# # . ./build.vars and set -o errexit are assumed. # See warning at the top of build.vars. # date() { command date +"${1:-${TIMESTAMP_FMT}}"; }; get_basename() { set -- $(get_name_without_slash ${1}); echo "${1##*/}"; }; get_var_dyn() { ${1}; }; get_var_unsafe() { eval echo \${${1}}; }; set_var_dyn() { eval ${1}\(\) \{ echo \"${2}\"\; \}; }; set_var_unsafe() { eval ${1}=\"${2}\"; }; get_name_without_slash() { while [ "${1%/}" != ${1} ]; do set -- ${1%/}; done; echo ${1}; }; get_postfix_lrg() { echo "${1##*${2}}"; }; get_prefix_lrg() { echo "${1%%${2}*}"; }; get_postfix() { echo "${1#*${2}}"; }; get_prefix() { echo "${1%${2}*}"; }; match_any() { [ "${1#*${2}*}" != "${1}" ]; }; match_uname_any() { set -- ${1} $(uname -s); [ "${2#*${1}*}" != "${2}" ]; }; push_IFS() { _pI_IFS="${IFS}"; IFS="${1}"; }; pop_IFS() { IFS="${_pI_IFS}"; unset _pI_IFS; }; set_build_dir() { PKG_BUILD_DIR=${1}-${2}-${TARGET}; }; split() { push_IFS "${1}"; set -- ${2}; pop_IFS; echo "${*}"; }; test_cmd() { command -v "${1}" >/dev/null; }; unsplit() { push_IFS "${1}"; shift; set -- "${@}"; echo "${*}"; pop_IFS; }; build_times_init() { BUILD_TIMES_SECS=$(command date +%s); }; build_times_get() { : $((BUILD_TIMES_SECS=$(command date +%s)-${BUILD_TIMES_SECS})); : $((BUILD_TIMES_HOURS=${BUILD_TIMES_SECS}/3600)); : $((BUILD_TIMES_MINUTES=(${BUILD_TIMES_SECS}%3600)/60)); : $((BUILD_TIMES_SECS=(${BUILD_TIMES_SECS}%3600)%60)); }; clean_prefix() { log_msg info "-c specified, cleaning prefix..."; set -- bin include lib lib64 libexec native share x86_64-nt64-midipix; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do rm -rf ${PREFIX}/${1}; shift; done; find ${PREFIX}/tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -iname \*.tar\* -exec rm -rf {} \; find ${PREFIX}/tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname .\* -exec rm -rf {} \; }; clean_build_status() { set -- BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME BUILD_STATUS_PROGRESS_FNAME BUILD_STATUS_TARBALL_PROGRESS_FNAME; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do unset ${1}; shift; done; touch ${PREFIX}/BUILD_ABORTED_AT_$(date %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S); log_msg fail "Build aborted at $(date %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)."; }; export_vars_subst() { _evs_pfx=${1}; _evs_pfx_new=${2}; shift 2; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do if [ -n "${_evs_vval:=$(get_var_unsafe ${_evs_pfx}${1})}" ]; then export "${_evs_pfx_new}${1}=${_evs_vval}"; fi; unset _evs_vval; shift; done; unset _evs_pfx _evs_pfx_new; }; fetch_git() { [ ${ARG_NO_DOWNLOAD:-0} -eq 0 ] &&\ rm_if_exists ${1}; [ -d ${1} ] && (cd ${1} && git pull origin main)\ || git clone ${3} ${2} ${1}; }; find_with_no_paths() { for _fwnp_not_path in ${1}; do _fwnp_args="${_fwnp_args:+${_fwnp_args} }-not -path ./${_fwnp_not_path} -not -path ./${_fwnp_not_path}/*"; done; shift; set -f; find "${@}" ${_fwnp_args}; _rc=${?}; set +f; unset _fwnp_args _fwnp_not_path; return ${_rc}; }; rm_if_exists() { [ -z "${1#-m}" ] && { _rie_arg_m=1; shift; }; [ -z "${1#-c}" ] && { _rie_arg_c=1; shift; }; if [ -d ${1} -o -f ${1} ]; then log_msg warn "Removing directory or file \`${1}'."; if [ ${ARG_PEDANTIC:-0} -eq 1 ]; then printf "Confirm deletion (y|N) "; read _rie_prompt; case "${_rie_prompt}" in [yY]) rm -rf ${1}; ;; *) log_msg warn "Skipping removal of \`${1}'."; _rie_arg_m=0; ;; esac; else rm -rf ${1}; fi; fi; [ ${_rie_arg_m:-0} -eq 1 ] && { log_msg warn "Making directory \`${1}'."; mkdir ${1}; unset _rie_arg_m; }; [ ${_rie_arg_c:-0} -eq 1 ] && { cd ${1}; unset _rie_arg_c; }; return 0; }; rotate_files() { set -- $(find ${PREFIX} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "${1}" |\ sort | sed -n $((${2}+1)),\$p); while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do rm -f "${1}"; shift; done; }; set_env_vars() { _sev_val_new="${1}"; shift; while [ ${#} -gt 1 ]; do [ -z "${_sev_val_new}" ] && unset ${1} ||\ export "${1}=${_sev_val_new}"; shift; done; unset _sev_val_new; }; # Download GNU bash-style patch sets into ${2}-patches-extra and # apply them to ${2} in the correct order. apply_patches() { (rm_if_exists -m -c ${2}-patches-extra; wget -c -nd -np -r -R \*.htm\* -R \*.sig ${1}; for _ap_patch_fname in \ $(find . -type f -not -iname \*.sig | sort); do patch -b -d ../${2} -p0 < ${_ap_patch_fname}; done; unset _ap_patch_fname); }; # Check whether all supplied arguments contain non-empty valid values. check_path_vars() { while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do if [ -z "${_cpv_val:=$(get_var_unsafe "${1}")}" ]; then log_msg failexit "Error: variable \`${1}' is empty or unset."; elif match_any "${_cpv_val}" " "; then log_msg failexit "Error: variable \`${1}' contains one or more whitespace characters."; else shift; fi; unset _cpv_val; done; }; # Check whether all supplied command names resolve. check_prereqs() { while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do if ! command -v ${1} >/dev/null; then log_msg failexit "Error: missing prerequisite command \`${1}'."; fi; shift; done; }; # Clear the environment by unsetting each exported variable except # for those named by the caller. clear_env_with_except() { _cewe_vfilter="${*}"; _cewe_unset_cmds="$(mktemp -q)"; export | while read _cewe_vspec; do set -- ${_cewe_vspec}; shift; [ "${1#*[^\"\'=a-zA-Z0-9_]}" != "${1}" ] && continue; if ! match_list "${_cewe_vfilter}" " " \ $(get_prefix_lrg ${1} =); then echo unset $(get_prefix_lrg ${1} =) >> ${_cewe_unset_cmds}; fi; done; . "${_cewe_unset_cmds}"; rm -f "${_cewe_unset_cmds}" 2>/dev/null; unset _cewe_vfilter _cewe_vspec; }; fetch() { [ ${ARG_NO_DOWNLOAD:-0} -eq 0 ] &&\ rm_if_exists $(get_basename ${1}); wget ${WGET_ARGS} ${1}; if [ ${#} -eq 2 ]; then set -- $(get_basename ${1}) "$(compare_hash $(get_basename ${1}) ${2})" ${2}; if [ -n "${2}" ]; then log_msg failexit "Error: hash mismatch for URL \`${1}' (is: ${2}, should be: ${3}.)"; fi; fi; }; compare_hash() { # Push the output of dgst(1SSL) and the caller-supplied hash # value to compare the former with on the pseudo-stack and # shift off# all but the last two positional parameters. # This corresponds to the hash output and caller-supplied # hash values. set -- $(openssl dgst -sha256 ${1}) ${2}; shift $((${#}-2)); [ "${1}" = "${2}" ] || echo "${1}"; }; compare_hash_manifest() { while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do if ! compare_hash ${1} ${2}; then log_msg failexit "Error: hash mismatch for patch file \`${1}'."; fi; shift; done; return 0; }; is_build_script_done() { if [ -n "${ARG_RESTART_SCRIPT_AT}" ]; then if [ "${1}" = clean ]\ && [ -z "${ARG_RESTART_SCRIPT_AT#ALL}" ]; then return 0; # Skip elif [ "${1}" = finish ]\ || [ -z "${ARG_RESTART_SCRIPT_AT#ALL}" ]; then return 1; # Build elif ! match_list ${ARG_RESTART_SCRIPT_AT} , ${1}; then return 0; # Skip else return 1; # Build fi; elif [ -f ${WORKDIR}/.${2:-$(get_basename ${SCRIPT_FNAME%.build})}.${1} ]; then return 0; # Skip else return 1; # Build fi; }; set_build_script_done() { _sbsd_script_fname=${SCRIPT_FNAME##*/}; _sbsd_done_fname=${WORKDIR}/.${_sbsd_script_fname%.build}; while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do if [ "${1#-}" != "${1}" ]; then rm -f ${_sbsd_done_fname}.${1#-}; else touch ${_sbsd_done_fname}.${1}; log_msg info "Finished build step ${1} of build script \`${_sbsd_script_fname}'."; fi; shift; done; unset _sbsd_script_fname _sbsd_done_fname; }; log_env_vars() { log_msg info "Variables for this build:"; while [ ${_lev_nvar:=0} -lt ${#} ]; do _lev_arg="$(eval echo \${${_lev_nvar}})"; _lev_arg="${_lev_arg%%=*}"; if [ ${#_lev_arg} -gt ${_lev_arg_len_max:=0} ]; then _lev_arg_len_max=${#_lev_arg}; fi; : $((_lev_nvar+=1)); done; unset _lev_nvar _lev_arg; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do log_msg info "$(printf \ "%${_lev_arg_len_max}.${_lev_arg_len_max}s=%s" \ "${1%%=*}" "$(get_var_unsafe ${1#*=})")"; shift; done; unset _lev_arg_len_max; }; log_msg() { _lm_lvl=${1}; shift; case ${_lm_lvl} in failexit) printf "\033[${LOG_MSG_FAIL_COLOUR}m"; ;; fail) printf "\033[${LOG_MSG_FAIL_COLOUR}m"; ;; info) printf "\033[${LOG_MSG_INFO_COLOUR}m"; ;; succ) printf "\033[${LOG_MSG_SUCC_COLOUR}m"; ;; warn) printf "\033[${LOG_MSG_WARN_COLOUR}m"; ;; esac; if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then printf "==> %s %s %s\033[0m\n" "$(date "${TIMESTAMP_FMT}")" "${1}" "$*"; else printf "==> %s %s\033[0m\n" "$(date "${TIMESTAMP_FMT}")" "${1}"; fi; [ ${_lm_lvl} = failexit ] && exit 1 || unset _lm_lvl; }; match_list() { _ml_cmp="${3}"; push_IFS "${2}"; set -- ${1}; pop_IFS; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do if [ "${1}" = "${_ml_cmp}" ]; then unset _ml_cmp; return 0; fi; shift; done; unset _ml_cmp; return 1; }; parse_with_pkg_name() { PKG_LVL=${1}; PKG_NAME=${2}; shift 2; while [ ${#} -ge 0 ]; do if [ "${PKG_NAME}" = ${1} ]; then export_vars_subst PKG_LVL${PKG_LVL}_ PKG_ ${PKG_BUILD_VARS}; export_vars_subst PKG_$(echo ${PKG_NAME} | tr a-z A-Z)_ PKG_ ${PKG_BUILD_VARS}; [ -z "${PKG_URL}" ] && return 1; [ -z "${PKG_FNAME}" ] && PKG_FNAME=${PKG_URL##*/}; [ -z "${PKG_SUBDIR}" ] && PKG_SUBDIR=${PKG_FNAME%%.tar*}; [ -n "${PKG_ENV_VARS_EXTRA}" ] && export ${PKG_ENV_VARS_EXTRA}; export PKG_PREFIX=$(get_var_unsafe PREFIX_LVL${PKG_LVL}); return 0; fi; shift; done; return 1; }; run_cmd_unsplit() { _rcu_cmd=${1}; shift; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do [ -n "${1}" ] &&\ _rcu_cmdline="${_rcu_cmdline:+${_rcu_cmdline},}${1}"; shift; done; push_IFS ,; ${_rcu_cmd} ${_rcu_cmdline}; _rcu_rc=$?; pop_IFS; unset _rcu_cmd _rcu_cmdline; return ${_rcu_rc}; }; update_build_status() { while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do case ${1} in build_start) touch ${BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME}; touch ${BUILD_STATUS_PROGRESS_FNAME:=${PREFIX}/BUILD_STARTED_AT_${BUILD_DATE_START:=$(date %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}}; ;; build_finish) [ -f ${BUILD_STATUS_PROGRESS_FNAME} ] &&\ rm -f ${BUILD_STATUS_PROGRESS_FNAME}; touch ${BUILD_STATUS_FINISHED_AT_FNAME:=${PREFIX}/BUILD_FINISHED_AT_$(date ${TIMESTAMP_FMT_STATUS_FILES})}; rotate_files BUILD_FINISHED_AT_\* 8; ln -sf ${BUILD_STATUS_FINISHED_AT_FNAME}\ ${BUILD_STATUS_FINISHED_AT_CURRENT_FNAME}; ;; tarball_start) rotate_files midipix.\*.tar.bz2 8; touch ${BUILD_STATUS_TARBALL_PROGRESS_FNAME:=${PREFIX}/TARBALL_STARTED_AT_$(date ${TIMESTAMP_FMT_STATUS_FILES})}; ;; tarball_finish) [ -f ${BUILD_STATUS_TARBALL_PROGRESS_FNAME} ] &&\ rm -f ${BUILD_STATUS_TARBALL_PROGRESS_FNAME}; ;; finish) [ -f ${BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME} ] &&\ rm -f ${BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME}; ;; esac; shift; done; }; # vim:filetype=sh