#!/bin/sh # prepend_path() { local _pname _pname_prepend="${1}" IFS=":"; for _pname in ${PATH}; do if [ "${_pname}" = "${_pname_prepend}" ]; then return; fi; done; export PATH="${_pname_prepend}${PATH:+:${PATH}}"; }; convert_links_ask() { local _ _link_name _link_target; echo "Warning: ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/lib contains shared objects (library" echo "images) that are symbolic links. This is not supported by Midipix at" echo "present and commonly occurs if the binary distribution tarball was" echo "extracted by an application that does not support symbolic links" echo "correctly. This also occurs when a binary distribution was built locally." printf "Convert all shared object symbolic links to hard links? (y|N) "; read _; case "${_}" in [yY]) break; ;; *) echo "Exiting."; exit 5; ;; esac; for _link_name in $(find ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/lib \ -maxdepth 1 -name \*.so -type l); do _link_target="$(readlink -- "${_link_name}")"; if [ -f "${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/lib/${_link_target}" ]; then echo rm -f -- "${_link_name}"; rm -f -- "${_link_name}"; echo ln -f -- "${_link_target}" "${_link_name}"; ln -f -- "${_link_target}" "${_link_name}"; fi; done; }; check_prereq_files() { local _fname; for _fname in native/bin/ntctty.exe \ native/bin/chroot \ native/bin/env \ native/bin/bash; do if [ ! -e ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/${_fname} ]; then return 1; fi; done; }; prepend_path /bin; if [ "${1}" = -h ]; then echo "usage: $0 [Cygwin pathname to Midipix root]"; exit 0; elif [ "${1}" = -l ]; then TAILF_LOG=1; shift; fi; if [ ${#} -eq 0 ]; then MIDIPIX_PATH="$(cygpath -am .)" || exit 1; else MIDIPIX_PATH="${1}"; fi; UNAME_OS="$(uname -o)" || exit 2; if [ "${MIDIPIX_PATH#*[ ]*}" != "${MIDIPIX_PATH}" ]; then echo "Error: drive_letter/dirname must not contain SP (\` ') or VT (\`\\\t') characters."; exit 3; fi; if [ ! -d ${MIDIPIX_PATH} ]; then echo "Error: Midipix path non-existent or invalid (\`${MIDIPIX_PATH}'.)"; exit 4; elif [ -n "${NATIVE_LIB_LINKS:=$(find ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/lib -maxdepth 1 -name \*.so -type l -print -quit)}" ]; then convert_links_ask || exit 5; else check_prereq_files || exit 6; if [ -f ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/libpsxscl.log ]; then echo Found libpsxscl.log, copying to ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/libpsxscl.last. cp -p -- ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/libpsxscl.log \ ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/libpsxscl.last || exit 7; fi; echo "Absolute Midipix pathname: ${MIDIPIX_PATH}"; if [ "${UNAME_OS}" = "Msys" ]; then export MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*"; fi; mintty -h always -s 120,80 -e /bin/sh -c " set -o errexit; stty raw -echo; cd ${MIDIPIX_PATH}; \ env PATH=${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/lib \ native/bin/ntctty.exe -e \ chroot native \ /bin/env PATH=/bin:/lib \ bash" & sleep 0.25; NTCTTY_PID="$(ps -W | awk '$NF ~ /ntctty\.exe$/{print $1}')"; echo "ntctty PID : ${NTCTTY_PID}"; if [ ${TAILF_LOG:-0} -eq 1 ]; then tail -f ${MIDIPIX_PATH}/native/bin/libpsxscl.log; fi; fi;