path: root/libjava/classpath/NEWS
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authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /libjava/classpath/NEWS
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/NEWS')
1 files changed, 1318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/NEWS b/libjava/classpath/NEWS
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index 000000000..095f9700b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/classpath/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,1318 @@
+New in release 0.99 (XXX XX, XXXX)
+New in release 0.98 (Feb 05, 2009)
+* Native support for BigInteger is now provided using the GMP
+library. A new option, --enable/disable-gmp is provided, and
+the option is enabled by default if GMP is found.
+* Classpath now makes use of a new StringBuilder implementation
+internally called CPStringBuilder. In addition to being
+unsynchronised, like StringBuilder, this also avoids copying the
+array when toString or substring is called. While StringBuffer/Builder
+always retain their own array, which is only altered during resizing,
+CPStringBuilder gives away its array when the result is generated
+by toString()/substring() and starts afresh. The default capacity of
+CPStringBuilder can also be configured using the
+gnu.classpath.cpstringbuilder.capacity property. (PR21869)
+* gjdoc is now built as part of
+* Import of the Java Activation Framework from ClasspathX to provide
+javax.activation (part of 1.6).
+* Preliminary version of java.util.Scanner (PR30436)
+* Reduce cost of ThreadLocal(s) to improve Jython performance (PR33690)
+* Updated to use CLDR 1.5.1 (PR35237)
+* Many bug fixes including:
+ - PR22851: zoneStrings in gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation*
+ - PR31895: setCurrency(Currency) does not actually change the currency.
+ - PR32028: Make fails at gjdoc
+ - PR34840: Mismatch between Sun and Classpath's java.lang.Appendable
+ - PR35487: gcj causes ConcurrentModificationException during tomcat5
+ - PR35690: is in wrong case
+ - PR36085: java.util.regex escape-sequence handling
+ - PR36147: Apache Tomcat fails to read descriptors using GNU XML
+ - PR36219: gnu.xml.transform.SortKey isn't subclass
+ - PR36220: NPEs in gnu.xml.transform.* clone methods
+ - PR36221: DomDOMException running SPEC jvm 2008 xml.transform
+ - PR36477: OOME in CPStringBuilder when running Eclipse
+ - PR36522: Policy file is not read at all
+ - PR36636: gjar -u doesn't work
+ - PR36637: --without-fastjar doesn't wor
+ - PR36677: Omission bug in JDWP VirtualMachineCommandSet
+ - PR38417: produces easily predictable values
+ - PR38473: Segmentation fault in retrieving font outline decomposition
+ - PR38861: Support XULRunner 1.9.1.
+ - PR38912: XMLParser not interning element names
+Runtime interface changes:
+ * VMSecureRandom has moved to
+ as part of the fix for PR38417.
+ * has been added and should be added to
+ avoid the inefficency of reflection when creating non-copied String objects.
+Bug fixes in release 0.97.2 (Jun 06, 2007)
+* Include headers in the release tarball.
+* Allow the building of tools to be optional.
+* Only check for a Java compiler when required.
+* Allow VMOperatingSystemMXBeanImpl to compile on Solaris.
+* Documentation typo fixes
+* Fix memory leak in native/jni/classpath/jcl.c
+* Web page updates (PR classpath/22883)
+* Fixes to pass the JSR166 TCK
+* Use awk to construct the classlist on building
+* Fix deadlock in Logger (PR classpath/35974)
+* Fix regression in java.lang.String (PR classpath/35482)
+* Allow Classpath tools to handle @file options.
+* Allow parseInt to handle a + prefix correctly.
+* Remove use of 1.5 language constructs in the VM layer.
+Bug fixes in release 0.97.1 (Mar 11, 2007)
+* Include documentation for JSR166 (java.util.concurrent)
+* Fix STaX API compatability.
+* Include the tools properties file in the release tarball.
+New in release 0.97 (Feb 22, 2007)
+Build changes:
+* A copy of javah (to produce C header files from Java source code)
+is now required to generate the files in include.
+* The javac check has been changed so that it attempts to find ecj,
+javac and gcj (in that order). You may override this by using
+JAVAC=<preferred javac>
+Runtime interface changes:
+* Removed VMFloat.floatToIntBits amd VMDouble.doubleToLongBits.
+* Added new getParameterAnnotations() methods in Constructor and Method.
+New in release 0.96.1 (Oct 16, 2007)
+* Small compile, configure and build fixes.
+New in release 0.96 (Oct 15, 2007)
+* New experimental GStreamer javax.sound peer (see README.gstreamer)
+* The JNI interface has been updated to 1.6
+* Better support for the OpenJDK javac compiler
+* Support for using javah via and
+* Much improved Escher AWT peers
+* Many bug fixes including improvements to AWT and Swing support
+Runtime interface changes:
+* Add VMFloat.toString(float) and VMFloat.parseFloat(String). Default
+ implementations are the same as previous behavior.
+* Add new default implementations of VMMemoryMXBean.getHeapUsage()
+ and VMMemoryMXBean.getNonHeapUsage() via iteration over the memory
+ pools of the appropriate type.
+New in release 0.95 (Apr 23, 2007)
+* Full merge of 1.5 generics work.
+* Added 1.6 java.util.ServiceLoader support.
+* The ASM library is now included. A separate copy is no longer
+ needed. gjavah works out of the box now.
+* The setReadTimeout and getReadTimeout methods have been added to
+ They are now fully implemented for http URLs.
+* The implementation now includes the new features
+ added in 1.6
+* java.util.TimeZone now reads time zone information from the system
+ zoneinfo files (see also runtime interface changes below).
+* The collection classes have been updated to support all the 1.6
+ additions.
+* java.util.spi 1.6 package has been added and is used in java.text.
+* Bootstrappable with OpenJDK javac compiler
+ (use configure --with-javac).
+* Large speedups (and locking behaviour updated) in Graphics2D cairo
+ and freetype support.
+* Better detection of browser plugin mechanism for mozilla, iceweasel,
+ firefox on various platforms.
+* Inclusion of generic javadoc classes in to support more
+ javadoc processing tools.
+* Added documentation for command lines options for the included GNU
+ Classpath Tools gjar, gjavah, gnative2ascii, gorbd, grmid,
+ grmiregistry, gserialver and gtnameserv.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* has gained three new
+ optional native methods to allow the 1.6 version of the threading
+ bean to be supported. One (getMonitorInfo) fills in information
+ about object monitor locks held by a thread and is only required
+ if the monitoring of object monitor locks is supported by the VM.
+ The other two (findDeadlockedThreads and getLockInfo) are related
+ to ownable synchronizers (part of the java.util.concurrent suite)
+ and only required if monitoring of locks relating to these is
+ supported by the VM.
+* java.util.VMTimeZone and java.util.TimeZone have been refactored
+ to simplify the reference implementation. VMTimeZone.readtzFile()
+ and VMTimeZone.skipFully() have been removed, and a new method
+ VMTimeZone.readSysconfigClockFile() has been introduced.
+* VMs need to set the system property ""
+ to point to the directory where zoneinfo files live. In libgcj
+ this is set to the value of the TZDATA environment variable, or
+ "/usr/share/zoneinfo" if this is not set.
+* VMFile has been extended to support new 1.6 methods (canExecute,
+ setReadable, setWritable, setExecutable).
+New in release 0.93 (Dec 8, 2006)
+* CORBA objects that exist on the same virtual machine and only are connected
+ to another ORB are now accessed directly and no longer via network. It is
+ the same feature that RMI implementation provides. These faster calls should
+ be completely transparent, as the parameters are cloned, where required.
+ Currently the direct calls are only possible for the non-deprecated objects
+ that are connected to the ORB via POA.
+* The 'javah' tool has been added. It requires the ASM library
+ (see; it can be enabled with the --with-asm
+ option to configure
+* Added the rmi and corbaname URL context factories for JNDI.
+* Fixes in the JNDI InitialContext now allows to plug-in user implementation.
+* Removed currentClassLoader method from
+ vm/reference/java/io/
+* Added firstNonNullClassLoader method to
+ vm/reference/gnu/classpath/ VMs are encouraged to
+ provide a more efficient implementation.
+* Added aton method to vm/reference/java/net/
+* NetworkInterface has been implemented for systems that provide the
+ `getifaddrs' function.
+* java.nio.channels.Selector implementations have been added that use
+ the kqueue notification mechanism on Mac OS X and *BSD, and that use
+ the epoll notification mechanism on Linux 2.6.
+* java.nio has been refactored to support more non-blocking operations
+ natively. Blocking IO classes have been refactored to call
+ non-blocking classes. Non-blocking accepts, connects, and
+ scatter-gather IO should now be better supported.
+* HTML support for Swing has been greatly enhanced.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* and have been
+ updated to keep native-modified state in the former, and to simplify
+ the native code in our reference implementation.
+* has been expanded to better support native
+ non-blocking IO. Most native state data (such as file descriptor
+ integers) has been abstracted away into private state in the runtime
+ interface.
+* has been similarly changed.
+* has been changed to remove some
+ functionality now provided by VMChannel; datagram socket-specific
+ methods have also been moved here, deprecating VMPlainDatagramSocketImpl.
+* removed.
+New in release 0.92 (Aug 9, 2006)
+* GConf is used as a backend for java.util.prefs. GNU Classpath
+ thanks to Mario Torre for this contribution!
+* has been renamed for binary compatibility.
+ should be installed in a VM-specific directory rather
+ than directly in /usr/lib. Proprietary VMs put their
+ implementations in VM-specific directories but search /usr/lib first.
+ If GNU Classpath's is installed in /usr/lib it will create
+ problems for people who use a proprietary VM to run AWT Native
+ Interface applications.
+* The GdkGraphics2D backend has been made the default. There is no
+ longer an explicit dependency on Cairo, the --enable-gtk-cairo
+ configure option is gone, and GTK 2.8 or higher is now required to
+ build the GTK peers.
+* A Mozilla plugin, 'gcjwebplugin', is now included. It introduces a
+ dependency on the Mozilla plugin support headers and libraries.
+* New java implementations of png and gif imageio readers and writers.
+* A tools.texinfo document has been created and now includes
+ documentation about:
+ * appletviewer
+ * gcjwebplugin
+ * jarsigner
+ * keytool
+* Several new tools are now included:
+ * appletviewer
+ * jar
+ * native2ascii
+ * serialver
+ * keytool
+ * jarsigner
+ A new configure option --enable-tool-wrappers causes wrapper
+ binaries to be built for VMs that support the JNI Invocation API.
+* We've imported the JSR 166 (concurrency) reference implementation.
+* javax.sound.midi providers have been added to read and
+ write standard MIDI files.
+* A javax.sound.sampled .au and .wav file readers have been added.
+* New Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface header, jvmti.h.
+* AWT peers for X Windows based on Escher (a pure java X protocol
+ implementation) have been added. So far it supports AWT 1.1 style
+ Graphics, image loading via ImageIO (PNG, GIF and BMP images in this
+ release), top level components as well as mouse and keyboard input.
+ It is capable of running many Swing applications. Graphics2D and
+ AWT widgets are not yet supported with this peer set.
+* GConf based util.peers backend (see the --enable-gconf-peer and
+ --enable-default-preferences-peer configure options).
+* Support for batch importing trusted certificates for use with ssl
+ connections (see script/
+* NIO scatter-gather channel support.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* A new class, VMURLConnection, is used to implement
+ URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream. The reference
+ implementation uses libmagic (and falls back to doing nothing if
+ libmagic is not available).
+* The method has been
+ replaced with a JNI implementation of VMFile.toCanonicalForm() for
+ GNU/Posix systems.
+* A new class, VMRuntimeMXBeanImpl, is used to implement
+ the low-level support of the runtime management bean.
+ VMs should use it to supply the input arguments and start
+ time of the VM. In addition, one of sun.boot.class.path
+ or java.boot.class.path should be defined by the VM to
+ support the optional boot class path access functionality.
+* The Unsafe class was moved back to the place expected by the JSR 166
+ reference implementation. We've also added a couple other new VM
+ classes to support the JSR 166 code -- sun.reflect.Reflection and
+ sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil.
+* Another new class, VMClassLoadingMXBeanImpl, is used to implement
+ the low-level support of the class loading management bean.
+ VMs need to supply it with information about how many classes
+ are currently loaded, how many have been unloaded and whether
+ verbose class loading output is on or off. Provision should also
+ be made for the latter to be toggled at runtime.
+* VMThreadMXBeanImpl is used to implement the low-level support
+ of the thread management bean. Providing this interface requires
+ providing a fair amount of information about threads, including
+ optional time and contention monitoring, and instances of the
+ new ThreadInfo class in getState() has also
+ been added to the VMThread interface; this is required by the bean
+ as well as java.lang.Thread.
+* VMMemoryMXBeanImpl is used to implement the low-level support
+ of the memory management bean. Providing this interface requires
+ providing information about the levels of heap and non-heap memory,
+ and the number of objects eligible for garbage collection.
+* VMCompilationMXBeanImpl is used to allow for optional compilation
+ time support for Just-In-Time compilers.
+* VMMemoryPoolMXBeanImpl is used to implement the low-level support
+ of the memory pool beans. Providing this interface requires
+ providing memory usage statistics for each supported bean.
+* VMManagementFactory provides the names of the memory pools,
+ memory managers and garbage collectors maintained by the virtual
+ machine. These are used to create the beans by the ManagementFactory.
+* VMMemoryManagerMXBeanImpl and VMGarbageCollectorMXBeanImpl provide
+ low-level support for memory managers (including the specific subclass
+ of garbage collecting memory managers). The interfaces for these
+ require no more than enumerating the number of collections and the
+ time spent (for garbage collectors) and a relationship to the memory
+ pools (for all), along with a validity check.
+New in release 0.91 (May 15, 2006)
+* Experimental activation (java.rmi.activation) support, including RMI
+ activation daemon and persistent naming service tools.
+* Experimental printing support: The API implementation of the javax.print
+ packages has been finished and work on the printing provider implementation
+ started. Currently supported features from the Java Print Service API are
+ print service discovery (CUPS registered printers), single document print
+ jobs and support for client-formatted print data. An example application
+ (see: examples/gnu/classpath/examples/print/Demo) has been added to show
+ the API usage for service discovery and printing of files.
+* The GTKToolkit now gives access to the both the system clipboard and
+ system selection.
+* Custom mouse cursor support has been added to the gtk+ peers. And cursors
+ can now also be set on light-weight components.
+* Free Swing improvements: Support for OceanTheme has been mostly completed
+ and turned on as default Metal theme. X11-style Copy and Paste behavior in
+ text components with the middle mouse button. Support cursor changes on
+ various components when resizing. Support for Look and Feel window
+ decorations has been added.
+* Updated locale data information to CLDR 1.3.
+* Various bugs in Classpath's SecureRandom implementations have been
+ fixed; that class now respects the "securerandom.source" security
+ property and the "" system property.
+* Support for assistive technologies has been added to AWT and Swing.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* A new class, VMArray, is now available which separates the native
+ array creation method from java.lang.reflect.Array.
+* A new class, gnu.classpath.Unsafe, is provided for handling the
+ new low-level operations required by java.util.concurrent.
+* The reference implementations of Method, Constructor, and Field
+ now have a new native getModifiersInternal() method. The public
+ getModifiers() method in each case has been rewritten in terms of
+ this method.
+* The reference implementation of VMThread has been updated to handle
+ the new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler support.
+* A new class,, is now available that is
+ used to generate random numbers for seeding cryptographically-secure
+ pseudo-random number generators.
+* VMClass and the reference implementations of Method, Constructor and Field
+ now include a number of 1.5 methods imported from the generics branch.
+ These are all optional (in the sense that the methods associated with them
+ merely fail on use if the VM doesn't provide them, rather than the
+ VM failing altogether), but VMs should aim to support them where possible.
+* The implementation of java.lang.instrument has been merged to the main
+ branch from the generics branch.
+* The VM interfaces of the main branch and the generics branch are now
+ consistent with one another. As a result, the main branch includes an
+ additional environ() function in VMSystem and an additional argument has
+ been added to nativeSpawn() in VMProcess.
+* Annotation support is now available in the main branch, if the VM supports
+ it. The VM should implement VMClass.getDeclaredAnnotations,
+ Constructor.getAnnotation, Constructor.getDeclaredAnnotations,
+ Field.getAnnotation, Field.getDeclaredAnnotations, Method.getAnnotation and
+ Method.getDeclaredAnnotations.
+* java.lang.Package now has a new constructor that takes the defining
+ ClassLoader as an extra argument. If you use a custom version of
+ VMClassLoader, please switch it to use this constructor.
+* The reference implementation of VMClassLoader.getBootPackages() now
+ reads the META-INF/INDEX.LIST resource using the java.boot.class.path
+ system property.
+New in release 0.90 (March 6, 2006)
+* Free Swing improvements: JTable columns are rearrangeable and
+ resizeable with mouse. Painting and scrolling are now much
+ faster. Plain text components now support highlighting and
+ copy+paste to the system clipboard. Support for styled text has been
+ improved, including some very basic HTML support. JFileChooser is
+ now usable. Global event dispatching has been implemented. Memory
+ consumption of Swing components has been reduced. Lots of general
+ bugfixes. Added new system property to turn off Graphics2D use in
+ Swing, even if Graphics2D is available: gnu.javax.swing.noGraphics2D
+* AWT. Improved support for mixing "lightweight" and "heavyweight"
+ Components in Containers. Better support for dynamically updated
+ menus. Better 1.0 event model support for Scrollbars. Better class
+ documentation of gtk+ awt peers.
+* GNU Crypto and Jessie have been merged into GNU Classpath; this
+ provides Classpath with a wide array of cryptographic algorithms
+ (ciphers, message digests, etc.) and implementations of SSL version
+ 3 and TLS version 1. These roughly complement the public
+ `' `javax.crypto,' and `' packages, and
+ are service providers implementing the underlying algorithms.
+* Updated HTTP and FTP URLConnection protocol handlers. HTTPS support
+ out of the box.
+* Unicode 4.0.0 is supported. Character now includes support for using
+ ether a char or an int to identify code points.
+* More correct handling of Object methods and serialization support
+ for Proxy and abstract classes.
+* The new folder tools includes GIOP and RMI stub and tie source code
+ generators, IOR parser and both transient and persistent GIOP naming
+ services.
+* Added experimental support for dynamic creation of the RMI stubs
+ using proxy classes. The rmic compiler is no longer required (unless
+ for research and specific stubs).
+* XML validaton support for RELAX NG and W3C XML schema namespace
+ URIs. RELAX NG pluggable XML schema datatype library API and an
+ implementation for XML Schema Datatypes
+ (
+* Updated StAX implementaton to be compatible with final JSWDP 2.0.
+* The default back end for java.util.prefs has been changed. The new
+ default is capable of saving and restoring preferences to and from
+ the file system.
+* javax.imageio.plugins.bmp implementation.
+* Added --enable-collections configure option which builds
+ "collections.jar", a 1.1 VM compatibility jar.
+* gnu.regexp updated from GNU/Posix syntax to support util.regex
+ syntax including various Unicode blocks, categories and properties.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* A new class, VMMath, is now available which separates the native
+ mathematical functions from java.lang.Math. The previous fdlibm
+ implementation now forms the reference material for this class.
+* Updated VMObjectInputStream class to return Thread context class
+ loader if no other class loader is found.
+* Updated documentation on InstrumentationImpl in vmintegration guide.
+New in release 0.20 (Jan 13, 2006)
+* New StAX pull parser and SAX-over-StAX driver. Lots of DOM, SAX/StAX,
+ XPath and XSLT improvements. Support for XInclude and XML Base added.
+ Conformance is now regularly tested against various test-suites at
+ See also doc/README.jaxp.
+* Full beans XMLEncoder implementation.
+* javax.sound.sampled implementation.
+* javax.print.attribute and javax.print.event implementated.
+* Lots of new datatransfer, print swing and swing.text work and optimization.
+* Additional 1.5 support. Including new (separate) generic branch release.
+* SecurityManager cleanups and start of review of all Permission checks
+ (includes adding lots of new checks to the Mauve test-suite).
+* Buildable on cygwin.
+* Fully buildable as "in-workspace" library-plus-vm inside (native) Eclipse
+ see
+* Full example that shows a real world CORBA and Free Swing implementation.
+ See examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/README.html
+* A list of bug fixes can be found at:
+Runtime interface changes:
+* New method VMStackWalker.getClassLoader() was added to avoid an infinite
+ loop between getCallingClassLoader() and Class.getClassLoader().
+* The included fdlibm implementation has seen several cleanups to handle
+ new architectures and namespacing issues (in particular for ppc, darwin
+ and non-C99 compilers). Please double check any arithmetic test against
+ new platforms/runtimes.
+* The[Datagram]Socket implementations have been
+ turned into VM reference classes with JNI/Posix implementations.
+New in release 0.19 (Nov 2, 2005)
+* The Swing RepaintManager has been reworked for more efficient painting,
+ especially for large GUIs.
+* The Swing layout manager OverlayLayout has been implemented, the BoxLayout
+ has been rewritten to make use of the SizeRequirements utility class and
+ caching for more efficient layout.
+* Improved accessibility support for Swing.
+* The implementation no longer buffers the
+ entire response body in memory. This means that response bodies
+ larger than available memory can now be handled.
+* The Andrew Watson, Vice President and Technical Director of the Object
+ Management Group, has officially assigned us 20 bit Vendor Minor Code Id:
+ 0x47430 ("GC") that will mark remote Classpath - specific system exceptions.
+ Obtaining the VMCID means that GNU Classpath now is a recogniseable type of
+ node in a highly interoperable CORBA world.
+* Classpath now includes the first working draft to support the RMI over
+ IIOP protocol. The current implementation is capable for remote invocations,
+ transferring various Serializables and Externalizables via RMI-IIOP protocol.
+ It can flatten graphs and, at least for the simple cases, is interoperable
+ with Sun's jdk 1.5.
+* Qt4 configury switches for OS-X. Additional to the --enable-qt-peer, OS-X
+ users with a Qt4 installation can build the qt-peers with the argument
+ --with-qt4dir=<Qt4-installation-dir>.
+* Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the
+ javax.swing.plaf.metal.* package, with most UI delegates in a working state
+ now. Please test this with your own applications and provide feedback that
+ will help us to improve this package.
+* The GUI demo (gnu.classpath.examples.swing.Demo) has been extended to
+ highlight various features in our free-swing implementation. And includes
+ a look and feel switcher (Metal default, Ocean or GNU).
+Runtime interface changes:
+* Changed implementation of VMClassLoader.getPackage(s) : new method
+ VMClassLoader.getBootPackages should be implemented by the vm, and sould
+ return a string array of boot package names ("java.lang", "", ...).
+ Feedback from vm implementors for usability and relevance of the
+ getBootPackages method would be greatly appreciated.
+New in release 0.18 (Sep 6, 2005)
+* GNU JAWT implementation, the AWT Native Interface, which allows direct
+ access to native screen resources from within a Canvas's paint method.
+ GNU Classpath Examples comes with a Demo, see examples/README.
+* awt.datatransfer updated to 1.5 with supports for FlavorEvents.
+ The gtk+ awt peers now allow copy/paste of text, images, uris/files
+ and serialized objects with other applications and tracking
+ clipboard change events with gtk+ 2.6 (for gtk+ 2.4 only text and
+ serialized objects are supported). A GNU Classpath Examples
+ datatransfer Demo was added to show the new functionality.
+* org.omg.PortableInterceptor and related functionality in other packages
+ is now implemented:
+ - The sever and client interceptors work as required since 1.4.
+ - The IOR interceptor works as needed for 1.5.
+* The org.omg.DynamicAny package is completed and passes the prepared tests.
+* The Portable Object Adapter should now support the output of the
+ recent IDL to java compilers. These compilers now generate servants and
+ not CORBA objects as before, making the output depended on the existing
+ POA implementation. Completing POA means that such code can already be
+ tried to run on Classpath. Our POA is tested for the following usager
+ scenarios:
+ - POA converts servant to the CORBA object.
+ - Servant provides to the CORBA object.
+ - POA activates new CORBA object with the given Object Id (byte array)
+ that is later accessible for the servant.
+ - During the first call, the ServantActivator provides servant for this
+ and all subsequent calls on the current object.
+ - During each call, the ServantLocator provides servant for this call
+ only.
+ - ServantLocator or ServantActivator forwards call to another server.
+ - POA has a single servant, responsible for all objects.
+ - POA has a default servant, but some objects are explicitly connected
+ to they specific servants.
+ The POA is verified using tests from the former
+* The javax.swing.plaf.multi.* package is now implemented.
+* Editing and several key actions for JTree and JTable were implemented.
+* Lots of icons and look and feel improvements for Free Swing basic and
+ metal themes were added. Try running the GNU Classpath Swing Demo in
+ examples (gnu.classpath.examples.swing.Demo) with:
+ -Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
+ -Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
+* Start of styled text capabilites for java.swing.text.
+* NIO implementation, fast bulk put implementation for
+ DirectByteBuffer (speeds up this method 10x).
+* Split gtk+ awt peers event handling in two threads and improve gdk lock
+ handling (solves several AWT lock ups).
+* Speed up awt Image loading.
+* Updated TimeZone data against Olson tzdata2005l.
+* Make zip and jar UTF-8 "clean".
+* "native" code builds and compiles (warning free) on Darwin and Solaris.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* All native resource "pointers" in the VM interface classes are now exposed
+ as gnu.classpath.Pointer objects. This might impact runtimes that
+ optimize and support java.nio.DirectByteBuffers. Creating these classes
+ and accessing the contents as void * pointers for the native reference JNI
+ implementation is done through the JCL_NewRawDataObject and JCL_GetRawData
+ functions.
+* Simplified the Class/VMClass interface.
+* Removed loadedClasses map from ClassLoader. It's now the VMs responsibility
+ to manage the list of defined and loaded classes for each class loader.
+* Moved native methods from java.lang.reflect.Proxy to VMProxy.
+* Added hook to VMClassLoader to allow VM to do class caching.
+New Untested/Disabled Features:
+ The following new features are included, but not ready for production
+ yet. They are explicitly disabled and not supported. But if you want
+ to help with the development of these new features we are interested
+ in feedback. You will have to explicitly enable them to try them out
+ (and they will most likely contain bugs). If you are interested in any
+ of these then please join the mailing-list and follow development in
+ CVS.
+* QT4 AWT peers, enable by giving configure --enable-qt-peer.
+* JDWP framework, enable by deleting the jdwp references from
+ lib/standard.omit and vm/reference/standard.omit. No default
+ implementation is provided. Work is being done on gcj/gij integration.
+* StAX, enable by deleting the and
+ references in lib/standard.omit.
+New in release 0.17 (Jul 15, 2005)
+* gnu.xml fix for nodes created outside a namespace context.
+* Add support for output indenting and cdata-section-elements output
+ instruction in xml.transform.
+* xml.xpath corrections for cases where elements/attributes might have
+ been created in non-namespace-aware mode. Corrections to handling of
+ XSL variables and minor conformance updates.
+* DefaultMutableTreeNode preorder, postorder, depthFirst and breadthFirst
+ traversal enumerations implemented.
+* JInternalFrame colors and titlebar draw properly.
+* JTree is working up to par (icons, selection and keyboard traversal).
+* JMenus were made more compatible in visual and programmatic behavior.
+* JTable changeSelection and multiple selections implemented.
+* JButton and JToggleButton change states work properly now.
+* JFileChooser fixes.
+* revalidate and repaint fixes which make Free Swing much more responsive.
+* Correctly handle system call interrupts and timeouts in native nio
+ and net functions.
+* MetalIconFactory implemented.
+* Handle image loading errors correctly for gdkpixbuf and MediaTracker.
+* Added Tree World to GNU Classpath examples Free Swing demo.
+* FileChannel.lock() and FileChannel.force() implemented.
+* java.util.logging.FileHandler now rotates files.
+* Better handle GDK lock. Properly prefix gtkpeer native functions (cp_gtk).
+* Corba bug fixes and documentation updates.
+* Updated gcj build infrastructure.
+* Documentation fixes all over the place.
+ See
+* VM Integration Guide updates with a full section on VM/Classpath hooks.
+New in release 0.16 (Jun 30, 2005)
+* Better GTK scrollbar peer implementation when using GTK >= 2.6.
+* GdkGraphics2D has been updated to use Cairo 0.5.x APIs.
+* BufferedImage and GtkImage rewrites. All image drawing operations
+ should now work correctly (flipping requires gtk+ >= 2.6)
+* Future Graphics2D, Image and Text work is documented at:
+* Free Swing Top-Level Compatibility. JFrame, JDialog, JApplet,
+ JInternalFrame, and JWindow are now 1.5 compatible in the sense that you
+ can call add() and setLayout() directly on them, which will have the same
+ effect as calling getContentPane().add() and getContentPane().setLayout().
+* The JTree interface has been completed. JTrees now recognizes mouse clicks
+ and selections work, but the visual implementation is not yet complete.
+ Work on expansion and collapsing of the tree nodes is being implemented.
+* BoxLayout works properly now.
+* Fixed GrayFilter to actually work.
+* Metal SplitPane implemented.
+* Lots of free swing text and editor stuff work now.
+* When gtk+ 2.6 or higher is installed the default log handler will produce
+ stack traces whenever a WARNING, CRITICAL or ERROR message is produced.
+* The CORBA implementation is now a working prototype that should support
+ features up till 1.3 inclusive.
+ We would invite groups writing CORBA dependent applications to
+ try Classpath implementation, reporting any possible bugs.
+ The CORBA prototype is interoperable with Sun's implementation v 1.4,
+ transferring object references, primitive types, narrow and wide
+ strings, arrays, structures, trees, abstract interfaces and
+ value types (feature of CORBA 2.3) between these two platforms.
+ The remote exceptions are transferred and handled correctly.
+ The stringified object references (IORs) from various sources are
+ parsed as required.
+ The transient (for current session) and permanent (till jre restart)
+ redirections work.
+ Both Little and Big Endian encoded messages are accepted.
+ The implementation is verified using tests from the former
+ The current release includes working examples (see the examples directory),
+ demonstrating the client-server communication, using either CORBA Request
+ or IDL-based stub (usually generated by a IDL to java compiler).
+ These examples also show how to use the Classpath CORBA naming service.
+ The IDL to java compiler is not yet written, but as our library must be
+ compatible, it naturally accepts the output of other idlj implementations.
+* New --with-vm-classes configure option, and new 'build' setting
+ for --with-glibj. (Only for integrators.)
+Runtime interface changes:
+* Start of a generic JDWP framework in gnu/classpath/jdwp.
+ This is unfinished, but feedback (at from runtime
+ hackers is greatly appreciated. Although most of the work is currently
+ being done around gcj/gij we want this framework to be as VM neutral as
+ possible. Early design is described in:
+* Native method VMClass.getModifiers() now takes an additional
+ boolean parameter.
+* Deprecated native method VMClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader,
+ String, byte[], int, int) has been replaced by
+ VMClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader, String, byte[], int, int,
+ ProtectionDomain)
+* VMClassLoader.loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) is now native,
+ replacing the former version which just returned null.
+* Deprecated native method VMClassLoader.getPrimitiveClass(String) has
+ been replaced by new native method VMClassLoader.getPrimitiveClass(char).
+* Previously empty implementations of methods VMThread.countStackFrames(),
+ VMThrowable.fillInStackTrace(), and VMThrowable.getStackTrace() have
+ been removed; these methods are now native methods.
+* Fields "exceptionTypes" and "parameterTypes" have been removed from
+ and getExceptionTypes() and getParameterTypes() are
+ now native methods.
+New in release 0.15 (Apr 29, 2005)
+* The old character encoding framework (
+has been replaced by a system based completely on nio.charset
+providers. Many converters have been added, both the io, lang and nio
+frameworks now use the same set of converters and the whole character
+stream framework (Readers and Writers) have been optimized. For some
+workloads this leads to 2x till 20x speedups.
+The default charsets supported are:
+ Cp424, Cp437, Cp737, Cp775, Cp850, Cp852, Cp855, Cp857, Cp860, Cp861,
+ Cp862, Cp863, Cp864, Cp865, Cp866, Cp869, Cp874, ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_13,
+ ISO_8859_15, ISO_8859_2, ISO_8859_3, ISO_8859_4, ISO_8859_5, ISO_8859_6,
+ ISO_8859_7, ISO_8859_8, ISO_8859_9, KOI_8, MS874, MacCentralEurope,
+ MacCroatian, MacCyrillic, MacDingbat, MacGreek, MacIceland, MacRoman,
+ MacRomania, MacSymbol, MacThai, MacTurkish, US_ASCII, UTF_16, UTF_16BE,
+ UTF_16Decoder, UTF_16Encoder, UTF_16LE, UTF_8, UnicodeLittle, Windows1250,
+ Windows1251, Windows1252, Windows1253, Windows1254, Windows1255,
+ Windows1256, Windows1257, Windows1258.
+Many more encoding are supported through the new IconvProvider
+depending on the platform iconv support. GNU libiconv is recommended.
+The IconvProvider is currently not enabled by default. To enable it
+define the system property gnu.classpath.nio.charset.provider.iconv=true.
+Some runtimes might choose to enable this by default by setting it
+through VMSystemProperties. We would like to get feedback on whether
+enabling or disabling the IconvProvider by default results in the
+highest speedups.
+* Free swing metal and pluggable look and feels have been improved.
+The GNU Classpath free swing example can now be run with different
+"skins" by setting the system property swing.defaultlaf to the GNU,
+Basic or Metal look and feel.
+* Some of the org.omg.CORBA classes and packages have now been
+implemented. The Savannah bug tracker contains additional tasks for
+which we are seeking help.
+* Fixed compatibility problems in the java.beans which affected
+Eclipse's Visual Editor Project.
+* New completely lock free (Inheritable)ThreadLocal implementation.
+* javax.swing.text.rtf framework added which can handle simple (plain)
+text tokens.
+* Support for parsing html files into Level 2 Document Object Model
+(org.w3c.dom.html2 and javax.swing.text.html.parser). And a start of
+javax.swing.text.html framework added.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* jni.h changed to better support compiling runtimes implementing jni;
+ see VM integration guide for details.
+* New --enable-default-toolkit option to configure can be used to set
+ the fully qualified class name of the default AWT toolkit to use.
+ If not given, the old default of
+ is used.
+* New --disable-core-jni option can be used to disable building the
+ "core" JNI libraries. This is primarily useful if your VM can use the
+ Gtk peers but not the core JNI libraries.
+* New system property "gnu.classpath.boot.library.path" can be specified
+ to define the location of the JNI libraries. It is by all means meant
+ ONLY for VM implementors and GNU Classpath hackers. See the hacking
+ guide for more information.
+* The helper methods currentLoader() and allocateObject() for
+ have been moved to a VMObjectInputStream class.
+ Reference implementations are provided.
+* now uses VMInetAddress for runtime/platform
+ specific methods getLocalHostname(), getHostByAddr() and
+ getHostByName(). now uses VMNetworkInterface
+ for runtime/platform specific getInterfaces() support. Default
+ (Posix/GNU JNI) implementations are provided.
+* VMClass has a new method getModifiers(Class, boolean) which can be
+ used to get the real modifiers for an inner class or the ones
+ specified by the InnerClasses attribute.
+* All (possible) runtime specific methods of Object and Double are now
+ in VMObject and VMDouble. Where possible generic reference
+ implementations are provided.
+* The reference implementation of VMClassLoader now handles zip files
+ on the boot loader class path in getResources().
+Other changes:
+New in release 0.14 (Feb 25, 2005)
+* Character encoders and decoders have been added for:
+ iso-8859-6 (arabic), iso-8859-7 (greek), iso-8859-8 (hebrew),
+ iso-8859-9 (latin-5), iso-8859-13, iso-8859-15 (latin-9), cp1047 (ebcdic),
+ ebcdic-xml-us,ascii, windows-1250, windows-1252, UTF-16BE (Big Endian),
+ UTF-16LE (Little Endian), UTF-32BE (Big Endian), UTF-32LE (Little Endian).
+* Full documentation for all classes can be generated (again) by using
+ the --with-gjdoc configure option.
+* javax.awt.imageio support through gdkpixbuf.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* VMSecurityManager has been replaced by gnu.classpath.VMStackWalker.
+ currentClassLoader() is no longer needed, and there are also two new
+ methods with non-native implementations. VM implementors are encouraged
+ to provide more efficient versions.
+* VMRuntime.nativeLoad() now takes an additional ClassLoader parameter.
+New in release 0.13 (Jan 6, 2005)
+* The http url protocol handler has been replaced with a full HTTP/1.1
+ version from GNU inetlib.
+* A new ftp url protocol handler has been added also from GNU inetlib.
+* java.beans has been updated to 1.4 including support for XMLEncoder
+ and XMLDecoder.
+* The java.util.Locale support is now based on the Common Locale Data
+ Repository (CLDR) Project (see
+ GNU Classpath provides support for more than 250 locales now.
+ This new support is experimental and the GNU Classpath hackers are
+ working together with runtime developers and the unicode consortium
+ to improve them in the future.
+ If your runtime misdetects your locale or if the default locale gives
+ problems please try running with -Duser.language=en and -Duser.region=US
+ to fall back on a known good locale.
+* Added implementations of javax.xml (JAXP 1.3), org.xml.sax (SAX2) and
+ org.w3c.dom (DOM Level 3) interfaces. It is possible to switch between
+ different implementations AElfred2, GNU DOM, GNU XSL, libxmlj SAX,
+ libxmlj DOM and libxmlj XSL by setting different system properties.
+ Also provided is a preliminary XPath 1.0 implementation.
+ The libxmlj versions are build around libxml2 and libxslt and have to
+ be enabled during build time by the --enable-xmlj configure flag.
+ The current support is equal to the last released GNU JAXP 1.3 release.
+ These packages will be maintained as part of the GNU Classpath core classes
+ in the future. For more information, conformance results and documentation
+ on selecting different implementations see doc/README.jaxp.
+* More AWT accessible support.
+* AWT gtk+ peers component layout, dialog placement, keyboard focus
+ handling and text positioning have been improved.
+* ImageIO interfaces are more complete.
+* JList, JTable and JTree have been hugely improved.
+* java.awt.Robot support with GdkRobot in the gtk+ awt peers.
+ Needs XTest Extension (libXtst) XServer support.
+* New --disable-examples configure argument.
+Runtime interface changes:
+* Added a new method (VMRuntime.enableShutdownHooks) that enables the VM
+ to lazily register an exit handler.
+* The java.lang.Class constructor now automatically sets the protection
+ domain for array classes, based on the protection domain of the component
+ type class.
+* New gnu.classpath.VMSystemProperties class. This replaces the
+ system properties initialization in VMRuntime. Note that it is
+ now the VMs responsibility to set one additional property:
+ gnu.cpu.endian should be set to "big" or "little".
+* VMRuntime.nativeGetLibname() has been renamed to VMRuntime.mapLibraryName()
+ and has only one argument, the name of the library.
+* String and StringBuffer now call VMSystem.arraycopy() directly and don't
+ go through java.lang.System. Be careful to not initialize java.lang.System
+ early in the bootstrap sequence in your VM runtime interface classes.
+* Some (wrong) documentation about the behavior of VMThread.sleep(0, 0)
+ has been updated. Also, VMThread.sleep() now has a default non-native
+ implementation, but it is a generic implementation that ignores the
+ nano-seconds argument. Runtime hackers are encouraged to provide a more
+ efficient version.
+* There is prelimenary support for nio direct byte buffers.
+ See VMDirectByteBuffer. Please contact the GNU Classpath mailinglist when
+ you add support for this to your runtime.
+New in release 0.12 (Nov 14, 2004)
+* GNU Classpath's JAR implementation now has preliminary support for
+ signed entries, for so called "signed JAR" file support. Signed JAR
+ files are one of the key security features of managed runtimes, and
+ allows code to run privileged given unforgeable proofs of identity.
+* A much improved version of X.509 certificates has been added,
+ including a robust certificate path checking algorithm. Also
+ included is an implementation of the RSA signature scheme.
+* Full java.awt.color implementation, with all standard ICC profiles,
+ except for PhotoYCC color space.
+* java.beans 1.4 updates and bug fixes.
+* java.awt.image support updated to 1.4.
+* Improved build process. Uses less memory with gcj and C code is
+ buildable with -Werror on most platform. Please configure with
+ --enable-Werror and report any remaining issues.
+* Big-endian (PowerPC) fixes for native awt GTK+ peers.
+* Checkstyle support, see scripts/checkstyle-config.xml.
+* Better AWT focus management fro GTK+ peers.
+* Much faster and better fonts support
+ (for both gdk Graphics and cairo Graphics2D)
+* AWT Choice fixes for hidden components.
+* HTTP Connection Handler fixes for POST support.
+* Much fuller collection documentation.
+* Lots of Calendar bug fixes.
+* More javax.imageio support.
+* Better AWT Help MenuBar support.
+* Lookahead support for regular expressions.
+* Serialization object stream fixes for multiple ClassLoader scenarios.
+* Swing TabbedPane, ColorChooser and ComboBox improvements.
+* Start of JTree functionality.
+* Improved Eclipse 3 support for GNU Classpath based runtimes.
+Runtime interface Changes:
+* New --enable-java-lang-system-explicit-initialization configuration
+ option. (Warning, will be replaced in next release, please consult
+ the mailinglist.)
+* The reference implementation of VMClassLoader has default
+ implementations for getResource(s) and provides support for a new
+ default getSystemClassLoader implementation.
+New in release 0.11 (Sep 13, 2004)
+* javax.swing.Spring and SpringLayout support.
+* Added pluggable look and feel support for BasicTextFieldUI and
+ BasicToolBarSeparatorUI.
+* java.swing.text support for (Default and Layered) Highlighter, FieldView,
+ PlainView, TabExpander and TabableView added.
+* Start of JTable and JTree implementation.
+* Internal Swing frames work.
+* JMenu and JPopupMenu work.
+* New gtk+ AWT FileDialog peer now based on gtk+2.4 or higher.
+* java.awt.image LookupTables and kernel support.
+* Improved java.awt.image.BufferedImage support.
+* AWT 1.0 event model support.
+* GNU Classpath now comes with some example programs (see examples/README).
+* New javax.crypto, javax.crypto.interfaces, javax.crypto.spec,,
+ and org.ietf.jgss packages are now officially part of GNU Classpath.
+ Extra crypto algorithms can be obtained from the GNU Crypto project,
+ a full TLS implementation is provided by the Jessie project.
+* Frame.setIconImage() support.
+* AWT GDKGraphics scaling.
+* New configure flag --enable-gtk-cairo to build Graphics2D implementation
+ build on cairo and pangoft2. Enabled at runtime by defining the system
+ property
+* javax.swing.JSpinner implemented.
+* Extensive documentation update for java.util collection classes.
+* java.awt.geom completed. Area, Arc2D, Ellipse2D and Line2D implemented.
+* GNU JAXP is no longer included with GNU Classpath. Runtime, compiler and
+ tool integrators are encouraged to directly integrate GNU JAXP.
+ This release has been tested against GNU JAXP 1.1.
+* JColorChooser, JComboBox and JTextField implemented, including example
+ uses in GNU Classpath Examples swing Demo.
+Runtime interface Changes:
+* java.lang.Compiler now uses the new java.lang.VMCompiler; there is
+ a reference implementation that most VMs can use.
+* java.lang.VMSystem has a new getenv(String) method and a reference C/JNI
+ implementation that should work on most Posix like systems.
+* java.util.TimeZone has been split into a platform independent class and
+ a platform dependent class VMTimeZone. GNU Classpath comes with a generic
+ way to get at the default time zone for Posix/GNU-like platforms.
+* [VM]AccessController improvements. In particular it handles
+ `doPrivileged' calls better, and allows for recursive `doPrivileged'
+ calls in the same Thread. (see vm/reference/java/security/)
+New in release 0.10 (Jul 9, 2004)
+* now uses application classloader to load URLStreamHandlers
+ and reuses URLStreamHandlers when URL is reset (but protocol isn't changed).
+* implementation.
+* java.text multiple new features and bug fixes
+ (only 2 out of the 1000+ java.text Mauve tests now fail).
+* Better (non-black) default AWT System colors.
+* AWT lists use GTK treeviews.
+* Proper AWT focus management has been implemented.
+* Swing menus and scrollpanes are beginning to work.
+* Swing splitpanes, dialogs and internal frames were added.
+* Swing repainting / double buffering was redone.
+* Font management and Pango DPI conversion fixes.
+* A lot of AWT imaging and event bugs have been picked out.
+* More of javax.swing.text has been implemented.
+* javax.swing.Timer has been reimplemented.
+* has been implemented
+ (see runtime section).
+* The default java.lang.SecurityManager now uses AccessController.
+* New java.beans.Statement and Expression implementations.
+* Small FileChannel implementation speed improvement for traditional
+ JNI based systems.
+* Regenerated all included JNI header files with gcjh (3.5 CVS),
+ removes extra extern modifier and allows stricter compiler warning.
+* More C code cleanups (-Wmissing-declarations, -Wmissing-prototypes and
+ -Wstring-prototypes) and jni.h fixes (a few funtion prototype fixes,
+ made it compilable with C++ compilers and jni.h got renamed from
+* Double.toString() and Float.toString() now work properly on 64-bit
+ PowerPC systems.
+* PPC Darwin, arm, x86-64 and s/390 JNI C code compilation fixes.
+* Build system refactored and removed old Japhar specific support.
+* The class has been improved, and now
+ supports embedding AWT windows in other top-level X windows.
+ This functionality is required by gcjwebplugin.
+* gcjwebplugin, an applet viewer that can be embedded into several web
+ browsers, has been extensively tested with this release of classpath.
+ (See
+* Runtime environments based on GNU Classpath 0.10 should be able to
+ start up Eclipse 3.0 out of the box now.
+Runtime interface Changes:
+* VMProcess.destroy() default implementation fixes.
+* Fixed the "portable native sync" code; it had been broken since
+ Classpath release 0.06, when we upgraded to GTK+2.
+ Classpath's AWT peers use GTK+. GTK+ uses GLIB. GLIB by default uses
+ the platform's native threading model -- pthreads in most cases.
+ If the Java runtime doesn't use the native threading model, then you should
+ specify --portable-native-sync when configuring Classpath, so that GLIB will
+ use the Java threading primitives instead. (For a superior alternative,
+ see below.)
+* The VM can set the system property
+ gnu.classpath.awt.gtk.portable.native.sync instead of using the
+ --portable-native-sync configure-type option.
+ See doc/vmintegration.texinfo for details.
+* We intend that the next release of GNU Classpath will require the VM
+ to provide JNI 1.2. Classpath currently uses only JNI 1.1, except for
+ one JNI 1.2 function: GetEnv(), in the JNI Invocation API.
+ If this poses problems, please raise them on the classpath mailing list.
+* The reference implementation of VMThread.holdsLock(Object) now has
+ a default implementation written in java. For efficiency and to
+ prevent spurious wakeups a real 'native' runtime version can be supplied.
+* There is a new class that runtimes need
+ to implement to properly support SecurityManagers. The default
+ implementation that comes with GNU Classpath makes sure that ANY attempt
+ to access a protected resource is denied when a SecurityManager is
+ installed. Which is pretty secure, but also no very useful.
+ Please see the documentation in
+ vm/reference/java/security/,
+ and please give feedback on the GNU Classpath mailinglist whether or not
+ the current AccessController framework is flexible enough.
+New in release 0.09 (May 2, 2004)
+* Includes updated GNU JAXP version from 2004-02-01.
+* Native C code is now -ansi -pedantic (C89) clean and (almost) -Wall clean.
+* is now implemented by delegating most tasks directly to java.nio.
+* Reworked/Optimized implementations of java.nio.Buffer and subclasses.
+* New javax.print, javax.print.attribute[.standard] and javax.print.event
+ packages and classes.
+* java.text attributed iterators support.
+* New javax.imageio, javax.imageio.event and javax.imageio.spi packages and
+ classes.
+* GNU Classpath can now load service providers that are described via
+ META-INF/services/* resources in extension JARs. This is useful for
+ implementing the various APIs that are supposed to be extensible via
+ custom plugins. For details, please see the documentation of
+ gnu.classpath.ServiceFactory.
+ Application developers are strongly discouraged from calling glibj
+ internal packages. Instead, they might want invoke the newly implemented
+ javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders, which is a standard
+ method for loading plug-ins.
+* New developers wanting to help the GNU Classpath project might want to
+ review the greatly expanded Hacker Guide included in the doc directory
+ or online at
+ Also the FAQ has been expanded. And when working from CVS you can now use
+ a simple script to get all autotools magic done automagically.
+* New configure option --with-glibj which defines how to install the glibj
+ class files as zip, as flat directory files or both (zip|flat|both)
+ [default=zip]. When working with multiple runtimes some of which might
+ not support bootstrap classes in zip files the --with-glibj=both option
+ is recommended (this does take extra disc space).
+* Two big code drops from the libgcj gui branch updating various java.awt
+ and javax.swing classes.
+* Multiple fixes and java.rmi fixes.
+* ServerSocket.accept() now restarts listening when system call interrupted.
+* Much cleanups to make standard API doc valid XHTML (not completed yet).
+* A scan for unused variables and non-static invocation of static methods
+ turned up a couple of subtle bugs which have now all been fixed.
+* The Mauve testsuite has been cleaned up considerable and lots of issues
+ in the GNU Classpath core class implementation have been fixed.
+VM Interface changes:
+* java.lang.Class/VMClass interface was changed. The interface now no
+ longer requires an instance of VMClass for each Class instance. Instead
+ the field vmdata in Class is now of type Object.
+* GNU Classpath now assumes that JNI calls SetXField can modify final
+ fields. This was previously used silently for and should
+ be considered as a feature now.
+* A new VMProcess and a sample JNI C implementation are now provided to
+ make Runtime.exec() work out of the box on some systems. This requires
+ a small change to VMRuntime.exec() when a runtime wants to use it as the
+ default java.lang.Process implementation.
+* The implementation of most of through java.nio moved serveral
+ runtime specific I/O methods. Most methods do have a generic default native
+ C JNI implementation in native/jni/java-nio.
+* Runtime support methods for have been moved to VMFile which
+ also comes with a default JNI C implementation.
+* To support the new service provider mechanism runtimes must make sure that
+ extension JARs are made accessible via the default context class loader.
+New in release 0.08 (2004/12/03)
+* java.util.regexp implementation through gnu.regexp wrappers.
+* implementation.
+* Working implementation of javax.swing.undo.
+* java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D/QuadCurve2D: Can now solve cubic and quadratic
+ equations; implementation adapted from the GNU Scientific Library.
+* Lots of java.awt and gtk+ peer improvements. Also more Swing work. Start
+ of EmbeddedWindow support.
+* BufferedReader speed improvements.
+* Improved useabilty of java.text implementation for several applications.
+* ObjectInputStream is much faster and more compatible with other
+ implementations.
+* Fix handling of alias methods, where a method has been deprecated in
+ favour of a new one with the same funtion but a different name.
+ (See Deprecated Methods section in the GNU Classpath Hacking Guide.)
+* javax.print.attribute.standard added.
+* Lots of java.nio,,
+* Depend on autoconf 2.59+ and automake 1.7+, GCJ 3.3+, jikes 1.18+.
+VM Interface changes:
+* Split native methods in java.lang.Runtime into java.lang.VMRuntime.
+* Resources are now also loaded/needed through the bootstrap classloader
+ (gnu.regexp needs MessageBundle included in
+Fixed Classpath bugs:
+ #6095 java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.solveQuadratic sometimes gives
+ wrong results
+ #7099 EventListenerList.getListenerCount should accept null argument
+ #7104 EventListenerList.add does not work
+ #7105 EventListenerList.remove does not work
+ #7107 DefaultBoundedRangeModel.setValue and friends should not throw
+ And lots more.
+New in release 0.07 (2003/30/11)
+* Works with libtool 1.5 (and 1.4.3).
+* java.awt gtk+ peers now depend on gtk+ 2.2.x and uses pango.
+ Lots and lots improvements on the peers.
+* java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D, java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D:
+ Subdivision and flatness calculation implemented.
+* java.awt.geom.FlatteningPathIterator: Working implementation.
+* helper class.
+* New rmic compilers (jikes, kjc) support.
+* java.text bug fixing and 1.4 updates (Currency).
+* Hashtable and HashMap function more similar to other implementations.
+* javax.naming and java.beans classloader fixes.
+* URL parsing, URLConnection, protocol and (needed) permission fixes.
+* More java.nio implementation
+ (API complete, but implementation not finished yet).
+* Lots of code cleanup.
+* Improved documentation.
+* Numerous bug fixes in almost every package, and lots of updates for
+ 1.4 functionality.
+* Fixed Classpath bugs:
+ #2944 Incorrect synchronization in java.util.logging.ErrorManager
+ #6075 java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.getCurrentPoint returns wrong results
+ #6076 java.awt.geom.GeneralPath constructor sometimes hangs
+ #6089 java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.getPathIterator does not work
+ [...]
+VM Interface changes:
+* Thread has been split in a VM-independent Thread class and a VM-dependent
+ VMThread class.
+New in release 0.06 (2003/22/08)
+* Update java.awt peers to GTK+2.
+* java.awt.GridBagLayout implementation.
+* javax.swing.border implementation.
+* and updated to 1.4 spec.
+* New JNI native target code layer. See native/target/readme.txt.
+* --enable-regen-headers configure flag for automatic jni .h file generation.
+* Removed workaround for gcj 3.2 and lower, gcj 3.3+ or jikes 1.18+ is now
+ needed for compiling.
+* Lots of improvements and/or new classes for java.awt, java.awt.dnd,
+ java.awt.font, java.awt.geom, java.awt.image,, java.math,,
+ java.nio, java.rmi, java.text, java.util, javax.swing, javax.swing.plaf,
+ javax.swing.text.
+VM Interface changes:
+* VMClassLoader.loadClass(), the bootstrap classloader called by
+ Class.forName() and ClassLoader.loadClass(), may now return null when
+ a class is not found instead of throwing a new ClassNotFoundException.
+ This is a performance optimization in some cases. This also changes
+ the Class.forName() reference code.
+* Native methods in Class have been moved to VMClass. A few additional
+ methods are also available in VMClass to provide optional performance
+ improvements.
+* A VM can now supply its own String.intern() strategy through the
+ VMString class. The supplied VMString reference class implements the
+ original WeakHashMap strategy.
+* Float and Double to/from bits conversion functions can now be supplied by
+ the VM through VMFloat and VMDouble. Default JNI conversion methods are
+ supplied.
+New in release 0.05 (2003/02/15)
+* Supports free Java VMs Jikes RVM and Kissme out of the box, perhaps others.
+* Supports GNU Crypto 1.1 as the official provider of cryptographic primitives
+ and tools for GNU Classpath, available separately from
+* Supports GNU Classpath Tools sub-project of GNU Classpath, official provider
+ of standard tools such as gjdoc, a javadoc replacement, and others. Future
+ releases of GNU Classpath will begin to include these tools, available
+ separately from
+* Java primitives can be used to support AWT native threading, see
+ the --enable-portable-native-sync configure option which may become the
+ default in a future release.
+* Include file jni.h has been updated to the 1.4 specification.
+* VM specific internal types for jobject, jfieldID, and jmethodID are
+ supported in jni.h. More details can be found by reading the comment
+ in include/ By default the old definitions are used instead.
+* New VM helper class which should provide
+ the hasClassInitializer() method. Previously ObjectStreamClass used
+ Class.getDeclaredMethod("<clinit>") but according to the spec this
+ should always throw NoSuchMethodException for class initialization methods.
+ A JNI reference implementation is provided as
+ vm/reference/java-io/java_io_VMObjectStreamClass.c
+* There have been numerous infrastructure improvements
+ * Configure option --enable-gjdoc to generate javadoc-like output
+ * Gjdoc output is included with distribution, see doc/api/html/
+ * DESTDIR fully supported for install and uninstall
+* Runtime.execInternal contract changed to allow for null `env'
+ and to accept `dir' argument.
+* VMObject.getClass() removed. It was never used.
+* java.lang.Throwable is now a 'normal' GNU Classpath class that uses the
+ VM specific java.lang.VMThrowable to get at the VM state and (if needed)
+ the StackTraceElements for a particular exception. A default implementation
+ (that does nothing) is provided in vm/reference/java/lang/
+* The vm/reference classes from the gnu.vm.stack and their counterparts
+ ExecutionStack and StackFrame in have been removed since they
+ are not actually part of the VM interface anyway.
+* The GPLed com.sun.javadoc classes have been moved to the gjdoc application
+ from the GNU Classpath Tools project. See for more information the homepage
+ at: <>.
+New in release 0.04 (2002/05/05)
+* Additional configure options to disable zip creation and installation as
+ well as disable gtk peer native compilation.
+* Addition of java.nio, java.util.logging, and javax.swing.
+* Integration of most or all of the ORP patches to date, the purpose of
+ which are to make it possible to use JBOSS with ORP and Classpath. This
+ is still in a testing phase however.
+* Significant changes in the reference VM interface that may require
+ support from the JVMs.
+* Lots of bugfixes.
+New in release 0.03 (2002/02/08)
+* More merges with libgcj have been performed including java.math which now
+ provides a pure Java implementation of that package.
+ Current status at <>
+* A pure Java implementation (Jazzlib) of is available.
+* Added the java.rmi implementation that Transvirtual donated to the FSF.
+* Includes jni.h now, eliminating the need to specify a particular VM
+ via configure.
+* No proprietary classes or programs are required to compile.
+ Compiles out of the box with jikes or gcj.
+* Separation of compiling Java source and native libraries through the
+ configure mechanism. If given no arguments, configure will setup the
+ subsequent build to only produce Java bytecode (.class files). More
+ information is available in INSTALLING.
+* Support for compiling in a separate directory, as an example you may
+ cd classpath-0.03; mkdir build; cd build; ../configure; make
+* Works with Orp 1.0.9 out of the box. Build instructions can be found at
+ <>
+* Lots of bugfixes that were found by using Classpath with the gcj, Orp,
+ SableVM, KissMe and Jaos VMs. Please use our bugdatabase at
+ <>
+* Lots of updates to make Classpath more compliant with the 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
+ API specification. The current status can be found at
+ <>
+* All files are now distributed under the same terms. Added clarification to
+ GPL exception.
+New in release 0.02 (2001/01/06)
+* Support for printing exceptions with Japhar 0.09 + patch included in
+ resource/japhar-0.09.patch.1.
+* Typos, assorted bugfixes.
+New in release 0.01 (2000/11/20)
+* More packages are included now, though many remain untested.
+* Support for Japhar 0.09 included.
+New in release 0.00 (1999/02/01)
+* First official development release of clean room class library for Java
+* Following packages included:
+ -- java.beans
+ --
+ -- java.lang
+ -- java.lang.reflect
+ -- java.math
+ --
+ -- (partial and non-functioning)
+ --
+ --
+ -- java.util
+* Code is mostly Java 2 (see JDK 1.2) compatible with some functionality
+ missing and/or untested.
+* Support for Japhar ( virtual machine is included.
+ Requires the current Japhar from CVS.
+* Extensive javadoc comments for public API included
+* Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License (see COPYING.LIB)
+* Does not depend on any non-free code - developed in a "clean room"
+ environment.