/* CALG.java --
   Copyright (C) 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is a part of GNU Classpath.

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package gnu.javax.crypto.sasl.srp;

import gnu.java.security.Registry;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.Assembly;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.Cascade;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.Direction;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.Stage;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.Transformer;
import gnu.javax.crypto.assembly.TransformerException;
import gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.CipherFactory;
import gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipher;
import gnu.javax.crypto.mode.IMode;
import gnu.javax.crypto.mode.ModeFactory;
import gnu.javax.crypto.pad.IPad;
import gnu.javax.crypto.pad.PadFactory;
import gnu.javax.crypto.sasl.ConfidentialityException;

import java.util.HashMap;

import javax.security.sasl.SaslException;

 * A Factory class that returns CALG (Confidentiality Algorithm) instances that
 * operate as described in the draft-burdis-cat-sasl-srp-08.
 * <p>
 * The designated CALG block cipher should be used in OFB (Output Feedback
 * Block) mode in the ISO variant, as described in <i>The Handbook of Applied
 * Cryptography</i>, algorithm 7.20.
 * <p>
 * Let <code>k</code> be the block size of the chosen symmetric key block
 * cipher algorithm; e.g. for AES this is <code>128</code> bits or
 * <code>16</code> octets. The OFB mode used shall be of length/size
 * <code>k</code>.
 * <p>
 * It is recommended that block ciphers operating in OFB mode be used with an
 * Initial Vector (the mode's IV). In such a mode of operation - OFB with key
 * re-use - the IV need not be secret. For the mechanism in question the IVs
 * shall be a random octet sequence of <code>k</code> bytes.
 * <p>
 * The input data to the confidentiality protection algorithm shall be a
 * multiple of the symmetric cipher block size <code>k</code>. When the input
 * length is not a multiple of <code>k</code> octets, the data shall be padded
 * according to the following scheme:
 * <p>
 * Assuming the length of the input is <code>l</code> octets,
 * <code>(k - (l mod k))</code> octets, all having the value
 * <code>(k - (l mod k))</code>, shall be appended to the original data. In
 * other words, the input is padded at the trailing end with one of the
 * following sequences:
 * <pre>
 *                     01 -- if l mod k = k-1
 *                    02 02 -- if l mod k = k-2
 *                              ...
 *                              ...
 *                              ...
 *                  k k ... k k -- if l mod k = 0
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * The padding can be removed unambiguously since all input is padded and no
 * padding sequence is a suffix of another. This padding method is well-defined
 * if and only if <code>k &lt; 256</code> octets, which is the case with
 * symmetric key block ciphers today, and in the forseeable future.
public final class CALG
  private Assembly assembly;
  private Object modeNdx; // initialisation key of the cascade's attributes
  private int blockSize; // the underlying cipher's blocksize == IV length
  private int keySize; // the underlying cipher's key size (in bytes).

  /** Private constructor to enforce instantiation through Factory method. */
  private CALG(final int blockSize, final int keySize, final Object modeNdx,
               final Assembly assembly)

    this.blockSize = blockSize;
    this.keySize = keySize;
    this.modeNdx = modeNdx;
    this.assembly = assembly;

   * Returns an instance of a SASL-SRP CALG implementation.
   * @param algorithm the name of the symmetric cipher algorithm.
   * @return an instance of this object.
  static synchronized CALG getInstance(final String algorithm)
    final IBlockCipher cipher = CipherFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
    final int blockSize = cipher.defaultBlockSize();
    final int keySize = cipher.defaultKeySize();
    final Cascade ofbCipher = new Cascade();
    IMode ofbMode = ModeFactory.getInstance(Registry.OFB_MODE,
    Stage modeStage = Stage.getInstance(ofbMode, Direction.FORWARD);
    final Object modeNdx = ofbCipher.append(modeStage);
    final IPad pkcs7 = PadFactory.getInstance(Registry.PKCS7_PAD);
    final Assembly asm = new Assembly();
    return new CALG(blockSize, keySize, modeNdx, asm);

   * Initialises a SASL-SRP CALG implementation.
   * @param kdf the key derivation function.
   * @param iv the initial vector value to use.
   * @param dir whether this CALG is used for encryption or decryption.
  public void init(final KDF kdf, final byte[] iv, final Direction dir)
      throws SaslException
    final byte[] realIV;
    if (iv.length == blockSize)
      realIV = iv;
        realIV = new byte[blockSize];
        if (iv.length > blockSize)
          System.arraycopy(iv, 0, realIV, 0, blockSize);
        else // shouldnt happen
          System.arraycopy(iv, 0, realIV, 0, iv.length);
    final HashMap modeAttributes = new HashMap();
    final byte[] sk = kdf.derive(keySize);
    modeAttributes.put(IBlockCipher.KEY_MATERIAL, sk);
    modeAttributes.put(IMode.IV, realIV);
    final HashMap attributes = new HashMap();
    attributes.put(Assembly.DIRECTION, dir);
    attributes.put(modeNdx, modeAttributes);
    catch (TransformerException x)
        throw new SaslException("getInstance()", x);

   * Encrypts or decrypts, depending on the mode already set, a designated array
   * of bytes and returns the result.
   * @param data the data to encrypt/decrypt.
   * @return the decrypted/encrypted result.
   * @throws ConfidentialityException if an exception occurs duirng the process.
  public byte[] doFinal(final byte[] data) throws ConfidentialityException
    return doFinal(data, 0, data.length);

   * Encrypts or decrypts, depending on the mode already set, a designated array
   * of bytes and returns the result.
   * @param data the data to encrypt/decrypt.
   * @param offset where to start in <code>data</code>.
   * @param length how many bytes to consider in <code>data</code>.
   * @return the decrypted/encrypted result.
   * @throws ConfidentialityException if an exception occurs duirng the process.
  public byte[] doFinal(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int length)
      throws ConfidentialityException
    final byte[] result;
        result = assembly.lastUpdate(data, offset, length);
    catch (TransformerException x)
        throw new ConfidentialityException("doFinal()", x);
    return result;