/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a skinny libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016--2024 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "slibtool_driver_impl.h" #include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h" #include "slibtool_mapfile_impl.h" #include "slibtool_objlist_impl.h" #include "slibtool_visibility_impl.h" slbt_hidden int slbt_objlist_read( int fdcwd, struct slbt_obj_list * objlist) { struct slbt_map_info * mapinfo; int objc; char ** objv; char * src; char * dst; char * mark; int skip; /* temporarily map the object list */ if (!(mapinfo = slbt_map_file(fdcwd,objlist->name,SLBT_MAP_INPUT))) return -1; /* object list, cautionary null termination, vector null termination */ objlist->size = mapinfo->size; objlist->size++; objlist->size++; if (!(objlist->addr = calloc(1,objlist->size))) { slbt_unmap_file(mapinfo); return -1; } /* object list file to normalized object strings */ objc = 0; skip = true; for (src=mapinfo->addr,dst=objlist->addr; src<mapinfo->cap; src++) { if (!*src || (*src==' ') || (*src=='\n') || (*src=='\r')) { if (!skip) *dst++ = 0; skip = true; } else { *dst++ = *src; objc += !!skip; skip = false; } } /* object vector */ objlist->objc = objc; if (!(objlist->objv = calloc(++objc,sizeof(char *)))) { free(objlist->addr); slbt_unmap_file(mapinfo); return -1; } for (objv=objlist->objv,mark=objlist->addr; *mark; objv++) { *objv = mark; mark += strlen(mark) + 1; } slbt_unmap_file(mapinfo); return 0; }