# # set -o noglob is assumed. # WARNING: ex_pkg_dispatch(), its caller, and its callers must _NOT_ be executed # as part of conditional evaluation, e.g. if, until, while, !, or && and ||, as # doing so would inhibit set -o errexit during execution of this function and its # subshell(!). Instead, call ex_pkg_dispatch() and subsequently evaluate ${?}. # exp_pkg_dispatch() { local _pkg_name="${1}" _tgt_name="${2}" _restart_at="${3}" \ _dispatch_fn="${4}" _stderrout_path="${5}" _pipe_path="${6}" \ _njobs_vname="${7}" _pkg_name_uc=""; _pkg_name_uc="$(ex_rtl_toupper "${_pkg_name}")"; if [ -n "$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe PKG_${_pkg_name_uc}_DISABLED)" ]; then "${_dispatch_fn}" disabled_pkg "${_pkg_name}" "${_tgt_name}"; elif ex_pkg_state_test "${_pkg_name}" finish\ && [ -z "${_restart_at}" ]; then "${_dispatch_fn}" skipped_pkg "${_pkg_name}" "${_tgt_name}"; else _stderrout_path="${BUILD_WORKDIR}/${_pkg_name}_stderrout.log"; "${_dispatch_fn}" start_pkg "${_pkg_name}" "${_tgt_name}"; (set -o errexit -o noglob; BUILD_IS_PARENT=0; ex_pkg_env "${_pkg_name}" "${_tgt_name}" "${_restart_at}"; ex_pkg_exec "${_pkg_name}" "${_tgt_name}" "${_restart_at}" \ "${_dispatch_fn}";) 1>"${_stderrout_path}" 2>&1 3>"${_pipe_path}" & : $((${_njobs_vname}+=1)); fi; }; ex_pkg_dispatch() { local _tgt_name="${1}" _restart="${2}" _restart_at="${3}" _dispatch_fn="${4}" _pkgs_found_vname="${5}" \ _njob="" _njobs="" _njobs_max="" _pipe_msg="" _pipe_path="" _pkg_names="" _pkgs_found="" \ _pkgs_found_new="" _script_rc="" _stderrout_path="" _tgt_name_uc=""; ex_rtl_fileop mkdir "${BUILD_WORKDIR}"; _pipe_path="${BUILD_WORKDIR}/build.fifo"; _tgt_name_uc="$(ex_rtl_toupper "${_tgt_name}")"; "${_dispatch_fn}" start_target "" "${_tgt_name}"; _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe ${_tgt_name_uc}_PACKAGES)"; if [ -n "${_restart}" ]\ && ! ex_rtl_lmatch "ALL LAST" " " "${_restart}"; then _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_lfilter "${_pkg_names}" "${_restart}")"; fi; if [ "$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe ${_tgt_name_uc}_PARALLELISE)" = 1 ]\ && [ "${ARG_PARALLEL:-0}" -gt 1 ]; then _njobs_max="${DEFAULT_BUILD_CPUS}"; else _njobs_max=1; fi; set -- ${_pkg_names}; while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do _script_rc=0; _njobs=0; ex_rtl_fileop mkfifo "${_pipe_path}"; for _njob in $(seq 1 $((${_njobs_max}-${_njobs}))); do if [ ${#} -eq 0 ]; then break; else _pkgs_found_new="${_pkgs_found_new:+${_pkgs_found_new} }${1}"; exp_pkg_dispatch "${1}" "${_tgt_name}" \ "${_restart_at}" "${_dispatch_fn}" \ "${_stderrout_path}" "${_pipe_path}" \ _njobs; shift; fi; done; if [ "${_njobs:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then while read _pipe_msg; do case "${_pipe_msg%% *}" in done) "${_dispatch_fn}" finish_pkg ${_pipe_msg#done }; : $((_njobs-=1)); if [ "${_script_rc:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then for _njob in $(seq 1 $((${_njobs_max}-${_njobs}))); do if [ ${#} -eq 0 ]; then break; else _pkgs_found_new="${_pkgs_found_new:+${_pkgs_found_new} }${1}"; exp_pkg_dispatch "${1}" "${_tgt_name}" \ "${_restart_at}" "${_dispatch_fn}" \ "${_stderrout_path}" "${_pipe_path}" \ _njobs; shift; fi; done; fi; if [ "${_njobs:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then break; fi; ;; fail) _script_rc=1; "${_dispatch_fn}" fail_pkg ${_pipe_msg#fail }; [ $((_njobs-=1)) -eq 0 ] && break; ;; step) "${_dispatch_fn}" step_pkg ${_pipe_msg#step }; ;; esac; done <>"${_pipe_path}"; fi; ex_rtl_fileop rm "${_pipe_path}"; if [ "${_script_rc:-1}" -eq 1 ]; then return "${_script_rc}"; fi; done; "${_dispatch_fn}" finish_target "" "${_tgt_name}"; if [ -n "${_pkgs_found_vname}" ]; then _pkgs_found="$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe "${_pkgs_found_vname}")"; ex_rtl_set_var_unsafe "${_pkgs_found_vname}" "${_pkgs_found:+${_pkgs_found} }${_pkgs_found_new}"; fi; }; # vim:filetype=sh