []Range{ {0x01bb, 0x01c0, 5}, {0x01c1, 0x01c3, 1}, {0x0294, 0x05d0, 828}, {0x05d1, 0x05ea, 1}, {0x05f0, 0x05f2, 1}, {0x0621, 0x063f, 1}, {0x0641, 0x064a, 1}, {0x066e, 0x066f, 1}, {0x0671, 0x06d3, 1}, {0x06d5, 0x06ee, 25}, {0x06ef, 0x06fa, 11}, {0x06fb, 0x06fc, 1}, {0x06ff, 0x0710, 17}, {0x0712, 0x072f, 1}, {0x074d, 0x07a5, 1}, {0x07b1, 0x07ca, 25}, {0x07cb, 0x07ea, 1}, {0x0800, 0x0815, 1}, {0x0904, 0x0939, 1}, {0x093d, 0x0950, 19}, {0x0958, 0x0961, 1}, {0x0972, 0x0979, 7}, {0x097a, 0x097f, 1}, {0x0985, 0x098c, 1}, {0x098f, 0x0990, 1}, {0x0993, 0x09a8, 1}, {0x09aa, 0x09b0, 1}, {0x09b2, 0x09b6, 4}, {0x09b7, 0x09b9, 1}, {0x09bd, 0x09ce, 17}, {0x09dc, 0x09dd, 1}, {0x09df, 0x09e1, 1}, {0x09f0, 0x09f1, 1}, {0x0a05, 0x0a0a, 1}, {0x0a0f, 0x0a10, 1}, {0x0a13, 0x0a28, 1}, {0x0a2a, 0x0a30, 1}, {0x0a32, 0x0a33, 1}, {0x0a35, 0x0a36, 1}, {0x0a38, 0x0a39, 1}, {0x0a59, 0x0a5c, 1}, {0x0a5e, 0x0a72, 20}, {0x0a73, 0x0a74, 1}, {0x0a85, 0x0a8d, 1}, {0x0a8f, 0x0a91, 1}, {0x0a93, 0x0aa8, 1}, {0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, 1}, {0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 1}, {0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, 1}, {0x0abd, 0x0ad0, 19}, {0x0ae0, 0x0ae1, 1}, {0x0b05, 0x0b0c, 1}, {0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 1}, {0x0b13, 0x0b28, 1}, {0x0b2a, 0x0b30, 1}, {0x0b32, 0x0b33, 1}, {0x0b35, 0x0b39, 1}, {0x0b3d, 0x0b5c, 31}, {0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 2}, {0x0b60, 0x0b61, 1}, {0x0b71, 0x0b83, 18}, {0x0b85, 0x0b8a, 1}, {0x0b8e, 0x0b90, 1}, {0x0b92, 0x0b95, 1}, {0x0b99, 0x0b9a, 1}, {0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 2}, {0x0b9f, 0x0ba3, 4}, {0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 4}, {0x0ba9, 0x0baa, 1}, {0x0bae, 0x0bb9, 1}, {0x0bd0, 0x0c05, 53}, {0x0c06, 0x0c0c, 1}, {0x0c0e, 0x0c10, 1}, {0x0c12, 0x0c28, 1}, {0x0c2a, 0x0c33, 1}, {0x0c35, 0x0c39, 1}, {0x0c3d, 0x0c58, 27}, {0x0c59, 0x0c60, 7}, {0x0c61, 0x0c85, 36}, {0x0c86, 0x0c8c, 1}, {0x0c8e, 0x0c90, 1}, {0x0c92, 0x0ca8, 1}, {0x0caa, 0x0cb3, 1}, {0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, 1}, {0x0cbd, 0x0cde, 33}, {0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 1}, {0x0d05, 0x0d0c, 1}, {0x0d0e, 0x0d10, 1}, {0x0d12, 0x0d28, 1}, {0x0d2a, 0x0d39, 1}, {0x0d3d, 0x0d60, 35}, {0x0d61, 0x0d7a, 25}, {0x0d7b, 0x0d7f, 1}, {0x0d85, 0x0d96, 1}, {0x0d9a, 0x0db1, 1}, {0x0db3, 0x0dbb, 1}, {0x0dbd, 0x0dc0, 3}, {0x0dc1, 0x0dc6, 1}, {0x0e01, 0x0e30, 1}, {0x0e32, 0x0e33, 1}, {0x0e40, 0x0e45, 1}, {0x0e81, 0x0e82, 1}, {0x0e84, 0x0e87, 3}, {0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 2}, {0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 7}, {0x0e95, 0x0e97, 1}, {0x0e99, 0x0e9f, 1}, {0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, 1}, {0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 2}, {0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 1}, {0x0ead, 0x0eb0, 1}, {0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 1}, {0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 3}, {0x0ec1, 0x0ec4, 1}, {0x0edc, 0x0edd, 1}, {0x0f00, 0x0f40, 64}, {0x0f41, 0x0f47, 1}, {0x0f49, 0x0f6c, 1}, {0x0f88, 0x0f8b, 1}, {0x1000, 0x102a, 1}, {0x103f, 0x1050, 17}, {0x1051, 0x1055, 1}, {0x105a, 0x105d, 1}, {0x1061, 0x1065, 4}, {0x1066, 0x106e, 8}, {0x106f, 0x1070, 1}, {0x1075, 0x1081, 1}, {0x108e, 0x10d0, 66}, {0x10d1, 0x10fa, 1}, {0x1100, 0x1248, 1}, {0x124a, 0x124d, 1}, {0x1250, 0x1256, 1}, {0x1258, 0x125a, 2}, {0x125b, 0x125d, 1}, {0x1260, 0x1288, 1}, {0x128a, 0x128d, 1}, {0x1290, 0x12b0, 1}, {0x12b2, 0x12b5, 1}, {0x12b8, 0x12be, 1}, {0x12c0, 0x12c2, 2}, {0x12c3, 0x12c5, 1}, {0x12c8, 0x12d6, 1}, {0x12d8, 0x1310, 1}, {0x1312, 0x1315, 1}, {0x1318, 0x135a, 1}, {0x1380, 0x138f, 1}, {0x13a0, 0x13f4, 1}, {0x1401, 0x166c, 1}, {0x166f, 0x167f, 1}, {0x1681, 0x169a, 1}, {0x16a0, 0x16ea, 1}, {0x1700, 0x170c, 1}, {0x170e, 0x1711, 1}, {0x1720, 0x1731, 1}, {0x1740, 0x1751, 1}, {0x1760, 0x176c, 1}, {0x176e, 0x1770, 1}, {0x1780, 0x17b3, 1}, {0x17dc, 0x1820, 68}, {0x1821, 0x1842, 1}, {0x1844, 0x1877, 1}, {0x1880, 0x18a8, 1}, {0x18aa, 0x18b0, 6}, {0x18b1, 0x18f5, 1}, {0x1900, 0x191c, 1}, {0x1950, 0x196d, 1}, {0x1970, 0x1974, 1}, {0x1980, 0x19ab, 1}, {0x19c1, 0x19c7, 1}, {0x1a00, 0x1a16, 1}, {0x1a20, 0x1a54, 1}, {0x1b05, 0x1b33, 1}, {0x1b45, 0x1b4b, 1}, {0x1b83, 0x1ba0, 1}, {0x1bae, 0x1baf, 1}, {0x1c00, 0x1c23, 1}, {0x1c4d, 0x1c4f, 1}, {0x1c5a, 0x1c77, 1}, {0x1ce9, 0x1cec, 1}, {0x1cee, 0x1cf1, 1}, {0x2135, 0x2138, 1}, {0x2d30, 0x2d65, 1}, {0x2d80, 0x2d96, 1}, {0x2da0, 0x2da6, 1}, {0x2da8, 0x2dae, 1}, {0x2db0, 0x2db6, 1}, {0x2db8, 0x2dbe, 1}, {0x2dc0, 0x2dc6, 1}, {0x2dc8, 0x2dce, 1}, {0x2dd0, 0x2dd6, 1}, {0x2dd8, 0x2dde, 1}, {0x3006, 0x303c, 54}, {0x3041, 0x3096, 1}, {0x309f, 0x30a1, 2}, {0x30a2, 0x30fa, 1}, {0x30ff, 0x3105, 6}, {0x3106, 0x312d, 1}, {0x3131, 0x318e, 1}, {0x31a0, 0x31b7, 1}, {0x31f0, 0x31ff, 1}, {0x3400, 0x4db5, 1}, {0x4e00, 0x9fcb, 1}, {0xa000, 0xa014, 1}, {0xa016, 0xa48c, 1}, {0xa4d0, 0xa4f7, 1}, {0xa500, 0xa60b, 1}, {0xa610, 0xa61f, 1}, {0xa62a, 0xa62b, 1}, {0xa66e, 0xa6a0, 50}, {0xa6a1, 0xa6e5, 1}, {0xa7fb, 0xa801, 1}, {0xa803, 0xa805, 1}, {0xa807, 0xa80a, 1}, {0xa80c, 0xa822, 1}, {0xa840, 0xa873, 1}, {0xa882, 0xa8b3, 1}, {0xa8f2, 0xa8f7, 1}, {0xa8fb, 0xa90a, 15}, {0xa90b, 0xa925, 1}, {0xa930, 0xa946, 1}, {0xa960, 0xa97c, 1}, {0xa984, 0xa9b2, 1}, {0xaa00, 0xaa28, 1}, {0xaa40, 0xaa42, 1}, {0xaa44, 0xaa4b, 1}, {0xaa60, 0xaa6f, 1}, {0xaa71, 0xaa76, 1}, {0xaa7a, 0xaa80, 6}, {0xaa81, 0xaaaf, 1}, {0xaab1, 0xaab5, 4}, {0xaab6, 0xaab9, 3}, {0xaaba, 0xaabd, 1}, {0xaac0, 0xaac2, 2}, {0xaadb, 0xaadc, 1}, {0xabc0, 0xabe2, 1}, {0xac00, 0xd7a3, 1}, {0xd7b0, 0xd7c6, 1}, {0xd7cb, 0xd7fb, 1}, {0xf900, 0xfa2d, 1}, {0xfa30, 0xfa6d, 1}, {0xfa70, 0xfad9, 1}, {0xfb1d, 0xfb1f, 2}, {0xfb20, 0xfb28, 1}, {0xfb2a, 0xfb36, 1}, {0xfb38, 0xfb3c, 1}, {0xfb3e, 0xfb40, 2}, {0xfb41, 0xfb43, 2}, {0xfb44, 0xfb46, 2}, {0xfb47, 0xfbb1, 1}, {0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, 1}, {0xfd50, 0xfd8f, 1}, {0xfd92, 0xfdc7, 1}, {0xfdf0, 0xfdfb, 1}, {0xfe70, 0xfe74, 1}, {0xfe76, 0xfefc, 1}, {0xff66, 0xff6f, 1}, {0xff71, 0xff9d, 1}, {0xffa0, 0xffbe, 1}, {0xffc2, 0xffc7, 1}, {0xffca, 0xffcf, 1}, {0xffd2, 0xffd7, 1}, {0xffda, 0xffdc, 1}, {0x10000, 0x1000b, 1}, {0x1000d, 0x10026, 1}, {0x10028, 0x1003a, 1}, {0x1003c, 0x1003d, 1}, {0x1003f, 0x1004d, 1}, {0x10050, 0x1005d, 1}, {0x10080, 0x100fa, 1}, {0x10280, 0x1029c, 1}, {0x102a0, 0x102d0, 1}, {0x10300, 0x1031e, 1}, {0x10330, 0x10340, 1}, {0x10342, 0x10349, 1}, {0x10380, 0x1039d, 1}, {0x103a0, 0x103c3, 1}, {0x103c8, 0x103cf, 1}, {0x10450, 0x1049d, 1}, {0x10800, 0x10805, 1}, {0x10808, 0x1080a, 2}, {0x1080b, 0x10835, 1}, {0x10837, 0x10838, 1}, {0x1083c, 0x1083f, 3}, {0x10840, 0x10855, 1}, {0x10900, 0x10915, 1}, {0x10920, 0x10939, 1}, {0x10a00, 0x10a10, 16}, {0x10a11, 0x10a13, 1}, {0x10a15, 0x10a17, 1}, {0x10a19, 0x10a33, 1}, {0x10a60, 0x10a7c, 1}, {0x10b00, 0x10b35, 1}, {0x10b40, 0x10b55, 1}, {0x10b60, 0x10b72, 1}, {0x10c00, 0x10c48, 1}, {0x11083, 0x110af, 1}, {0x12000, 0x1236e, 1}, {0x13000, 0x1342e, 1}, {0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 1}, {0x2a700, 0x2b734, 1}, {0x2f800, 0x2fa1d, 1}, } var ( Cc = _Cc // Cc is the set of Unicode characters in category Cc. Cf = _Cf // Cf is the set of Unicode characters in category Cf. Co = _Co // Co is the set of Unicode characters in category Co. Cs = _Cs // Cs is the set of Unicode characters in category Cs. Digit = _Nd // Digit is the set of Unicode characters with the "decimal digit" property. Nd = _Nd // Nd is the set of Unicode characters in category Nd. Letter = letter // Letter is the set of Unicode letters. Lm = _Lm // Lm is the set of Unicode characters in category Lm. Lo = _Lo // Lo is the set of Unicode characters in category Lo. Lower = _Ll // Lower is the set of Unicode lower case letters. Ll = _Ll // Ll is the set of Unicode characters in category Ll. Mc = _Mc // Mc is the set of Unicode characters in category Mc. Me = _Me // Me is the set of Unicode characters in category Me. Mn = _Mn // Mn is the set of Unicode characters in category Mn. Nl = _Nl // Nl is the set of Unicode characters in category Nl. No = _No // No is the set of Unicode characters in category No. Pc = _Pc // Pc is the set of Unicode characters in category Pc. Pd = _Pd // Pd is the set of Unicode characters in category Pd. Pe = _Pe // Pe is the set of Unicode characters in category Pe. Pf = _Pf // Pf is the set of Unicode characters in category Pf. Pi = _Pi // Pi is the set of Unicode characters in category Pi. Po = _Po // Po is the set of Unicode characters in category Po. Ps = _Ps // Ps is the set of Unicode characters in category Ps. Sc = _Sc // Sc is the set of Unicode characters in category Sc. Sk = _Sk // Sk is the set of Unicode characters in category Sk. Sm = _Sm // Sm is the set of Unicode characters in category Sm. So = _So // So is the set of Unicode characters in category So. Title = _Lt // Title is the set of Unicode title case letters. Lt = _Lt // Lt is the set of Unicode characters in category Lt. Upper = _Lu // Upper is the set of Unicode upper case letters. Lu = _Lu // Lu is the set of Unicode characters in category Lu. Zl = _Zl // Zl is the set of Unicode characters in category Zl. Zp = _Zp // Zp is the set of Unicode characters in category Zp. Zs = _Zs // Zs is the set of Unicode characters in category Zs. ) // Generated by running // maketables --scripts=all --url=http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.2.0/ucd/ // DO NOT EDIT // Scripts is the set of Unicode script tables. var Scripts = map[string][]Range{ "Katakana": Katakana, "Malayalam": Malayalam, "Phags_Pa": Phags_Pa, "Inscriptional_Parthian": Inscriptional_Parthian, "Latin": Latin, "Inscriptional_Pahlavi": Inscriptional_Pahlavi, "Osmanya": Osmanya, "Khmer": Khmer, "Inherited": Inherited, "Telugu": Telugu, "Samaritan": Samaritan, "Bopomofo": Bopomofo, "Imperial_Aramaic": Imperial_Aramaic, "Kaithi": Kaithi, "Old_South_Arabian": Old_South_Arabian, "Kayah_Li": Kayah_Li, "New_Tai_Lue": New_Tai_Lue, "Tai_Le": Tai_Le, "Kharoshthi": Kharoshthi, "Common": Common, "Kannada": Kannada, "Old_Turkic": Old_Turkic, "Tamil": Tamil, "Tagalog": Tagalog, "Arabic": Arabic, "Tagbanwa": Tagbanwa, "Canadian_Aboriginal": Canadian_Aboriginal, "Tibetan": Tibetan, "Coptic": Coptic, "Hiragana": Hiragana, "Limbu": Limbu, "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs": Egyptian_Hieroglyphs, "Avestan": Avestan, "Myanmar": Myanmar, "Armenian": Armenian, "Sinhala": Sinhala, "Bengali": Bengali, "Greek": Greek, "Cham": Cham, "Hebrew": Hebrew, "Meetei_Mayek": Meetei_Mayek, "Saurashtra": Saurashtra, "Hangul": Hangul, "Runic": Runic, "Deseret": Deseret, "Lisu": Lisu, "Sundanese": Sundanese, "Glagolitic": Glagolitic, "Oriya": Oriya, "Buhid": Buhid, "Ethiopic": Ethiopic, "Javanese": Javanese, "Syloti_Nagri": Syloti_Nagri, "Vai": Vai, "Cherokee": Cherokee, "Ogham": Ogham, "Syriac": Syriac, "Gurmukhi": Gurmukhi, "Tai_Tham": Tai_Tham, "Ol_Chiki": Ol_Chiki, "Mongolian": Mongolian, "Hanunoo": Hanunoo, "Cypriot": Cypriot, "Buginese": Buginese, "Bamum": Bamum, "Lepcha": Lepcha, "Thaana": Thaana, "Old_Persian": Old_Persian, "Cuneiform": Cuneiform, "Rejang": Rejang, "Georgian": Georgian, "Shavian": Shavian, "Lycian": Lycian, "Nko": Nko, "Yi": Yi, "Lao": Lao, "Linear_B": Linear_B, "Old_Italic": Old_Italic, "Tai_Viet": Tai_Viet, "Devanagari": Devanagari, "Lydian": Lydian, "Tifinagh": Tifinagh, "Ugaritic": Ugaritic, "Thai": Thai, "Cyrillic": Cyrillic, "Gujarati": Gujarati, "Carian": Carian, "Phoenician": Phoenician, "Balinese": Balinese, "Braille": Braille, "Han": Han, "Gothic": Gothic, } var _Katakana = []Range{ {0x30a1, 0x30fa, 1}, {0x30fd, 0x30ff, 1}, {0x31f0, 0x31ff, 1}, {0x32d0, 0x32fe, 1}, {0x3300, 0x3357, 1}, {0xff66, 0xff6f, 1}, {0xff71, 0xff9d, 1}, } var _Malayalam = []Range{ {0x0d02, 0x0d03, 1}, {0x0d05, 0x0d0c, 1}, {0x0d0e, 0x0d10, 1}, {0x0d12, 0x0d28, 1}, {0x0d2a, 0x0d39, 1}, {0x0d3d, 0x0d44, 1}, {0x0d46, 0x0d48, 1}, {0x0d4a, 0x0d4d, 1}, {0x0d57, 0x0d57, 1}, {0x0d60, 0x0d63, 1}, {0x0d66, 0x0d75, 1}, {0x0d79, 0x0d7f, 1}, } var _Phags_Pa = []Range{ {0xa840, 0xa877, 1}, } var _Inscriptional_Parthian = []Range{ {0x10b40, 0x10b55, 1}, {0x10b58, 0x10b5f, 1}, } var _Latin = []Range{ {0x0041, 0x005a, 1}, {0x0061, 0x007a, 1}, {0x00aa, 0x00aa, 1}, {0x00ba, 0x00ba, 1}, {0x00c0, 0x00d6, 1}, {0x00d8, 0x00f6, 1}, {0x00f8, 0x02b8, 1}, {0x02e0, 0x02e4, 1}, {0x1d00, 0x1d25, 1}, {0x1d2c, 0x1d5c, 1}, {0x1d62, 0x1d65, 1}, {0x1d6b, 0x1d77, 1}, {0x1d79, 0x1dbe, 1}, {0x1e00, 0x1eff, 1}, {0x2071, 0x2071, 1}, {0x207f, 0x207f, 1}, {0x2090, 0x2094, 1}, {0x212a, 0x212b, 1}, {0x2132, 0x2132, 1}, {0x214e, 0x214e, 1}, {0x2160, 0x2188, 1}, {0x2c60, 0x2c7f, 1}, {0xa722, 0xa787, 1}, {0xa78b, 0xa78c, 1}, {0xa7fb, 0xa7ff, 1}, {0xfb00, 0xfb06, 1}, {0xff21, 0xff3a, 1}, {0xff41, 0xff5a, 1}, } var _Inscriptional_Pahlavi = []Range{ {0x10b60, 0x10b72, 1}, {0x10b78, 0x10b7f, 1}, } var _Osmanya = []Range{ {0x10480, 0x1049d, 1}, {0x104a0, 0x104a9, 1}, } var _Khmer = []Range{ {0x1780, 0x17dd, 1}, {0x17e0, 0x17e9, 1}, {0x17f0, 0x17f9, 1}, {0x19e0, 0x19ff, 1}, } var _Inherited = []Range{ {0x0300, 0x036f, 1}, {0x0485, 0x0486, 1}, {0x064b, 0x0655, 1}, {0x0670, 0x0670, 1}, {0x0951, 0x0952, 1}, {0x1cd0, 0x1cd2, 1}, {0x1cd4, 0x1ce0, 1}, {0x1ce2, 0x1ce8, 1}, {0x1ced, 0x1ced, 1}, {0x1dc0, 0x1de6, 1}, {0x1dfd, 0x1dff, 1}, {0x200c, 0x200d, 1}, {0x20d0, 0x20f0, 1}, {0x302a, 0x302f, 1}, {0x3099, 0x309a, 1}, {0xfe00, 0xfe0f, 1}, {0xfe20, 0xfe26, 1}, {0x101fd, 0x101fd, 1}, {0x1d167, 0x1d169, 1}, {0x1d17b, 0x1d182, 1}, {0x1d185, 0x1d18b, 1}, {0x1d1aa, 0x1d1ad, 1}, {0xe0100, 0xe01ef, 1}, } var _Telugu = []Range{ {0x0c01, 0x0c03, 1}, {0x0c05, 0x0c0c, 1}, {0x0c0e, 0x0c10, 1}, {0x0c12, 0x0c28, 1}, {0x0c2a, 0x0c33, 1}, {0x0c35, 0x0c39, 1}, {0x0c3d, 0x0c44, 1}, {0x0c46, 0x0c48, 1}, {0x0c4a, 0x0c4d, 1}, {0x0c55, 0x0c56, 1}, {0x0c58, 0x0c59, 1}, {0x0c60, 0x0c63, 1}, {0x0c66, 0x0c6f, 1}, {0x0c78, 0x0c7f, 1}, } var _Samaritan = []Range{ {0x0800, 0x082d, 1}, {0x0830, 0x083e, 1}, } var _Bopomofo = []Range{ {0x3105, 0x312d, 1}, {0x31a0, 0x31b7, 1}, } var _Imperial_Aramaic = []Range{ {0x10840, 0x10855, 1}, {0x10857, 0x1085f, 1}, } var _Kaithi = []Range{ {0x11080, 0x110c1, 1}, } var _Old_South_Arabian = []Range{ {0x10a60, 0x10a7f, 1}, } var _Kayah_Li = []Range{ {0xa900, 0xa92f, 1}, } var _New_Tai_Lue = []Range{ {0x1980, 0x19ab, 1}, {0x19b0, 0x19c9, 1}, {0x19d0, 0x19da, 1}, {0x19de, 0x19df, 1}, } var _Tai_Le = []Range{ {0x1950, 0x196d, 1}, {0x1970, 0x1974, 1}, } var _Kharoshthi = []Range{ {0x10a00, 0x10a03, 1}, {0x10a05, 0x10a06, 1}, {0x10a0c, 0x10a13, 1}, {0x10a15, 0x10a17, 1}, {0x10a19, 0x10a33, 1}, {0x10a38, 0x10a3a, 1}, {0x10a3f, 0x10a47, 1}, {0x10a50, 0x10a58, 1}, } var _Common = []Range{ {0x0000, 0x0040, 1}, {0x005b, 0x0060, 1}, {0x007b, 0x00a9, 1}, {0x00ab, 0x00b9, 1}, {0x00bb, 0x00bf, 1}, {0x00d7, 0x00d7, 1}, {0x00f7, 0x00f7, 1}, {0x02b9, 0x02df, 1}, {0x02e5, 0x02ff, 1}, {0x0374, 0x0374, 1}, {0x037e, 0x037e, 1}, {0x0385, 0x0385, 1}, {0x0387, 0x0387, 1}, {0x0589, 0x0589, 1}, {0x0600, 0x0603, 1}, {0x060c, 0x060c, 1}, {0x061b, 0x061b, 1}, {0x061f, 0x061f, 1}, {0x0640, 0x0640, 1}, {0x0660, 0x0669, 1}, {0x06dd, 0x06dd, 1}, {0x0964, 0x0965, 1}, {0x0970, 0x0970, 1}, {0x0cf1, 0x0cf2, 1}, {0x0e3f, 0x0e3f, 1}, {0x0fd5, 0x0fd8, 1}, {0x10fb, 0x10fb, 1}, {0x16eb, 0x16ed, 1}, {0x1735, 0x1736, 1}, {0x1802, 0x1803, 1}, {0x1805, 0x1805, 1}, {0x1cd3, 0x1cd3, 1}, {0x1ce1, 0x1ce1, 1}, {0x1ce9, 0x1cec, 1}, {0x1cee, 0x1cf2, 1}, {0x2000, 0x200b, 1}, {0x200e, 0x2064, 1}, {0x206a, 0x2070, 1}, {0x2074, 0x207e, 1}, {0x2080, 0x208e, 1}, {0x20a0, 0x20b8, 1}, {0x2100, 0x2125, 1}, {0x2127, 0x2129, 1}, {0x212c, 0x2131, 1}, {0x2133, 0x214d, 1}, {0x214f, 0x215f, 1}, {0x2189, 0x2189, 1}, {0x2190, 0x23e8, 1}, {0x2400, 0x2426, 1}, {0x2440, 0x244a, 1}, {0x2460, 0x26cd, 1}, {0x26cf, 0x26e1, 1}, {0x26e3, 0x26e3, 1}, {0x26e8, 0x26ff, 1}, {0x2701, 0x2704, 1}, {0x2706, 0x2709, 1}, {0x270c, 0x2727, 1}, {0x2729, 0x274b, 1}, {0x274d, 0x274d, 1}, {0x274f, 0x2752, 1}, {0x2756, 0x275e, 1}, {0x2761, 0x2794, 1}, {0x2798, 0x27af, 1}, {0x27b1, 0x27be, 1}, {0x27c0, 0x27ca, 1}, {0x27cc, 0x27cc, 1}, {0x27d0, 0x27ff, 1}, {0x2900, 0x2b4c, 1}, {0x2b50, 0x2b59, 1}, {0x2e00, 0x2e31, 1}, {0x2ff0, 0x2ffb, 1}, {0x3000, 0x3004, 1}, {0x3006, 0x3006, 1}, {0x3008, 0x3020, 1}, {0x3030, 0x3037, 1}, {0x303c, 0x303f, 1}, {0x309b, 0x309c, 1}, {0x30a0, 0x30a0, 1}, {0x30fb, 0x30fc, 1}, {0x3190, 0x319f, 1}, {0x31c0, 0x31e3, 1}, {0x3220, 0x325f, 1}, {0x327f, 0x32cf, 1}, {0x3358, 0x33ff, 1}, {0x4dc0, 0x4dff, 1}, {0xa700, 0xa721, 1}, {0xa788, 0xa78a, 1}, {0xa830, 0xa839, 1}, {0xfd3e, 0xfd3f, 1}, {0xfdfd, 0xfdfd, 1}, {0xfe10, 0xfe19, 1}, {0xfe30, 0xfe52, 1}, {0xfe54, 0xfe66, 1}, {0xfe68, 0xfe6b, 1}, {0xfeff, 0xfeff, 1}, {0xff01, 0xff20, 1}, {0xff3b, 0xff40, 1}, {0xff5b, 0xff65, 1}, {0xff70, 0xff70, 1}, {0xff9e, 0xff9f, 1}, {0xffe0, 0xffe6, 1}, {0xffe8, 0xffee, 1}, {0xfff9, 0xfffd, 1}, {0x10100, 0x10102, 1}, {0x10107, 0x10133, 1}, {0x10137, 0x1013f, 1}, {0x10190, 0x1019b, 1}, {0x101d0, 0x101fc, 1}, {0x1d000, 0x1d0f5, 1}, {0x1d100, 0x1d126, 1}, {0x1d129, 0x1d166, 1}, {0x1d16a, 0x1d17a, 1}, {0x1d183, 0x1d184, 1}, {0x1d18c, 0x1d1a9, 1}, {0x1d1ae, 0x1d1dd, 1}, {0x1d300, 0x1d356, 1}, {0x1d360, 0x1d371, 1}, {0x1d400, 0x1d454, 1}, {0x1d456, 0x1d49c, 1}, {0x1d49e, 0x1d49f, 1}, {0x1d4a2, 0x1d4a2, 1}, {0x1d4a5, 0x1d4a6, 1}, {0x1d4a9, 0x1d4ac, 1}, {0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b9, 1}, {0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bb, 1}, {0x1d4bd, 0x1d4c3, 1}, {0x1d4c5, 0x1d505, 1}, {0x1d507, 0x1d50a, 1}, {0x1d50d, 0x1d514, 1}, {0x1d516, 0x1d51c, 1}, {0x1d51e, 0x1d539, 1}, {0x1d53b, 0x1d53e, 1}, {0x1d540, 0x1d544, 1}, {0x1d546, 0x1d546, 1}, {0x1d54a, 0x1d550, 1}, {0x1d552, 0x1d6a5, 1}, {0x1d6a8, 0x1d7cb, 1}, {0x1d7ce, 0x1d7ff, 1}, {0x1f000, 0x1f02b, 1}, {0x1f030, 0x1f093, 1}, {0x1f100, 0x1f10a, 1}, {0x1f110, 0x1f12e, 1}, {0x1f131, 0x1f131, 1}, {0x1f13d, 0x1f13d, 1}, {0x1f13f, 0x1f13f, 1}, {0x1f142, 0x1f142, 1}, {0x1f146, 0x1f146, 1}, {0x1f14a, 0x1f14e, 1}, {0x1f157, 0x1f157, 1}, {0x1f15f, 0x1f15f, 1}, {0x1f179, 0x1f179, 1}, {0x1f17b, 0x1f17c, 1}, {0x1f17f, 0x1f17f, 1}, {0x1f18a, 0x1f18d, 1}, {0x1f190, 0x1f190, 1}, {0x1f210, 0x1f231, 1}, {0x1f240, 0x1f248, 1}, {0xe0001, 0xe0001, 1}, {0xe0020, 0xe007f, 1}, } var _Kannada = []Range{ {0x0c82, 0x0c83, 1}, {0x0c85, 0x0c8c, 1}, {0x0c8e, 0x0c90, 1}, {0x0c92, 0x0ca8, 1}, {0x0caa, 0x0cb3, 1}, {0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, 1}, {0x0cbc, 0x0cc4, 1}, {0x0cc6, 0x0cc8, 1}, {0x0cca, 0x0ccd, 1}, {0x0cd5, 0x0cd6, 1}, {0x0cde, 0x0cde, 1}, {0x0ce0, 0x0ce3, 1}, {0x0ce6, 0x0cef, 1}, } var _Old_Turkic = []Range{ {0x10c00, 0x10c48, 1}, } var _Tamil = []Range{ {0x0b82, 0x0b83, 1}, {0x0b85, 0x0b8a, 1}, {0x0b8e, 0x0b90, 1}, {0x0b92, 0x0b95, 1}, {0x0b99, 0x0b9a, 1}, {0x0b9c, 0x0b9c, 1}, {0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 1}, {0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 1}, {0x0ba8, 0x0baa, 1}, {0x0bae, 0x0bb9, 1}, {0x0bbe, 0x0bc2, 1}, {0x0bc6, 0x0bc8, 1}, {0x0bca, 0x0bcd, 1}, {0x0bd0, 0x0bd0, 1}, {0x0bd7, 0x0bd7, 1}, {0x0be6, 0x0bfa, 1}, } var _Tagalog = []Range{ {0x1700, 0x170c, 1}, {0x170e, 0x1714, 1}, } var _Arabic = []Range{ {0x0606, 0x060b, 1}, {0x060d, 0x061a, 1}, {0x061e, 0x061e, 1}, {0x0621, 0x063f, 1}, {0x0641, 0x064a, 1}, {0x0656, 0x065e, 1}, {0x066a, 0x066f, 1}, {0x0671, 0x06dc, 1}, {0x06de, 0x06ff, 1}, {0x0750, 0x077f, 1}, {0xfb50, 0xfbb1, 1}, {0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, 1}, {0xfd50, 0xfd8f, 1}, {0xfd92, 0xfdc7, 1}, {0xfdf0, 0xfdfc, 1}, {0xfe70, 0xfe74, 1}, {0xfe76, 0xfefc, 1}, {0x10e60, 0x10e7e, 1}, } var _Tagbanwa = []Range{ {0x1760, 0x176c, 1}, {0x176e, 0x1770, 1}, {0x1772, 0x1773, 1}, } var _Canadian_Aboriginal = []Range{ {0x1400, 0x167f, 1}, {0x18b0, 0x18f5, 1}, } var _Tibetan = []Range{ {0x0f00, 0x0f47, 1}, {0x0f49, 0x0f6c, 1}, {0x0f71, 0x0f8b, 1}, {0x0f90, 0x0f97, 1}, {0x0f99, 0x0fbc, 1}, {0x0fbe, 0x0fcc, 1}, {0x0fce, 0x0fd4, 1}, } var _Coptic = []Range{ {0x03e2, 0x03ef, 1}, {0x2c80, 0x2cf1, 1}, {0x2cf9, 0x2cff, 1}, } var _Hiragana = []Range{ {0x3041, 0x3096, 1}, {0x309d, 0x309f, 1}, {0x1f200, 0x1f200, 1}, } var _Limbu = []Range{ {0x1900, 0x191c, 1}, {0x1920, 0x192b, 1}, {0x1930, 0x193b, 1}, {0x1940, 0x1940, 1}, {0x1944, 0x194f, 1}, } var _Egyptian_Hieroglyphs = []Range{ {0x13000, 0x1342e, 1}, } var _Avestan = []Range{ {0x10b00, 0x10b35, 1}, {0x10b39, 0x10b3f, 1}, } var _Myanmar = []Range{ {0x1000, 0x109f, 1}, {0xaa60, 0xaa7b, 1}, } var _Armenian = []Range{ {0x0531, 0x0556, 1}, {0x0559, 0x055f, 1}, {0x0561, 0x0587, 1}, {0x058a, 0x058a, 1}, {0xfb13, 0xfb17, 1}, } var _Sinhala = []Range{ {0x0d82, 0x0d83, 1}, {0x0d85, 0x0d96, 1}, {0x0d9a, 0x0db1, 1}, {0x0db3, 0x0dbb, 1}, {0x0dbd, 0x0dbd, 1}, {0x0dc0, 0x0dc6, 1}, {0x0dca, 0x0dca, 1}, {0x0dcf, 0x0dd4, 1}, {0x0dd6, 0x0dd6, 1}, {0x0dd8, 0x0ddf, 1}, {0x0df2, 0x0df4, 1}, } var _Bengali = []Range{ {0x0981, 0x0983, 1}, {0x0985, 0x098c, 1}, {0x098f, 0x0990, 1}, {0x0993, 0x09a8, 1}, {0x09aa, 0x09b0, 1}, {0x09b2, 0x09b2, 1}, {0x09b6, 0x09b9, 1}, {0x09bc, 0x09c4, 1}, {0x09c7, 0x09c8, 1}, {0x09cb, 0x09ce, 1}, {0x09d7, 0x09d7, 1}, {0x09dc, 0x09dd, 1}, {0x09df, 0x09e3, 1}, {0x09e6, 0x09fb, 1}, } var _Greek = []Range{ {0x0370, 0x0373, 1}, {0x0375, 0x0377, 1}, {0x037a, 0x037d, 1}, {0x0384, 0x0384, 1}, {0x0386, 0x0386, 1}, {0x0388, 0x038a, 1}, {0x038c, 0x038c, 1}, {0x038e, 0x03a1, 1}, {0x03a3, 0x03e1, 1}, {0x03f0, 0x03ff, 1}, {0x1d26, 0x1d2a, 1}, {0x1d5d, 0x1d61, 1}, {0x1d66, 0x1d6a, 1}, {0x1dbf, 0x1dbf, 1}, {0x1f00, 0x1f15, 1}, {0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 1}, {0x1f20, 0x1f45, 1}, {0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 1}, {0x1f50, 0x1f57, 1}, {0x1f59, 0x1f59, 1}, {0x1f5b, 0x1f5b, 1}, {0x1f5d, 0x1f5d, 1}, {0x1f5f, 0x1f7d, 1}, {0x1f80, 0x1fb4, 1}, {0x1fb6, 0x1fc4, 1}, {0x1fc6, 0x1fd3, 1}, {0x1fd6, 0x1fdb, 1}, {0x1fdd, 0x1fef, 1}, {0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, 1}, {0x1ff6, 0x1ffe, 1}, {0x2126, 0x2126, 1}, {0x10140, 0x1018a, 1}, {0x1d200, 0x1d245, 1}, } var _Cham = []Range{ {0xaa00, 0xaa36, 1}, {0xaa40, 0xaa4d, 1}, {0xaa50, 0xaa59, 1}, {0xaa5c, 0xaa5f, 1}, } var _Hebrew = []Range{ {0x0591, 0x05c7, 1}, {0x05d0, 0x05ea, 1}, {0x05f0, 0x05f4, 1}, {0xfb1d, 0xfb36, 1}, {0xfb38, 0xfb3c, 1}, {0xfb3e, 0xfb3e, 1}, {0xfb40, 0xfb41, 1}, {0xfb43, 0xfb44, 1}, {0xfb46, 0xfb4f, 1}, } var _Meetei_Mayek = []Range{ {0xabc0, 0xabed, 1}, {0xabf0, 0xabf9, 1}, } var _Saurashtra = []Range{ {0xa880, 0xa8c4, 1}, {0xa8ce, 0xa8d9, 1}, } var _Hangul = []Range{ {0x1100, 0x11ff, 1}, {0x3131, 0x318e, 1}, {0x3200, 0x321e, 1}, {0x3260, 0x327e, 1}, {0xa960, 0xa97c, 1}, {0xac00, 0xd7a3, 1}, {0xd7b0, 0xd7c6, 1}, {0xd7cb, 0xd7fb, 1}, {0xffa0, 0xffbe, 1}, {0xffc2, 0xffc7, 1}, {0xffca, 0xffcf, 1}, {0xffd2, 0xffd7, 1}, {0xffda, 0xffdc, 1}, } var _Runic = []Range{ {0x16a0, 0x16ea, 1}, {0x16ee, 0x16f0, 1}, } var _Deseret = []Range{ {0x10400, 0x1044f, 1}, } var _Lisu = []Range{ {0xa4d0, 0xa4ff, 1}, } var _Sundanese = []Range{ {0x1b80, 0x1baa, 1}, {0x1bae, 0x1bb9, 1}, } var _Glagolitic = []Range{ {0x2c00, 0x2c2e, 1}, {0x2c30, 0x2c5e, 1}, } var _Oriya = []Range{ {0x0b01, 0x0b03, 1}, {0x0b05, 0x0b0c, 1}, {0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 1}, {0x0b13, 0x0b28, 1}, {0x0b2a, 0x0b30, 1}, {0x0b32, 0x0b33, 1}, {0x0b35, 0x0b39, 1}, {0x0b3c, 0x0b44, 1}, {0x0b47, 0x0b48, 1}, {0x0b4b, 0x0b4d, 1}, {0x0b56, 0x0b57, 1}, {0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 1}, {0x0b5f, 0x0b63, 1}, {0x0b66, 0x0b71, 1}, } var _Buhid = []Range{ {0x1740, 0x1753, 1}, } var _Ethiopic = []Range{ {0x1200, 0x1248, 1}, {0x124a, 0x124d, 1}, {0x1250, 0x1256, 1}, {0x1258, 0x1258, 1}, {0x125a, 0x125d, 1}, {0x1260, 0x1288, 1}, {0x128a, 0x128d, 1}, {0x1290, 0x12b0, 1}, {0x12b2, 0x12b5, 1}, {0x12b8, 0x12be, 1}, {0x12c0, 0x12c0, 1}, {0x12c2, 0x12c5, 1}, {0x12c8, 0x12d6, 1}, {0x12d8, 0x1310, 1}, {0x1312, 0x1315, 1}, {0x1318, 0x135a, 1}, {0x135f, 0x137c, 1}, {0x1380, 0x1399, 1}, {0x2d80, 0x2d96, 1}, {0x2da0, 0x2da6, 1}, {0x2da8, 0x2dae, 1}, {0x2db0, 0x2db6, 1}, {0x2db8, 0x2dbe, 1}, {0x2dc0, 0x2dc6, 1}, {0x2dc8, 0x2dce, 1}, {0x2dd0, 0x2dd6, 1}, {0x2dd8, 0x2dde, 1}, } var _Javanese = []Range{ {0xa980, 0xa9cd, 1}, {0xa9cf, 0xa9d9, 1}, {0xa9de, 0xa9df, 1}, } var _Syloti_Nagri = []Range{ {0xa800, 0xa82b, 1}, } var _Vai = []Range{ {0xa500, 0xa62b, 1}, } var _Cherokee = []Range{ {0x13a0, 0x13f4, 1}, } var _Ogham = []Range{ {0x1680, 0x169c, 1}, } var _Syriac = []Range{ {0x0700, 0x070d, 1}, {0x070f, 0x074a, 1}, {0x074d, 0x074f, 1}, } var _Gurmukhi = []Range{ {0x0a01, 0x0a03, 1}, {0x0a05, 0x0a0a, 1}, {0x0a0f, 0x0a10, 1}, {0x0a13, 0x0a28, 1}, {0x0a2a, 0x0a30, 1}, {0x0a32, 0x0a33, 1}, {0x0a35, 0x0a36, 1}, {0x0a38, 0x0a39, 1}, {0x0a3c, 0x0a3c, 1}, {0x0a3e, 0x0a42, 1}, {0x0a47, 0x0a48, 1}, {0x0a4b, 0x0a4d, 1}, {0x0a51, 0x0a51, 1}, {0x0a59, 0x0a5c, 1}, {0x0a5e, 0x0a5e, 1}, {0x0a66, 0x0a75, 1}, } var _Tai_Tham = []Range{ {0x1a20, 0x1a5e, 1}, {0x1a60, 0x1a7c, 1}, {0x1a7f, 0x1a89, 1}, {0x1a90, 0x1a99, 1}, {0x1aa0, 0x1aad, 1}, } var _Ol_Chiki = []Range{ {0x1c50, 0x1c7f, 1}, } var _Mongolian = []Range{ {0x1800, 0x1801, 1}, {0x1804, 0x1804, 1}, {0x1806, 0x180e, 1}, {0x1810, 0x1819, 1}, {0x1820, 0x1877, 1}, {0x1880, 0x18aa, 1}, } var _Hanunoo = []Range{ {0x1720, 0x1734, 1}, } var _Cypriot = []Range{ {0x10800, 0x10805, 1}, {0x10808, 0x10808, 1}, {0x1080a, 0x10835, 1}, {0x10837, 0x10838, 1}, {0x1083c, 0x1083c, 1}, {0x1083f, 0x1083f, 1}, } var _Buginese = []Range{ {0x1a00, 0x1a1b, 1}, {0x1a1e, 0x1a1f, 1}, } var _Bamum = []Range{ {0xa6a0, 0xa6f7, 1}, } var _Lepcha = []Range{ {0x1c00, 0x1c37, 1}, {0x1c3b, 0x1c49, 1}, {0x1c4d, 0x1c4f, 1}, } var _Thaana = []Range{ {0x0780, 0x07b1, 1}, } var _Old_Persian = []Range{ {0x103a0, 0x103c3, 1}, {0x103c8, 0x103d5, 1}, } var _Cuneiform = []Range{ {0x12000, 0x1236e, 1}, {0x12400, 0x12462, 1}, {0x12470, 0x12473, 1}, } var _Rejang = []Range{ {0xa930, 0xa953, 1}, {0xa95f, 0xa95f, 1}, } var _Georgian = []Range{ {0x10a0, 0x10c5, 1}, {0x10d0, 0x10fa, 1}, {0x10fc, 0x10fc, 1}, {0x2d00, 0x2d25, 1}, } var _Shavian = []Range{ {0x10450, 0x1047f, 1}, } var _Lycian = []Range{ {0x10280, 0x1029c, 1}, } var _Nko = []Range{ {0x07c0, 0x07fa, 1}, } var _Yi = []Range{ {0xa000, 0xa48c, 1}, {0xa490, 0xa4c6, 1}, } var _Lao = []Range{ {0x0e81, 0x0e82, 1}, {0x0e84, 0x0e84, 1}, {0x0e87, 0x0e88, 1}, {0x0e8a, 0x0e8a, 1}, {0x0e8d, 0x0e8d, 1}, {0x0e94, 0x0e97, 1}, {0x0e99, 0x0e9f, 1}, {0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, 1}, {0x0ea5, 0x0ea5, 1}, {0x0ea7, 0x0ea7, 1}, {0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 1}, {0x0ead, 0x0eb9, 1}, {0x0ebb, 0x0ebd, 1}, {0x0ec0, 0x0ec4, 1}, {0x0ec6, 0x0ec6, 1}, {0x0ec8, 0x0ecd, 1}, {0x0ed0, 0x0ed9, 1}, {0x0edc, 0x0edd, 1}, } var _Linear_B = []Range{ {0x10000, 0x1000b, 1}, {0x1000d, 0x10026, 1}, {0x10028, 0x1003a, 1}, {0x1003c, 0x1003d, 1}, {0x1003f, 0x1004d, 1}, {0x10050, 0x1005d, 1}, {0x10080, 0x100fa, 1}, } var _Old_Italic = []Range{ {0x10300, 0x1031e, 1}, {0x10320, 0x10323, 1}, } var _Tai_Viet = []Range{ {0xaa80, 0xaac2, 1}, {0xaadb, 0xaadf, 1}, } var _Devanagari = []Range{ {0x0900, 0x0939, 1}, {0x093c, 0x094e, 1}, {0x0950, 0x0950, 1}, {0x0953, 0x0955, 1}, {0x0958, 0x0963, 1}, {0x0966, 0x096f, 1}, {0x0971, 0x0972, 1}, {0x0979, 0x097f, 1}, {0xa8e0, 0xa8fb, 1}, } var _Lydian = []Range{ {0x10920, 0x10939, 1}, {0x1093f, 0x1093f, 1}, } var _Tifinagh = []Range{ {0x2d30, 0x2d65, 1}, {0x2d6f, 0x2d6f, 1}, } var _Ugaritic = []Range{ {0x10380, 0x1039d, 1}, {0x1039f, 0x1039f, 1}, } var _Thai = []Range{ {0x0e01, 0x0e3a, 1}, {0x0e40, 0x0e5b, 1}, } var _Cyrillic = []Range{ {0x0400, 0x0484, 1}, {0x0487, 0x0525, 1}, {0x1d2b, 0x1d2b, 1}, {0x1d78, 0x1d78, 1}, {0x2de0, 0x2dff, 1}, {0xa640, 0xa65f, 1}, {0xa662, 0xa673, 1}, {0xa67c, 0xa697, 1}, } var _Gujarati = []Range{ {0x0a81, 0x0a83, 1}, {0x0a85, 0x0a8d, 1}, {0x0a8f, 0x0a91, 1}, {0x0a93, 0x0aa8, 1}, {0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, 1}, {0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 1}, {0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, 1}, {0x0abc, 0x0ac5, 1}, {0x0ac7, 0x0ac9, 1}, {0x0acb, 0x0acd, 1}, {0x0ad0, 0x0ad0, 1}, {0x0ae0, 0x0ae3, 1}, {0x0ae6, 0x0aef, 1}, {0x0af1, 0x0af1, 1}, } var _Carian = []Range{ {0x102a0, 0x102d0, 1}, } var _Phoenician = []Range{ {0x10900, 0x1091b, 1}, {0x1091f, 0x1091f, 1}, } var _Balinese = []Range{ {0x1b00, 0x1b4b, 1}, {0x1b50, 0x1b7c, 1}, } var _Braille = []Range{ {0x2800, 0x28ff, 1}, } var _Han = []Range{ {0x2e80, 0x2e99, 1}, {0x2e9b, 0x2ef3, 1}, {0x2f00, 0x2fd5, 1}, {0x3005, 0x3005, 1}, {0x3007, 0x3007, 1}, {0x3021, 0x3029, 1}, {0x3038, 0x303b, 1}, {0x3400, 0x4db5, 1}, {0x4e00, 0x9fcb, 1}, {0xf900, 0xfa2d, 1}, {0xfa30, 0xfa6d, 1}, {0xfa70, 0xfad9, 1}, {0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 1}, {0x2a700, 0x2b734, 1}, {0x2f800, 0x2fa1d, 1}, } var _Gothic = []Range{ {0x10330, 0x1034a, 1}, } var ( Arabic = _Arabic // Arabic is the set of Unicode characters in script Arabic. Armenian = _Armenian // Armenian is the set of Unicode characters in script Armenian. Avestan = _Avestan // Avestan is the set of Unicode characters in script Avestan. Balinese = _Balinese // Balinese is the set of Unicode characters in script Balinese. Bamum = _Bamum // Bamum is the set of Unicode characters in script Bamum. Bengali = _Bengali // Bengali is the set of Unicode characters in script Bengali. Bopomofo = _Bopomofo // Bopomofo is the set of Unicode characters in script Bopomofo. Braille = _Braille // Braille is the set of Unicode characters in script Braille. Buginese = _Buginese // Buginese is the set of Unicode characters in script Buginese. Buhid = _Buhid // Buhid is the set of Unicode characters in script Buhid. Canadian_Aboriginal = _Canadian_Aboriginal // Canadian_Aboriginal is the set of Unicode characters in script Canadian_Aboriginal. Carian = _Carian // Carian is the set of Unicode characters in script Carian. Cham = _Cham // Cham is the set of Unicode characters in script Cham. Cherokee = _Cherokee // Cherokee is the set of Unicode characters in script Cherokee. Common = _Common // Common is the set of Unicode characters in script Common. Coptic = _Coptic // Coptic is the set of Unicode characters in script Coptic. Cuneiform = _Cuneiform // Cuneiform is the set of Unicode characters in script Cuneiform. Cypriot = _Cypriot // Cypriot is the set of Unicode characters in script Cypriot. Cyrillic = _Cyrillic // Cyrillic is the set of Unicode characters in script Cyrillic. Deseret = _Deseret // Deseret is the set of Unicode characters in script Deseret. Devanagari = _Devanagari // Devanagari is the set of Unicode characters in script Devanagari. Egyptian_Hieroglyphs = _Egyptian_Hieroglyphs // Egyptian_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Egyptian_Hieroglyphs. Ethiopic = _Ethiopic // Ethiopic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ethiopic. Georgian = _Georgian // Georgian is the set of Unicode characters in script Georgian. Glagolitic = _Glagolitic // Glagolitic is the set of Unicode characters in script Glagolitic. Gothic = _Gothic // Gothic is the set of Unicode characters in script Gothic. Greek = _Greek // Greek is the set of Unicode characters in script Greek. Gujarati = _Gujarati // Gujarati is the set of Unicode characters in script Gujarati. Gurmukhi = _Gurmukhi // Gurmukhi is the set of Unicode characters in script Gurmukhi. Han = _Han // Han is the set of Unicode characters in script Han. Hangul = _Hangul // Hangul is the set of Unicode characters in script Hangul. Hanunoo = _Hanunoo // Hanunoo is the set of Unicode characters in script Hanunoo. Hebrew = _Hebrew // Hebrew is the set of Unicode characters in script Hebrew. Hiragana = _Hiragana // Hiragana is the set of Unicode characters in script Hiragana. Imperial_Aramaic = _Imperial_Aramaic // Imperial_Aramaic is the set of Unicode characters in script Imperial_Aramaic. Inherited = _Inherited // Inherited is the set of Unicode characters in script Inherited. Inscriptional_Pahlavi = _Inscriptional_Pahlavi // Inscriptional_Pahlavi is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Pahlavi. Inscriptional_Parthian = _Inscriptional_Parthian // Inscriptional_Parthian is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Parthian. Javanese = _Javanese // Javanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Javanese. Kaithi = _Kaithi // Kaithi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kaithi. Kannada = _Kannada // Kannada is the set of Unicode characters in script Kannada. Katakana = _Katakana // Katakana is the set of Unicode characters in script Katakana. Kayah_Li = _Kayah_Li // Kayah_Li is the set of Unicode characters in script Kayah_Li. Kharoshthi = _Kharoshthi // Kharoshthi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kharoshthi. Khmer = _Khmer // Khmer is the set of Unicode characters in script Khmer. Lao = _Lao // Lao is the set of Unicode characters in script Lao. Latin = _Latin // Latin is the set of Unicode characters in script Latin. Lepcha = _Lepcha // Lepcha is the set of Unicode characters in script Lepcha. Limbu = _Limbu // Limbu is the set of Unicode characters in script Limbu. Linear_B = _Linear_B // Linear_B is the set of Unicode characters in script Linear_B. Lisu = _Lisu // Lisu is the set of Unicode characters in script Lisu. Lycian = _Lycian // Lycian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lycian. Lydian = _Lydian // Lydian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lydian. Malayalam = _Malayalam // Malayalam is the set of Unicode characters in script Malayalam. Meetei_Mayek = _Meetei_Mayek // Meetei_Mayek is the set of Unicode characters in script Meetei_Mayek. Mongolian = _Mongolian // Mongolian is the set of Unicode characters in script Mongolian. Myanmar = _Myanmar // Myanmar is the set of Unicode characters in script Myanmar. New_Tai_Lue = _New_Tai_Lue // New_Tai_Lue is the set of Unicode characters in script New_Tai_Lue. Nko = _Nko // Nko is the set of Unicode characters in script Nko. Ogham = _Ogham // Ogham is the set of Unicode characters in script Ogham. Ol_Chiki = _Ol_Chiki // Ol_Chiki is the set of Unicode characters in script Ol_Chiki. Old_Italic = _Old_Italic // Old_Italic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Italic. Old_Persian = _Old_Persian // Old_Persian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Persian. Old_South_Arabian = _Old_South_Arabian // Old_South_Arabian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_South_Arabian. Old_Turkic = _Old_Turkic // Old_Turkic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Turkic. Oriya = _Oriya // Oriya is the set of Unicode characters in script Oriya. Osmanya = _Osmanya // Osmanya is the set of Unicode characters in script Osmanya. Phags_Pa = _Phags_Pa // Phags_Pa is the set of Unicode characters in script Phags_Pa. Phoenician = _Phoenician // Phoenician is the set of Unicode characters in script Phoenician. Rejang = _Rejang // Rejang is the set of Unicode characters in script Rejang. Runic = _Runic // Runic is the set of Unicode characters in script Runic. Samaritan = _Samaritan // Samaritan is the set of Unicode characters in script Samaritan. Saurashtra = _Saurashtra // Saurashtra is the set of Unicode characters in script Saurashtra. Shavian = _Shavian // Shavian is the set of Unicode characters in script Shavian. Sinhala = _Sinhala // Sinhala is the set of Unicode characters in script Sinhala. Sundanese = _Sundanese // Sundanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Sundanese. Syloti_Nagri = _Syloti_Nagri // Syloti_Nagri is the set of Unicode characters in script Syloti_Nagri. Syriac = _Syriac // Syriac is the set of Unicode characters in script Syriac. Tagalog = _Tagalog // Tagalog is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagalog. Tagbanwa = _Tagbanwa // Tagbanwa is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagbanwa. Tai_Le = _Tai_Le // Tai_Le is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Le. Tai_Tham = _Tai_Tham // Tai_Tham is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Tham. Tai_Viet = _Tai_Viet // Tai_Viet is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Viet. Tamil = _Tamil // Tamil is the set of Unicode characters in script Tamil. Telugu = _Telugu // Telugu is the set of Unicode characters in script Telugu. Thaana = _Thaana // Thaana is the set of Unicode characters in script Thaana. Thai = _Thai // Thai is the set of Unicode characters in script Thai. Tibetan = _Tibetan // Tibetan is the set of Unicode characters in script Tibetan. Tifinagh = _Tifinagh // Tifinagh is the set of Unicode characters in script Tifinagh. Ugaritic = _Ugaritic // Ugaritic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ugaritic. Vai = _Vai // Vai is the set of Unicode characters in script Vai. Yi = _Yi // Yi is the set of Unicode characters in script Yi. ) // Generated by running // maketables --props=all --url=http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.2.0/ucd/ // DO NOT EDIT // Properties is the set of Unicode property tables. var Properties = map[string][]Range{ "Pattern_Syntax": Pattern_Syntax, "Other_ID_Start": Other_ID_Start, "Pattern_White_Space": Pattern_White_Space, "Other_Lowercase": Other_Lowercase, "Soft_Dotted": Soft_Dotted, "Hex_Digit": Hex_Digit, "ASCII_Hex_Digit": ASCII_Hex_Digit, "Deprecated": Deprecated, "Terminal_Punctuation": Terminal_Punctuation, "Quotation_Mark": Quotation_Mark, "Other_ID_Continue": Other_ID_Continue, "Bidi_Control": Bidi_Control, "Variation_Selector": Variation_Selector, "Noncharacter_Code_Point": Noncharacter_Code_Point, "Other_Math": Other_Math, "Unified_Ideograph": Unified_Ideograph, "Hyphen": Hyphen, "IDS_Binary_Operator": IDS_Binary_Operator, "Logical_Order_Exception": Logical_Order_Exception, "Radical": Radical, "Other_Uppercase": Other_Uppercase, "STerm": STerm, "Other_Alphabetic": Other_Alphabetic, "Diacritic": Diacritic, "Extender": Extender, "Join_Control": Join_Control, "Ideographic": Ideographic, "Dash": Dash, "IDS_Trinary_Operator": IDS_Trinary_Operator, "Other_Grapheme_Extend": Other_Grapheme_Extend, "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point": Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point, "White_Space": White_Space, } var _Pattern_Syntax = []Range{ {0x0021, 0x002f, 1}, {0x003a, 0x0040, 1}, {0x005b, 0x005e, 1}, {0x0060, 0x0060, 1}, {0x007b, 0x007e, 1}, {0x00a1, 0x00a7, 1}, {0x00a9, 0x00a9, 1}, {0x00ab, 0x00ac, 1}, {0x00ae, 0x00ae, 1}, {0x00b0, 0x00b1, 1}, {0x00b6, 0x00b6, 1}, {0x00bb, 0x00bb, 1}, {0x00bf, 0x00bf, 1}, {0x00d7, 0x00d7, 1}, {0x00f7, 0x00f7, 1}, {0x2010, 0x2027, 1}, {0x2030, 0x203e, 1}, {0x2041, 0x2053, 1}, {0x2055, 0x205e, 1}, {0x2190, 0x245f, 1}, {0x2500, 0x2775, 1}, {0x2794, 0x2bff, 1}, {0x2e00, 0x2e7f, 1}, {0x3001, 0x3003, 1}, {0x3008, 0x3020, 1}, {0x3030, 0x3030, 1}, {0xfd3e, 0xfd3f, 1}, {0xfe45, 0xfe46, 1}, } var _Other_ID_Start = []Range{ {0x2118, 0x2118, 1}, {0x212e, 0x212e, 1}, {0x309b, 0x309c, 1}, } var _Pattern_White_Space = []Range{ {0x0009, 0x000d, 1}, {0x0020, 0x0020, 1}, {0x0085, 0x0085, 1}, {0x200e, 0x200f, 1}, {0x2028, 0x2029, 1}, } var _Other_Lowercase = []Range{ {0x02b0, 0x02b8, 1}, {0x02c0, 0x02c1, 1}, {0x02e0, 0x02e4, 1}, {0x0345, 0x0345, 1}, {0x037a, 0x037a, 1}, {0x1d2c, 0x1d61, 1}, {0x1d78, 0x1d78, 1}, {0x1d9b, 0x1dbf, 1}, {0x2090, 0x2094, 1}, {0x2170, 0x217f, 1}, {0x24d0, 0x24e9, 1}, {0x2c7d, 0x2c7d, 1}, {0xa770, 0xa770, 1}, } var _Soft_Dotted = []Range{ {0x0069, 0x006a, 1}, {0x012f, 0x012f, 1}, {0x0249, 0x0249, 1}, {0x0268, 0x0268, 1}, {0x029d, 0x029d, 1}, {0x02b2, 0x02b2, 1}, {0x03f3, 0x03f3, 1}, {0x0456, 0x0456, 1}, {0x0458, 0x0458, 1}, {0x1d62, 0x1d62, 1}, {0x1d96, 0x1d96, 1}, {0x1da4, 0x1da4, 1}, {0x1da8, 0x1da8, 1}, {0x1e2d, 0x1e2d, 1}, {0x1ecb, 0x1ecb, 1}, {0x2071, 0x2071, 1}, {0x2148, 0x2149, 1}, {0x2c7c, 0x2c7c, 1}, {0x1d422, 0x1d423, 1}, {0x1d456, 0x1d457, 1}, {0x1d48a, 0x1d48b, 1}, {0x1d4be, 0x1d4bf, 1}, {0x1d4f2, 0x1d4f3, 1}, {0x1d526, 0x1d527, 1}, {0x1d55a, 0x1d55b, 1}, {0x1d58e, 0x1d58f, 1}, {0x1d5c2, 0x1d5c3, 1}, {0x1d5f6, 0x1d5f7, 1}, {0x1d62a, 0x1d62b, 1}, {0x1d65e, 0x1d65f, 1}, {0x1d692, 0x1d693, 1}, } var _Hex_Digit = []Range{ {0x0030, 0x0039, 1}, {0x0041, 0x0046, 1}, {0x0061, 0x0066, 1}, {0xff10, 0xff19, 1}, {0xff21, 0xff26, 1}, {0xff41, 0xff46, 1}, } var _ASCII_Hex_Digit = []Range{ {0x0030, 0x0039, 1}, {0x0041, 0x0046, 1}, {0x0061, 0x0066, 1}, } var _Deprecated = []Range{ {0x0149, 0x0149, 1}, {0x0f77, 0x0f77, 1}, {0x0f79, 0x0f79, 1}, {0x17a3, 0x17a4, 1}, {0x206a, 0x206f, 1}, {0x2329, 0x232a, 1}, {0xe0001, 0xe0001, 1}, {0xe0020, 0xe007f, 1}, } var _Terminal_Punctuation = []Range{ {0x0021, 0x0021, 1}, {0x002c, 0x002c, 1}, {0x002e, 0x002e, 1}, {0x003a, 0x003b, 1}, {0x003f, 0x003f, 1}, {0x037e, 0x037e, 1}, {0x0387, 0x0387, 1}, {0x0589, 0x0589, 1}, {0x05c3, 0x05c3, 1}, {0x060c, 0x060c, 1}, {0x061b, 0x061b, 1}, {0x061f, 0x061f, 1}, {0x06d4, 0x06d4, 1}, {0x0700, 0x070a, 1}, {0x070c, 0x070c, 1}, {0x07f8, 0x07f9, 1}, {0x0830, 0x083e, 1}, {0x0964, 0x0965, 1}, {0x0e5a, 0x0e5b, 1}, {0x0f08, 0x0f08, 1}, {0x0f0d, 0x0f12, 1}, {0x104a, 0x104b, 1}, {0x1361, 0x1368, 1}, {0x166d, 0x166e, 1}, {0x16eb, 0x16ed, 1}, {0x17d4, 0x17d6, 1}, {0x17da, 0x17da, 1}, {0x1802, 0x1805, 1}, {0x1808, 0x1809, 1}, {0x1944, 0x1945, 1}, {0x1aa8, 0x1aab, 1}, {0x1b5a, 0x1b5b, 1}, {0x1b5d, 0x1b5f, 1}, {0x1c3b, 0x1c3f, 1}, {0x1c7e, 0x1c7f, 1}, {0x203c, 0x203d, 1}, {0x2047, 0x2049, 1}, {0x2e2e, 0x2e2e, 1}, {0x3001, 0x3002, 1}, {0xa4fe, 0xa4ff, 1}, {0xa60d, 0xa60f, 1}, {0xa6f3, 0xa6f7, 1}, {0xa876, 0xa877, 1}, {0xa8ce, 0xa8cf, 1}, {0xa92f, 0xa92f, 1}, {0xa9c7, 0xa9c9, 1}, {0xaa5d, 0xaa5f, 1}, {0xaadf, 0xaadf, 1}, {0xabeb, 0xabeb, 1}, {0xfe50, 0xfe52, 1}, {0xfe54, 0xfe57, 1}, {0xff01, 0xff01, 1}, {0xff0c, 0xff0c, 1}, {0xff0e, 0xff0e, 1}, {0xff1a, 0xff1b, 1}, {0xff1f, 0xff1f, 1}, {0xff61, 0xff61, 1}, {0xff64, 0xff64, 1}, {0x1039f, 0x1039f, 1}, {0x103d0, 0x103d0, 1}, {0x10857, 0x10857, 1}, {0x1091f, 0x1091f, 1}, {0x10b3a, 0x10b3f, 1}, {0x110be, 0x110c1, 1}, {0x12470, 0x12473, 1}, } var _Quotation_Mark = []Range{ {0x0022, 0x0022, 1}, {0x0027, 0x0027, 1}, {0x00ab, 0x00ab, 1}, {0x00bb, 0x00bb, 1}, {0x2018, 0x201f, 1}, {0x2039, 0x203a, 1}, {0x300c, 0x300f, 1}, {0x301d, 0x301f, 1}, {0xfe41, 0xfe44, 1}, {0xff02, 0xff02, 1}, {0xff07, 0xff07, 1}, {0xff62, 0xff63, 1}, } var _Other_ID_Continue = []Range{ {0x00b7, 0x00b7, 1}, {0x0387, 0x0387, 1}, {0x1369, 0x1371, 1}, } var _Bidi_Control = []Range{ {0x200e, 0x200f, 1}, {0x202a, 0x202e, 1}, } var _Variation_Selector = []Range{ {0x180b, 0x180d, 1}, {0xfe00, 0xfe0f, 1}, {0xe0100, 0xe01ef, 1}, } var _Noncharacter_Code_Point = []Range{ {0xfdd0, 0xfdef, 1}, {0xfffe, 0xffff, 1}, {0x1fffe, 0x1ffff, 1}, {0x2fffe, 0x2ffff, 1}, {0x3fffe, 0x3ffff, 1}, {0x4fffe, 0x4ffff, 1}, {0x5fffe, 0x5ffff, 1}, {0x6fffe, 0x6ffff, 1}, {0x7fffe, 0x7ffff, 1}, {0x8fffe, 0x8ffff, 1}, {0x9fffe, 0x9ffff, 1}, {0xafffe, 0xaffff, 1}, {0xbfffe, 0xbffff, 1}, {0xcfffe, 0xcffff, 1}, {0xdfffe, 0xdffff, 1}, {0xefffe, 0xeffff, 1}, {0xffffe, 0xfffff, 1}, {0x10fffe, 0x10ffff, 1}, } var _Other_Math = []Range{ {0x005e, 0x005e, 1}, {0x03d0, 0x03d2, 1}, {0x03d5, 0x03d5, 1}, {0x03f0, 0x03f1, 1}, {0x03f4, 0x03f5, 1}, {0x2016, 0x2016, 1}, {0x2032, 0x2034, 1}, {0x2040, 0x2040, 1}, {0x2061, 0x2064, 1}, {0x207d, 0x207e, 1}, {0x208d, 0x208e, 1}, {0x20d0, 0x20dc, 1}, {0x20e1, 0x20e1, 1}, {0x20e5, 0x20e6, 1}, {0x20eb, 0x20ef, 1}, {0x2102, 0x2102, 1}, {0x210a, 0x2113, 1}, {0x2115, 0x2115, 1}, {0x2119, 0x211d, 1}, {0x2124, 0x2124, 1}, {0x2128, 0x2129, 1}, {0x212c, 0x212d, 1}, {0x212f, 0x2131, 1}, {0x2133, 0x2138, 1}, {0x213c, 0x213f, 1}, {0x2145, 0x2149, 1}, {0x2195, 0x2199, 1}, {0x219c, 0x219f, 1}, {0x21a1, 0x21a2, 1}, {0x21a4, 0x21a5, 1}, {0x21a7, 0x21a7, 1}, {0x21a9, 0x21ad, 1}, {0x21b0, 0x21b1, 1}, {0x21b6, 0x21b7, 1}, {0x21bc, 0x21cd, 1}, {0x21d0, 0x21d1, 1}, {0x21d3, 0x21d3, 1}, {0x21d5, 0x21db, 1}, {0x21dd, 0x21dd, 1}, {0x21e4, 0x21e5, 1}, {0x23b4, 0x23b5, 1}, {0x23b7, 0x23b7, 1}, {0x23d0, 0x23d0, 1}, {0x23e2, 0x23e2, 1}, {0x25a0, 0x25a1, 1}, {0x25ae, 0x25b6, 1}, {0x25bc, 0x25c0, 1}, {0x25c6, 0x25c7, 1}, {0x25ca, 0x25cb, 1}, {0x25cf, 0x25d3, 1}, {0x25e2, 0x25e2, 1}, {0x25e4, 0x25e4, 1}, {0x25e7, 0x25ec, 1}, {0x2605, 0x2606, 1}, {0x2640, 0x2640, 1}, {0x2642, 0x2642, 1}, {0x2660, 0x2663, 1}, {0x266d, 0x266e, 1}, {0x27c5, 0x27c6, 1}, {0x27e6, 0x27ef, 1}, {0x2983, 0x2998, 1}, {0x29d8, 0x29db, 1}, {0x29fc, 0x29fd, 1}, {0xfe61, 0xfe61, 1}, {0xfe63, 0xfe63, 1}, {0xfe68, 0xfe68, 1}, {0xff3c, 0xff3c, 1}, {0xff3e, 0xff3e, 1}, {0x1d400, 0x1d454, 1}, {0x1d456, 0x1d49c, 1}, {0x1d49e, 0x1d49f, 1}, {0x1d4a2, 0x1d4a2, 1}, {0x1d4a5, 0x1d4a6, 1}, {0x1d4a9, 0x1d4ac, 1}, {0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b9, 1}, {0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bb, 1}, {0x1d4bd, 0x1d4c3, 1}, {0x1d4c5, 0x1d505, 1}, {0x1d507, 0x1d50a, 1}, {0x1d50d, 0x1d514, 1}, {0x1d516, 0x1d51c, 1}, {0x1d51e, 0x1d539, 1}, {0x1d53b, 0x1d53e, 1}, {0x1d540, 0x1d544, 1}, {0x1d546, 0x1d546, 1}, {0x1d54a, 0x1d550, 1}, {0x1d552, 0x1d6a5, 1}, {0x1d6a8, 0x1d6c0, 1}, {0x1d6c2, 0x1d6da, 1}, {0x1d6dc, 0x1d6fa, 1}, {0x1d6fc, 0x1d714, 1}, {0x1d716, 0x1d734, 1}, {0x1d736, 0x1d74e, 1}, {0x1d750, 0x1d76e, 1}, {0x1d770, 0x1d788, 1}, {0x1d78a, 0x1d7a8, 1}, {0x1d7aa, 0x1d7c2, 1}, {0x1d7c4, 0x1d7cb, 1}, {0x1d7ce, 0x1d7ff, 1}, } var _Unified_Ideograph = []Range{ {0x3400, 0x4db5, 1}, {0x4e00, 0x9fcb, 1}, {0xfa0e, 0xfa0f, 1}, {0xfa11, 0xfa11, 1}, {0xfa13, 0xfa14, 1}, {0xfa1f, 0xfa1f, 1}, {0xfa21, 0xfa21, 1}, {0xfa23, 0xfa24, 1}, {0xfa27, 0xfa29, 1}, {0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 1}, {0x2a700, 0x2b734, 1}, } var _Hyphen = []Range{ {0x002d, 0x002d, 1}, {0x00ad, 0x00ad, 1}, {0x058a, 0x058a, 1}, {0x1806, 0x1806, 1}, {0x2010, 0x2011, 1}, {0x2e17, 0x2e17, 1}, {0x30fb, 0x30fb, 1}, {0xfe63, 0xfe63, 1}, {0xff0d, 0xff0d, 1}, {0xff65, 0xff65, 1}, } var _IDS_Binary_Operator = []Range{ {0x2ff0, 0x2ff1, 1}, {0x2ff4, 0x2ffb, 1}, } var _Logical_Order_Exception = []Range{ {0x0e40, 0x0e44, 1}, {0x0ec0, 0x0ec4, 1}, {0xaab5, 0xaab6, 1}, {0xaab9, 0xaab9, 1}, {0xaabb, 0xaabc, 1}, } var _Radical = []Range{ {0x2e80, 0x2e99, 1}, {0x2e9b, 0x2ef3, 1}, {0x2f00, 0x2fd5, 1}, } var _Other_Uppercase = []Range{ {0x2160, 0x216f, 1}, {0x24b6, 0x24cf, 1}, } var _STerm = []Range{ {0x0021, 0x0021, 1}, {0x002e, 0x002e, 1}, {0x003f, 0x003f, 1}, {0x055c, 0x055c, 1}, {0x055e, 0x055e, 1}, {0x0589, 0x0589, 1}, {0x061f, 0x061f, 1}, {0x06d4, 0x06d4, 1}, {0x0700, 0x0702, 1}, {0x07f9, 0x07f9, 1}, {0x0964, 0x0965, 1}, {0x104a, 0x104b, 1}, {0x1362, 0x1362, 1}, {0x1367, 0x1368, 1}, {0x166e, 0x166e, 1}, {0x1803, 0x1803, 1}, {0x1809, 0x1809, 1}, {0x1944, 0x1945, 1}, {0x1b5a, 0x1b5b, 1}, {0x1b5e, 0x1b5f, 1}, {0x1c3b, 0x1c3c, 1}, {0x1c7e, 0x1c7f, 1}, {0x203c, 0x203d, 1}, {0x2047, 0x2049, 1}, {0x2e2e, 0x2e2e, 1}, {0x3002, 0x3002, 1}, {0xa4ff, 0xa4ff, 1}, {0xa60e, 0xa60f, 1}, {0xa6f3, 0xa6f3, 1}, {0xa6f7, 0xa6f7, 1}, {0xa876, 0xa877, 1}, {0xa8ce, 0xa8cf, 1}, {0xa92f, 0xa92f, 1}, {0xa9c8, 0xa9c9, 1}, {0xaa5d, 0xaa5f, 1}, {0xabeb, 0xabeb, 1}, {0xfe52, 0xfe52, 1}, {0xfe56, 0xfe57, 1}, {0xff01, 0xff01, 1}, {0xff0e, 0xff0e, 1}, {0xff1f, 0xff1f, 1}, {0xff61, 0xff61, 1}, {0x110be, 0x110c1, 1}, } var _Other_Alphabetic = []Range{ {0x0345, 0x0345, 1}, {0x05b0, 0x05bd, 1}, {0x05bf, 0x05bf, 1}, {0x05c1, 0x05c2, 1}, {0x05c4, 0x05c5, 1}, {0x05c7, 0x05c7, 1}, {0x0610, 0x061a, 1}, {0x064b, 0x0657, 1}, {0x0659, 0x065e, 1}, {0x0670, 0x0670, 1}, {0x06d6, 0x06dc, 1}, {0x06e1, 0x06e4, 1}, {0x06e7, 0x06e8, 1}, {0x06ed, 0x06ed, 1}, {0x0711, 0x0711, 1}, {0x0730, 0x073f, 1}, {0x07a6, 0x07b0, 1}, {0x0816, 0x0817, 1}, {0x081b, 0x0823, 1}, {0x0825, 0x0827, 1}, {0x0829, 0x082c, 1}, {0x0900, 0x0903, 1}, {0x093e, 0x094c, 1}, {0x094e, 0x094e, 1}, {0x0955, 0x0955, 1}, {0x0962, 0x0963, 1}, {0x0981, 0x0983, 1}, {0x09be, 0x09c4, 1}, {0x09c7, 0x09c8, 1}, {0x09cb, 0x09cc, 1}, {0x09d7, 0x09d7, 1}, {0x09e2, 0x09e3, 1}, {0x0a01, 0x0a03, 1}, {0x0a3e, 0x0a42, 1}, {0x0a47, 0x0a48, 1}, {0x0a4b, 0x0a4c, 1}, {0x0a51, 0x0a51, 1}, {0x0a70, 0x0a71, 1}, {0x0a75, 0x0a75, 1}, {0x0a81, 0x0a83, 1}, {0x0abe, 0x0ac5, 1}, {0x0ac7, 0x0ac9, 1}, {0x0acb, 0x0acc, 1}, {0x0ae2, 0x0ae3, 1}, {0x0b01, 0x0b03, 1}, {0x0b3e, 0x0b44, 1}, {0x0b47, 0x0b48, 1}, {0x0b4b, 0x0b4c, 1}, {0x0b56, 0x0b57, 1}, {0x0b62, 0x0b63, 1}, {0x0b82, 0x0b82, 1}, {0x0bbe, 0x0bc2, 1}, {0x0bc6, 0x0bc8, 1}, {0x0bca, 0x0bcc, 1}, {0x0bd7, 0x0bd7, 1}, {0x0c01, 0x0c03, 1}, {0x0c3e, 0x0c44, 1}, {0x0c46, 0x0c48, 1}, {0x0c4a, 0x0c4c, 1}, {0x0c55, 0x0c56, 1}, {0x0c62, 0x0c63, 1}, {0x0c82, 0x0c83, 1}, {0x0cbe, 0x0cc4, 1}, {0x0cc6, 0x0cc8, 1}, {0x0cca, 0x0ccc, 1}, {0x0cd5, 0x0cd6, 1}, {0x0ce2, 0x0ce3, 1}, {0x0d02, 0x0d03, 1}, {0x0d3e, 0x0d44, 1}, {0x0d46, 0x0d48, 1}, {0x0d4a, 0x0d4c, 1}, {0x0d57, 0x0d57, 1}, {0x0d62, 0x0d63, 1}, {0x0d82, 0x0d83, 1}, {0x0dcf, 0x0dd4, 1}, {0x0dd6, 0x0dd6, 1}, {0x0dd8, 0x0ddf, 1}, {0x0df2, 0x0df3, 1}, {0x0e31, 0x0e31, 1}, {0x0e34, 0x0e3a, 1}, {0x0e4d, 0x0e4d, 1}, {0x0eb1, 0x0eb1, 1}, {0x0eb4, 0x0eb9, 1}, {0x0ebb, 0x0ebc, 1}, {0x0ecd, 0x0ecd, 1}, {0x0f71, 0x0f81, 1}, {0x0f90, 0x0f97, 1}, {0x0f99, 0x0fbc, 1}, {0x102b, 0x1036, 1}, {0x1038, 0x1038, 1}, {0x103b, 0x103e, 1}, {0x1056, 0x1059, 1}, {0x105e, 0x1060, 1}, {0x1062, 0x1062, 1}, {0x1067, 0x1068, 1}, {0x1071, 0x1074, 1}, {0x1082, 0x1086, 1}, {0x109c, 0x109d, 1}, {0x135f, 0x135f, 1}, {0x1712, 0x1713, 1}, {0x1732, 0x1733, 1}, {0x1752, 0x1753, 1}, {0x1772, 0x1773, 1}, {0x17b6, 0x17c8, 1}, {0x18a9, 0x18a9, 1}, {0x1920, 0x192b, 1}, {0x1930, 0x1938, 1}, {0x19b0, 0x19c0, 1}, {0x19c8, 0x19c9, 1}, {0x1a17, 0x1a1b, 1}, {0x1a55, 0x1a5e, 1}, {0x1a61, 0x1a74, 1}, {0x1b00, 0x1b04, 1}, {0x1b35, 0x1b43, 1}, {0x1b80, 0x1b82, 1}, {0x1ba1, 0x1ba9, 1}, {0x1c24, 0x1c35, 1}, {0x1cf2, 0x1cf2, 1}, {0x24b6, 0x24e9, 1}, {0x2de0, 0x2dff, 1}, {0xa823, 0xa827, 1}, {0xa880, 0xa881, 1}, {0xa8b4, 0xa8c3, 1}, {0xa926, 0xa92a, 1}, {0xa947, 0xa952, 1}, {0xa980, 0xa983, 1}, {0xa9b3, 0xa9bf, 1}, {0xaa29, 0xaa36, 1}, {0xaa43, 0xaa43, 1}, {0xaa4c, 0xaa4d, 1}, {0xaab0, 0xaab0, 1}, {0xaab2, 0xaab4, 1}, {0xaab7, 0xaab8, 1}, {0xaabe, 0xaabe, 1}, {0xabe3, 0xabea, 1}, {0xfb1e, 0xfb1e, 1}, {0x10a01, 0x10a03, 1}, {0x10a05, 0x10a06, 1}, {0x10a0c, 0x10a0f, 1}, {0x11082, 0x11082, 1}, {0x110b0, 0x110b8, 1}, } var _Diacritic = []Range{ {0x005e, 0x005e, 1}, {0x0060, 0x0060, 1}, {0x00a8, 0x00a8, 1}, {0x00af, 0x00af, 1}, {0x00b4, 0x00b4, 1}, {0x00b7, 0x00b8, 1}, {0x02b0, 0x034e, 1}, {0x0350, 0x0357, 1}, {0x035d, 0x0362, 1}, {0x0374, 0x0375, 1}, {0x037a, 0x037a, 1}, {0x0384, 0x0385, 1}, {0x0483, 0x0487, 1}, {0x0559, 0x0559, 1}, {0x0591, 0x05a1, 1}, {0x05a3, 0x05bd, 1}, {0x05bf, 0x05bf, 1}, {0x05c1, 0x05c2, 1}, {0x05c4, 0x05c4, 1}, {0x064b, 0x0652, 1}, {0x0657, 0x0658, 1}, {0x06df, 0x06e0, 1}, {0x06e5, 0x06e6, 1}, {0x06ea, 0x06ec, 1}, {0x0730, 0x074a, 1}, {0x07a6, 0x07b0, 1}, {0x07eb, 0x07f5, 1}, {0x0818, 0x0819, 1}, {0x093c, 0x093c, 1}, {0x094d, 0x094d, 1}, {0x0951, 0x0954, 1}, {0x0971, 0x0971, 1}, {0x09bc, 0x09bc, 1}, {0x09cd, 0x09cd, 1}, {0x0a3c, 0x0a3c, 1}, {0x0a4d, 0x0a4d, 1}, {0x0abc, 0x0abc, 1}, {0x0acd, 0x0acd, 1}, {0x0b3c, 0x0b3c, 1}, {0x0b4d, 0x0b4d, 1}, {0x0bcd, 0x0bcd, 1}, {0x0c4d, 0x0c4d, 1}, {0x0cbc, 0x0cbc, 1}, {0x0ccd, 0x0ccd, 1}, {0x0d4d, 0x0d4d, 1}, {0x0dca, 0x0dca, 1}, {0x0e47, 0x0e4c, 1}, {0x0e4e, 0x0e4e, 1}, {0x0ec8, 0x0ecc, 1}, {0x0f18, 0x0f19, 1}, {0x0f35, 0x0f35, 1}, {0x0f37, 0x0f37, 1}, {0x0f39, 0x0f39, 1}, {0x0f3e, 0x0f3f, 1}, {0x0f82, 0x0f84, 1}, {0x0f86, 0x0f87, 1}, {0x0fc6, 0x0fc6, 1}, {0x1037, 0x1037, 1}, {0x1039, 0x103a, 1}, {0x1087, 0x108d, 1}, {0x108f, 0x108f, 1}, {0x109a, 0x109b, 1}, {0x17c9, 0x17d3, 1}, {0x17dd, 0x17dd, 1}, {0x1939, 0x193b, 1}, {0x1a75, 0x1a7c, 1}, {0x1a7f, 0x1a7f, 1}, {0x1b34, 0x1b34, 1}, {0x1b44, 0x1b44, 1}, {0x1b6b, 0x1b73, 1}, {0x1baa, 0x1baa, 1}, {0x1c36, 0x1c37, 1}, {0x1c78, 0x1c7d, 1}, {0x1cd0, 0x1ce8, 1}, {0x1ced, 0x1ced, 1}, {0x1d2c, 0x1d6a, 1}, {0x1dc4, 0x1dcf, 1}, {0x1dfd, 0x1dff, 1}, {0x1fbd, 0x1fbd, 1}, {0x1fbf, 0x1fc1, 1}, {0x1fcd, 0x1fcf, 1}, {0x1fdd, 0x1fdf, 1}, {0x1fed, 0x1fef, 1}, {0x1ffd, 0x1ffe, 1}, {0x2cef, 0x2cf1, 1}, {0x2e2f, 0x2e2f, 1}, {0x302a, 0x302f, 1}, {0x3099, 0x309c, 1}, {0x30fc, 0x30fc, 1}, {0xa66f, 0xa66f, 1}, {0xa67c, 0xa67d, 1}, {0xa67f, 0xa67f, 1}, {0xa6f0, 0xa6f1, 1}, {0xa717, 0xa721, 1}, {0xa788, 0xa788, 1}, {0xa8c4, 0xa8c4, 1}, {0xa8e0, 0xa8f1, 1}, {0xa92b, 0xa92e, 1}, {0xa953, 0xa953, 1}, {0xa9b3, 0xa9b3, 1}, {0xa9c0, 0xa9c0, 1}, {0xaa7b, 0xaa7b, 1}, {0xaabf, 0xaac2, 1}, {0xabec, 0xabed, 1}, {0xfb1e, 0xfb1e, 1}, {0xfe20, 0xfe26, 1}, {0xff3e, 0xff3e, 1}, {0xff40, 0xff40, 1}, {0xff70, 0xff70, 1}, {0xff9e, 0xff9f, 1}, {0xffe3, 0xffe3, 1}, {0x110b9, 0x110ba, 1}, {0x1d167, 0x1d169, 1}, {0x1d16d, 0x1d172, 1}, {0x1d17b, 0x1d182, 1}, {0x1d185, 0x1d18b, 1}, {0x1d1aa, 0x1d1ad, 1}, } var _Extender = []Range{ {0x00b7, 0x00b7, 1}, {0x02d0, 0x02d1, 1}, {0x0640, 0x0640, 1}, {0x07fa, 0x07fa, 1}, {0x0e46, 0x0e46, 1}, {0x0ec6, 0x0ec6, 1}, {0x1843, 0x1843, 1}, {0x1aa7, 0x1aa7, 1}, {0x1c36, 0x1c36, 1}, {0x1c7b, 0x1c7b, 1}, {0x3005, 0x3005, 1}, {0x3031, 0x3035, 1}, {0x309d, 0x309e, 1}, {0x30fc, 0x30fe, 1}, {0xa015, 0xa015, 1}, {0xa60c, 0xa60c, 1}, {0xa9cf, 0xa9cf, 1}, {0xaa70, 0xaa70, 1}, {0xaadd, 0xaadd, 1}, {0xff70, 0xff70, 1}, } var _Join_Control = []Range{ {0x200c, 0x200d, 1}, } var _Ideographic = []Range{ {0x3006, 0x3007, 1}, {0x3021, 0x3029, 1}, {0x3038, 0x303a, 1}, {0x3400, 0x4db5, 1}, {0x4e00, 0x9fcb, 1}, {0xf900, 0xfa2d, 1}, {0xfa30, 0xfa6d, 1}, {0xfa70, 0xfad9, 1}, {0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 1}, {0x2a700, 0x2b734, 1}, {0x2f800, 0x2fa1d, 1}, } var _Dash = []Range{ {0x002d, 0x002d, 1}, {0x058a, 0x058a, 1}, {0x05be, 0x05be, 1}, {0x1400, 0x1400, 1}, {0x1806, 0x1806, 1}, {0x2010, 0x2015, 1}, {0x2053, 0x2053, 1}, {0x207b, 0x207b, 1}, {0x208b, 0x208b, 1}, {0x2212, 0x2212, 1}, {0x2e17, 0x2e17, 1}, {0x2e1a, 0x2e1a, 1}, {0x301c, 0x301c, 1}, {0x3030, 0x3030, 1}, {0x30a0, 0x30a0, 1}, {0xfe31, 0xfe32, 1}, {0xfe58, 0xfe58, 1}, {0xfe63, 0xfe63, 1}, {0xff0d, 0xff0d, 1}, } var _IDS_Trinary_Operator = []Range{ {0x2ff2, 0x2ff3, 1}, } var _Other_Grapheme_Extend = []Range{ {0x09be, 0x09be, 1}, {0x09d7, 0x09d7, 1}, {0x0b3e, 0x0b3e, 1}, {0x0b57, 0x0b57, 1}, {0x0bbe, 0x0bbe, 1}, {0x0bd7, 0x0bd7, 1}, {0x0cc2, 0x0cc2, 1}, {0x0cd5, 0x0cd6, 1}, {0x0d3e, 0x0d3e, 1}, {0x0d57, 0x0d57, 1}, {0x0dcf, 0x0dcf, 1}, {0x0ddf, 0x0ddf, 1}, {0x200c, 0x200d, 1}, {0xff9e, 0xff9f, 1}, {0x1d165, 0x1d165, 1}, {0x1d16e, 0x1d172, 1}, } var _Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = []Range{ {0x034f, 0x034f, 1}, {0x115f, 0x1160, 1}, {0x2065, 0x2069, 1}, {0x3164, 0x3164, 1}, {0xffa0, 0xffa0, 1}, {0xfff0, 0xfff8, 1}, {0xe0000, 0xe0000, 1}, {0xe0002, 0xe001f, 1}, {0xe0080, 0xe00ff, 1}, {0xe01f0, 0xe0fff, 1}, } var _White_Space = []Range{ {0x0009, 0x000d, 1}, {0x0020, 0x0020, 1}, {0x0085, 0x0085, 1}, {0x00a0, 0x00a0, 1}, {0x1680, 0x1680, 1}, {0x180e, 0x180e, 1}, {0x2000, 0x200a, 1}, {0x2028, 0x2029, 1}, {0x202f, 0x202f, 1}, {0x205f, 0x205f, 1}, {0x3000, 0x3000, 1}, } var ( ASCII_Hex_Digit = _ASCII_Hex_Digit // ASCII_Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property ASCII_Hex_Digit. Bidi_Control = _Bidi_Control // Bidi_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Bidi_Control. Dash = _Dash // Dash is the set of Unicode characters with property Dash. Deprecated = _Deprecated // Deprecated is the set of Unicode characters with property Deprecated. Diacritic = _Diacritic // Diacritic is the set of Unicode characters with property Diacritic. Extender = _Extender // Extender is the set of Unicode characters with property Extender. Hex_Digit = _Hex_Digit // Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property Hex_Digit. Hyphen = _Hyphen // Hyphen is the set of Unicode characters with property Hyphen. IDS_Binary_Operator = _IDS_Binary_Operator // IDS_Binary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Binary_Operator. IDS_Trinary_Operator = _IDS_Trinary_Operator // IDS_Trinary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Trinary_Operator. Ideographic = _Ideographic // Ideographic is the set of Unicode characters with property Ideographic. Join_Control = _Join_Control // Join_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Join_Control. Logical_Order_Exception = _Logical_Order_Exception // Logical_Order_Exception is the set of Unicode characters with property Logical_Order_Exception. Noncharacter_Code_Point = _Noncharacter_Code_Point // Noncharacter_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Noncharacter_Code_Point. Other_Alphabetic = _Other_Alphabetic // Other_Alphabetic is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Alphabetic. Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = _Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point // Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point. Other_Grapheme_Extend = _Other_Grapheme_Extend // Other_Grapheme_Extend is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Grapheme_Extend. Other_ID_Continue = _Other_ID_Continue // Other_ID_Continue is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Continue. Other_ID_Start = _Other_ID_Start // Other_ID_Start is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Start. Other_Lowercase = _Other_Lowercase // Other_Lowercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Lowercase. Other_Math = _Other_Math // Other_Math is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Math. Other_Uppercase = _Other_Uppercase // Other_Uppercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Uppercase. Pattern_Syntax = _Pattern_Syntax // Pattern_Syntax is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_Syntax. Pattern_White_Space = _Pattern_White_Space // Pattern_White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_White_Space. Quotation_Mark = _Quotation_Mark // Quotation_Mark is the set of Unicode characters with property Quotation_Mark. Radical = _Radical // Radical is the set of Unicode characters with property Radical. STerm = _STerm // STerm is the set of Unicode characters with property STerm. Soft_Dotted = _Soft_Dotted // Soft_Dotted is the set of Unicode characters with property Soft_Dotted. Terminal_Punctuation = _Terminal_Punctuation // Terminal_Punctuation is the set of Unicode characters with property Terminal_Punctuation. Unified_Ideograph = _Unified_Ideograph // Unified_Ideograph is the set of Unicode characters with property Unified_Ideograph. Variation_Selector = _Variation_Selector // Variation_Selector is the set of Unicode characters with property Variation_Selector. White_Space = _White_Space // White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property White_Space. ) // Generated by running // maketables --data=http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.2.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt // DO NOT EDIT // CaseRanges is the table describing case mappings for all letters with // non-self mappings. var CaseRanges = _CaseRanges var _CaseRanges = []CaseRange{ {0x0041, 0x005A, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x0061, 0x007A, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x00B5, 0x00B5, d{743, 0, 743}}, {0x00C0, 0x00D6, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x00D8, 0x00DE, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x00E0, 0x00F6, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x00F8, 0x00FE, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x00FF, 0x00FF, d{121, 0, 121}}, {0x0100, 0x012F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0130, 0x0130, d{0, -199, 0}}, {0x0131, 0x0131, d{-232, 0, -232}}, {0x0132, 0x0137, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0139, 0x0148, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x014A, 0x0177, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0178, 0x0178, d{0, -121, 0}}, {0x0179, 0x017E, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x017F, 0x017F, d{-300, 0, -300}}, {0x0180, 0x0180, d{195, 0, 195}}, {0x0181, 0x0181, d{0, 210, 0}}, {0x0182, 0x0185, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0186, 0x0186, d{0, 206, 0}}, {0x0187, 0x0188, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0189, 0x018A, d{0, 205, 0}}, {0x018B, 0x018C, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x018E, 0x018E, d{0, 79, 0}}, {0x018F, 0x018F, d{0, 202, 0}}, {0x0190, 0x0190, d{0, 203, 0}}, {0x0191, 0x0192, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0193, 0x0193, d{0, 205, 0}}, {0x0194, 0x0194, d{0, 207, 0}}, {0x0195, 0x0195, d{97, 0, 97}}, {0x0196, 0x0196, d{0, 211, 0}}, {0x0197, 0x0197, d{0, 209, 0}}, {0x0198, 0x0199, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x019A, 0x019A, d{163, 0, 163}}, {0x019C, 0x019C, d{0, 211, 0}}, {0x019D, 0x019D, d{0, 213, 0}}, {0x019E, 0x019E, d{130, 0, 130}}, {0x019F, 0x019F, d{0, 214, 0}}, {0x01A0, 0x01A5, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01A6, 0x01A6, d{0, 218, 0}}, {0x01A7, 0x01A8, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01A9, 0x01A9, d{0, 218, 0}}, {0x01AC, 0x01AD, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01AE, 0x01AE, d{0, 218, 0}}, {0x01AF, 0x01B0, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01B1, 0x01B2, d{0, 217, 0}}, {0x01B3, 0x01B6, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01B7, 0x01B7, d{0, 219, 0}}, {0x01B8, 0x01B9, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01BC, 0x01BD, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01BF, 0x01BF, d{56, 0, 56}}, {0x01C4, 0x01C4, d{0, 2, 1}}, {0x01C5, 0x01C5, d{-1, 1, 0}}, {0x01C6, 0x01C6, d{-2, 0, -1}}, {0x01C7, 0x01C7, d{0, 2, 1}}, {0x01C8, 0x01C8, d{-1, 1, 0}}, {0x01C9, 0x01C9, d{-2, 0, -1}}, {0x01CA, 0x01CA, d{0, 2, 1}}, {0x01CB, 0x01CB, d{-1, 1, 0}}, {0x01CC, 0x01CC, d{-2, 0, -1}}, {0x01CD, 0x01DC, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01DD, 0x01DD, d{-79, 0, -79}}, {0x01DE, 0x01EF, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01F1, 0x01F1, d{0, 2, 1}}, {0x01F2, 0x01F2, d{-1, 1, 0}}, {0x01F3, 0x01F3, d{-2, 0, -1}}, {0x01F4, 0x01F5, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x01F6, 0x01F6, d{0, -97, 0}}, {0x01F7, 0x01F7, d{0, -56, 0}}, {0x01F8, 0x021F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0220, 0x0220, d{0, -130, 0}}, {0x0222, 0x0233, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x023A, 0x023A, d{0, 10795, 0}}, {0x023B, 0x023C, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x023D, 0x023D, d{0, -163, 0}}, {0x023E, 0x023E, d{0, 10792, 0}}, {0x023F, 0x0240, d{10815, 0, 10815}}, {0x0241, 0x0242, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0243, 0x0243, d{0, -195, 0}}, {0x0244, 0x0244, d{0, 69, 0}}, {0x0245, 0x0245, d{0, 71, 0}}, {0x0246, 0x024F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0250, 0x0250, d{10783, 0, 10783}}, {0x0251, 0x0251, d{10780, 0, 10780}}, {0x0252, 0x0252, d{10782, 0, 10782}}, {0x0253, 0x0253, d{-210, 0, -210}}, {0x0254, 0x0254, d{-206, 0, -206}}, {0x0256, 0x0257, d{-205, 0, -205}}, {0x0259, 0x0259, d{-202, 0, -202}}, {0x025B, 0x025B, d{-203, 0, -203}}, {0x0260, 0x0260, d{-205, 0, -205}}, {0x0263, 0x0263, d{-207, 0, -207}}, {0x0268, 0x0268, d{-209, 0, -209}}, {0x0269, 0x0269, d{-211, 0, -211}}, {0x026B, 0x026B, d{10743, 0, 10743}}, {0x026F, 0x026F, d{-211, 0, -211}}, {0x0271, 0x0271, d{10749, 0, 10749}}, {0x0272, 0x0272, d{-213, 0, -213}}, {0x0275, 0x0275, d{-214, 0, -214}}, {0x027D, 0x027D, d{10727, 0, 10727}}, {0x0280, 0x0280, d{-218, 0, -218}}, {0x0283, 0x0283, d{-218, 0, -218}}, {0x0288, 0x0288, d{-218, 0, -218}}, {0x0289, 0x0289, d{-69, 0, -69}}, {0x028A, 0x028B, d{-217, 0, -217}}, {0x028C, 0x028C, d{-71, 0, -71}}, {0x0292, 0x0292, d{-219, 0, -219}}, {0x0370, 0x0373, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0376, 0x0377, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x037B, 0x037D, d{130, 0, 130}}, {0x0386, 0x0386, d{0, 38, 0}}, {0x0388, 0x038A, d{0, 37, 0}}, {0x038C, 0x038C, d{0, 64, 0}}, {0x038E, 0x038F, d{0, 63, 0}}, {0x0391, 0x03A1, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x03A3, 0x03AB, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x03AC, 0x03AC, d{-38, 0, -38}}, {0x03AD, 0x03AF, d{-37, 0, -37}}, {0x03B1, 0x03C1, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x03C2, 0x03C2, d{-31, 0, -31}}, {0x03C3, 0x03CB, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x03CC, 0x03CC, d{-64, 0, -64}}, {0x03CD, 0x03CE, d{-63, 0, -63}}, {0x03CF, 0x03CF, d{0, 8, 0}}, {0x03D0, 0x03D0, d{-62, 0, -62}}, {0x03D1, 0x03D1, d{-57, 0, -57}}, {0x03D5, 0x03D5, d{-47, 0, -47}}, {0x03D6, 0x03D6, d{-54, 0, -54}}, {0x03D7, 0x03D7, d{-8, 0, -8}}, {0x03D8, 0x03EF, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x03F0, 0x03F0, d{-86, 0, -86}}, {0x03F1, 0x03F1, d{-80, 0, -80}}, {0x03F2, 0x03F2, d{7, 0, 7}}, {0x03F4, 0x03F4, d{0, -60, 0}}, {0x03F5, 0x03F5, d{-96, 0, -96}}, {0x03F7, 0x03F8, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x03F9, 0x03F9, d{0, -7, 0}}, {0x03FA, 0x03FB, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x03FD, 0x03FF, d{0, -130, 0}}, {0x0400, 0x040F, d{0, 80, 0}}, {0x0410, 0x042F, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0x0430, 0x044F, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x0450, 0x045F, d{-80, 0, -80}}, {0x0460, 0x0481, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x048A, 0x04BF, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x04C0, 0x04C0, d{0, 15, 0}}, {0x04C1, 0x04CE, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x04CF, 0x04CF, d{-15, 0, -15}}, {0x04D0, 0x0525, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x0531, 0x0556, d{0, 48, 0}}, {0x0561, 0x0586, d{-48, 0, -48}}, {0x10A0, 0x10C5, d{0, 7264, 0}}, {0x1D79, 0x1D79, d{35332, 0, 35332}}, {0x1D7D, 0x1D7D, d{3814, 0, 3814}}, {0x1E00, 0x1E95, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x1E9B, 0x1E9B, d{-59, 0, -59}}, {0x1E9E, 0x1E9E, d{0, -7615, 0}}, {0x1EA0, 0x1EFF, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x1F00, 0x1F07, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F08, 0x1F0F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F10, 0x1F15, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F18, 0x1F1D, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F20, 0x1F27, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F28, 0x1F2F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F30, 0x1F37, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F38, 0x1F3F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F40, 0x1F45, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F48, 0x1F4D, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F51, 0x1F51, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F53, 0x1F53, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F55, 0x1F55, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F57, 0x1F57, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F59, 0x1F59, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F5B, 0x1F5B, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F5D, 0x1F5D, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F5F, 0x1F5F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F60, 0x1F67, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F68, 0x1F6F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F70, 0x1F71, d{74, 0, 74}}, {0x1F72, 0x1F75, d{86, 0, 86}}, {0x1F76, 0x1F77, d{100, 0, 100}}, {0x1F78, 0x1F79, d{128, 0, 128}}, {0x1F7A, 0x1F7B, d{112, 0, 112}}, {0x1F7C, 0x1F7D, d{126, 0, 126}}, {0x1F80, 0x1F87, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F88, 0x1F8F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1F90, 0x1F97, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1F98, 0x1F9F, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1FA0, 0x1FA7, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1FA8, 0x1FAF, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1FB0, 0x1FB1, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1FB3, 0x1FB3, d{9, 0, 9}}, {0x1FB8, 0x1FB9, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1FBA, 0x1FBB, d{0, -74, 0}}, {0x1FBC, 0x1FBC, d{0, -9, 0}}, {0x1FBE, 0x1FBE, d{-7205, 0, -7205}}, {0x1FC3, 0x1FC3, d{9, 0, 9}}, {0x1FC8, 0x1FCB, d{0, -86, 0}}, {0x1FCC, 0x1FCC, d{0, -9, 0}}, {0x1FD0, 0x1FD1, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1FD8, 0x1FD9, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1FDA, 0x1FDB, d{0, -100, 0}}, {0x1FE0, 0x1FE1, d{8, 0, 8}}, {0x1FE5, 0x1FE5, d{7, 0, 7}}, {0x1FE8, 0x1FE9, d{0, -8, 0}}, {0x1FEA, 0x1FEB, d{0, -112, 0}}, {0x1FEC, 0x1FEC, d{0, -7, 0}}, {0x1FF3, 0x1FF3, d{9, 0, 9}}, {0x1FF8, 0x1FF9, d{0, -128, 0}}, {0x1FFA, 0x1FFB, d{0, -126, 0}}, {0x1FFC, 0x1FFC, d{0, -9, 0}}, {0x2126, 0x2126, d{0, -7517, 0}}, {0x212A, 0x212A, d{0, -8383, 0}}, {0x212B, 0x212B, d{0, -8262, 0}}, {0x2132, 0x2132, d{0, 28, 0}}, {0x214E, 0x214E, d{-28, 0, -28}}, {0x2183, 0x2184, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2C00, 0x2C2E, d{0, 48, 0}}, {0x2C30, 0x2C5E, d{-48, 0, -48}}, {0x2C60, 0x2C61, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2C62, 0x2C62, d{0, -10743, 0}}, {0x2C63, 0x2C63, d{0, -3814, 0}}, {0x2C64, 0x2C64, d{0, -10727, 0}}, {0x2C65, 0x2C65, d{-10795, 0, -10795}}, {0x2C66, 0x2C66, d{-10792, 0, -10792}}, {0x2C67, 0x2C6C, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2C6D, 0x2C6D, d{0, -10780, 0}}, {0x2C6E, 0x2C6E, d{0, -10749, 0}}, {0x2C6F, 0x2C6F, d{0, -10783, 0}}, {0x2C70, 0x2C70, d{0, -10782, 0}}, {0x2C72, 0x2C73, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2C75, 0x2C76, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2C7E, 0x2C7F, d{0, -10815, 0}}, {0x2C80, 0x2CE3, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2CEB, 0x2CEE, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0x2D00, 0x2D25, d{-7264, 0, -7264}}, {0xA640, 0xA65F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA662, 0xA66D, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA680, 0xA697, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA722, 0xA72F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA732, 0xA76F, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA779, 0xA77C, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA77D, 0xA77D, d{0, -35332, 0}}, {0xA77E, 0xA787, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xA78B, 0xA78C, d{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}}, {0xFF21, 0xFF3A, d{0, 32, 0}}, {0xFF41, 0xFF5A, d{-32, 0, -32}}, {0x10400, 0x10427, d{0, 40, 0}}, {0x10428, 0x1044F, d{-40, 0, -40}}, }