/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a skinny libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016--2024 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <slibtool/slibtool.h> #include "slibtool_driver_impl.h" #include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h" #include "slibtool_linkcmd_impl.h" #include "slibtool_mapfile_impl.h" #include "slibtool_metafile_impl.h" #include "slibtool_realpath_impl.h" #include "slibtool_snprintf_impl.h" #include "slibtool_symlink_impl.h" #include "slibtool_spawn_impl.h" #include "slibtool_visibility_impl.h" static int slbt_linkcmd_exit( struct slbt_deps_meta * depsmeta, int ret) { if (depsmeta->altv) free(depsmeta->altv); if (depsmeta->args) free(depsmeta->args); return ret; } static int slbt_exec_link_remove_file( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, const char * target) { int fdcwd; (void)ectx; /* fdcwd */ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx); /* remove target (if any) */ if (!unlinkat(fdcwd,target,0) || (errno == ENOENT)) return 0; return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0); } static int slbt_exec_link_remove_dso_files( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, const char * target) { int fdcwd; char * mark; char * sbuf; /* fdcwd */ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx); /* remove target (if any) */ if (unlinkat(fdcwd,target,0) && (errno != ENOENT)) return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0); /* remove a previous .disabled placeholder */ sbuf = (slbt_get_exec_ictx(ectx))->sbuf; mark = sbuf; mark += sprintf(mark,"%s",target); strcpy(mark,".disabled"); if (unlinkat(fdcwd,sbuf,0) && (errno != ENOENT)) return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0); return 0; } slbt_hidden int slbt_exec_link_create_library( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, const char * dsobasename, const char * dsofilename, const char * relfilename, bool fardlopen, bool fpic) { int fdcwd; char ** parg; char ** xarg; char * ccwrap; const char * laout; const char * dot; char cwd [PATH_MAX]; char output [PATH_MAX]; char soname [PATH_MAX]; char symfile[PATH_MAX]; char mapfile[PATH_MAX]; struct slbt_deps_meta depsmeta = {0,0,0,0}; /* initial state */ slbt_ectx_reset_arguments(ectx); /* placeholders */ slbt_reset_placeholders(ectx); /* fdcwd */ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx); /* remove previous libfoo.so, libfoo.so.disabled */ if (slbt_exec_link_remove_dso_files(dctx,ectx,ectx->dsofilename) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* input argument adjustment */ for (parg=ectx->cargv; *parg; parg++) slbt_adjust_object_argument(*parg,fpic,false,fdcwd); /* .deps */ if (slbt_exec_link_create_dep_file( dctx,ectx,ectx->cargv, dsofilename,false)) return slbt_linkcmd_exit( &depsmeta, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); /* linker argument adjustment */ for (parg=ectx->cargv, xarg=ectx->xargv; *parg; parg++, xarg++) if (slbt_adjust_linker_argument( dctx, *parg,xarg,true, dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix, dctx->cctx->settings.arsuffix, &depsmeta) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* --no-undefined */ if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_NO_UNDEFINED) *ectx->noundef = slbt_host_group_is_darwin(dctx) ? "-Wl,-undefined,error" : "-Wl,--no-undefined"; /* -soname */ dot = strrchr(dctx->cctx->output,'.'); laout = (dot && !strcmp(dot,".la")) ? dctx->cctx->output : 0; char wl_soname[24]; if (slbt_host_group_is_darwin(dctx)) { strcpy(wl_soname,"-Wl,-install_name"); } else { strcpy(wl_soname,"-Wl,-soname"); } if ((dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_MACHO)) { (void)0; } else if (!laout && (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODULE)) { if (slbt_snprintf(soname,sizeof(soname), "-Wl,%s",dctx->cctx->output) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->soname = wl_soname; *ectx->lsoname = soname; } else if (relfilename && dctx->cctx->verinfo.verinfo) { if (slbt_snprintf(soname,sizeof(soname), "-Wl,%s%s%s%s%s.%d%s", ectx->sonameprefix, dctx->cctx->libname, dctx->cctx->release ? "-" : "", dctx->cctx->release ? dctx->cctx->release : "", dctx->cctx->settings.osdsuffix, dctx->cctx->verinfo.major, dctx->cctx->settings.osdfussix) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->soname = wl_soname; *ectx->lsoname = soname; } else if (relfilename) { if (slbt_snprintf(soname,sizeof(soname), "-Wl,%s%s%s%s%s", ectx->sonameprefix, dctx->cctx->libname, dctx->cctx->release ? "-" : "", dctx->cctx->release ? dctx->cctx->release : "", dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->soname = wl_soname; *ectx->lsoname = soname; } else if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_AVOID_VERSION) { if (slbt_snprintf(soname,sizeof(soname), "-Wl,%s%s%s", ectx->sonameprefix, dctx->cctx->libname, dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->soname = wl_soname; *ectx->lsoname = soname; } else { if (slbt_snprintf(soname,sizeof(soname), "-Wl,%s%s%s.%d%s", ectx->sonameprefix, dctx->cctx->libname, dctx->cctx->settings.osdsuffix, dctx->cctx->verinfo.major, dctx->cctx->settings.osdfussix) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->soname = wl_soname; *ectx->lsoname = soname; } /* PE: --output-def */ if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_IMAGE_PE) { if (slbt_snprintf(symfile,sizeof(symfile), "-Wl,%s", ectx->deffilename) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); *ectx->symdefs = "-Wl,--output-def"; *ectx->symfile = symfile; } /* -export-symbols */ if (dctx->cctx->expsyms) { struct slbt_symlist_ctx * sctx; sctx = (slbt_get_exec_ictx(ectx))->sctx; if (slbt_util_create_mapfile(sctx,ectx->mapfilename,0644) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (slbt_snprintf(mapfile,sizeof(mapfile), "-Wl,%s", ectx->mapfilename) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); if (slbt_host_group_is_darwin(dctx)) { *ectx->explarg = "-Wl,-exported_symbols_list"; *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } else if (slbt_host_group_is_winnt(dctx)) { *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } else { *ectx->explarg = "-Wl,--version-script"; *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } } /* -export-symbols-regex; and see also: */ /* slbt_exec_link_create_expsyms_archive() */ if (dctx->cctx->regex) { if (slbt_snprintf(mapfile,sizeof(mapfile), "-Wl,%s", ectx->mapfilename) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); if (slbt_host_group_is_darwin(dctx)) { *ectx->explarg = "-Wl,-exported_symbols_list"; *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } else if (slbt_host_group_is_winnt(dctx)) { *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } else { *ectx->explarg = "-Wl,--version-script"; *ectx->expsyms = mapfile; } } /* shared/static */ if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_ALL_STATIC) { *ectx->dpic = "-static"; } else if (dctx->cctx->settings.picswitch) { *ectx->dpic = "-shared"; *ectx->fpic = dctx->cctx->settings.picswitch; } else { *ectx->dpic = "-shared"; } /* output */ if (!laout && dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODULE) { strcpy(output,dctx->cctx->output); } else if (relfilename) { strcpy(output,relfilename); } else if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_AVOID_VERSION) { strcpy(output,dsofilename); } else { if (slbt_snprintf(output,sizeof(output), "%s%s.%d.%d.%d%s", dsobasename, dctx->cctx->settings.osdsuffix, dctx->cctx->verinfo.major, dctx->cctx->verinfo.minor, dctx->cctx->verinfo.revision, dctx->cctx->settings.osdfussix) < 0) return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); } /* output marks */ *ectx->lout[0] = "-o"; *ectx->lout[1] = output; /* ldrpath */ if (dctx->cctx->host.ldrpath) { if (slbt_exec_link_remove_file(dctx,ectx,ectx->rpathfilename)) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (slbt_create_symlink( dctx,ectx, dctx->cctx->host.ldrpath, ectx->rpathfilename, SLBT_SYMLINK_LITERAL)) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); } /* cwd */ if (slbt_realpath(fdcwd,".",O_DIRECTORY,cwd,sizeof(cwd))) return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0); /* .libs/libfoo.so --> -L.libs -lfoo */ if (slbt_exec_link_adjust_argument_vector( dctx,ectx,&depsmeta,cwd,true)) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* using alternate argument vector */ ccwrap = (char *)dctx->cctx->ccwrap; ectx->argv = depsmeta.altv; ectx->program = ccwrap ? ccwrap : depsmeta.altv[0]; /* sigh */ if (slbt_exec_link_finalize_argument_vector(dctx,ectx)) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* all done? */ if (fardlopen) return 0; /* step output */ if (!(dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT)) if (slbt_output_link(ectx)) return slbt_linkcmd_exit( &depsmeta, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); /* spawn */ if ((slbt_spawn(ectx,true) < 0) && (ectx->pid < 0)) { return slbt_linkcmd_exit( &depsmeta, SLBT_SPAWN_ERROR(dctx)); } else if (ectx->exitcode) { return slbt_linkcmd_exit( &depsmeta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_LINK_ERROR)); } return slbt_linkcmd_exit(&depsmeta,0); }