path: root/libgo/go/html/testdata
diff options
authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /libgo/go/html/testdata
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/html/testdata')
24 files changed, 10277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/README b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b4c2d8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/README
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+The *.dat files in this directory are copied from The WebKit Open Source
+Project, specifically $WEBKITROOT/LayoutTests/html5lib/resources.
+WebKit is licensed under a BSD style license.
+ says:
+Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/comments01.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/comments01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..388d95287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/comments01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+FOO<!-- BAR -->BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -->
+| "BAZ"
+FOO<!-- BAR --!>BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -->
+| "BAZ"
+FOO<!-- BAR -- >BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -- -->
+| "BAZ"
+FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -->BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -->
+| "BAZ"
+FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX --!>BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -->
+| "BAZ"
+FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -- >BAZ
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -- -->
+| "BAZ"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- -->
+| "BAZ"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- -->
+| "BAZ"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <!-- -->
+| "BAZ"
+<?xml version="1.0">Hi
+| <!-- ?xml version="1.0" -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hi"
+<?xml version="1.0">
+| <!-- ?xml version="1.0" -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<?xml version
+| <!-- ?xml version -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/doctype01.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/doctype01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..575129c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/doctype01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!dOctYpE HtMl>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+| <!DOCTYPE >
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE >
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato taco>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato taco "ddd>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato sYstEM>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato sYstEM >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato sYstEM ggg>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM taco >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM 'taco"'>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM "taco">Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM "tai'co">Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEMtaco "ddd">Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato grass SYSTEM taco>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato pUbLIc>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato pUbLIc >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato pUbLIcgoof>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC goof>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC "go'of">Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC 'go'of'>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC 'go:hh of' >Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC "W3C-//dfdf" SYSTEM ggg>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+ "">Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE ...>Hello
+| <!DOCTYPE ...>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Hello"
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE root-element [SYSTEM OR PUBLIC FPI] "uri" [
+<!-- internal declarations -->
+| <!DOCTYPE root-element>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "
+ "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN"
+ "">
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM ""><body><b>Mine!</b></body>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "Mine!"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/dom2string.js b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/dom2string.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45897fda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/dom2string.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+String.prototype.toAsciiLowerCase = function () {
+ var output = "";
+ for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (this.charCodeAt(i) >= 0x41 && this.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x5A) {
+ output += String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(i) + 0x20)
+ } else {
+ output += this.charAt(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+function indent(ancestors) {
+ var str = "";
+ if (ancestors > 0) {
+ while (ancestors--)
+ str += " ";
+ }
+ return str;
+function dom2string(node, ancestors) {
+ var str = "";
+ if (typeof ancestors == "undefined")
+ var ancestors = 0;
+ if (!node.firstChild)
+ return "| ";
+ var parent = node;
+ var current = node.firstChild;
+ var next = null;
+ var misnested = null;
+ for (;;) {
+ str += "\n| " + indent(ancestors);
+ switch (current.nodeType) {
+ case 10:
+ str += '<!DOCTYPE ' + current.nodeName + '>';
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ try {
+ str += '<!-- ' + current.nodeValue + ' -->';
+ } catch (e) {
+ str += '<!-- -->';
+ }
+ if (parent != current.parentNode) {
+ return str += ' (misnested... aborting)';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ str += '<?' + current.nodeName + current.nodeValue + '>';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ str += '<![CDATA[ ' + current.nodeValue + ' ]]>';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ str += '"' + current.nodeValue + '"';
+ if (parent != current.parentNode) {
+ return str += ' (misnested... aborting)';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ str += "<";
+ switch (current.namespaceURI) {
+ case "":
+ str += "svg ";
+ break;
+ case "":
+ str += "math ";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (current.localName && current.namespaceURI && current.namespaceURI != null) {
+ str += current.localName;
+ } else {
+ str += current.nodeName.toAsciiLowerCase();
+ }
+ str += '>';
+ if (parent != current.parentNode) {
+ return str += ' (misnested... aborting)';
+ } else {
+ if (current.attributes) {
+ var attrNames = [];
+ var attrPos = {};
+ for (var j = 0; j < current.attributes.length; j += 1) {
+ if (current.attributes[j].specified) {
+ var name = "";
+ switch (current.attributes[j].namespaceURI) {
+ case "":
+ name += "xml ";
+ break;
+ case "":
+ name += "xmlns ";
+ break;
+ case "":
+ name += "xlink ";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (current.attributes[j].localName) {
+ name += current.attributes[j].localName;
+ } else {
+ name += current.attributes[j].nodeName;
+ }
+ attrNames.push(name);
+ attrPos[name] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ if (attrNames.length > 0) {
+ attrNames.sort();
+ for (var j = 0; j < attrNames.length; j += 1) {
+ str += "\n| " + indent(1 + ancestors) + attrNames[j];
+ str += '="' + current.attributes[attrPos[attrNames[j]]].nodeValue + '"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (next = current.firstChild) {
+ parent = current;
+ current = next;
+ ancestors++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ if (next = current.nextSibling) {
+ current = next;
+ break;
+ }
+ current = current.parentNode;
+ parent = parent.parentNode;
+ ancestors--;
+ if (current == node) {
+ return str.substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities01.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926642e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO>BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO>BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO> BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO>;;BAR"
+I'm &notit; I tell you
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "I'm ¬it; I tell you"
+I'm &notin; I tell you
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "I'm ∉ I tell you"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO& BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&"
+| <bar>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&&&>BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO)BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&#BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&#ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOºR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&#xZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO&#XZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO)BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO䆺R"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOxZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOyZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO€ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO‚ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOƒZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO„ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO…ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO†ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO‡ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOˆZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO‰ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO‹ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO‘ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO’ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO“ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO”ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO•ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO–ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO—ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO˜ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO™ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOšZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO›ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOœZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOžZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO퟿ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOOZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO􏿾ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO􈟔ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO􏿿ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO�ZOO"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities02.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities02.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b4dd6681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/entities02.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<div bar="ZZ&gt;YY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ>YY"
+<div bar="ZZ&"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&"
+<div bar='ZZ&'></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&"
+<div bar=ZZ&></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&"
+<div bar="ZZ&gt=YY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&gt=YY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gt0YY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&gt0YY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gt9YY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&gt9YY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gtaYY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&gtaYY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gtZYY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ&gtZYY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gt YY"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ> YY"
+<div bar="ZZ&gt"></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ>"
+<div bar='ZZ&gt'></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ>"
+<div bar=ZZ&gt></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| bar="ZZ>"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/scriptdata01.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/scriptdata01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76b67f4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/scriptdata01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'Hello'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script></script >BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script></script/ >BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain"></scriptx>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "</scriptx>BAR"
+FOO<script></script foo=">" dd>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!--'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!---'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-->'"
+| "BAR"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-->'"
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script>'<!-- potato'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-- potato'"
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt'"
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt>'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt>'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt> -'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'"
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --!>'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt> --!>'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -- >'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt> -- >'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt\'</script>BAR
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt\'"
+| "BAR"
+FOO<script type="text/plain">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR</script>QUX
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "FOO"
+| <script>
+| type="text/plain"
+| "'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR"
+| "QUX"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests1.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad58d314f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests1.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1949 @@
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Test"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| "One"
+| <p>
+| "Two"
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Line1"
+| <br>
+| "Line2"
+| <br>
+| "Line3"
+| <br>
+| "Line4"
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (body). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Unexpected end tag (body).
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end tag (html).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (body). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (body). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (body) after the (implied) root element.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <i>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 18 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <i>
+| "X"
+4: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+13: Heading cannot be a child of another heading.
+18: End of file seen and there were open elements.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <h1>
+| "Hello"
+| <h2>
+| "World"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 10 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <p>
+| <a>
+| "X"
+| <a>
+| "Y"
+| "Z"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <button>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 34 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| <div>
+| <b>
+| <marquee>
+| <p>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end tag (div). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<div>"
+| <title>
+| "<p>"
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Incorrect comment.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Incorrect comment.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!-- -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "--"
+| <!-- -->
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <hr>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (select). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected start tag token (b) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected select start tag in the select phase treated as select end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 39 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (select). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <option>
+| <option>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 43 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <a>
+| <table>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+| <b>
+| "X"
+| "C"
+| <a>
+| "Y"
+<a X>0<b>1<a Y>2
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 15 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| x=""
+| "0"
+| <b>
+| "1"
+| <b>
+| <a>
+| y=""
+| "2"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected '-' after '--' found in comment.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected start tag (font). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected start tag (b) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected implied end tag (b) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected table cell start tag (th) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Got table cell end tag (th) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <!-- - -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <font>
+| <div>
+| "helloexcite!"
+| <b>
+| "me!"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <th>
+| <i>
+| "please!"
+| <!-- X -->
+<!DOCTYPE html><li>hello<li>world<ul>how<li>do</ul>you</body><!--do-->
+Line: 1 Col: 61 Unexpected end tag (li). Missing end tag (body).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <li>
+| "hello"
+| <li>
+| "world"
+| <ul>
+| "how"
+| <li>
+| "do"
+| "you"
+| <!-- do -->
+<!DOCTYPE html>A<option>B<optgroup>C<select>D</option>E
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected end tag (option) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 55 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "A"
+| <option>
+| "B"
+| <optgroup>
+| "C"
+| <select>
+| "DE"
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got something else instead
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "<"
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got something else instead
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "<#"
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "</"
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected closing tag. Unexpected character '#' found.
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- # -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got '?' instead. (HTML doesn't support processing instructions.)
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- ? -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got '?' instead. (HTML doesn't support processing instructions.)
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- ?# -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- # -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got '?' instead. (HTML doesn't support processing instructions.)
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- ?COMMENT? -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- COMMENT -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected closing tag. Unexpected character ' ' found.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- COMMENT -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Expected tag name. Got '?' instead. (HTML doesn't support processing instructions.)
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- ?COM--MENT? -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- COM--MENT -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+</ COM--MENT >
+Line: 1 Col: 2 Expected closing tag. Unexpected character ' ' found.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- COM--MENT -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><style> EOF
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (style).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " EOF"
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><script> <!-- </script> --> </script> EOF
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| " <!-- "
+| " "
+| <body>
+| "--> EOF"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| "TEST"
+<p id=a><b><p id=b></b>TEST
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| id="a"
+| <b>
+| <p>
+| id="b"
+| "TEST"
+<b id=a><p><b id=b></p></b>TEST
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 27 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| id="a"
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| id="b"
+| "TEST"
+<!DOCTYPE html><title>U-test</title><body><div><p>Test<u></p></div></body>
+Line: 1 Col: 61 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "U-test"
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <p>
+| "Test"
+| <u>
+<!DOCTYPE html><font><table></font></table></font>
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected end tag (font) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <font>
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (font). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <font>
+| <p>
+| <font>
+| "hello"
+| <b>
+| "cruel"
+| <b>
+| "world"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "TestTest"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "A"
+| <cite>
+| "B"
+| <div>
+| "C"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (cite). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "A"
+| <cite>
+| "B"
+| <div>
+| "CD"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "A"
+| <cite>
+| "B"
+| <div>
+| <b>
+| "C"
+| "D"
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (cite). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 50 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <cite>
+| <b>
+| <cite>
+| <i>
+| <cite>
+| <i>
+| <cite>
+| <i>
+| <i>
+| <i>
+| <i>
+| <div>
+| <b>
+| "X"
+| "TEST"
+Line: 1 Col: 0 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+<DIV> abc
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc"
+<DIV> abc <B>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+<DIV> abc <B> def
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def"
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi"
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <p>
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <p>
+| " jkl"
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+| " mno"
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <i>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+| " mno "
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <i>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+| " mno "
+| " pqr"
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <i>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+| " mno "
+| " pqr "
+<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P> stu
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| " abc "
+| <b>
+| " def "
+| <i>
+| " ghi "
+| <i>
+| <p>
+| <i>
+| <b>
+| " jkl "
+| " mno "
+| " pqr "
+| " stu"
+<test attribute---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
+Line: 1 Col: 1040 Unexpected start tag (test). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 1040 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <test>
+| attribute----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=""
+<a href="blah">aba<table><a href="foo">br<tr><td></td></tr>x</table>aoe
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 39 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 39 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 39 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| href="blah"
+| "aba"
+| <a>
+| href="foo"
+| "br"
+| <a>
+| href="foo"
+| "x"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <a>
+| href="foo"
+| "aoe"
+<a href="blah">aba<table><tr><td><a href="foo">br</td></tr>x</table>aoe
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| href="blah"
+| "abax"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <a>
+| href="foo"
+| "br"
+| "aoe"
+<table><a href="blah">aba<tr><td><a href="foo">br</td></tr>x</table>aoe
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| href="blah"
+| "aba"
+| <a>
+| href="blah"
+| "x"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <a>
+| href="foo"
+| "br"
+| <a>
+| href="blah"
+| "aoe"
+<a href=a>aa<marquee>aa<a href=b>bb</marquee>aa
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 45 End tag (marquee) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| href="a"
+| "aa"
+| <marquee>
+| "aa"
+| <a>
+| href="b"
+| "bb"
+| "aa"
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (wbr). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 End tag (strike) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (code). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <wbr>
+| <strike>
+| <code>
+| <code>
+| <code>
+| <strike>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<meta>"
+| <link>
+| <title>
+| "<meta>"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--"
+| <meta>
+| <script>
+| "--><link>"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected start tag (link) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <meta>
+| <link>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Got table cell end tag (th) while required end tags are missing.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <td>
+| <span>
+| <th>
+| <span>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (body). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected start tag (body).
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected start tag (body).
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (p). Missing end tag (body).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <base>
+| <link>
+| <meta>
+| <title>
+| "<p>"
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "<p>"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (image). Treated as img.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <img>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 13 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end tag (table). Expected end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 27 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 35 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+| <table>
+| <p>
+| <a>
+| <div>
+| <a>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <meta>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Unexpected start tag (meta).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <meta>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <i>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 18 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <i>
+4: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+8: Heading cannot be a child of another heading.
+8: End of file seen and there were open elements.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <h1>
+| <h2>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 9 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <p>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <button>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 34 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| <div>
+| <b>
+| <marquee>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end tag (div). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <title>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <hr>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (select). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected start tag token (b) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected select start tag in the select phase treated as select end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 39 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (select). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <option>
+| <option>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Got table cell end tag (td) while required end tags are missing.
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 43 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected implied end tag (a) in the table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).
+Line: 1 Col: 54 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <a>
+| <table>
+| <a>
+| <a>
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Unexpected start tag (ul). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Missing end tag (div, li).
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Missing end tag (address, li).
+Line: 1 Col: 69 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <ul>
+| <li>
+| <div>
+| <li>
+| <li>
+| <li>
+| <div>
+| <li>
+| <address>
+| <li>
+| <b>
+| <em>
+| <li>
+XXX: fix me
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <ul>
+| <li>
+| <ul>
+| <li>
+| "a"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| <frame>
+| <frameset>
+| <frame>
+| <noframes>
+4: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+15: “td” start tag in table body.
+27: Unclosed elements.
+31: Heading cannot be a child of another heading.
+36: End tag “h1” seen but there were unclosed elements.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <h1>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <h3>
+| <h3>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <col>
+| <col>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <col>
+| <thead>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected start tag col. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <tbody>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <colgroup>
+| <col>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 80 Unexpected start tag colgroup. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+| <tbody>
+| <colgroup>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <colgroup>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <colgroup>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected end tag (strong). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected end tag (strong) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end tag (b) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 18 Unexpected end tag (em) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (i) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end tag (u) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected end tag (strike) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 39 Unexpected end tag (s) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Unexpected end tag (blink) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected end tag (tt) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected end tag (pre) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (big) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 72 Unexpected end tag (small) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 79 Unexpected end tag (font) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 88 Unexpected end tag (select) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 93 Unexpected end tag (h1) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 98 Unexpected end tag (h2) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 103 Unexpected end tag (h3) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 108 Unexpected end tag (h4) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 113 Unexpected end tag (h5) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 118 Unexpected end tag (h6) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 125 Unexpected end tag (body) after the (implied) root element.
+Line: 1 Col: 130 Unexpected end tag (br). Treated as br element.
+Line: 1 Col: 134 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 140 This element (img) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 148 Unexpected end tag (title). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 155 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 163 Unexpected end tag (style). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 172 Unexpected end tag (script). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 180 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 185 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 190 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 195 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 203 This element (frame) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 210 This element (area) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 217 Unexpected end tag (link). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 225 This element (param) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 230 This element (hr) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 238 This element (input) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 244 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 251 Unexpected end tag (base). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 258 Unexpected end tag (meta). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 269 This element (basefont) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 279 This element (bgsound) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 287 This element (embed) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 296 This element (spacer) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 300 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 305 End tag (dd) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 310 End tag (dt) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 320 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 331 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 339 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 347 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 355 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 365 End tag (address) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 378 End tag (blockquote) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 387 End tag (center) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 393 Unexpected end tag (dir). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 399 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 404 End tag (dl) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 415 End tag (fieldset) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 425 End tag (listing) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 432 End tag (menu) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 437 End tag (ol) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 442 End tag (ul) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 447 End tag (li) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 454 End tag (nobr) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 460 This element (wbr) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 476 End tag (button) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 486 End tag (marquee) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 495 End tag (object) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 513 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 513 Unexpected end tag (frameset). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 520 Unexpected end tag (head). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 529 Unexpected end tag (iframe). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 537 This element (image) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 547 This element (isindex) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 557 Unexpected end tag (noembed). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 568 Unexpected end tag (noframes). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 579 Unexpected end tag (noscript). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 590 Unexpected end tag (optgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 599 Unexpected end tag (option). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 611 Unexpected end tag (plaintext). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 622 Unexpected end tag (textarea). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <br>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (strong) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 End tag (strong) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (b) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end tag (em) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 End tag (em) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected end tag (i) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 End tag (i) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (u) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 End tag (u) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end tag (strike) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 End tag (strike) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 50 Unexpected end tag (s) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 50 End tag (s) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected end tag (blink) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected end tag (blink). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected end tag (tt) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 End tag (tt) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected end tag (pre) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 End tag (pre) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 75 Unexpected end tag (big) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 75 End tag (big) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 83 Unexpected end tag (small) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 83 End tag (small) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 90 Unexpected end tag (font) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 90 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 99 Unexpected end tag (select) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 99 Unexpected end tag (select). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 104 Unexpected end tag (h1) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 104 End tag (h1) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 109 Unexpected end tag (h2) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 109 End tag (h2) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 114 Unexpected end tag (h3) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 114 End tag (h3) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 119 Unexpected end tag (h4) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 119 End tag (h4) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 124 Unexpected end tag (h5) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 124 End tag (h5) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 129 Unexpected end tag (h6) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 129 End tag (h6) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 136 Unexpected end tag (body) in the table row phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 141 Unexpected end tag (br) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 141 Unexpected end tag (br). Treated as br element.
+Line: 1 Col: 145 Unexpected end tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 145 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 151 Unexpected end tag (img) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 151 This element (img) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 159 Unexpected end tag (title) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 159 Unexpected end tag (title). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 166 Unexpected end tag (span) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 166 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 174 Unexpected end tag (style) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 174 Unexpected end tag (style). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 183 Unexpected end tag (script) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 183 Unexpected end tag (script). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 196 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 201 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 206 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 214 This element (frame) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 221 This element (area) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 228 Unexpected end tag (link). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 236 This element (param) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 241 This element (hr) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 249 This element (input) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 255 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 262 Unexpected end tag (base). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 269 Unexpected end tag (meta). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 280 This element (basefont) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 290 This element (bgsound) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 298 This element (embed) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 307 This element (spacer) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 311 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 316 End tag (dd) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 321 End tag (dt) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 331 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 342 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 350 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 358 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 366 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 376 End tag (address) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 389 End tag (blockquote) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 398 End tag (center) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 404 Unexpected end tag (dir). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 410 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 415 End tag (dl) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 426 End tag (fieldset) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 436 End tag (listing) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 443 End tag (menu) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 448 End tag (ol) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 453 End tag (ul) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 458 End tag (li) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 465 End tag (nobr) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 471 This element (wbr) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 487 End tag (button) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 497 End tag (marquee) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 506 End tag (object) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 524 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 524 Unexpected end tag (frameset). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 531 Unexpected end tag (head). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 540 Unexpected end tag (iframe). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 548 This element (image) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 558 This element (isindex) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 568 Unexpected end tag (noembed). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 579 Unexpected end tag (noframes). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 590 Unexpected end tag (noscript). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 601 Unexpected end tag (optgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 610 Unexpected end tag (option). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 622 Unexpected end tag (plaintext). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 633 Unexpected end tag (textarea). Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <br>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <p>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests10.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests10.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..877c9a3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests10.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><svg></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><svg></svg></select>
+35: Stray “svg” start tag.
+42: Stray end tag “svg”
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><svg></svg></option></select>
+43: Stray “svg” start tag.
+50: Stray end tag “svg”
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <option>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg></svg></table>
+34: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+41: Stray end tag “svg”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g></svg></table>
+34: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+46: Stray end tag “g”.
+53: Stray end tag “svg”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></table>
+34: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+46: Stray end tag “g”.
+58: Stray end tag “g”.
+65: Stray end tag “svg”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tbody></table>
+41: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+53: Stray end tag “g”.
+65: Stray end tag “g”.
+72: Stray end tag “svg”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tr></tbody></table>
+45: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+57: Stray end tag “g”.
+69: Stray end tag “g”.
+76: Stray end tag “svg”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></td></tr></tbody></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</caption></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux
+70: HTML start tag “p” in a foreign namespace context.
+81: “table” closed but “caption” was still open.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g>baz</table><p>quux
+78: “table” closed but “caption” was still open.
+78: Unclosed elements on stack.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| "baz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux
+44: Start tag “svg” seen in “table”.
+56: Stray end tag “g”.
+68: Stray end tag “g”.
+71: HTML start tag “p” in a foreign namespace context.
+71: Start tag “p” seen in “table”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux
+50: Stray “svg” start tag.
+54: Stray “g” start tag.
+62: Stray end tag “g”
+66: Stray “g” start tag.
+74: Stray end tag “g”
+77: Stray “p” start tag.
+88: “table” end tag with “select” open.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <select>
+| "foobarbaz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux
+36: Start tag “select” seen in “table”.
+42: Stray “svg” start tag.
+46: Stray “g” start tag.
+54: Stray end tag “g”
+58: Stray “g” start tag.
+66: Stray end tag “g”
+69: Stray “p” start tag.
+80: “table” end tag with “select” open.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| "foobarbaz"
+| <table>
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz
+41: Stray “svg” start tag.
+68: HTML start tag “p” in a foreign namespace context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body></body><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz
+34: Stray “svg” start tag.
+61: HTML start tag “p” in a foreign namespace context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| "foo"
+| <svg g>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span>
+31: Stray “svg” start tag.
+35: Stray “g” start tag.
+40: Stray end tag “g”
+44: Stray “g” start tag.
+49: Stray end tag “g”
+52: Stray “p” start tag.
+58: Stray “span” start tag.
+58: End of file seen and there were open elements.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span>
+42: Stray “svg” start tag.
+46: Stray “g” start tag.
+51: Stray end tag “g”
+55: Stray “g” start tag.
+60: Stray end tag “g”
+63: Stray “p” start tag.
+69: Stray “span” start tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><svg xlink:href=foo></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| <svg svg>
+| xlink href="foo"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></g></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg g>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+| "bar"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests11.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests11.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..638cde479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests11.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg attributeName='' attributeType='' baseFrequency='' baseProfile='' calcMode='' clipPathUnits='' contentScriptType='' contentStyleType='' diffuseConstant='' edgeMode='' externalResourcesRequired='' filterRes='' filterUnits='' glyphRef='' gradientTransform='' gradientUnits='' kernelMatrix='' kernelUnitLength='' keyPoints='' keySplines='' keyTimes='' lengthAdjust='' limitingConeAngle='' markerHeight='' markerUnits='' markerWidth='' maskContentUnits='' maskUnits='' numOctaves='' pathLength='' patternContentUnits='' patternTransform='' patternUnits='' pointsAtX='' pointsAtY='' pointsAtZ='' preserveAlpha='' preserveAspectRatio='' primitiveUnits='' refX='' refY='' repeatCount='' repeatDur='' requiredExtensions='' requiredFeatures='' specularConstant='' specularExponent='' spreadMethod='' startOffset='' stdDeviation='' stitchTiles='' surfaceScale='' systemLanguage='' tableValues='' targetX='' targetY='' textLength='' viewBox='' viewTarget='' xChannelSelector='' yChannelSelector='' zoomAndPan=''></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| attributeName=""
+| attributeType=""
+| baseFrequency=""
+| baseProfile=""
+| calcMode=""
+| clipPathUnits=""
+| contentScriptType=""
+| contentStyleType=""
+| diffuseConstant=""
+| edgeMode=""
+| externalResourcesRequired=""
+| filterRes=""
+| filterUnits=""
+| glyphRef=""
+| gradientTransform=""
+| gradientUnits=""
+| kernelMatrix=""
+| kernelUnitLength=""
+| keyPoints=""
+| keySplines=""
+| keyTimes=""
+| lengthAdjust=""
+| limitingConeAngle=""
+| markerHeight=""
+| markerUnits=""
+| markerWidth=""
+| maskContentUnits=""
+| maskUnits=""
+| numOctaves=""
+| pathLength=""
+| patternContentUnits=""
+| patternTransform=""
+| patternUnits=""
+| pointsAtX=""
+| pointsAtY=""
+| pointsAtZ=""
+| preserveAlpha=""
+| preserveAspectRatio=""
+| primitiveUnits=""
+| refX=""
+| refY=""
+| repeatCount=""
+| repeatDur=""
+| requiredExtensions=""
+| requiredFeatures=""
+| specularConstant=""
+| specularExponent=""
+| spreadMethod=""
+| startOffset=""
+| stdDeviation=""
+| stitchTiles=""
+| surfaceScale=""
+| systemLanguage=""
+| tableValues=""
+| targetX=""
+| targetY=""
+| textLength=""
+| viewBox=""
+| viewTarget=""
+| xChannelSelector=""
+| yChannelSelector=""
+| zoomAndPan=""
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| attributeName=""
+| attributeType=""
+| baseFrequency=""
+| baseProfile=""
+| calcMode=""
+| clipPathUnits=""
+| contentScriptType=""
+| contentStyleType=""
+| diffuseConstant=""
+| edgeMode=""
+| externalResourcesRequired=""
+| filterRes=""
+| filterUnits=""
+| glyphRef=""
+| gradientTransform=""
+| gradientUnits=""
+| kernelMatrix=""
+| kernelUnitLength=""
+| keyPoints=""
+| keySplines=""
+| keyTimes=""
+| lengthAdjust=""
+| limitingConeAngle=""
+| markerHeight=""
+| markerUnits=""
+| markerWidth=""
+| maskContentUnits=""
+| maskUnits=""
+| numOctaves=""
+| pathLength=""
+| patternContentUnits=""
+| patternTransform=""
+| patternUnits=""
+| pointsAtX=""
+| pointsAtY=""
+| pointsAtZ=""
+| preserveAlpha=""
+| preserveAspectRatio=""
+| primitiveUnits=""
+| refX=""
+| refY=""
+| repeatCount=""
+| repeatDur=""
+| requiredExtensions=""
+| requiredFeatures=""
+| specularConstant=""
+| specularExponent=""
+| spreadMethod=""
+| startOffset=""
+| stdDeviation=""
+| stitchTiles=""
+| surfaceScale=""
+| systemLanguage=""
+| tableValues=""
+| targetX=""
+| targetY=""
+| textLength=""
+| viewBox=""
+| viewTarget=""
+| xChannelSelector=""
+| yChannelSelector=""
+| zoomAndPan=""
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg attributename='' attributetype='' basefrequency='' baseprofile='' calcmode='' clippathunits='' contentscripttype='' contentstyletype='' diffuseconstant='' edgemode='' externalresourcesrequired='' filterres='' filterunits='' glyphref='' gradienttransform='' gradientunits='' kernelmatrix='' kernelunitlength='' keypoints='' keysplines='' keytimes='' lengthadjust='' limitingconeangle='' markerheight='' markerunits='' markerwidth='' maskcontentunits='' maskunits='' numoctaves='' pathlength='' patterncontentunits='' patterntransform='' patternunits='' pointsatx='' pointsaty='' pointsatz='' preservealpha='' preserveaspectratio='' primitiveunits='' refx='' refy='' repeatcount='' repeatdur='' requiredextensions='' requiredfeatures='' specularconstant='' specularexponent='' spreadmethod='' startoffset='' stddeviation='' stitchtiles='' surfacescale='' systemlanguage='' tablevalues='' targetx='' targety='' textlength='' viewbox='' viewtarget='' xchannelselector='' ychannelselector='' zoomandpan=''></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| attributeName=""
+| attributeType=""
+| baseFrequency=""
+| baseProfile=""
+| calcMode=""
+| clipPathUnits=""
+| contentScriptType=""
+| contentStyleType=""
+| diffuseConstant=""
+| edgeMode=""
+| externalResourcesRequired=""
+| filterRes=""
+| filterUnits=""
+| glyphRef=""
+| gradientTransform=""
+| gradientUnits=""
+| kernelMatrix=""
+| kernelUnitLength=""
+| keyPoints=""
+| keySplines=""
+| keyTimes=""
+| lengthAdjust=""
+| limitingConeAngle=""
+| markerHeight=""
+| markerUnits=""
+| markerWidth=""
+| maskContentUnits=""
+| maskUnits=""
+| numOctaves=""
+| pathLength=""
+| patternContentUnits=""
+| patternTransform=""
+| patternUnits=""
+| pointsAtX=""
+| pointsAtY=""
+| pointsAtZ=""
+| preserveAlpha=""
+| preserveAspectRatio=""
+| primitiveUnits=""
+| refX=""
+| refY=""
+| repeatCount=""
+| repeatDur=""
+| requiredExtensions=""
+| requiredFeatures=""
+| specularConstant=""
+| specularExponent=""
+| spreadMethod=""
+| startOffset=""
+| stdDeviation=""
+| stitchTiles=""
+| surfaceScale=""
+| systemLanguage=""
+| tableValues=""
+| targetX=""
+| targetY=""
+| textLength=""
+| viewBox=""
+| viewTarget=""
+| xChannelSelector=""
+| yChannelSelector=""
+| zoomAndPan=""
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><math attributeName='' attributeType='' baseFrequency='' baseProfile='' calcMode='' clipPathUnits='' contentScriptType='' contentStyleType='' diffuseConstant='' edgeMode='' externalResourcesRequired='' filterRes='' filterUnits='' glyphRef='' gradientTransform='' gradientUnits='' kernelMatrix='' kernelUnitLength='' keyPoints='' keySplines='' keyTimes='' lengthAdjust='' limitingConeAngle='' markerHeight='' markerUnits='' markerWidth='' maskContentUnits='' maskUnits='' numOctaves='' pathLength='' patternContentUnits='' patternTransform='' patternUnits='' pointsAtX='' pointsAtY='' pointsAtZ='' preserveAlpha='' preserveAspectRatio='' primitiveUnits='' refX='' refY='' repeatCount='' repeatDur='' requiredExtensions='' requiredFeatures='' specularConstant='' specularExponent='' spreadMethod='' startOffset='' stdDeviation='' stitchTiles='' surfaceScale='' systemLanguage='' tableValues='' targetX='' targetY='' textLength='' viewBox='' viewTarget='' xChannelSelector='' yChannelSelector='' zoomAndPan=''></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| attributename=""
+| attributetype=""
+| basefrequency=""
+| baseprofile=""
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+| contentstyletype=""
+| diffuseconstant=""
+| edgemode=""
+| externalresourcesrequired=""
+| filterres=""
+| filterunits=""
+| glyphref=""
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+| gradientunits=""
+| kernelmatrix=""
+| kernelunitlength=""
+| keypoints=""
+| keysplines=""
+| keytimes=""
+| lengthadjust=""
+| limitingconeangle=""
+| markerheight=""
+| markerunits=""
+| markerwidth=""
+| maskcontentunits=""
+| maskunits=""
+| numoctaves=""
+| pathlength=""
+| patterncontentunits=""
+| patterntransform=""
+| patternunits=""
+| pointsatx=""
+| pointsaty=""
+| pointsatz=""
+| preservealpha=""
+| preserveaspectratio=""
+| primitiveunits=""
+| refx=""
+| refy=""
+| repeatcount=""
+| repeatdur=""
+| requiredextensions=""
+| requiredfeatures=""
+| specularconstant=""
+| specularexponent=""
+| spreadmethod=""
+| startoffset=""
+| stddeviation=""
+| stitchtiles=""
+| surfacescale=""
+| systemlanguage=""
+| tablevalues=""
+| targetx=""
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+| textlength=""
+| viewbox=""
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+| xchannelselector=""
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+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><altGlyph /><altGlyphDef /><altGlyphItem /><animateColor /><animateMotion /><animateTransform /><clipPath /><feBlend /><feColorMatrix /><feComponentTransfer /><feComposite /><feConvolveMatrix /><feDiffuseLighting /><feDisplacementMap /><feDistantLight /><feFlood /><feFuncA /><feFuncB /><feFuncG /><feFuncR /><feGaussianBlur /><feImage /><feMerge /><feMergeNode /><feMorphology /><feOffset /><fePointLight /><feSpecularLighting /><feSpotLight /><feTile /><feTurbulence /><foreignObject /><glyphRef /><linearGradient /><radialGradient /><textPath /></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg altGlyph>
+| <svg altGlyphDef>
+| <svg altGlyphItem>
+| <svg animateColor>
+| <svg animateMotion>
+| <svg animateTransform>
+| <svg clipPath>
+| <svg feBlend>
+| <svg feColorMatrix>
+| <svg feComponentTransfer>
+| <svg feComposite>
+| <svg feConvolveMatrix>
+| <svg feDiffuseLighting>
+| <svg feDisplacementMap>
+| <svg feDistantLight>
+| <svg feFlood>
+| <svg feFuncA>
+| <svg feFuncB>
+| <svg feFuncG>
+| <svg feFuncR>
+| <svg feGaussianBlur>
+| <svg feImage>
+| <svg feMerge>
+| <svg feMergeNode>
+| <svg feMorphology>
+| <svg feOffset>
+| <svg fePointLight>
+| <svg feSpecularLighting>
+| <svg feSpotLight>
+| <svg feTile>
+| <svg feTurbulence>
+| <svg foreignObject>
+| <svg glyphRef>
+| <svg linearGradient>
+| <svg radialGradient>
+| <svg textPath>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><altglyph /><altglyphdef /><altglyphitem /><animatecolor /><animatemotion /><animatetransform /><clippath /><feblend /><fecolormatrix /><fecomponenttransfer /><fecomposite /><feconvolvematrix /><fediffuselighting /><fedisplacementmap /><fedistantlight /><feflood /><fefunca /><fefuncb /><fefuncg /><fefuncr /><fegaussianblur /><feimage /><femerge /><femergenode /><femorphology /><feoffset /><fepointlight /><fespecularlighting /><fespotlight /><fetile /><feturbulence /><foreignobject /><glyphref /><lineargradient /><radialgradient /><textpath /></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg altGlyph>
+| <svg altGlyphDef>
+| <svg altGlyphItem>
+| <svg animateColor>
+| <svg animateMotion>
+| <svg animateTransform>
+| <svg clipPath>
+| <svg feBlend>
+| <svg feColorMatrix>
+| <svg feComponentTransfer>
+| <svg feComposite>
+| <svg feConvolveMatrix>
+| <svg feDiffuseLighting>
+| <svg feDisplacementMap>
+| <svg feDistantLight>
+| <svg feFlood>
+| <svg feFuncA>
+| <svg feFuncB>
+| <svg feFuncG>
+| <svg feFuncR>
+| <svg feGaussianBlur>
+| <svg feImage>
+| <svg feMerge>
+| <svg feMergeNode>
+| <svg feMorphology>
+| <svg feOffset>
+| <svg fePointLight>
+| <svg feSpecularLighting>
+| <svg feSpotLight>
+| <svg feTile>
+| <svg feTurbulence>
+| <svg foreignObject>
+| <svg glyphRef>
+| <svg linearGradient>
+| <svg radialGradient>
+| <svg textPath>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg altGlyph>
+| <svg altGlyphDef>
+| <svg altGlyphItem>
+| <svg animateColor>
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+| <svg animateTransform>
+| <svg clipPath>
+| <svg feBlend>
+| <svg feColorMatrix>
+| <svg feComponentTransfer>
+| <svg feComposite>
+| <svg feConvolveMatrix>
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+| <svg feDisplacementMap>
+| <svg feDistantLight>
+| <svg feFlood>
+| <svg feFuncA>
+| <svg feFuncB>
+| <svg feFuncG>
+| <svg feFuncR>
+| <svg feGaussianBlur>
+| <svg feImage>
+| <svg feMerge>
+| <svg feMergeNode>
+| <svg feMorphology>
+| <svg feOffset>
+| <svg fePointLight>
+| <svg feSpecularLighting>
+| <svg feSpotLight>
+| <svg feTile>
+| <svg feTurbulence>
+| <svg foreignObject>
+| <svg glyphRef>
+| <svg linearGradient>
+| <svg radialGradient>
+| <svg textPath>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><math><altGlyph /><altGlyphDef /><altGlyphItem /><animateColor /><animateMotion /><animateTransform /><clipPath /><feBlend /><feColorMatrix /><feComponentTransfer /><feComposite /><feConvolveMatrix /><feDiffuseLighting /><feDisplacementMap /><feDistantLight /><feFlood /><feFuncA /><feFuncB /><feFuncG /><feFuncR /><feGaussianBlur /><feImage /><feMerge /><feMergeNode /><feMorphology /><feOffset /><fePointLight /><feSpecularLighting /><feSpotLight /><feTile /><feTurbulence /><foreignObject /><glyphRef /><linearGradient /><radialGradient /><textPath /></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math altglyph>
+| <math altglyphdef>
+| <math altglyphitem>
+| <math animatecolor>
+| <math animatemotion>
+| <math animatetransform>
+| <math clippath>
+| <math feblend>
+| <math fecolormatrix>
+| <math fecomponenttransfer>
+| <math fecomposite>
+| <math feconvolvematrix>
+| <math fediffuselighting>
+| <math fedisplacementmap>
+| <math fedistantlight>
+| <math feflood>
+| <math fefunca>
+| <math fefuncb>
+| <math fefuncg>
+| <math fefuncr>
+| <math fegaussianblur>
+| <math feimage>
+| <math femerge>
+| <math femergenode>
+| <math femorphology>
+| <math feoffset>
+| <math fepointlight>
+| <math fespecularlighting>
+| <math fespotlight>
+| <math fetile>
+| <math feturbulence>
+| <math foreignobject>
+| <math glyphref>
+| <math lineargradient>
+| <math radialgradient>
+| <math textpath>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg><solidColor /></svg>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg solidcolor>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests12.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests12.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63107d277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests12.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><p>foo<math><mtext><i>baz</i></mtext><annotation-xml><svg><desc><b>eggs</b></desc><g><foreignObject><P>spam<TABLE><tr><td><img></td></table></foreignObject></g><g>quux</g></svg></annotation-xml></math>bar
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| "foo"
+| <math math>
+| <math mtext>
+| <i>
+| "baz"
+| <math annotation-xml>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg desc>
+| <b>
+| "eggs"
+| <svg g>
+| <svg foreignObject>
+| <p>
+| "spam"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <img>
+| <svg g>
+| "quux"
+| "bar"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body>foo<math><mtext><i>baz</i></mtext><annotation-xml><svg><desc><b>eggs</b></desc><g><foreignObject><P>spam<TABLE><tr><td><img></td></table></foreignObject></g><g>quux</g></svg></annotation-xml></math>bar
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "foo"
+| <math math>
+| <math mtext>
+| <i>
+| "baz"
+| <math annotation-xml>
+| <svg svg>
+| <svg desc>
+| <b>
+| "eggs"
+| <svg g>
+| <svg foreignObject>
+| <p>
+| "spam"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <img>
+| <svg g>
+| "quux"
+| "bar"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests13.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests13.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d180e8e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests13.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<title>404 Not Found</title>
+<h1>Not Found</h1>
+<p>The requested URL /html5lib-tests/data/tests13.dat was not found on this server.</p>
+<p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found
+error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests14.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests14.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72f8015f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests14.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><xyz:abc></xyz:abc>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xyz:abc>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><xyz:abc></xyz:abc><span></span>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xyz:abc>
+| <span>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><html abc:def=gh><xyz:abc></xyz:abc>
+15: Unexpected start tag html
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| abc:def="gh"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xyz:abc>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html xml:lang=bar><html xml:lang=foo>
+15: Unexpected start tag html
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| xml:lang="bar"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html 123=456>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| 123="456"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html 123=456><html 789=012>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| 123="456"
+| 789="012"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><body 789=012>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| 789="012" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests15.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests15.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f016cae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests15.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><p><b><i><u></p> <p>X
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| <i>
+| <u>
+| <b>
+| <i>
+| <u>
+| " "
+| <p>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (p). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+Line: 2 Col: 4 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <b>
+| <i>
+| <u>
+| <b>
+| <i>
+| <u>
+| "
+| <p>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html></html> <head>
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| " "
+<!doctype html></body><meta>
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (body) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <meta>
+<html></html><!-- foo -->
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <!-- foo -->
+<!doctype html></body><title>X</title>
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (body) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><table> X<meta></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected start tag (meta) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| " X"
+| <meta>
+| <table>
+<!doctype html><table> x</table>
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| " x"
+| <table>
+<!doctype html><table> x </table>
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| " x "
+| <table>
+<!doctype html><table><tr> x</table>
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| " x"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+<!doctype html><table>X<style> <tr>x </style> </table>
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <table>
+| <style>
+| " <tr>x "
+| " "
+<!doctype html><div><table><a>foo</a> <tr><td>bar</td> </tr></table></div>
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected start tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (a) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <a>
+| "foo"
+| <table>
+| " "
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| "bar"
+| " "
+6: Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+13: Stray start tag “frame”.
+21: Stray end tag “frame”.
+29: Stray end tag “frame”.
+39: “frameset” start tag after “body” already open.
+105: End of file seen inside an [R]CDATA element.
+105: End of file seen and there were open elements.
+XXX: These errors are wrong, please fix me!
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| <frame>
+| <frameset>
+| <frame>
+| <noframes>
+| "</frameset><noframes>"
+<!DOCTYPE html><object></html>
+1: Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <object> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests16.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests16.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..937dba9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests16.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,2277 @@
+<!doctype html><script>
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script>a
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></S
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</S"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SC
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SC"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SCR
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCR"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SCRI
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRI"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SCRIP
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRIP"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SCRIPT
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRIPT"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></SCRIPT
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></s
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</s"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></sc
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</sc"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></scr
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scr"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></scri
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scri"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></scrip
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scrip"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></script
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script></script
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!a
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!-
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!-"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!-a
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!-a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--a
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<a
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--</
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--</"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--</script
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--</script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--</script
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<s
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<s"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script <
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script <"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script <a
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script <a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </s
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </s"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </scripta
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </scripta"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script>
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script>"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script/
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script/"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script <
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script <"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script <a
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script <a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script </"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script </script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 53 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script/
+Line: 1 Col: 53 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script </script </script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script -
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script -a
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script -<
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -<"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --a
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --a"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --<
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --<"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script -->
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --><
+Line: 1 Col: 39 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --><"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --></
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --></"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --></script"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script/
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script --></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script><\/script>--></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script><\/script>-->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt>--></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>-->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--</script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>-- ></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>-- >"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>- -></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>- ->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>- - ></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>- - >"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></script><script></script>-></script>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>->"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script>--!></script>X
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script>--!></script>X"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><script><!--<scr'+'ipt></script>--></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 59 Unexpected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<scr'+'ipt>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><script><!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X
+Line: 1 Col: 57 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><style><!--<style></style>--></style>
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--<style>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><style><!--</style>X
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><style><!--...</style>...--></style>
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--..."
+| <body>
+| "...-->"
+<!doctype html><style><!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style></style>X
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style>"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><style><!--...<style><!--...--!></style>--></style>
+Line: 1 Col: 66 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--...<style><!--...--!>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><style><!--...</style><!-- --><style>@import ...</style>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--..."
+| <!-- -->
+| <style>
+| "@import ..."
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><style>...<style><!--...</style><!-- --></style>
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "...<style><!--..."
+| <!-- -->
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><style>...<!--[if IE]><style>...</style>X
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "...<!--[if IE]><style>..."
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><title><!--<title></title>--></title>
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected end tag (title).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<!--<title>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><title>&lt;/title></title>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "</title>"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><title>foo/title><link></head><body>X
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (title).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "foo/title><link></head><body>X"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><noscript><!--<noscript></noscript>--></noscript>
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (noscript).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<!--<noscript>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><noscript><!--</noscript>X<noscript>--></noscript>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <noscript>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><noscript><iframe></noscript>X
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<iframe>"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><noframes><!--<noframes></noframes>--></noframes>
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (noframes).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noframes>
+| "<!--<noframes>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><noframes><body><script><!--...</script></body></noframes></html>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noframes>
+| "<body><script><!--...</script></body>"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><textarea><!--<textarea></textarea>--></textarea>
+Line: 1 Col: 64 Unexpected end tag (textarea).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "<!--<textarea>"
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><textarea>&lt;/textarea></textarea>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "</textarea>"
+<!doctype html><iframe><!--<iframe></iframe>--></iframe>
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (iframe).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| "<!--<iframe>"
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><iframe>...<!--X->...<!--/X->...</iframe>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| "...<!--X->...<!--/X->..."
+<!doctype html><xmp><!--<xmp></xmp>--></xmp>
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end tag (xmp).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xmp>
+| "<!--<xmp>"
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><noembed><!--<noembed></noembed>--></noembed>
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (noembed).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <noembed>
+| "<!--<noembed>"
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "a"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</S"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SC"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCR"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRI"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRIP"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</SCRIPT"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</s"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</sc"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scr"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scri"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</scrip"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</script"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!a"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!-"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!-a"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--a"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<a"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--</"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--</script"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<s"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script "
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script <
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script <"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script <a
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script <a"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </s
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </s"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </scripta
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </scripta"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script>"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script/
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script/"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script <
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script <"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script <a
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script <a"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script </
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script </"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script </script"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script </script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script </script/
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script </script </script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script </script "
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script -
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script -a
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -a"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --a
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --a"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script -->
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --><
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --><"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --></
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --></"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --></script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script --></script"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --></script
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --></script/
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script --></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script -->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script><\/script>-->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt>-->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>--><!--"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script></script><script></script>-- ></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>-- >"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script></script><script></script>- -></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>- ->"
+| <body>
+<script><!--<script></script><script></script>- - ></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>- - >"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></script><script></script>->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script>--!></script>X"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<scr'+'ipt>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "<!--<script></scr'+'ipt></script>X"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--<style>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--..."
+| <body>
+| "...-->"
+<style><!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style></style>X
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--<br><html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"><!--[if !mso]><style>"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--...<style><!--...--!>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+<style><!--...</style><!-- --><style>@import ...</style>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "<!--..."
+| <!-- -->
+| <style>
+| "@import ..."
+| <body>
+<style>...<style><!--...</style><!-- --></style>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "...<style><!--..."
+| <!-- -->
+| <body>
+<style>...<!--[if IE]><style>...</style>X
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| "...<!--[if IE]><style>..."
+| <body>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (title).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<!--<title>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "</title>"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (title).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "foo/title><link></head><body>X"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noscript). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (noscript).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<!--<noscript>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noscript). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <noscript>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noscript). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<iframe>"
+| <body>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noframes). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (noframes).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noframes>
+| "<!--<noframes>"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noframes). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noframes>
+| "<body><script><!--...</script></body>"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (textarea).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "<!--<textarea>"
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "</textarea>"
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (iframe). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected end tag (iframe).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| "<!--<iframe>"
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (iframe). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| "...<!--X->...<!--/X->..."
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (xmp). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end tag (xmp).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xmp>
+| "<!--<xmp>"
+| "-->"
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected start tag (noembed). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected end tag (noembed).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <noembed>
+| "<!--<noembed>"
+| "-->"
+<!doctype html><table>
+Line 2 Col 0 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| "
+<!doctype html><table><td><span><font></span><span>
+Line 1 Col 26 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line 1 Col 45 Unexpected end tag (span).
+Line 1 Col 51 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <span>
+| <font>
+| <font>
+| <span>
+<!doctype html><form><table></form><form></table></form>
+35: Stray end tag “form”.
+41: Start tag “form” seen in “table”.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <form>
+| <table>
+| <form>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests2.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d33996e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>Test
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Test"
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "test</div>test"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| "test"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (frame). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag frame. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "test"
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset>test
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unepxected characters in the frameset phase. Characters ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><!DOCTYPE html>
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Unexpected DOCTYPE. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><font><p><b>test</font>
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 End tag (font) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <font>
+| <p>
+| <font>
+| <b>
+| "test"
+<!DOCTYPE html><dt><div><dd>
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Missing end tag (div, dt).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <dt>
+| <div>
+| <dd>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (script).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "</x"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 18 Unexpected start tag (plaintext) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <plaintext>
+| "<td>"
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected start tag (plaintext). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <plaintext>
+| "</plaintext>"
+<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr>TEST
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "TEST"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body t1=1><body t2=2><body t3=3 t4=4>
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected start tag (body).
+Line: 1 Col: 53 Unexpected start tag (body).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| t1="1"
+| t2="2"
+| t3="3"
+| t4="4"
+</b test
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end of file in attribute name.
+Line: 1 Col: 8 End tag contains unexpected attributes.
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (b) after the (implied) root element.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html></b test<b &=&amp>X
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Named entity didn't end with ';'.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 End tag contains unexpected attributes.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected end tag (b) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!doctypehtml><scrIPt type=text/x-foobar;baz>X</SCRipt
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected end of file in the tag name.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| type="text/x-foobar;baz"
+| "X</SCRipt"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&"
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Numeric entity expected. Got end of file instead.
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&#"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Numeric entity expected but none found.
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&#X"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Numeric entity expected but none found.
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&#x"
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Numeric entity didn't end with ';'.
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "-"
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Named entity expected. Got none.
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&x-test"
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <li>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <dt>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <dd>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <form>
+<!DOCTYPE html><p></P>X
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| "X"
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Named entity didn't end with ';'.
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&"
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Named entity expected. Got none.
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "&AMp;"
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><thisISasillyTESTelementNameToMakeSureCrazyTagNamesArePARSEDcorrectLY>
+Line: 1 Col: 110 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <thisisasillytestelementnametomakesurecrazytagnamesareparsedcorrectly>
+<!DOCTYPE html>X</body>X
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected non-space characters in the after body phase.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "XX"
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- X
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end of file in comment.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <!-- X -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption>test TEST</caption><td>test
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| "test TEST"
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| "test"
+<!DOCTYPE html><select><option><optgroup>
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <option>
+| <optgroup>
+<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option></optgroup><option><select><option>
+Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected select start tag in the select phase treated as select end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 76 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <optgroup>
+| <option>
+| <option>
+| <option>
+<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option><optgroup>
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <optgroup>
+| <option>
+| <optgroup>
+<!DOCTYPE html><font><input><input></font>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <font>
+| <input>
+| <input>
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX -->
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <!-- XXX - XXX -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end of file in comment (-)
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <!-- XXX - XXX -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX - XXX -->
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <!-- XXX - XXX - XXX -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<isindex test=x name=x>
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected start tag (isindex). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected start tag isindex. Don't use it!
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <form>
+| <hr>
+| <label>
+| "This is a searchable index. Insert your search keywords here: "
+| <input>
+| name="isindex"
+| test="x"
+| <hr>
+Line: 2 Col: 4 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "test
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>test</body></title>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <title>
+| "test</body>"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>X</title><meta name=z><link rel=foo><style>
+x { content:"</style" } </style>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+| <meta>
+| name="z"
+| <link>
+| rel="foo"
+| <style>
+| "
+x { content:"</style" } "
+<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup></optgroup></select>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <optgroup>
+Line: 2 Col: 1 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html> <html>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><script>
+</script> <title>x</title> </head>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| "
+| " "
+| <title>
+| "x"
+| " "
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><html id=x>
+Line: 1 Col: 38 html needs to be the first start tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| id="x"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html>X</body><html id="x">
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected start tag token (html) in the after body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 36 html needs to be the first start tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| id="x"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<!DOCTYPE html><head><html id=x>
+Line: 1 Col: 32 html needs to be the first start tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| id="x"
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html>X</html>X
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected non-space characters in the after body phase.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "XX"
+<!DOCTYPE html>X</html>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X "
+<!DOCTYPE html>X</html><p>X
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Unexpected start tag (p).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <p>
+| "X"
+<!DOCTYPE html>X<p/x/y/z>
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Expected a > after the /.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Solidus (/) incorrectly placed in tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Solidus (/) incorrectly placed in tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <p>
+| x=""
+| y=""
+| z=""
+<!DOCTYPE html><!--x--
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file in comment (--).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <!-- x -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td></p></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected end tag (p). Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <p>
+<!DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML>><!--<!--x-->-->
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected space or '>'. Got ''
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Erroneous DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected character in comment found.
+| <!DOCTYPE <!doctype>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| ">"
+| <!-- <!--x -->
+| "-->"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests3.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests3.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0781a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests3.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected start tag (style) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected start tag (script) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| <body>
+<head></head><!-- --><style></style><!-- --><script></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected start tag (style) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| <script>
+| <!-- -->
+| <!-- -->
+| <body>
+<head></head><!-- -->x<style></style><!-- --><script></script>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <!-- -->
+| <body>
+| "x"
+| <style>
+| <!-- -->
+| <script>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "foo"
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "foo
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x</pre><span>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "x"
+| <span>
+| "
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "x
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x<div>
+Line: 2 Col: 7 End tag (pre) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <pre>
+| "x"
+| <div>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag head in existing head. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <meta>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><head></HEAD></HTML>
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag head in existing head. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "foo<span>bar</span><i>baz"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (title).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "foo<span>bar</em><i>baz"
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "foo"
+<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| "
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><ul><li><div><p><li></ul></body></html>
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Missing end tag (div, li).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <ul>
+| <li>
+| <div>
+| <p>
+| <li>
+<!doctype html><nobr><nobr><nobr>
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <nobr>
+| <nobr>
+| <nobr>
+<!doctype html><nobr><nobr></nobr><nobr>
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <nobr>
+| <nobr>
+| <nobr>
+<!doctype html><html><body><p><table></table></body></html>
+Not known
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <table>
+Not known
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <table>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests4.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests4.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c506326d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests4.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+direct div content
+| "direct div content"
+direct textarea content
+| "direct textarea content"
+textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup
+| "textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup"
+this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element
+| "this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element"
+| "</plaintext>"
+setting html's innerHTML
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected EOF in inner html mode.
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "setting html's innerHTML"
+<title>setting head's innerHTML</title>
+| <title>
+| "setting head's innerHTML"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests5.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests5.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7b5128a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests5.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<style> <!-- </style>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (style).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " <!-- "
+| <body>
+| "x"
+<style> <!-- </style> --> </style>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " <!-- "
+| " "
+| <body>
+| "--> x"
+<style> <!--> </style>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " <!--> "
+| <body>
+| "x"
+<style> <!---> </style>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " <!---> "
+| <body>
+| "x"
+<iframe> <!---> </iframe>x
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (iframe). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| " <!---> "
+| "x"
+<iframe> <!--- </iframe>->x</iframe> --> </iframe>x
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (iframe). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <iframe>
+| " <!--- "
+| "->x --> x"
+<script> <!-- </script> --> </script>x
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (script). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <script>
+| " <!-- "
+| " "
+| <body>
+| "--> x"
+<title> <!-- </title> --> </title>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| " <!-- "
+| " "
+| <body>
+| "--> x"
+<textarea> <!--- </textarea>->x</textarea> --> </textarea>x
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <textarea>
+| " <!--- "
+| "->x --> x"
+<style> <!</-- </style>x
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (style). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <style>
+| " <!</-- "
+| <body>
+| "x"
+XXX: Unknown
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <xmp>
+<xmp> <!-- > --> </xmp>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (xmp). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <xmp>
+| " <!-- > --> "
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "&"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<!--&-->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 19 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (title).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (noscript). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <noscript>
+| "<!--"
+| <body>
+| "-->"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests6.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests6.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fb79967f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests6.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+<!doctype html></head> <head>
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected start tag head. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| " "
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><form><div></form><div>
+33: End tag "form" seen but there were unclosed elements.
+38: End of file seen and there were open elements.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <form>
+| <div>
+| <div>
+<!doctype html><title>&amp;</title>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "&"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><title><!--&amp;--></title>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "<!--&-->"
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected > character. Expected DOCTYPE name.
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Erroneous DOCTYPE.
+| <!DOCTYPE >
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected end of file in comment.
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <!-- -x -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (body).
+Line: 2 Col: 5 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| "
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 2 Col: 3 Unexpected non-space characters in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 2 Col: 10 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| "
+| <noframes>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 2 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 2 Col: 6 Unexpected end tag (div) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (form). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected start tag (form).
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <form>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (button). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (button) implies end tag (button).
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <button>
+| <button>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end tag (caption). Missing end tag (div).
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption.
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 47 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 73 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 81 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 86 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 86 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 27 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "foo"
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+| <col>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 This element (col) has no end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag token (div) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag token (frameset) in the frameset phase (innerHTML).
+| <frame>
+Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag token (div) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <div>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected implied end tag (div) in the table row phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected start tag (caption).
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected start tag (col).
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected start tag (colgroup).
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected start tag (tbody).
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected start tag (tfoot).
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected start tag (thead).
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <tr>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (thead) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <tr>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end tag (body) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end tag (caption) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (col) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (colgroup) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected end tag (html) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (td) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 65 Unexpected end tag (th) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 70 Unexpected end tag (tr) in the table body phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 70 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected start tag (table) implies end tag (table).
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 61 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 74 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 82 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 87 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 87 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected html end tag in inner html mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected EOF in inner html mode.
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+| " "
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><html></html>
+Line: 1 Col: 50 Erroneous DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (param). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected start tag (frameset).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (source). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected start tag (frameset).
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+7: End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+17: Stray “frameset” start tag.
+17: “frameset” start tag seen.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+7: End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+17: Stray “frameset” start tag.
+17: “frameset” start tag seen.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests7.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests7.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5193c660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests7.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+<!doctype html><body><title>X</title>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><table><title>X</title></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected start tag (title) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end tag (title) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+| <table>
+<!doctype html><head></head><title>X</title>
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag (title) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html></head><title>X</title>
+Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected start tag (title) that can be in head. Moved.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <title>
+| "X"
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><table><meta></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected start tag (meta) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <meta>
+| <table>
+<!doctype html><table>X<tr><td><table> <meta></table></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected start tag (meta) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <meta>
+| <table>
+| " "
+<!doctype html><html> <head>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!doctype html> <head>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!doctype html><table><style> <tr>x </style> </table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <style>
+| " <tr>x "
+| " "
+<!doctype html><table><TBODY><script> <tr>x </script> </table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <script>
+| " <tr>x "
+| " "
+<!doctype html><p><applet><p>X</p></applet>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| <applet>
+| <p>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><listing>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <listing>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><select><input>X
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected input start tag in the select phase.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <input>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><select><select>X
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected select start tag in the select phase treated as select end tag.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| "X"
+<!doctype html><table><input type=hidDEN></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected input with type hidden in table context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <input>
+| type="hidDEN"
+<!doctype html><table>X<input type=hidDEN></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+| <table>
+| <input>
+| type="hidDEN"
+<!doctype html><table> <input type=hidDEN></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected input with type hidden in table context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| " "
+| <input>
+| type="hidDEN"
+<!doctype html><table> <input type='hidDEN'></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected input with type hidden in table context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| " "
+| <input>
+| type="hidDEN"
+<!doctype html><table><input type=" hidden"><input type=hidDEN></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected start tag (input) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <input>
+| type=" hidden"
+| <table>
+| <input>
+| type="hidDEN"
+<!doctype html><table><select>X<tr>
+Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected start tag (select) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected table element start tag (trs) in the select in table phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| "X"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+<!doctype html><select>X</select>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| "X"
+<!DOCTYPE hTmL><html></html>
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<!DOCTYPE HTML><html></html>
+Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end tag token (body) in the after body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected EOF in inner html mode.
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "X"
+<div><p>a</x> b
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 13 Unexpected end tag (x). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <p>
+| "a b"
+<table><tr><td><code></code> </table>
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <code>
+| " "
+XXX: Fix me
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| <b>
+| "bbb"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| "aaa"
+| <b>
+| "ccc"
+A<table><tr> B</tr> B</table>
+XXX: Fix me
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "A B B"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+A<table><tr> B</tr> </em>C</table>
+XXX: Fix me
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "A BC"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| " "
+Not known
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <keygen>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests8.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests8.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90e6c919e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests8.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 3 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 3 Col: 8 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "
+| <div>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 2 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 2 Col: 8 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "x"
+| <div>
+| "
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "x"
+| <div>
+| "xx"
+Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 26 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "x"
+| <div>
+| "yz"
+Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 18 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (span) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (span). Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "x"
+| <div>
+| "xx"
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "xx"
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 1 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag (table) implies end tag (table).
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "x"
+| <table>
+| "x"
+| <table>
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (b). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 24 End tag (b) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 25 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <b>
+| "a"
+| <div>
+| <div>
+| <b>
+| "y"
+Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected start tag (a). Expected DOCTYPE.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 End tag (a) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.
+Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| <div>
+| <a>
+| <p>
+| <a>
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests9.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests9.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b715f83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/tests9.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><math></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><math></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><math></math></select>
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Unexpected end tag (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><math></math></option></select>
+Line: 1 Col: 43 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 50 Unexpected end tag (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| <option>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math></math></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected end tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi></math></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 53 Unexpected end tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 65 Unexpected end tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tbody></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 53 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 65 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 72 Unexpected end tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tr></tbody></table>
+Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 57 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 76 Unexpected end tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></td></tr></tbody></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</caption></table>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux
+Line: 1 Col: 70 HTML start tag "p" in a foreign namespace context.
+Line: 1 Col: 81 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi>baz</table><p>quux
+Line: 1 Col: 78 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption.
+Line: 1 Col: 78 Unexpected end tag (caption). Missing end tag (math).
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <caption>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| "baz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected start tag (math) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected end tag (mi) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 HTML start tag "p" in a foreign namespace context.
+Line: 1 Col: 71 Unexpected start tag (p) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+| <table>
+| <colgroup>
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux
+Line: 1 Col: 50 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 62 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 66 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 74 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 77 Unexpected start tag token (p) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 88 Unexpected table element end tag (tables) in the select in table phase.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <table>
+| <tbody>
+| <tr>
+| <td>
+| <select>
+| "foobarbaz"
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux
+Line: 1 Col: 36 Unexpected start tag (select) in table context caused voodoo mode.
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 54 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 66 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected start tag token (p) in the select phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 80 Unexpected table element end tag (tables) in the select in table phase.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <select>
+| "foobarbaz"
+| <table>
+| <p>
+| "quux"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz
+Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected start tag (math).
+Line: 1 Col: 68 HTML start tag "p" in a foreign namespace context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body></body><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz
+Line: 1 Col: 34 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the after body phase.
+Line: 1 Col: 61 HTML start tag "p" in a foreign namespace context.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| "foo"
+| <math mi>
+| "bar"
+| <p>
+| "baz"
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>
+Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected start tag token (math) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 35 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 40 Unexpected end tag token (mi) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 44 Unexpected start tag token (mi) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag token (mi) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 52 Unexpected start tag token (p) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Unexpected start tag token (span) in the frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 58 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>
+Line: 1 Col: 42 Unexpected start tag (math) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 46 Unexpected start tag (mi) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 51 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected start tag (mi) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (mi) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected start tag (p) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected start tag (span) in the after frameset phase. Ignored.
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <frameset>
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><math xlink:href=foo></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| <math math>
+| xlink href="foo"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></mi></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</math>
+| <!DOCTYPE html>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| xlink:href="foo"
+| xml:lang="en"
+| <math math>
+| <math mi>
+| xlink href="foo"
+| xml lang="en"
+| "bar"
diff --git a/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/webkit01.dat b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/webkit01.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..544da9e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/html/testdata/webkit/webkit01.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+Line: 1 Col: 4 Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "Test"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "Test"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "Hello"
+| "
+| <script>
+| "
+| "
+| <div>
+| "Bye"
+<div foo="bar">Hello</div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| foo="bar"
+| "Hello"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| "Hello"
+| "
+| <script>
+| "
+| "
+| <div>
+| "Bye"
+<foo bar="baz"></foo><potato quack="duck"></potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <foo>
+| bar="baz"
+| <potato>
+| quack="duck"
+<foo bar="baz"><potato quack="duck"></potato></foo>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <foo>
+| bar="baz"
+| <potato>
+| quack="duck"
+<foo></foo bar="baz"><potato></potato quack="duck">
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <foo>
+| <potato>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "1"
+| <script>
+| "document.write("2")"
+| "23"
+1<script>document.write("<script>document.write('2')</scr"+ "ipt><script>document.write('3')</scr" + "ipt>")</script>4
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| "1"
+| <script>
+| "document.write("<script>document.write('2')</scr"+ "ipt><script>document.write('3')</scr" + "ipt>")"
+| <script>
+| "document.write('2')"
+| "2"
+| <script>
+| "document.write('3')"
+| "34"
+</ tttt>
+| <!-- tttt -->
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+<div FOO ><img><img></div>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <div>
+| foo=""
+| <img>
+| <img>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <p>
+| "Test"
+| "Test2"
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <rdar:>
+| 6869687=""
+| problem=""
+<A>test< /A>
+| <html>
+| <head>
+| <body>
+| <a>
+| "test< /A>"