path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a
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authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77051ee4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761003.a
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+-- C761003.A
+-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
+-- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
+-- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
+-- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
+-- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
+-- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
+-- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
+-- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
+-- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
+-- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
+-- to do so.
+-- Check that an object of a controlled type is finalized when the
+-- enclosing master is complete.
+-- Check this for controlled types where the derived type has a
+-- discriminant.
+-- Check this for subprograms of abstract types derived from the
+-- types in Ada.Finalization.
+-- Check that finalization of controlled objects is
+-- performed in the correct order. In particular, check that if
+-- multiple objects of controlled types are declared immediately
+-- within the same declarative part then type are finalized in the
+-- reverse order of their creation.
+-- This test checks these conditions for subprograms and
+-- block statements; both variables and constants of controlled
+-- types; cases of a controlled component of a record type, as
+-- well as an array with controlled components.
+-- The base controlled types used for the test are defined
+-- with a character discriminant. The initialize procedure for
+-- the types will record the order of creation in a globally
+-- accessible array, the finalize procedure for the types will call
+-- TCTouch with that tag character. The test can then check that
+-- the order of finalization is indeed the reverse of the order of
+-- creation (assuming that the implementation calls Initialize in
+-- the order that the objects are created).
+-- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
+-- 02 Nov 95 SAIC ACVC 2.0.1
+------------------------------------------------------------ C761003_Support
+package C761003_Support is
+ function Pick_Char return Character;
+ -- successive calls to Pick_Char return distinct characters which may
+ -- be assigned to objects to track an order sequence. These characters
+ -- are then used in calls to TCTouch.Touch.
+ procedure Validate(Initcount : Natural;
+ Testnumber : Natural;
+ Check_Order : Boolean := True);
+ -- does a little extra processing prior to calling TCTouch.Validate,
+ -- specifically, it reverses the stored string of characters, and checks
+ -- for a correct count.
+ Inits_Order : String(1..255);
+ Inits_Called : Natural := 0;
+end C761003_Support;
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+with Report;
+with TCTouch;
+package body C761003_Support is
+ type Pick_Rotation is mod 52;
+ type Pick_String is array(Pick_Rotation) of Character;
+ From : constant Pick_String := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ & "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ Recent_Pick : Pick_Rotation := Pick_Rotation'Last;
+ function Pick_Char return Character is
+ begin
+ Recent_Pick := Recent_Pick +1;
+ return From(Recent_Pick);
+ end Pick_Char;
+ function Invert(S:String) return String is
+ T: String(1..S'Length);
+ begin
+ for SI in reverse S'Range loop
+ T(S'Last - SI + 1) := S(SI);
+ end loop;
+ return T;
+ end Invert;
+ procedure Validate(Initcount : Natural;
+ Testnumber : Natural;
+ Check_Order : Boolean := True) is
+ Number : constant String := Natural'Image(Testnumber);
+ begin
+ if Inits_Called /= Initcount then
+ Report.Failed("Got" & Natural'Image(Inits_Called) & " inits, expected"
+ & Natural'Image(Initcount) & ", Subtest " & Number);
+ TCTouch.Flush;
+ else
+ TCTouch.Validate(
+ Invert(Inits_Order(1..Inits_Called)),
+ "Subtest " & Number, Order_Meaningful => Check_Order );
+ end if;
+ Inits_Called := 0; -- reset for the next batch
+ end Validate;
+end C761003_Support;
+------------------------------------------------------------------ C761003_0
+with Ada.Finalization;
+package C761003_0 is
+ type Global(Tag: Character) is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
+ with null record;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Global );
+ procedure Finalize ( It: in out Global );
+ Null_Global : Global('1') := (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Tag => '1');
+ type Second(Tag: Character) is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled
+ with null record;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Second );
+ procedure Finalize ( It: in out Second );
+end C761003_0;
+------------------------------------------------------------------ C761003_1
+with Ada.Finalization;
+package C761003_1 is
+ type Global is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
+ Tag: Character;
+ end record;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Global );
+ procedure Finalize ( It: in out Global );
+ type Second is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
+ Tag: Character;
+ end record;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Second );
+ procedure Finalize ( It: in out Second );
+end C761003_1;
+------------------------------------------------------------------ C761003_2
+with C761003_1;
+package C761003_2 is
+ type Global is new C761003_1.Global with null record;
+ -- inherits Initialize and Finalize
+ type Second is new C761003_1.Second with null record;
+ -- inherits Initialize and Finalize
+end C761003_2;
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C761003_0
+with TCTouch;
+with C761003_Support;
+package body C761003_0 is
+ package Sup renames C761003_Support;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Global ) is
+ begin
+ Sup.Inits_Called := Sup.Inits_Called +1;
+ Sup.Inits_Order(Sup.Inits_Called) := It.Tag;
+ end Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize( It: in out Global ) is
+ begin
+ TCTouch.Touch(It.Tag); --------------------------------------------- Tag
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Second ) is
+ begin
+ Sup.Inits_Called := Sup.Inits_Called +1;
+ Sup.Inits_Order(Sup.Inits_Called) := It.Tag;
+ end Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize( It: in out Second ) is
+ begin
+ TCTouch.Touch(It.Tag); --------------------------------------------- Tag
+ end Finalize;
+end C761003_0;
+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C761003_1
+with TCTouch;
+with C761003_Support;
+package body C761003_1 is
+ package Sup renames C761003_Support;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Global ) is
+ begin
+ Sup.Inits_Called := Sup.Inits_Called +1;
+ It.Tag := Sup.Pick_Char;
+ Sup.Inits_Order(Sup.Inits_Called) := It.Tag;
+ end Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize( It: in out Global ) is
+ begin
+ TCTouch.Touch(It.Tag); --------------------------------------------- Tag
+ end Finalize;
+ procedure Initialize( It: in out Second ) is
+ begin
+ Sup.Inits_Called := Sup.Inits_Called +1;
+ It.Tag := Sup.Pick_Char;
+ Sup.Inits_Order(Sup.Inits_Called) := It.Tag;
+ end Initialize;
+ procedure Finalize( It: in out Second ) is
+ begin
+ TCTouch.Touch(It.Tag); --------------------------------------------- Tag
+ end Finalize;
+end C761003_1;
+-------------------------------------------------------------------- C761003
+with Report;
+with TCTouch;
+with C761003_0;
+with C761003_2;
+with C761003_Support;
+procedure C761003 is
+ package Sup renames C761003_Support;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_1
+ Subtest_1_Inits_Expected : constant := 5; -- includes 1 previous
+ procedure Subtest_1 is
+ -- the constant will take its constraint from the value.
+ -- must be declared first to be finalized last (and take the
+ -- initialize from before calling subtest_1)
+ Item_1 : constant C761003_0.Global := C761003_0.Null_Global;
+ -- Item_2, declared second, should be finalized second to last.
+ Item_2 : C761003_0.Global(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ -- Item_3 and Item_4 will be created in the order of the
+ -- list.
+ Item_3, Item_4 : C761003_0.Global(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ -- Item_5 will be finalized first.
+ Item_5 : C761003_0.Second(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ begin
+ if Item_3.Tag >= Item_4.Tag then
+ Report.Failed("Controlled objects created by list in wrong order");
+ end if;
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 1 body");
+ end Subtest_1;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_2
+ -- These declarations should cause calls to initialize and
+ -- finalize. The expected operations are the subprograms associated
+ -- with the abstract types. Note that for these objects, the
+ -- Initialize and Finalize are visible only by inheritance.
+ Subtest_2_Inits_Expected : constant := 4;
+ procedure Subtest_2 is
+ Item_1 : C761003_2.Global;
+ Item_2, Item_3 : C761003_2.Global;
+ Item_4 : C761003_2.Second;
+ begin
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 2 body");
+ end Subtest_2;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_3
+ -- Test for controlled objects embedded in arrays. Using structures
+ -- that will cause a checkable order.
+ Subtest_3_Inits_Expected : constant := 8;
+ procedure Subtest_3 is
+ type Global_List is array(Natural range <>)
+ of C761003_0.Global(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ Items : Global_List(1..4); -- components have the same tag
+ type Second_List is array(Natural range <>)
+ of C761003_0.Second(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ Second_Items : Second_List(1..4); -- components have the same tag,
+ -- distinct from the tag used in Items
+ begin
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 3 body");
+ end Subtest_3;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_4
+ -- These declarations should cause dispatching calls to initialize and
+ -- finalize. The expected operations are the subprograms associated
+ -- with the abstract types.
+ Subtest_4_Inits_Expected : constant := 2;
+ procedure Subtest_4 is
+ type Global_Rec is record
+ Item1: C761003_0.Global(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ end record;
+ type Second_Rec is record
+ Item2: C761003_2.Second;
+ end record;
+ G : Global_Rec;
+ S : Second_Rec;
+ begin
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 4 body");
+ end Subtest_4;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_5
+ -- Test for controlled objects embedded in arrays. In these cases, the
+ -- order of the finalization of the components is not defined by the
+ -- language.
+ Subtest_5_Inits_Expected : constant := 8;
+ procedure Subtest_5 is
+ type Another_Global_List is array(Natural range <>)
+ of C761003_2.Global;
+ More_Items : Another_Global_List(1..4);
+ type Another_Second_List is array(Natural range <>)
+ of C761003_2.Second;
+ Second_More_Items : Another_Second_List(1..4);
+ begin
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 5 body");
+ end Subtest_5;
+---------------------------------------------------------------- Subtest_6
+ -- These declarations should cause dispatching calls to initialize and
+ -- finalize. The expected operations are the subprograms associated
+ -- with the abstract types.
+ Subtest_6_Inits_Expected : constant := 2;
+ procedure Subtest_6 is
+ type Global_Rec is record
+ Item2: C761003_2.Global;
+ end record;
+ type Second_Rec is record
+ Item1: C761003_0.Second(Sup.Pick_Char);
+ end record;
+ G : Global_Rec;
+ S : Second_Rec;
+ begin
+ -- check that nothing has happened yet!
+ TCTouch.Validate("","Subtest 6 body");
+ end Subtest_6;
+begin -- Main test procedure.
+ Report.Test ("C761003", "Check that an object of a controlled type "
+ & "is finalized when the enclosing master is "
+ & "complete, left by a transfer of control, "
+ & "and performed in the correct order" );
+ -- adjust for optional adjusts and initializes for C761003_0.Null_Global
+ TCTouch.Flush; -- clear the optional adjust
+ if Sup.Inits_Called /= 1 then
+ -- C761003_0.Null_Global did not get "initialized"
+ C761003_0.Initialize(C761003_0.Null_Global); -- prime the pump
+ end if;
+ Subtest_1;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_1_Inits_Expected, 1);
+ Subtest_2;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_2_Inits_Expected, 2);
+ Subtest_3;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_3_Inits_Expected, 3);
+ Subtest_4;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_4_Inits_Expected, 4);
+ Subtest_5;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_5_Inits_Expected, 5, Check_Order => False);
+ Subtest_6;
+ Sup.Validate(Subtest_6_Inits_Expected, 6);
+ Report.Result;
+end C761003;