/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a skinny libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016 Z. Gilboa */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #define ARGV_DRIVER #include <slibtool/slibtool.h> #include "slibtool_install_impl.h" #include "slibtool_readlink_impl.h" #include "slibtool_spawn_impl.h" #include "slibtool_symlink_impl.h" #include "argv/argv.h" static int slbt_install_usage( const char * program, const char * arg, const struct argv_option * options, struct argv_meta * meta) { char header[512]; snprintf(header,sizeof(header), "Usage: %s --mode=install <install> [options] [SOURCE]... DEST\n" "Options:\n", program); argv_usage(stdout,header,options,arg); argv_free(meta); return SLBT_USAGE; } static int slbt_exec_install_fail( struct slbt_exec_ctx * actx, struct argv_meta * meta) { argv_free(meta); slbt_free_exec_ctx(actx); return -1; } static int slbt_exec_install_init_dstdir( struct argv_entry * dest, struct argv_entry * last, char * dstdir) { struct stat st; char * slash; size_t len; if (dest) last = dest; /* dstdir: initial string */ if ((size_t)snprintf(dstdir,PATH_MAX,"%s", last->arg) >= PATH_MAX) return -1; /* dstdir might end with a slash */ len = strlen(dstdir); if (dstdir[--len] == '/') dstdir[len] = 0; /* -t DSTDIR? */ if (dest) return 0; /* is DEST a directory? */ if (!(stat(dstdir,&st))) if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return 0; /* remove last path component */ if ((slash = strrchr(dstdir,'/'))) *slash = 0; return 0; } static int slbt_exec_install_import_libraries( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, char * srcdso, char * dstdir) { char * host; char * slash; char * dot; char * mark; char srcbuf [PATH_MAX]; char implib [PATH_MAX]; char hosttag[PATH_MAX]; char hostlnk[PATH_MAX]; char major [128]; char minor [128]; char rev [128]; /* .libs/libfoo.so.x.y.z */ if ((size_t)snprintf(srcbuf,sizeof(srcbuf),"%s", srcdso) >= sizeof(srcbuf)) return -1; /* (dso is under .libs) */ if (!(slash = strrchr(srcbuf,'/'))) return -1; /* libfoo.so.x.y.z */ if ((size_t)snprintf(implib,sizeof(implib),"%s", ++slash) >= sizeof(implib) - strlen(dctx->cctx->settings.impsuffix)) return -1; /* guard againt an infinitely long version */ mark = srcbuf + strlen(srcbuf); /* rev */ if (!(dot = strrchr(srcbuf,'.'))) return -1; else if ((size_t)(mark - dot) > sizeof(rev)) return -1; else { strcpy(rev,dot); *dot = 0; } /* minor */ if (!(dot = strrchr(srcbuf,'.'))) return -1; else if ((size_t)(mark - dot) > sizeof(minor)) return -1; else { strcpy(minor,dot); *dot = 0; } /* major */ if (!(dot = strrchr(srcbuf,'.'))) return -1; else if ((size_t)(mark - dot) > sizeof(major)) return -1; else { strcpy(major,dot); *dot = 0; } if (!(dot = strrchr(srcbuf,'.'))) return -1; /* .libs/libfoo.so.def.host */ if ((size_t)snprintf(hostlnk,sizeof(hostlnk),"%s.def.host", srcbuf) >= sizeof(hostlnk)) return -1; /* libfoo.so.def.{flavor} */ if (slbt_readlink(hostlnk,hosttag,sizeof(hosttag))) return -1; /* host/flabor */ if (!(host = strrchr(hosttag,'.'))) return -1; else host++; /* symlink-based alternate host */ if (slbt_set_alternate_host(dctx,host,host)) return -1; /* .libs/libfoo.x.y.z.lib.a */ sprintf(dot,"%s%s%s%s", major,minor,rev, dctx->cctx->asettings.impsuffix); /* copy: .libs/libfoo.x.y.z.lib.a --> dstdir */ if (slbt_copy_file(dctx,ectx,srcbuf,dstdir)) return -1; /* .libs/libfoo.x.lib.a */ sprintf(dot,"%s%s", major, dctx->cctx->asettings.impsuffix); /* copy: .libs/libfoo.x.lib.a --> dstdir */ if (slbt_copy_file(dctx,ectx,srcbuf,dstdir)) return -1; /* /dstdir/libfoo.lib.a */ strcpy(implib,slash); strcpy(dot,dctx->cctx->asettings.impsuffix); if ((size_t)snprintf(hostlnk,sizeof(hostlnk),"%s/%s", dstdir,slash) >= sizeof(hostlnk)) return -1; if (slbt_create_symlink( dctx,ectx, implib, hostlnk, false)) return -1; return 0; } static int slbt_exec_install_library_wrapper( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, struct argv_entry * entry, char * dstdir) { int ret; FILE * fsrc; FILE * fdst; const char * base; char * cfgline; char * srcline; char * dstline; char clainame[PATH_MAX]; char instname[PATH_MAX]; char cfgbuf [PATH_MAX*4]; struct stat st; /* base libfoo.la */ if ((base = strrchr(entry->arg,'/'))) base++; else base = entry->arg; /* /dstdir/libfoo.la */ if ((size_t)snprintf(instname,sizeof(instname),"%s/%s", dstdir,base) >= sizeof(instname)) return -1; /* libfoo.la.slibtool.install */ if ((size_t)snprintf(clainame,sizeof(clainame),"%s.slibtool.install", entry->arg) >= sizeof(clainame)) return -1; /* fdst (libfoo.la.slibtool.install, build directory) */ if (!(fdst = fopen(clainame,"w"))) return -1; /* fsrc (libfoo.la, build directory) */ if ((stat(entry->arg,&st))) { fclose(fdst); return -1; } if (!(fsrc = fopen(entry->arg,"r"))) { fclose(fdst); return -1; } if ((size_t)st.st_size < sizeof(cfgbuf)) srcline = cfgbuf; else if (!(srcline = malloc(st.st_size+1))) { fclose(fdst); fclose(fsrc); return -1; } /* copy config, install=no --> install=yes */ cfgline = fgets(srcline,st.st_size+1,fsrc); ret = 0; while (cfgline && (ret == 0)) { dstline = !(strcmp(srcline,"installed=no\n")) ? "installed=yes\n" : srcline; if (fprintf(fdst,"%s",dstline) < 0) ret = -1; else cfgline = fgets(srcline,st.st_size+1,fsrc); } /* free, flush, verify */ if (srcline != cfgbuf) free(srcline); if (ret) { fclose(fdst); fclose(fsrc); } else { fflush(fdst); ret = ferror(fdst) ? -1 : 0; fclose(fdst); ret = ferror(fsrc) ? -1 : ret; fclose(fsrc); } /* cp libfoo.la.slibtool.instal /dstdir/libfoo.la */ if (slbt_copy_file(dctx,ectx,clainame,instname)) return -1; return 0; } static int slbt_exec_install_entry( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx, struct argv_entry * entry, struct argv_entry * last, struct argv_entry * dest, char * dstdir, char ** src, char ** dst) { int ret; char * dot; char * base; char * slash; char target [PATH_MAX]; char srcfile [PATH_MAX]; char dstfile [PATH_MAX]; char slnkname[PATH_MAX]; char dlnkname[PATH_MAX]; char lasource[PATH_MAX]; bool fexe = false; bool fpe; bool frelease; struct stat st; /* executable wrapper? */ if ((size_t)snprintf(slnkname,sizeof(slnkname),"%s.exe.wrapper", entry->arg) >= sizeof(slnkname)) return -1; fexe = stat(slnkname,&st) ? false : true; dot = strrchr(entry->arg,'.'); /* .lai --> .la */ if (!fexe && dot && !strcmp(dot,".lai")) dot[3] = 0; /* srcfile */ if (strlen(entry->arg) + strlen(".libs/") >= (PATH_MAX-1)) return -1; strcpy(lasource,entry->arg); if ((slash = strrchr(lasource,'/'))) { *slash++ = 0; sprintf(srcfile,"%s/.libs/%s",lasource,slash); } else sprintf(srcfile,".libs/%s",lasource); /* executable? ordinary file? */ if (fexe || !dot || strcmp(dot,".la")) { *src = fexe ? srcfile : (char *)entry->arg; *dst = dest ? 0 : (char *)last->arg; if (!(dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT)) if (slbt_output_install(dctx,ectx)) return -1; return (((ret = slbt_spawn(ectx,true)) < 0) || ectx->exitcode) ? -1 : 0; } /* legabits? */ if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_LEGABITS) if (slbt_exec_install_library_wrapper(dctx,ectx,entry,dstdir)) return -1; /* *dst: consider: cp libfoo.la /dest/dir/libfoo.la */ if ((*dst = dest ? 0 : (char *)last->arg)) if ((dot = strrchr(last->arg,'.'))) if (!(strcmp(dot,".la"))) *dst = dstdir; /* libfoo.a */ dot = strrchr(srcfile,'.'); strcpy(dot,dctx->cctx->settings.arsuffix); if (slbt_copy_file(dctx,ectx, srcfile, dest ? (char *)dest->arg : *dst)) return -1; /* dot/suffix */ strcpy(slnkname,srcfile); dot = strrchr(slnkname,'.'); /* libfoo.a --> libfoo.so.release */ sprintf(dot,"%s.release",dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix); frelease = stat(slnkname,&st) ? false : true; /* libfoo.a --> libfoo.so */ strcpy(dot,dctx->cctx->settings.dsosuffix); /* PE support: does .libs/libfoo.so.def exist? */ if ((size_t)snprintf(dstfile,sizeof(dstfile),"%s.def", slnkname) >= sizeof(dstfile)) return -1; fpe = stat(dstfile,&st) ? false : true; /* basename */ if ((base = strrchr(slnkname,'/'))) base++; else base = slnkname; /* source (build) symlink target */ if (slbt_readlink(slnkname,target,sizeof(target)) < 0) { /* -avoid-version? */ if (stat(slnkname,&st)) return -1; /* dstfile */ if ((size_t)snprintf(dstfile,sizeof(dstfile),"%s/%s", dstdir,base) >= sizeof(dstfile)) return -1; /* single spawn, no symlinks */ *src = slnkname; *dst = dest ? 0 : dstfile; if (!(dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT)) if (slbt_output_install(dctx,ectx)) return -1; if (((ret = slbt_spawn(ectx,true)) < 0) || ectx->exitcode) return -1; return 0; } /* -all-static? */ if (!strcmp(target,"/dev/null")) return 0; /* srcfile: .libs/libfoo.so.x.y.z */ slash = strrchr(srcfile,'/'); strcpy(++slash,target); /* dstfile */ if (!dest) if ((size_t)snprintf(dstfile,sizeof(dstfile),"%s/%s", dstdir,target) >= sizeof(dstfile)) return -1; /* spawn */ *src = srcfile; *dst = dest ? 0 : dstfile; if (!(dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT)) if (slbt_output_install(dctx,ectx)) return -1; if (((ret = slbt_spawn(ectx,true)) < 0) || ectx->exitcode) return -1; /* destination symlink: dstdir/libfoo.so */ if ((size_t)snprintf(dlnkname,sizeof(dlnkname),"%s/%s", dstdir,base) >= sizeof(dlnkname)) return -1; /* create symlink: libfoo.so --> libfoo.so.x.y.z */ if (slbt_create_symlink( dctx,ectx, target,dlnkname, false)) return -1; if (frelease) return 0; /* libfoo.so.x.y.z --> libfoo.so.x */ strcpy(slnkname,target); if ((dot = strrchr(slnkname,'.'))) *dot = 0; else return -1; if ((dot = strrchr(slnkname,'.'))) *dot = 0; else return -1; /* destination symlink: dstdir/libfoo.so.x */ if ((size_t)snprintf(dlnkname,sizeof(dlnkname),"%s/%s", dstdir,slnkname) >= sizeof(dlnkname)) return -1; if (fpe) { /* copy: .libs/libfoo.so.x.y.z --> libfoo.so.x */ if (slbt_copy_file( dctx,ectx, srcfile, dlnkname)) return -1; /* import libraries */ if (slbt_exec_install_import_libraries( dctx,ectx, srcfile, dstdir)) return -1; } else { /* create symlink: libfoo.so.x --> libfoo.so.x.y.z */ if (slbt_create_symlink( dctx,ectx, target,dlnkname, false)) return -1; } return 0; } int slbt_exec_install( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, struct slbt_exec_ctx * ectx) { int ret; char ** argv; char ** iargv; char ** src; char ** dst; struct slbt_exec_ctx * actx; struct argv_meta * meta; struct argv_entry * entry; struct argv_entry * copy; struct argv_entry * dest; struct argv_entry * last; char dstdir[PATH_MAX]; const struct argv_option * options = slbt_install_options; /* dry run */ if (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_DRY_RUN) return 0; /* context */ if (ectx) actx = 0; else if ((ret = slbt_get_exec_ctx(dctx,&ectx))) return ret; else actx = ectx; /* initial state, install mode skin */ slbt_reset_arguments(ectx); slbt_disable_placeholders(ectx); iargv = ectx->cargv; /* work around non-conforming uses of --mode=install */ if (!(strcmp(iargv[0],"/bin/sh")) || !strcmp(iargv[0],"/bin/bash")) iargv++; /* missing arguments? */ if (!iargv[1] && (dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_USAGE)) return slbt_install_usage(dctx->program,0,options,0); /* <install> argv meta */ if (!(meta = argv_get( iargv, options, dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_VERBOSITY_ERRORS ? ARGV_VERBOSITY_ERRORS : ARGV_VERBOSITY_NONE))) return slbt_exec_install_fail(actx,meta); /* dest, alternate argument vector options */ argv = ectx->altv; copy = meta->entries; dest = 0; last = 0; *argv++ = iargv[0]; for (entry=meta->entries; entry->fopt || entry->arg; entry++) { if (entry->fopt) { switch (entry->tag) { case TAG_INSTALL_COPY: *argv++ = "-c"; copy = entry; break; case TAG_INSTALL_MKDIR: *argv++ = "-d"; copy = 0; break; case TAG_INSTALL_TARGET_MKDIR: *argv++ = "-D"; copy = 0; break; case TAG_INSTALL_STRIP: *argv++ = "-s"; break; case TAG_INSTALL_PRESERVE: *argv++ = "-p"; break; case TAG_INSTALL_USER: *argv++ = "-o"; break; case TAG_INSTALL_GROUP: *argv++ = "-g"; break; case TAG_INSTALL_MODE: *argv++ = "-m"; break; case TAG_INSTALL_DSTDIR: *argv++ = "-t"; dest = entry; break; } if (entry->fval) *argv++ = (char *)entry->arg; } else last = entry; } /* install */ if (copy) { /* using alternate argument vector */ ectx->argv = ectx->altv; ectx->program = ectx->altv[0]; /* marks */ src = argv++; dst = argv++; /* dstdir */ if (slbt_exec_install_init_dstdir(dest,last,dstdir)) return slbt_exec_install_fail(actx,meta); /* install entries one at a time */ for (entry=meta->entries; entry->fopt || entry->arg; entry++) if (!entry->fopt && (dest || (entry != last))) if (slbt_exec_install_entry( dctx,ectx, entry,last, dest,dstdir, src,dst)) return slbt_exec_install_fail(actx,meta); } else { /* using original argument vector */ ectx->argv = ectx->cargv; ectx->program = ectx->cargv[0]; /* spawn */ if (!(dctx->cctx->drvflags & SLBT_DRIVER_SILENT)) if (slbt_output_install(dctx,ectx)) return -1; if (((ret = slbt_spawn(ectx,true)) < 0) || ectx->exitcode) return slbt_exec_install_fail(actx,meta); } argv_free(meta); slbt_free_exec_ctx(actx); return 0; }