/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a skinny libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016--2018 Z. Gilboa */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #define ARGV_DRIVER #include <slibtool/slibtool.h> #include "slibtool_version.h" #include "slibtool_driver_impl.h" #include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h" #include "argv/argv.h" /* package info */ static const struct slbt_source_version slbt_src_version = { SLBT_TAG_VER_MAJOR, SLBT_TAG_VER_MINOR, SLBT_TAG_VER_PATCH, SLIBTOOL_GIT_VERSION }; /* flavor settings */ #define SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(flavor,bfmt,pic,arp,ars,dsop,dsos,exep,exes,impp,imps,ldenv) \ static const struct slbt_flavor_settings flavor = { \ bfmt,arp,ars,dsop,dsos,exep,exes,impp,imps,ldenv,pic} SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(host_flavor_default, "elf", "-fPIC","lib",".a", "lib",".so", "","", "", "", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(host_flavor_midipix, "pe", "-fPIC","lib",".a", "lib",".so", "","", "lib",".lib.a", "PATH"); SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(host_flavor_mingw, "pe", 0, "lib",".a", "lib",".dll", "",".exe", "lib",".dll.a", "PATH"); SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(host_flavor_cygwin, "pe", 0, "lib",".a", "lib",".dll", "",".exe", "lib",".dll.a", "PATH"); SLBT_FLAVOR_SETTINGS(host_flavor_darwin, "macho","-fPIC","lib",".a", "lib",".dylib", "","", "", "", "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"); /* annotation strings */ static const char cfgexplicit[] = "command-line argument"; static const char cfghost[] = "derived from <host>"; static const char cfgtarget[] = "derived from <target>"; static const char cfgcompiler[] = "derived from <compiler>"; static const char cfgnmachine[] = "native (derived from -dumpmachine)"; static const char cfgxmachine[] = "foreign (derived from -dumpmachine)"; static const char cfgnative[] = "native"; /* default compiler argv */ static char * slbt_default_cargv[] = {"cc",0}; /* elf rpath */ static const char*ldrpath_elf[] = { "/lib", "/lib/64", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib64", "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/lib64", 0}; static const char aclr_reset [] = "\x1b[0m"; static const char aclr_bold [] = "\x1b[1m"; static const char aclr_red [] = "\x1b[31m"; static const char aclr_green [] = "\x1b[32m"; static const char aclr_yellow[] = "\x1b[33m"; static const char aclr_blue [] = "\x1b[34m"; static const char aclr_cyan [] = "\x1b[36m"; static const char aclr_white [] = "\x1b[37m"; struct slbt_split_vector { char ** targv; char ** cargv; }; struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc { struct argv_meta * meta; struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl ctx; uint64_t guard; }; static void slbt_output_raw_vector(int fderr, char ** argv, char ** envp) { char ** parg; char * dot; const char * color; bool fcolor; (void)envp; if ((fcolor = isatty(fderr))) slbt_dprintf(fderr,"%s%s",aclr_bold,aclr_red); slbt_dprintf(fderr,"\n\n\n%s",argv[0]); for (parg=&argv[1]; *parg; parg++) { if (!fcolor) color = ""; else if (*parg[0] == '-') color = aclr_blue; else if (!(dot = strrchr(*parg,'.'))) color = aclr_green; else if (!(strcmp(dot,".lo"))) color = aclr_cyan; else if (!(strcmp(dot,".la"))) color = aclr_yellow; else color = aclr_white; slbt_dprintf(fderr," %s%s",color,*parg); } slbt_dprintf(fderr,"%s\n\n",fcolor ? aclr_reset : ""); } static uint32_t slbt_argv_flags(uint32_t flags) { uint32_t ret = 0; if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_NONE) ret |= ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE; if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) ret |= ARGV_VERBOSITY_ERRORS; if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_STATUS) ret |= ARGV_VERBOSITY_STATUS; return ret; } static int slbt_driver_usage( int fdout, const char * program, const char * arg, const struct argv_option ** optv, struct argv_meta * meta) { char header[512]; snprintf(header,sizeof(header), "Usage: %s [options] <file>...\n" "Options:\n", program); argv_usage(fdout,header,optv,arg); argv_free(meta); return SLBT_USAGE; } static struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * slbt_driver_ctx_alloc( struct argv_meta * meta, const struct slbt_fd_ctx * fdctx, const struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc * ictx; size_t size; int elements; size = sizeof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc); if (!(ictx = calloc(1,size))) return 0; memcpy(&ictx->ctx.fdctx,fdctx,sizeof(*fdctx)); memcpy(&ictx->ctx.cctx,cctx,sizeof(*cctx)); elements = sizeof(ictx->ctx.erribuf) / sizeof(*ictx->ctx.erribuf); ictx->ctx.errinfp = &ictx->ctx.erriptr[0]; ictx->ctx.erricap = &ictx->ctx.erriptr[--elements]; ictx->meta = meta; ictx->ctx.ctx.errv = ictx->ctx.errinfp; return &ictx->ctx; } static int slbt_get_driver_ctx_fail(struct argv_meta * meta) { argv_free(meta); return -1; } static int slbt_split_argv( char ** argv, uint32_t flags, struct slbt_split_vector * sargv, int fderr) { int i; int argc; const char * program; char * compiler; char ** targv; char ** cargv; struct argv_meta * meta; struct argv_entry * entry; struct argv_entry * mode; struct argv_entry * config; struct argv_entry * finish; struct argv_entry * features; const struct argv_option ** popt; const struct argv_option ** optout; const struct argv_option * optv[SLBT_OPTV_ELEMENTS]; struct argv_ctx ctx = {ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE, ARGV_MODE_SCAN, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; program = argv_program_name(argv[0]); /* missing arguments? */ argv_optv_init(slbt_default_options,optv); if (!argv[1] && (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_USAGE)) return slbt_driver_usage( fderr,program, 0,optv,0); /* initial argv scan: ... --mode=xxx ... <compiler> ... */ argv_scan(argv,optv,&ctx,0); /* invalid slibtool arguments? */ if (ctx.erridx && !ctx.unitidx) { if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) argv_get( argv,optv, slbt_argv_flags(flags), fderr); return -1; } /* obtain slibtool's own arguments */ if (ctx.unitidx) { compiler = argv[ctx.unitidx]; argv[ctx.unitidx] = 0; meta = argv_get(argv,optv,ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE,fderr); argv[ctx.unitidx] = compiler; } else { meta = argv_get(argv,optv,ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE,fderr); } /* missing all of --mode, --config, --features, and --finish? */ mode = config = finish = features = 0; for (entry=meta->entries; entry->fopt; entry++) if (entry->tag == TAG_MODE) mode = entry; else if (entry->tag == TAG_CONFIG) config = entry; else if (entry->tag == TAG_FINISH) finish = entry; else if (entry->tag == TAG_FEATURES) features = entry; argv_free(meta); if (!mode && !config && !finish && !features) { slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: --mode must be specified.\n", program); return -1; } /* missing compiler? */ if (!ctx.unitidx && !finish && !features) { if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: <compiler> is missing.\n", program); return -1; } /* allocate split vectors */ for (argc=0, targv=argv; *targv; targv++) argc++; if ((sargv->targv = calloc(2*(argc+1),sizeof(char *)))) sargv->cargv = sargv->targv + argc + 1; else return -1; /* --features and no <compiler>? */ if (features && !ctx.unitidx) { for (i=0; i<argc; i++) sargv->targv[i] = argv[i]; sargv->cargv = slbt_default_cargv; return 0; } /* split vectors: slibtool's own options */ for (i=0; i<ctx.unitidx; i++) sargv->targv[i] = argv[i]; /* split vectors: legacy mixture */ for (optout=optv; optout[0]->tag != TAG_OUTPUT; optout++) (void)0; targv = sargv->targv + i; cargv = sargv->cargv; for (; i<argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { if (argv[i+1] && (argv[i+1][0] == '+') && (argv[i+1][1] == '=') && (argv[i+1][2] == 0) && !(strrchr(argv[i],'.'))) /* libfoo_la_LDFLAGS += -Wl,.... */ i++; else *cargv++ = argv[i]; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'o') { *targv++ = argv[i]; if (argv[i][2] == 0) *targv++ = argv[++i]; } else if ((argv[i][1] == 'W') && (argv[i][2] == 'c')) { *cargv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("Xcompiler",&argv[i][1]))) { *cargv++ = argv[++i]; } else if ((argv[i][1] == 'R') && (argv[i][2] == 0)) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'R') { *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("bindir",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("shrext",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("rpath",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("release",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("dlopen",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("export-dynamic",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("export-symbols",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("export-symbols-regex",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("version-info",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("version-number",&argv[i][1]))) { *targv++ = argv[i++]; *targv++ = argv[i]; } else if (!(strcmp("dlpreopen",&argv[i][1]))) { (void)0; } else { for (popt=optout; popt[0] && popt[0]->long_name; popt++) if (!(strcmp(popt[0]->long_name,&argv[i][1]))) break; if (popt[0] && popt[0]->long_name) *targv++ = argv[i]; else *cargv++ = argv[i]; } } return 0; } static void slbt_get_host_quad( char * hostbuf, char ** hostquad) { char * mark; char * ch; int i; for (i=0, ch=hostbuf, mark=hostbuf; *ch && i<4; ch++) { if (*ch == '-') { *ch = 0; hostquad[i++] = mark; mark = &ch[1]; } } if (i<4) hostquad[i] = mark; if (i==3) { hostquad[1] = hostquad[2]; hostquad[2] = hostquad[3]; hostquad[3] = 0; } } static int slbt_init_host_params( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, const struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx, struct slbt_host_strs * drvhost, struct slbt_host_params * host, struct slbt_host_params * cfgmeta) { size_t toollen; char * dash; char * base; char * mark; const char * machine; bool ftarget = false; bool fhost = false; bool fcompiler = false; bool fnative = false; bool fdumpmachine = false; char buf [256]; char hostbuf [256]; char machinebuf [256]; char * hostquad [4]; char * machinequad[4]; /* base */ if ((base = strrchr(cctx->cargv[0],'/'))) base++; else base = cctx->cargv[0]; fdumpmachine = (cctx->mode == SLBT_MODE_COMPILE) || (cctx->mode == SLBT_MODE_LINK) || (cctx->mode == SLBT_MODE_INFO); /* support the portbld <--> unknown synonym */ if (!(drvhost->machine = strdup(SLBT_MACHINE))) return -1; if ((mark = strstr(drvhost->machine,"-portbld-"))) memcpy(mark,"-unknown",8); /* host */ if (host->host) { cfgmeta->host = cfgexplicit; fhost = true; } else if (cctx->target) { host->host = cctx->target; cfgmeta->host = cfgtarget; ftarget = true; } else if (strrchr(base,'-')) { if (!(drvhost->host = strdup(cctx->cargv[0]))) return -1; dash = strrchr(drvhost->host,'-'); *dash = 0; host->host = drvhost->host; cfgmeta->host = cfgcompiler; fcompiler = true; } else if (!fdumpmachine) { host->host = drvhost->machine; cfgmeta->host = cfgnmachine; } else if (slbt_dump_machine(cctx->cargv[0],buf,sizeof(buf)) < 0) { if (dctx) slbt_dprintf( slbt_driver_fderr(dctx), "%s: could not determine host " "via -dumpmachine\n", dctx->program); return -1; } else { if (!(drvhost->host = strdup(buf))) return -1; host->host = drvhost->host; fcompiler = true; fnative = !strcmp(host->host,drvhost->machine); cfgmeta->host = fnative ? cfgnmachine : cfgxmachine; if (!fnative) { strcpy(hostbuf,host->host); strcpy(machinebuf,drvhost->machine); slbt_get_host_quad(hostbuf,hostquad); slbt_get_host_quad(machinebuf,machinequad); if (hostquad[2] && machinequad[2]) fnative = !strcmp(hostquad[0],machinequad[0]) && !strcmp(hostquad[1],machinequad[1]) && !strcmp(hostquad[2],machinequad[2]); } } /* flavor */ if (host->flavor) { cfgmeta->flavor = cfgexplicit; } else { if (fhost) { machine = host->host; cfgmeta->flavor = cfghost; } else if (ftarget) { machine = cctx->target; cfgmeta->flavor = cfgtarget; } else if (fcompiler) { machine = drvhost->host; cfgmeta->flavor = cfgcompiler; } else { machine = drvhost->machine; cfgmeta->flavor = cfgnmachine; } dash = strrchr(machine,'-'); cfgmeta->flavor = cfghost; if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-bsd")) || strstr(machine,"-bsd-")) host->flavor = "bsd"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-cygwin")) || strstr(machine,"-cygwin-")) host->flavor = "cygwin"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-darwin")) || strstr(machine,"-darwin")) host->flavor = "darwin"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-linux")) || strstr(machine,"-linux-")) host->flavor = "linux"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-midipix")) || strstr(machine,"-midipix-")) host->flavor = "midipix"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-mingw")) || strstr(machine,"-mingw-")) host->flavor = "mingw"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-mingw32")) || strstr(machine,"-mingw32-")) host->flavor = "mingw"; else if ((dash && !strcmp(dash,"-mingw64")) || strstr(machine,"-mingw64-")) host->flavor = "mingw"; else { host->flavor = "default"; cfgmeta->flavor = "fallback, unverified"; } if (fcompiler && !fnative) if ((mark = strstr(drvhost->machine,host->flavor))) if (mark > drvhost->machine) fnative = (*--mark == '-'); } /* toollen */ toollen = fnative ? 0 : strlen(host->host); toollen += strlen("-utility-name"); /* ar */ if (host->ar) cfgmeta->ar = cfgexplicit; else { if (!(drvhost->ar = calloc(1,toollen))) return -1; if (fnative) { strcpy(drvhost->ar,"ar"); cfgmeta->ar = cfgnative; } else { sprintf(drvhost->ar,"%s-ar",host->host); cfgmeta->ar = cfghost; } host->ar = drvhost->ar; } /* ranlib */ if (host->ranlib) cfgmeta->ranlib = cfgexplicit; else { if (!(drvhost->ranlib = calloc(1,toollen))) return -1; if (fnative) { strcpy(drvhost->ranlib,"ranlib"); cfgmeta->ranlib = cfgnative; } else { sprintf(drvhost->ranlib,"%s-ranlib",host->host); cfgmeta->ranlib = cfghost; } host->ranlib = drvhost->ranlib; } /* dlltool */ if (host->dlltool) cfgmeta->dlltool = cfgexplicit; else if (strcmp(host->flavor,"cygwin") && strcmp(host->flavor,"midipix") && strcmp(host->flavor,"mingw")) { host->dlltool = ""; cfgmeta->dlltool = "not applicable"; } else { if (!(drvhost->dlltool = calloc(1,toollen))) return -1; if (fnative) { strcpy(drvhost->dlltool,"dlltool"); cfgmeta->dlltool = cfgnative; } else { sprintf(drvhost->dlltool,"%s-dlltool",host->host); cfgmeta->dlltool = cfghost; } host->dlltool = drvhost->dlltool; } /* mdso */ if (host->mdso) cfgmeta->mdso = cfgexplicit; else if (strcmp(host->flavor,"cygwin") && strcmp(host->flavor,"midipix") && strcmp(host->flavor,"mingw")) { host->mdso = ""; cfgmeta->mdso = "not applicable"; } else { if (!(drvhost->mdso = calloc(1,toollen))) return -1; if (fnative) { strcpy(drvhost->mdso,"mdso"); cfgmeta->mdso = cfgnative; } else { sprintf(drvhost->mdso,"%s-mdso",host->host); cfgmeta->mdso = cfghost; } host->mdso = drvhost->mdso; } return 0; } static void slbt_free_host_params(struct slbt_host_strs * host) { if (host->machine) free(host->machine); if (host->host) free(host->host); if (host->flavor) free(host->flavor); if (host->ar) free(host->ar); if (host->ranlib) free(host->ranlib); if (host->dlltool) free(host->dlltool); if (host->mdso) free(host->mdso); memset(host,0,sizeof(*host)); } static void slbt_init_flavor_settings( struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx, const struct slbt_host_params * ahost, struct slbt_flavor_settings * psettings) { const struct slbt_host_params * host; const struct slbt_flavor_settings * settings; const char * dot; host = ahost ? ahost : &cctx->host; if (!strcmp(host->flavor,"midipix")) settings = &host_flavor_midipix; else if (!strcmp(host->flavor,"mingw")) settings = &host_flavor_mingw; else if (!strcmp(host->flavor,"cygwin")) settings = &host_flavor_cygwin; else if (!strcmp(host->flavor,"darwin")) settings = &host_flavor_darwin; else settings = &host_flavor_default; if (!ahost) { if (!strcmp(settings->imagefmt,"elf")) cctx->drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_ELF; else if (!strcmp(settings->imagefmt,"pe")) cctx->drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_PE; else if (!strcmp(settings->imagefmt,"macho")) cctx->drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_MACHO; } memcpy(psettings,settings,sizeof(*settings)); if (cctx->shrext) psettings->dsosuffix = (dot = strrchr(cctx->shrext,'.')) ? dot : cctx->shrext; } static int slbt_init_ldrpath( struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx, struct slbt_host_params * host) { char * buf; const char ** ldrpath; if (!cctx->rpath || !(cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_ELF)) { host->ldrpath = 0; return 0; } /* common? */ for (ldrpath=ldrpath_elf; *ldrpath; ldrpath ++) if (!(strcmp(cctx->rpath,*ldrpath))) { host->ldrpath = 0; return 0; } /* buf */ if (!(buf = malloc(12 + strlen(cctx->host.host)))) return -1; /* /usr/{host}/lib */ sprintf(buf,"/usr/%s/lib",cctx->host.host); if (!(strcmp(cctx->rpath,buf))) { host->ldrpath = 0; free(buf); return 0; } /* /usr/{host}/lib64 */ sprintf(buf,"/usr/%s/lib64",cctx->host.host); if (!(strcmp(cctx->rpath,buf))) { host->ldrpath = 0; free(buf); return 0; } host->ldrpath = cctx->rpath; free(buf); return 0; } static int slbt_init_version_info( struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ictx, struct slbt_version_info * verinfo) { int current; int revision; int age; if (!verinfo->verinfo && !verinfo->vernumber) return 0; if (verinfo->vernumber) { sscanf(verinfo->vernumber,"%d:%d:%d", &verinfo->major, &verinfo->minor, &verinfo->revision); return 0; } current = revision = age = 0; sscanf(verinfo->verinfo,"%d:%d:%d", ¤t,&revision,&age); if (current < age) { if (ictx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(ictx->fdctx.fderr, "%s: error: invalid version info: " "<current> may not be smaller than <age>.\n", argv_program_name(ictx->cctx.targv[0])); return -1; } verinfo->major = current - age; verinfo->minor = age; verinfo->revision = revision; return 0; } static int slbt_init_link_params(struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ctx) { const char * program; const char * libname; const char * prefix; const char * base; char * dot; bool fmodule; int fderr; fderr = ctx->fdctx.fderr; program = argv_program_name(ctx->cctx.targv[0]); libname = 0; prefix = 0; fmodule = false; /* output */ if (!(ctx->cctx.output)) { if (ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: output file must be " "specified in link mode.\n", program); return -1; } /* executable? */ if (!(dot = strrchr(ctx->cctx.output,'.'))) return 0; /* todo: archive? library? wrapper? inlined function, avoid repetition */ if ((base = strrchr(ctx->cctx.output,'/'))) base++; else base = ctx->cctx.output; /* archive? */ if (!strcmp(dot,ctx->cctx.settings.arsuffix)) { prefix = ctx->cctx.settings.arprefix; if (!strncmp(prefix,base,strlen(prefix))) libname = base; else { if (ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: output file prefix does " "not match its (archive) suffix; " "the expected prefix was '%s'\n", program,prefix); return -1; } } /* library? */ else if (!strcmp(dot,ctx->cctx.settings.dsosuffix)) { prefix = ctx->cctx.settings.dsoprefix; if (!strncmp(prefix,base,strlen(prefix))) libname = base; else { if (ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: output file prefix does " "not match its (shared library) suffix; " "the expected prefix was '%s'\n", program,prefix); return -1; } } /* wrapper? */ else if (!strcmp(dot,".la")) { prefix = ctx->cctx.settings.dsoprefix; if (!strncmp(prefix,base,strlen(prefix))) { libname = base; fmodule = !!(ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODULE); } else if (ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODULE) { libname = base; fmodule = true; } else { if (ctx->cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: error: output file prefix does " "not match its (libtool wrapper) suffix; " "the expected prefix was '%s'\n", program,prefix); return -1; } } else return 0; /* libname alloc */ if (!fmodule) libname += strlen(prefix); if (!(ctx->libname = strdup(libname))) return -1; dot = strrchr(ctx->libname,'.'); *dot = 0; ctx->cctx.libname = ctx->libname; return 0; } int slbt_get_driver_ctx( char ** argv, char ** envp, uint32_t flags, const struct slbt_fd_ctx * fdctx, struct slbt_driver_ctx ** pctx) { struct slbt_split_vector sargv; struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ctx; struct slbt_common_ctx cctx; const struct argv_option * optv[SLBT_OPTV_ELEMENTS]; struct argv_meta * meta; struct argv_entry * entry; const char * program; argv_optv_init(slbt_default_options,optv); if (!fdctx) { fdctx = &(const struct slbt_fd_ctx) { .fdin = STDIN_FILENO, .fdout = STDOUT_FILENO, .fderr = STDERR_FILENO, .fdlog = (-1), .fdcwd = AT_FDCWD, .fddst = AT_FDCWD, }; } if (slbt_split_argv(argv,flags,&sargv,fdctx->fderr)) return -1; if (!(meta = argv_get( sargv.targv,optv, slbt_argv_flags(flags), fdctx->fderr))) return -1; program = argv_program_name(argv[0]); memset(&cctx,0,sizeof(cctx)); /* shared and static objects: enable by default, disable by ~switch */ cctx.drvflags = flags | SLBT_DRIVER_SHARED | SLBT_DRIVER_STATIC; /* full annotation when annotation is on; */ cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_FULL; /* get options */ for (entry=meta->entries; entry->fopt || entry->arg; entry++) { if (entry->fopt) { switch (entry->tag) { case TAG_HELP: case TAG_HELP_ALL: if (flags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_USAGE) return slbt_driver_usage( fdctx->fdout,program, entry->arg,optv,meta); case TAG_VERSION: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_VERSION; break; case TAG_MODE: if (!strcmp("clean",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_CLEAN; else if (!strcmp("compile",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_COMPILE; else if (!strcmp("execute",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_EXECUTE; else if (!strcmp("finish",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_FINISH; else if (!strcmp("install",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_INSTALL; else if (!strcmp("link",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_LINK; else if (!strcmp("uninstall",entry->arg)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_UNINSTALL; break; case TAG_FINISH: cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_FINISH; break; case TAG_DRY_RUN: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DRY_RUN; break; case TAG_TAG: if (!strcmp("CC",entry->arg)) cctx.tag = SLBT_TAG_CC; else if (!strcmp("CXX",entry->arg)) cctx.tag = SLBT_TAG_CXX; else if (!strcmp("NASM",entry->arg)) cctx.tag = SLBT_TAG_NASM; else if (!strcmp("disable-static",entry->arg)) cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_STATIC; else if (!strcmp("disable-shared",entry->arg)) cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_SHARED; break; case TAG_CONFIG: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_CONFIG; break; case TAG_DEBUG: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DEBUG; break; case TAG_FEATURES: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_FEATURES; break; case TAG_LEGABITS: if (!entry->arg) cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_LEGABITS; else if (!strcmp("enabled",entry->arg)) cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_LEGABITS; else cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_LEGABITS; break; case TAG_IMPLIB: if (!strcmp("idata",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_IMPLIB_IDATA; cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_IMPLIB_DSOMETA; } else if (!strcmp("never",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_IMPLIB_DSOMETA; cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_IMPLIB_IDATA; } break; case TAG_WARNINGS: if (!strcmp("all",entry->arg)) cctx.warnings = SLBT_WARNING_LEVEL_ALL; else if (!strcmp("error",entry->arg)) cctx.warnings = SLBT_WARNING_LEVEL_ERROR; else if (!strcmp("none",entry->arg)) cctx.warnings = SLBT_WARNING_LEVEL_NONE; break; case TAG_ANNOTATE: if (!strcmp("always",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_ALWAYS; cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_NEVER; } else if (!strcmp("never",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_NEVER; cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_ALWAYS; } else if (!strcmp("minimal",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_FULL; } else if (!strcmp("full",entry->arg)) { cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_FULL; } break; case TAG_DEPS: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DEPS; break; case TAG_SILENT: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT; break; case TAG_VERBOSE: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSE; break; case TAG_HOST: cctx.host.host = entry->arg; break; case TAG_FLAVOR: cctx.host.flavor = entry->arg; break; case TAG_AR: cctx.host.ar = entry->arg; break; case TAG_RANLIB: cctx.host.ranlib = entry->arg; break; case TAG_DLLTOOL: cctx.host.dlltool = entry->arg; break; case TAG_MDSO: cctx.host.mdso = entry->arg; break; case TAG_OUTPUT: cctx.output = entry->arg; break; case TAG_SHREXT: cctx.shrext = entry->arg; break; case TAG_RPATH: cctx.rpath = entry->arg; break; case TAG_RELEASE: cctx.release = entry->arg; break; case TAG_DLOPEN: break; case TAG_EXPORT_DYNAMIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_EXPORT_DYNAMIC; break; case TAG_EXPSYM_FILE: cctx.symfile = entry->arg; break; case TAG_EXPSYM_REGEX: cctx.regex = entry->arg; break; case TAG_VERSION_INFO: cctx.verinfo.verinfo = entry->arg; break; case TAG_VERSION_NUMBER: cctx.verinfo.vernumber = entry->arg; break; case TAG_TARGET: cctx.target = entry->arg; break; case TAG_PREFER_PIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_PRO_PIC; break; case TAG_PREFER_NON_PIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ANTI_PIC; break; case TAG_NO_UNDEFINED: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_NO_UNDEFINED; break; case TAG_MODULE: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_MODULE; break; case TAG_ALL_STATIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_ALL_STATIC; break; case TAG_DISABLE_STATIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_STATIC; break; case TAG_DISABLE_SHARED: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_SHARED; break; case TAG_AVOID_VERSION: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_AVOID_VERSION; break; case TAG_SHARED: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_STATIC; break; case TAG_STATIC: cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_SHARED; break; } } } /* -disable-static? */ if (cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_STATIC) cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_STATIC; /* -disable-shared? */ if (cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_DISABLE_SHARED) cctx.drvflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_DRIVER_SHARED; /* debug: raw argument vector */ if (cctx.drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_DEBUG) slbt_output_raw_vector(fdctx->fderr,argv,envp); /* -o in install mode means USER */ if ((cctx.mode == SLBT_MODE_INSTALL) && cctx.output) { cctx.user = cctx.output; cctx.output = 0; } /* info mode */ if (cctx.drvflags & (SLBT_DRIVER_CONFIG | SLBT_DRIVER_FEATURES)) cctx.mode = SLBT_MODE_INFO; /* driver context */ if (!(ctx = slbt_driver_ctx_alloc(meta,fdctx,&cctx))) return slbt_get_driver_ctx_fail(meta); ctx->ctx.program = program; ctx->ctx.cctx = &ctx->cctx; ctx->targv = sargv.targv; ctx->cargv = sargv.cargv; ctx->cctx.targv = sargv.targv; ctx->cctx.cargv = sargv.cargv; /* host params */ if (slbt_init_host_params( &ctx->ctx, &ctx->cctx, &ctx->host, &ctx->cctx.host, &ctx->cctx.cfgmeta)) { slbt_free_driver_ctx(&ctx->ctx); return -1; } /* flavor settings */ slbt_init_flavor_settings( &ctx->cctx,0, &ctx->cctx.settings); /* ldpath */ if (slbt_init_ldrpath(&ctx->cctx,&ctx->cctx.host)) { slbt_free_driver_ctx(&ctx->ctx); return -1; } /* version info */ if (slbt_init_version_info(ctx,&ctx->cctx.verinfo)) { slbt_free_driver_ctx(&ctx->ctx); return -1; } /* link params */ if (cctx.mode == SLBT_MODE_LINK) if (slbt_init_link_params(ctx)) { slbt_free_driver_ctx(&ctx->ctx); return -1; } *pctx = &ctx->ctx; return SLBT_OK; } int slbt_create_driver_ctx( const struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx, const struct slbt_fd_ctx * fdctx, struct slbt_driver_ctx ** pctx) { const struct argv_option * optv[SLBT_OPTV_ELEMENTS]; struct argv_meta * meta; struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ctx; char * argv[] = {"slibtool_driver",0}; argv_optv_init(slbt_default_options,optv); if (!fdctx) { fdctx = &(const struct slbt_fd_ctx) { .fdin = STDIN_FILENO, .fdout = STDOUT_FILENO, .fderr = STDERR_FILENO, .fdlog = (-1), .fdcwd = AT_FDCWD, .fddst = AT_FDCWD, }; } if (!(meta = argv_get(argv,optv,0,fdctx->fderr))) return -1; if (!(ctx = slbt_driver_ctx_alloc(meta,fdctx,cctx))) return slbt_get_driver_ctx_fail(0); ctx->ctx.cctx = &ctx->cctx; memcpy(&ctx->cctx,cctx,sizeof(*cctx)); *pctx = &ctx->ctx; return SLBT_OK; } static void slbt_free_driver_ctx_impl(struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc * ictx) { if (ictx->ctx.targv) free(ictx->ctx.targv); if (ictx->ctx.libname) free(ictx->ctx.libname); slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.host); slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); argv_free(ictx->meta); free(ictx); } void slbt_free_driver_ctx(struct slbt_driver_ctx * ctx) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc * ictx; uintptr_t addr; if (ctx) { addr = (uintptr_t)ctx - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl,ctx); addr = addr - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc,ctx); ictx = (struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc *)addr; slbt_free_driver_ctx_impl(ictx); } } void slbt_reset_alternate_host(const struct slbt_driver_ctx * ctx) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc * ictx; uintptr_t addr; addr = (uintptr_t)ctx - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc,ctx); addr = addr - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl,ctx); ictx = (struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc *)addr; slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); } int slbt_set_alternate_host( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * ctx, const char * host, const char * flavor) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc * ictx; uintptr_t addr; addr = (uintptr_t)ctx - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc,ctx); addr = addr - offsetof(struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl,ctx); ictx = (struct slbt_driver_ctx_alloc *)addr; slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); if (!(ictx->ctx.ahost.host = strdup(host))) return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); if (!(ictx->ctx.ahost.flavor = strdup(flavor))) { slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); } ictx->ctx.cctx.ahost.host = ictx->ctx.ahost.host; ictx->ctx.cctx.ahost.flavor = ictx->ctx.ahost.flavor; if (slbt_init_host_params( 0, ctx->cctx, &ictx->ctx.ahost, &ictx->ctx.cctx.ahost, &ictx->ctx.cctx.acfgmeta)) { slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); return SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR(ctx,SLBT_ERR_HOST_INIT); } slbt_init_flavor_settings( &ictx->ctx.cctx, &ictx->ctx.cctx.ahost, &ictx->ctx.cctx.asettings); if (slbt_init_ldrpath( &ictx->ctx.cctx, &ictx->ctx.cctx.ahost)) { slbt_free_host_params(&ictx->ctx.ahost); return SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR(ctx,SLBT_ERR_LDRPATH_INIT); } return 0; } const struct slbt_source_version * slbt_source_version(void) { return &slbt_src_version; } int slbt_get_driver_fdctx( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_fd_ctx * fdctx) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ictx; ictx = slbt_get_driver_ictx(dctx); fdctx->fdin = ictx->fdctx.fdin; fdctx->fdout = ictx->fdctx.fdout; fdctx->fderr = ictx->fdctx.fderr; fdctx->fdlog = ictx->fdctx.fdlog; fdctx->fdcwd = ictx->fdctx.fdcwd; fdctx->fddst = ictx->fdctx.fddst; return 0; } int slbt_set_driver_fdctx( struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, const struct slbt_fd_ctx * fdctx) { struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ictx; ictx = slbt_get_driver_ictx(dctx); ictx->fdctx.fdin = fdctx->fdin; ictx->fdctx.fdout = fdctx->fdout; ictx->fdctx.fderr = fdctx->fderr; ictx->fdctx.fdlog = fdctx->fdlog; ictx->fdctx.fdcwd = fdctx->fdcwd; ictx->fdctx.fddst = fdctx->fddst; return 0; }