/*******************************************************************/ /* slibtool: a strong libtool implementation, written in C */ /* Copyright (C) 2016--2024 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */ /* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.SLIBTOOL. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <slibtool/slibtool.h> #include "slibtool_driver_impl.h" #include "slibtool_errinfo_impl.h" #include "slibtool_realpath_impl.h" #include "slibtool_stoolie_impl.h" #include "slibtool_txtline_impl.h" #include "slibtool_m4fake_impl.h" static const char slbt_this_dir[2] = {'.',0}; static int slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( struct slbt_stoolie_ctx_impl * ctx, int fdsrc, int ret) { char ** parg; if (ctx) { if (fdsrc >= 0) close(fdsrc); if (ctx->fdtgt >= 0) close(ctx->fdtgt); if (ctx->fdaux >= 0) close(ctx->fdaux); if (ctx->fdm4 >= 0) close(ctx->fdm4); for (parg=ctx->m4argv; parg && *parg; parg++) free(*parg); free(ctx->m4buf); free(ctx->m4argv); free(ctx->auxbuf); free(ctx->pathbuf); slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(ctx->acinc); slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(ctx->cfgac); slbt_lib_free_txtfile_ctx(ctx->makam); free(ctx); } return ret; } int slbt_st_get_stoolie_ctx( const struct slbt_driver_ctx * dctx, const char * path, struct slbt_stoolie_ctx ** pctx) { struct slbt_stoolie_ctx_impl * ctx; int cint; int fdcwd; int fdtgt; int fdsrc; const char ** pline; char ** margv; const char * mark; const char * dpath; char pathbuf[PATH_MAX]; /* target directory: fd and real path*/ fdcwd = slbt_driver_fdcwd(dctx); if ((fdtgt = openat(fdcwd,path,O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC,0)) < 0) return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,path); if (slbt_realpath(fdtgt,".",0,pathbuf,sizeof(pathbuf)) < 0) { close(fdtgt); return SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,path); } /* context alloc and init */ if (!(ctx = calloc(1,sizeof(*ctx)))) { close(fdtgt); return SLBT_BUFFER_ERROR(dctx); } ctx->fdtgt = fdtgt; ctx->fdaux = (-1); ctx->fdm4 = (-1); /* target directory real path */ if (!(ctx->pathbuf = strdup(pathbuf))) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); /* acinclude.m4, configure.ac, Makefile.am */ if ((fdsrc = openat(fdtgt,"acinlcude.m4",O_RDONLY,0)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,"acinlcude.m4")); } else { if (slbt_impl_get_txtfile_ctx(dctx,"acinclude.m4",fdsrc,&ctx->acinc) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); close(fdsrc); } if ((fdsrc = openat(fdtgt,"configure.ac",O_RDONLY,0)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,"configure.ac")); } else { if (slbt_impl_get_txtfile_ctx(dctx,"configure.ac",fdsrc,&ctx->cfgac) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); close(fdsrc); } if ((fdsrc = openat(fdtgt,"Makefile.am",O_RDONLY,0)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,"Makefile.am")); } else { if (slbt_impl_get_txtfile_ctx(dctx,"Makefile.am",fdsrc,&ctx->makam) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ctx,fdsrc, SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); close(fdsrc); } /* aux dir */ if (ctx->acinc) { if (slbt_m4fake_expand_cmdarg( dctx,ctx->acinc, "AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR", &pathbuf) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); if (pathbuf[0]) if (!(ctx->auxbuf = strdup(pathbuf))) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); } if (!ctx->auxbuf && ctx->cfgac) { if (slbt_m4fake_expand_cmdarg( dctx,ctx->cfgac, "AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR", &pathbuf) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); if (pathbuf[0]) if (!(ctx->auxbuf = strdup(pathbuf))) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); } /* m4 dir */ if (ctx->acinc) { if (slbt_m4fake_expand_cmdarg( dctx,ctx->acinc, "AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR", &pathbuf) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); if (pathbuf[0]) if (!(ctx->m4buf = strdup(pathbuf))) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); } if (!ctx->m4buf && ctx->cfgac) { if (slbt_m4fake_expand_cmdarg( dctx,ctx->cfgac, "AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR", &pathbuf) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); if (pathbuf[0]) if (!(ctx->m4buf = strdup(pathbuf))) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_NESTED_ERROR(dctx)); } if (!ctx->m4buf && ctx->makam) { for (pline=ctx->makam->txtlinev; !ctx->m4argv && *pline; pline++) { if (!strncmp(*pline,"ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS",15)) { if (isspace((*pline)[15]) || ((*pline)[15] == '=')) { mark = &(*pline)[15]; for (; isspace(cint = *mark); ) mark++; if (mark[0] != '=') return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_FLOW_ERROR)); if (slbt_txtline_to_string_vector(++mark,&margv) < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_FLOW_ERROR)); ctx->m4argv = margv; if (!strcmp((mark = margv[0]),"-I")) { ctx->m4buf = strdup(margv[1]); } else if (!strncmp(mark,"-I",2)) { ctx->m4buf = strdup(&mark[2]); } if (!ctx->m4buf) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_CUSTOM_ERROR( dctx, SLBT_ERR_FLOW_ERROR)); } } } } /* build-aux directory */ if (!(dpath = ctx->auxbuf)) dpath = slbt_this_dir; if ((ctx->fdaux = openat(fdtgt,dpath,O_DIRECTORY,0)) < 0) if (errno == ENOENT) if (!mkdirat(fdtgt,dpath,0755)) ctx->fdaux = openat(fdtgt,dpath,O_DIRECTORY,0); if (ctx->fdaux < 0) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,dpath)); /* m4 directory */ if ((dpath = ctx->m4buf)) if ((ctx->fdm4 = openat(fdtgt,dpath,O_DIRECTORY,0)) < 0) if (errno == ENOENT) if (!mkdirat(fdtgt,dpath,0755)) ctx->fdm4 = openat(fdtgt,dpath,O_DIRECTORY,0); if (dpath && (ctx->fdm4 < 0)) return slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl( ctx,(-1), SLBT_SYSTEM_ERROR(dctx,dpath)); /* all done */ ctx->path = ctx->pathbuf; ctx->auxarg = ctx->auxbuf; ctx->m4arg = ctx->m4buf; ctx->zctx.path = &ctx->path; ctx->zctx.acinc = ctx->acinc; ctx->zctx.cfgac = ctx->cfgac; ctx->zctx.makam = ctx->makam; ctx->zctx.auxarg = &ctx->auxarg; ctx->zctx.m4arg = &ctx->m4arg; *pctx = &ctx->zctx; return 0; } void slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx(struct slbt_stoolie_ctx * ctx) { struct slbt_stoolie_ctx_impl * ictx; uintptr_t addr; if (ctx) { addr = (uintptr_t)ctx - offsetof(struct slbt_stoolie_ctx_impl,zctx); ictx = (struct slbt_stoolie_ctx_impl *)addr; slbt_st_free_stoolie_ctx_impl(ictx,(-1),0); } }