/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a skinny libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016--2024 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <slibtool/slibtool.h> #include <slibtool/slibtool_output.h> #include "slibtool_driver_impl.h" #include "slibtool_ar_impl.h" #include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h" #include "argv/argv.h" #define SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_ACTIONS (SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_CHECK \ | SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_MERGE) #define SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_OUTPUTS (SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MEMBERS \ | SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_HEADERS \ | SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_SYMBOLS \ | SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_ARMAPS) #define SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS (SLBT_PRETTY_YAML \ | SLBT_PRETTY_POSIX \ | SLBT_PRETTY_HEXDATA) static int slbt_ar_usage( int fdout, const char * program, const char * arg, const struct argv_option ** optv, struct argv_meta * meta, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, int noclr) { char header[512]; bool armode; const char * dash; armode = (dash = strrchr(program,'-')) && !strcmp(++dash,"ar"); snprintf(header,sizeof(header), "Usage: %s%s [options] [ARCHIVE-FILE] [ARCHIVE_FILE] ...\n" "Options:\n", program, armode ? "" : " --mode=ar"); switch (noclr) { case 0: slbt_argv_usage(fdout,header,optv,arg); break; default: slbt_argv_usage_plain(fdout,header,optv,arg); break; } if (ectx) slbt_ectx_free_exec_ctx(ectx); slbt_argv_free(meta); return SLBT_USAGE; } static int slbt_exec_ar_fail( struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, struct argv_meta * meta, int ret) { slbt_argv_free(meta); slbt_ectx_free_exec_ctx(ectx); return ret; } static int slbt_exec_ar_perform_archive_actions( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_archive_ctx ** arctxv) { struct slbt_archive_ctx ** arctxp; struct slbt_archive_ctx * arctx; bool farname; switch (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS) { case SLBT_PRETTY_POSIX: farname = (arctxv[0] && arctxv[1]); break; default: farname = true; break; } for (arctxp=arctxv; *arctxp; arctxp++) { if (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_OUTPUTS) if (farname && (slbt_au_output_arname(*arctxp) < 0)) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MEMBERS) if (slbt_au_output_members((*arctxp)->meta) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_SYMBOLS) if (slbt_au_output_symbols((*arctxp)->meta) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MAPFILE) if (slbt_au_output_mapfile((*arctxp)->meta) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); } if (dctx->cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_DLSYMS) if (slbt_au_output_dlsyms(arctxv,dctx->cctx->dlunit) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_MERGE) { if (slbt_ar_merge_archives(arctxv,&arctx) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* (defer mode to umask) */ if (slbt_ar_store_archive(arctx,dctx->cctx->output,0666) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); } return 0; } int slbt_exec_ar(const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx) { int ret; int fdout; int fderr; char ** argv; char ** iargv; struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx; struct slbt_driver_ctx_impl * ictx; const struct slbt_common_ctx * cctx; struct slbt_archive_ctx ** arctxv; struct slbt_archive_ctx ** arctxp; const char ** unitv; const char ** unitp; size_t nunits; struct argv_meta * meta; struct argv_entry * entry; const struct argv_option * optv[SLBT_OPTV_ELEMENTS]; /* context */ if (slbt_ectx_get_exec_ctx(dctx,&ectx) < 0) return SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx); /* initial state, ar mode skin */ slbt_ectx_reset_arguments(ectx); slbt_disable_placeholders(ectx); ictx = slbt_get_driver_ictx(dctx); cctx = dctx->cctx; iargv = ectx->cargv; fdout = slbt_driver_fdout(dctx); fderr = slbt_driver_fderr(dctx); /* missing arguments? */ slbt_optv_init(slbt_ar_options,optv); if (!iargv[1] && (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_USAGE)) return slbt_ar_usage( fdout, dctx->program, 0,optv,0,ectx, dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_NEVER); /* <ar> argv meta */ if (!(meta = slbt_argv_get( iargv,optv, dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS ? ARGV_VERBOSITY_ERRORS : ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE, fdout))) return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR(dctx,SLBT_ERR_AR_FAIL)); /* dest, alternate argument vector options */ argv = ectx->altv; *argv++ = iargv[0]; nunits = 0; for (entry=meta->entries; entry->fopt || entry->arg; entry++) { if (entry->fopt) { switch (entry->tag) { case TAG_AR_HELP: slbt_ar_usage( fdout, dctx->program, 0,optv,0,ectx, dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_ANNOTATE_NEVER); ictx->cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_VERSION; ictx->cctx.drvflags ^= SLBT_DRIVER_VERSION; slbt_argv_free(meta); return SLBT_OK; case TAG_AR_VERSION: ictx->cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_VERSION; break; case TAG_AR_CHECK: ictx->cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_CHECK; break; case TAG_AR_MERGE: ictx->cctx.drvflags |= SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_MERGE; break; case TAG_AR_OUTPUT: ictx->cctx.output = entry->arg; break; case TAG_AR_PRINT: if (!entry->arg) ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MEMBERS; else if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"members")) ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MEMBERS; else if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"headers")) ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_HEADERS; else if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"symbols")) ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_SYMBOLS; else if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"armaps")) ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_ARMAPS; break; case TAG_AR_MAPFILE: ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MAPFILE; break; case TAG_AR_DLSYMS: ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_DLSYMS; break; case TAG_AR_DLUNIT: ictx->cctx.dlunit = entry->arg; break; case TAG_AR_NOSORT: ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_NOSORT; break; case TAG_AR_REGEX: ictx->cctx.regex = entry->arg; break; case TAG_AR_PRETTY: if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"yaml")) { ictx->cctx.fmtflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS; ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_PRETTY_YAML; } else if (!strcmp(entry->arg,"posix")) { ictx->cctx.fmtflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS; ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_PRETTY_POSIX; } break; case TAG_AR_POSIX: ictx->cctx.fmtflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS; ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_PRETTY_POSIX; break; case TAG_AR_YAML: ictx->cctx.fmtflags &= ~(uint64_t)SLBT_PRETTY_FLAGS; ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_PRETTY_YAML; break; case TAG_AR_VERBOSE: ictx->cctx.fmtflags |= SLBT_PRETTY_VERBOSE; break; } if (entry->fval) { *argv++ = (char *)entry->arg; } } else { nunits++; }; } /* defer --version printing to slbt_main() as needed */ if (cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERSION) { slbt_argv_free(meta); slbt_ectx_free_exec_ctx(ectx); return SLBT_OK; } /* at least one action must be specified */ if (cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_OUTPUTS) { (void)0; } else if (cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_MAPFILE) { (void)0; } else if (cctx->fmtflags & SLBT_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE_DLSYMS) { if (!cctx->dlunit) { slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: missing -Wdlunit: generation of a dlsyms vtable " "requires the name of the dynamic library, executable " "program, or dynamic module for which the vtable would " "be generated.\n", dctx->program); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_AR_DLUNIT_NOT_SPECIFIED)); } } else if (!(cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_ACTIONS)) { if (cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: at least one action must be specified\n", dctx->program); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_AR_NO_ACTION_SPECIFIED)); } /* -Wmerge without -Woutput? */ if ((cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_MERGE) && !cctx->output) { if (cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: archive merging: output must be specified.\n", dctx->program); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_AR_OUTPUT_NOT_SPECIFIED)); } /* -Woutput without -Wmerge? */ if (cctx->output && !(cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_MODE_AR_MERGE)) { if (cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: output may only be specified " "when merging one or more archives.\n", dctx->program); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_AR_OUTPUT_NOT_APPLICABLE)); } /* at least one unit must be specified */ if (!nunits) { if (cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS) slbt_dprintf(fderr, "%s: all actions require at least one input unit\n", dctx->program); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_AR_NO_INPUT_SPECIFIED)); } /* archive vector allocation */ if (!(arctxv = calloc(nunits+1,sizeof(struct slbt_archive_ctx *)))) return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0)); /* unit vector allocation */ if (!(unitv = calloc(nunits+1,sizeof(const char *)))) { free (arctxv); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,0)); } /* unit vector initialization */ for (entry=meta->entries,unitp=unitv; entry->fopt || entry->arg; entry++) if (!entry->fopt) *unitp++ = entry->arg; /* archive context vector initialization */ for (unitp=unitv,arctxp=arctxv; *unitp; unitp++,arctxp++) { if (slbt_ar_get_archive_ctx(dctx,*unitp,arctxp) < 0) { for (arctxp=arctxv; *arctxp; arctxp++) slbt_ar_free_archive_ctx(*arctxp); free(unitv); free(arctxv); return slbt_exec_ar_fail( ectx,meta, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); } } /* archive operations */ ret = slbt_exec_ar_perform_archive_actions(dctx,arctxv); /* all done */ for (arctxp=arctxv; *arctxp; arctxp++) slbt_ar_free_archive_ctx(*arctxp); free(unitv); free(arctxv); slbt_argv_free(meta); slbt_ectx_free_exec_ctx(ectx); return ret; }