/* MD2.java --
   Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is a part of GNU Classpath.

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package gnu.java.security.hash;

import gnu.java.security.Registry;
import gnu.java.security.util.Util;

 * An implementation of the MD2 message digest algorithm.
 * <p>
 * MD2 is not widely used. Unless it is needed for compatibility with
 * existing systems, it is not recommended for use in new applications.
 * <p>
 * References:
 * <ol>
 *    <li>The <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1319.txt">MD2</a>
 *    Message-Digest Algorithm.<br>
 *    B. Kaliski.</li>
 *    <li>The <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata.html">RFC ERRATA PAGE</a>
 *    under section RFC 1319.</li>
 * </ol>
public class MD2
    extends BaseHash
  /** An MD2 message digest is always 128-bits long, or 16 bytes. */
  private static final int DIGEST_LENGTH = 16;

  /** The MD2 algorithm operates on 128-bit blocks, or 16 bytes. */
  private static final int BLOCK_LENGTH = 16;

  /** 256 byte "random" permutation of the digits of pi. */
  private static final byte[] PI = {
        41,   46,   67,  -55,  -94,  -40,  124,   1,
        61,   54,   84,  -95,  -20,  -16,    6,  19,
        98,  -89,    5,  -13,  -64,  -57,  115, -116,
      -104, -109,   43,  -39,  -68,   76, -126,  -54,
        30, -101,   87,   60,   -3,  -44,  -32,   22,
       103,   66,  111,   24, -118,   23,  -27,   18,
       -66,   78,  -60,  -42,  -38,  -98,  -34,   73,
       -96,   -5,  -11, -114,  -69,   47,  -18,  122,
       -87,  104,  121, -111,   21,  -78,    7,   63,
      -108,  -62,   16, -119,   11,   34,   95,   33,
      -128,  127,   93, -102,   90, -112,   50,   39,
        53,   62,  -52,  -25,  -65,   -9, -105,    3,
        -1,   25,   48,  -77,   72,  -91,  -75,  -47,
       -41,   94, -110,   42,  -84,   86,  -86,  -58,
        79,  -72,   56,  -46, -106,  -92,  125,  -74,
       118,   -4,  107,  -30, -100,  116,    4,  -15,
        69,  -99,  112,   89,  100,  113, -121,   32,
      -122,   91,  -49,  101,  -26,   45,  -88,    2,
        27,   96,   37,  -83,  -82,  -80,  -71,  -10,
        28,   70,   97,  105,   52,   64,  126,   15,
        85,   71,  -93,   35,  -35,   81,  -81,   58,
       -61,   92,   -7,  -50,  -70,  -59,  -22,   38,
        44,   83,   13,  110, -123,   40, -124,    9,
       -45,  -33,  -51,  -12,   65, -127,   77,   82,
       106,  -36,   55,  -56,  108,  -63,  -85,   -6,
        36,  -31,  123,    8,   12,  -67,  -79,   74,
       120, -120, -107, -117,  -29,   99,  -24,  109,
       -23,  -53,  -43,   -2,   59,    0,   29,   57,
       -14,  -17,  -73,   14,  102,   88,  -48,  -28,
       -90,  119,  114,   -8,  -21,  117,   75,   10,
        49,   68,   80,  -76, -113,  -19,   31,   26,
       -37, -103, -115,   51, - 97,   17, -125,   20 };

  /** The output of this message digest when no data has been input. */
  private static final String DIGEST0 = "8350E5A3E24C153DF2275C9F80692773";

  /** caches the result of the correctness test, once executed. */
  private static Boolean valid;

  /** The checksum computed so far. */
  private byte[] checksum;

   * Work array needed by encrypt method. First <code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes
   * are also used to store the running digest.
  private byte[] work;

  /** Creates a new MD2 digest ready for use. */
  public MD2()

   * Private constructor used for cloning.
   * @param md2 the instance to clone.
  private MD2(MD2 md2)

    // superclass field
    this.count = md2.count;
    this.buffer = (byte[]) md2.buffer.clone();
    // private field
    this.checksum = (byte[]) md2.checksum.clone();
    this.work = (byte[]) md2.work.clone();

  public Object clone()
    return new MD2(this);

  protected byte[] getResult()
    byte[] result = new byte[DIGEST_LENGTH];
    // Encrypt checksum as last block.
    encryptBlock(checksum, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
      result[i] = work[i];

    return result;

  protected void resetContext()
    checksum = new byte[BLOCK_LENGTH];
    work = new byte[BLOCK_LENGTH * 3];

  public boolean selfTest()
    if (valid == null)
        String d = Util.toString(new MD2().digest());
        valid = Boolean.valueOf(DIGEST0.equals(d));
    return valid.booleanValue();

   * Generates an array of padding bytes. The padding is defined as
   * <code>i</code> bytes of value <code>i</code>, where <code>i</code> is the
   * number of bytes to fill the last block of the message to
   * <code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes (or <code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes when
   * the last block was completely full).
   * @return the bytes to pad the remaining bytes in the buffer before
   * completing a hash operation.
  protected byte[] padBuffer()
    int length = BLOCK_LENGTH - (int) (count % BLOCK_LENGTH);
    if (length == 0)
      length = BLOCK_LENGTH;

    byte[] pad = new byte[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      pad[i] = (byte) length;

    return pad;

   * Adds <code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes to the running digest.
   * @param in the byte array to take the <code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes from.
   * @param off the offset to start from in the given byte array.
  protected void transform(byte[] in, int off)
    updateCheckSumAndEncryptBlock(in, off);

   * Adds a new block (<code>BLOCK_LENGTH</code> bytes) to the running digest
   * from the given byte array starting from the given offset.
  private void encryptBlock(byte[] in, int off)
    for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
        byte b = in[off + i];
        work[BLOCK_LENGTH + i] = b;
        work[BLOCK_LENGTH * 2 + i] = (byte)(work[i] ^ b);
    byte t = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 * BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
            t = (byte)(work[j] ^ PI[t & 0xFF]);
            work[j] = t;
        t = (byte)(t + i);

   * Optimized method that combines a checksum update and encrypt of a block.
  private void updateCheckSumAndEncryptBlock(byte[] in, int off)
    byte l = checksum[BLOCK_LENGTH - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
        byte b = in[off + i];
        work[BLOCK_LENGTH + i] = b;
        work[BLOCK_LENGTH * 2 + i] = (byte)(work[i] ^ b);
        l = (byte)(checksum[i] ^ PI[(b ^ l) & 0xFF]);
        checksum[i] = l;
    byte t = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3 * BLOCK_LENGTH; j++)
            t = (byte)(work[j] ^ PI[t & 0xFF]);
            work[j] = t;
        t = (byte)(t + i);