path: root/libjava/javax/sound/sampled
diff options
authorupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
committerupstream source tree <>2015-03-15 20:14:05 -0400
commit554fd8c5195424bdbcabf5de30fdc183aba391bd (patch)
tree976dc5ab7fddf506dadce60ae936f43f58787092 /libjava/javax/sound/sampled
obtained gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2 from upstream website;upstream
verified gcc-4.6.4.tar.bz2.sig; imported gcc-4.6.4 source tree from verified upstream tarball. downloading a git-generated archive based on the 'upstream' tag should provide you with a source tree that is binary identical to the one extracted from the above tarball. if you have obtained the source via the command 'git clone', however, do note that line-endings of files in your working directory might differ from line-endings of the respective files in the upstream repository.
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/javax/sound/sampled')
39 files changed, 1850 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc44a55b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFileFormat$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFileFormat$Type(::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getExtension();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * AIFC;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * AIFF;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * AU;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * SND;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * WAVE;
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ ::java::lang::String * extension;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5171f516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFileFormat;
+ class AudioFileFormat$Type;
+ class AudioFormat;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFileFormat(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint);
+ AudioFileFormat(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint, ::java::util::Map *);
+public: // actually protected
+ AudioFileFormat(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, jint, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint);
+ virtual jint getByteLength();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat();
+ virtual jint getFrameLength();
+ virtual ::java::lang::Object * getProperty(::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * getType();
+ virtual ::java::util::Map * properties();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ jint __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) byteLength;
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * format;
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * type;
+ jint frameLength;
+ ::java::util::Map * properties__;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFileFormat__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat$Encoding.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat$Encoding.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74b37793d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat$Encoding.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat$Encoding__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat$Encoding__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat$Encoding;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFormat$Encoding(::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * ALAW;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * PCM_SIGNED;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * PCM_UNSIGNED;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * ULAW;
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat$Encoding__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5166524d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class AudioFormat$Encoding;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFormat(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, jfloat, jint, jint, jint, jfloat, jboolean);
+ AudioFormat(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, jfloat, jint, jint, jint, jfloat, jboolean, ::java::util::Map *);
+ AudioFormat(jfloat, jint, jint, jboolean, jboolean);
+ virtual jint getChannels();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * getEncoding();
+ virtual jfloat getFrameRate();
+ virtual jint getFrameSize();
+ virtual ::java::lang::Object * getProperty(::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jfloat getSampleRate();
+ virtual jint getSampleSizeInBits();
+ virtual jboolean isBigEndian();
+ virtual jboolean matches(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ virtual ::java::util::Map * properties();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+public: // actually protected
+ jboolean __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) bigEndian;
+ jint channels;
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * encoding;
+ jfloat frameRate;
+ jint frameSize;
+ jfloat sampleRate;
+ jint sampleSizeInBits;
+ ::java::util::Map * properties__;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioFormat__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4d4b195d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/io/InputStream.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream;
+ class TargetDataLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream : public ::java::io::InputStream
+ AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine *);
+ virtual jint read();
+ virtual jint read(JArray< jbyte > *, jint, jint);
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::io::InputStream)))) line;
+ JArray< jbyte > * buf;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream$TargetInputStream__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e07e8dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/io/InputStream.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ class TargetDataLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream : public ::java::io::InputStream
+ AudioInputStream(::java::io::InputStream *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jlong);
+ AudioInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine *);
+ virtual jint available();
+ virtual void close();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat();
+ virtual jlong getFrameLength();
+ virtual void mark(jint);
+ virtual jboolean markSupported();
+ virtual jint read();
+ virtual jint read(JArray< jbyte > *);
+ virtual jint read(JArray< jbyte > *, jint, jint);
+ virtual void reset();
+ virtual jlong skip(jlong);
+public: // actually protected
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::io::InputStream)))) format;
+ jlong frameLength;
+ jlong framePos;
+ jint frameSize;
+ ::java::io::InputStream * input;
+ jlong markedFramePos;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioInputStream__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioPermission.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioPermission.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e83637b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioPermission.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioPermission__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioPermission__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/security/BasicPermission.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioPermission;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioPermission : public ::java::security::BasicPermission
+ AudioPermission(::java::lang::String *);
+ AudioPermission(::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *);
+ static const jlong serialVersionUID = -5518053473477801126LL;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioPermission__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioSystem.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b490ded8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/AudioSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_AudioSystem__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_AudioSystem__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace java
+ {
+ namespace net
+ {
+ class URL;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFileFormat;
+ class AudioFileFormat$Type;
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class AudioFormat$Encoding;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ class AudioSystem;
+ class Clip;
+ class Line;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class Mixer;
+ class Mixer$Info;
+ class SourceDataLine;
+ class TargetDataLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::AudioSystem : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioSystem();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::io::File *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::io::InputStream *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::net::URL *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * > * getAudioFileTypes();
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * > * getAudioFileTypes(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::io::File *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::io::InputStream *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::net::URL *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Clip * getClip();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Clip * getClip(::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * getLine(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer * getMixer(::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info * > * getMixerInfo();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::SourceDataLine * getSourceDataLine(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::SourceDataLine * getSourceDataLine(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getSourceLineInfo(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine * getTargetDataLine(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine * getTargetDataLine(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * > * getTargetEncodings(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * > * getTargetEncodings(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * > * getTargetFormats(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getTargetLineInfo(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ static jboolean isConversionSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static jboolean isConversionSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ static jboolean isFileTypeSupported(JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * > *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *);
+ static jboolean isFileTypeSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *);
+ static jboolean isFileTypeSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *);
+ static jboolean isLineSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ static jint write(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::java::io::File *);
+ static jint write(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::java::io::OutputStream *);
+ static const jint NOT_SPECIFIED = -1;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_AudioSystem__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7058efe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class BooleanControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl$Type : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type
+public: // actually protected
+ BooleanControl$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl$Type * APPLY_REVERB;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl$Type * MUTE;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eca5d3548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class BooleanControl;
+ class BooleanControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control
+public: // actually protected
+ BooleanControl(::javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl$Type *, jboolean);
+ BooleanControl(::javax::sound::sampled::BooleanControl$Type *, jboolean, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getStateLabel(jboolean);
+ virtual jboolean getValue();
+ virtual void setValue(jboolean);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ jboolean __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Control)))) value;
+ ::java::lang::String * trueLabel;
+ ::java::lang::String * falseLabel;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_BooleanControl__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab6c55828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Clip__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Clip__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ class Clip;
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Clip : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual jint getFrameLength() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getMicrosecondLength() = 0;
+ virtual void loop(jint) = 0;
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, JArray< jbyte > *, jint, jint) = 0;
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual void setFramePosition(jint) = 0;
+ virtual void setLoopPoints(jint, jint) = 0;
+ virtual void setMicrosecondPosition(jlong) = 0;
+ virtual jint available() = 0;
+ virtual void drain() = 0;
+ virtual void flush() = 0;
+ virtual jint getBufferSize() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat() = 0;
+ virtual jint getFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jfloat getLevel() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getLongFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getMicrosecondPosition() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isActive() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isRunning() = 0;
+ virtual void start() = 0;
+ virtual void stop() = 0;
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static const jint LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY = -1;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Clip__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccbf51f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class CompoundControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::CompoundControl$Type : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type
+public: // actually protected
+ CompoundControl$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4438e56d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/CompoundControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class CompoundControl;
+ class CompoundControl$Type;
+ class Control;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::CompoundControl : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control
+public: // actually protected
+ CompoundControl(::javax::sound::sampled::CompoundControl$Type *, JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > *);
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getMemberControls();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Control)))) memberControls;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_CompoundControl__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf7043abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Control$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Control$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Control$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type : public ::java::lang::Object
+public: // actually protected
+ Control$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Control$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59dc5b14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Control.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Control__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Control__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Control : public ::java::lang::Object
+public: // actually protected
+ Control(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *);
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type * getType();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) type;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Control__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine$Info.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine$Info.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea6322eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine$Info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine$Info__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine$Info__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Line$Info.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class DataLine$Info;
+ class Line$Info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::DataLine$Info : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info
+ DataLine$Info(::java::lang::Class *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ DataLine$Info(::java::lang::Class *, JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * > *, jint, jint);
+ DataLine$Info(::java::lang::Class *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint);
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * > * getFormats();
+ virtual jint getMaxBufferSize();
+ virtual jint getMinBufferSize();
+ virtual jboolean isFormatSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ virtual jboolean matches(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ jint __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info)))) minBufferSize;
+ jint maxBufferSize;
+ JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * > * formats;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine$Info__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..257fd9b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/DataLine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class DataLine;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::DataLine : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual jint available() = 0;
+ virtual void drain() = 0;
+ virtual void flush() = 0;
+ virtual jint getBufferSize() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat() = 0;
+ virtual jint getFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jfloat getLevel() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getLongFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getMicrosecondPosition() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isActive() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isRunning() = 0;
+ virtual void start() = 0;
+ virtual void stop() = 0;
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_DataLine__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dce2cc12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class EnumControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::EnumControl$Type : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type
+public: // actually protected
+ EnumControl$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::EnumControl$Type * REVERB;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..618d19c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/EnumControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class EnumControl;
+ class EnumControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::EnumControl : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control
+public: // actually protected
+ EnumControl(::javax::sound::sampled::EnumControl$Type *, JArray< ::java::lang::Object * > *, ::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::Object * getValue();
+ virtual JArray< ::java::lang::Object * > * getValues();
+ virtual void setValue(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ JArray< ::java::lang::Object * > * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Control)))) values;
+ ::java::lang::Object * value;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_EnumControl__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d14a4f9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control$Type.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class FloatControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type
+public: // actually protected
+ FloatControl$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * AUX_RETURN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * AUX_SEND;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * BALANCE;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * MASTER_GAIN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * PAN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * REVERB_RETURN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * REVERB_SEND;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * SAMPLE_RATE;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type * VOLUME;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a7da025b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Control.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class FloatControl;
+ class FloatControl$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Control
+public: // actually protected
+ FloatControl(::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type *, jfloat, jfloat, jfloat, jint, jfloat, ::java::lang::String *);
+ FloatControl(::javax::sound::sampled::FloatControl$Type *, jfloat, jfloat, jfloat, jint, jfloat, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jfloat getMaximum();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getMaxLabel();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getMidLabel();
+ virtual jfloat getMinimum();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getMinLabel();
+ virtual jfloat getPrecision();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getUnits();
+ virtual jint getUpdatePeriod();
+ virtual jfloat getValue();
+ virtual void setValue(jfloat);
+ virtual void shift(jfloat, jfloat, jint);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ jfloat __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Control)))) minimum;
+ jfloat maximum;
+ jfloat precision;
+ jint updatePeriod;
+ jfloat value;
+ ::java::lang::String * units;
+ ::java::lang::String * minLabel;
+ ::java::lang::String * maxLabel;
+ ::java::lang::String * midLabel;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_FloatControl__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line$Info.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line$Info.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..982c02732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line$Info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Line$Info__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Line$Info__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Line$Info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info : public ::java::lang::Object
+ Line$Info(::java::lang::Class *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::Class * getLineClass();
+ virtual jboolean matches(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ ::java::lang::Class * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) klass;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Line$Info__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f6552d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Line.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Line__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Line__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Line : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Line__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent$Type.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent$Type.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c509deca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent$Type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent$Type__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent$Type__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class LineEvent$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type : public ::java::lang::Object
+public: // actually protected
+ LineEvent$Type(::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * CLOSE;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * OPEN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * START;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * STOP;
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent$Type__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccc90e25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/util/EventObject.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Line;
+ class LineEvent;
+ class LineEvent$Type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent : public ::java::util::EventObject
+ LineEvent(::javax::sound::sampled::Line *, ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type *, jlong);
+ virtual jlong getFramePosition();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * getLine();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * getType();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ void readObject(::java::io::ObjectInputStream *);
+ void writeObject(::java::io::ObjectOutputStream *);
+ static const jlong serialVersionUID = -1274246333383880410LL;
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent$Type * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::util::EventObject)))) type;
+ jlong framePosition;
+ ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * line;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_LineEvent__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineListener.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineListener.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5abbde1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineListener.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_LineListener__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_LineListener__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class LineEvent;
+ class LineListener;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::LineListener : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual void update(::javax::sound::sampled::LineEvent *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_LineListener__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineUnavailableException.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineUnavailableException.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0068a6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/LineUnavailableException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_LineUnavailableException__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_LineUnavailableException__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Exception.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class LineUnavailableException;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::LineUnavailableException : public ::java::lang::Exception
+ LineUnavailableException();
+ LineUnavailableException(::java::lang::String *);
+ static const jlong serialVersionUID = -2046718279487432130LL;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_LineUnavailableException__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer$Info.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer$Info.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81ba18b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer$Info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer$Info__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer$Info__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Mixer$Info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info : public ::java::lang::Object
+public: // actually protected
+ Mixer$Info(::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *, ::java::lang::String *);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getName();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getDescription();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getVendor();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getVersion();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ ::java::lang::String * description;
+ ::java::lang::String * vendor;
+ ::java::lang::String * version;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer$Info__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0bd09559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Mixer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ class Mixer;
+ class Mixer$Info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Mixer : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * getLine(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual jint getMaxLines(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info * getMixerInfo() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getSourceLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getSourceLineInfo(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * > * getSourceLines() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getTargetLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * > * getTargetLineInfo(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * > * getTargetLines() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isLineSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isSynchronizationSupported(JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * > *, jboolean) = 0;
+ virtual void synchronize(JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * > *, jboolean) = 0;
+ virtual void unsynchronize(JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Line * > *) = 0;
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Mixer__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port$Info.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port$Info.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1635e27c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port$Info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Port$Info__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Port$Info__
+#pragma interface
+#include <javax/sound/sampled/Line$Info.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Line$Info;
+ class Port$Info;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info : public ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info
+ Port$Info(::java::lang::Class *, ::java::lang::String *, jboolean);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getName();
+ virtual jboolean isSource();
+ virtual jboolean matches(::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info *);
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * COMPACT_DISC;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * HEADPHONE;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * LINE_IN;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * LINE_OUT;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * MICROPHONE;
+ static ::javax::sound::sampled::Port$Info * SPEAKER;
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info)))) name;
+ jboolean isSource__;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Port$Info__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4958786a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/Port.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_Port__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_Port__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ class Port;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::Port : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_Port__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/ReverbType.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/ReverbType.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acdf5142c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/ReverbType.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_ReverbType__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_ReverbType__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class ReverbType;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::ReverbType : public ::java::lang::Object
+public: // actually protected
+ ReverbType(::java::lang::String *, jint, jfloat, jint, jfloat, jint);
+ virtual jboolean equals(::java::lang::Object *);
+ virtual jint hashCode();
+ virtual jint getDecayTime();
+ virtual jint getEarlyReflectionDelay();
+ virtual jfloat getEarlyReflectionIntensity();
+ virtual jint getLateReflectionDelay();
+ virtual jfloat getLateReflectionIntensity();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * getName();
+ virtual ::java::lang::String * toString();
+ ::java::lang::String * __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__( ::java::lang::Object)))) name;
+ jint earlyReflectionDelay;
+ jfloat earlyReflectionIntensity;
+ jint lateReflectionDelay;
+ jfloat lateReflectionIntensity;
+ jint decayTime;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_ReverbType__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/SourceDataLine.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/SourceDataLine.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74b5e8076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/SourceDataLine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_SourceDataLine__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_SourceDataLine__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ class SourceDataLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::SourceDataLine : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *) = 0;
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint) = 0;
+ virtual jint write(JArray< jbyte > *, jint, jint) = 0;
+ virtual jint available() = 0;
+ virtual void drain() = 0;
+ virtual void flush() = 0;
+ virtual jint getBufferSize() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat() = 0;
+ virtual jint getFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jfloat getLevel() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getLongFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getMicrosecondPosition() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isActive() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isRunning() = 0;
+ virtual void start() = 0;
+ virtual void stop() = 0;
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_SourceDataLine__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/TargetDataLine.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/TargetDataLine.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..183838986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/TargetDataLine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_TargetDataLine__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_TargetDataLine__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class Control;
+ class Control$Type;
+ class Line$Info;
+ class LineListener;
+ class TargetDataLine;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::TargetDataLine : public ::java::lang::Object
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *) = 0;
+ virtual void open(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, jint) = 0;
+ virtual jint read(JArray< jbyte > *, jint, jint) = 0;
+ virtual jint available() = 0;
+ virtual void drain() = 0;
+ virtual void flush() = 0;
+ virtual jint getBufferSize() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * getFormat() = 0;
+ virtual jint getFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jfloat getLevel() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getLongFramePosition() = 0;
+ virtual jlong getMicrosecondPosition() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isActive() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isRunning() = 0;
+ virtual void start() = 0;
+ virtual void stop() = 0;
+ virtual void addLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * getControl(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Control * > * getControls() = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Line$Info * getLineInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isControlSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Control$Type *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isOpen() = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ virtual void removeLineListener(::javax::sound::sampled::LineListener *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+} __attribute__ ((java_interface));
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_TargetDataLine__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/UnsupportedAudioFileException.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/UnsupportedAudioFileException.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..896c85a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/UnsupportedAudioFileException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_UnsupportedAudioFileException__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_UnsupportedAudioFileException__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Exception.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class UnsupportedAudioFileException;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::UnsupportedAudioFileException : public ::java::lang::Exception
+ UnsupportedAudioFileException();
+ UnsupportedAudioFileException(::java::lang::String *);
+ static const jlong serialVersionUID = -139127412623160368LL;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_UnsupportedAudioFileException__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileReader.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileReader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aab7d7d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileReader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileReader__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileReader__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace java
+ {
+ namespace net
+ {
+ class URL;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFileFormat;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ namespace spi
+ {
+ class AudioFileReader;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::spi::AudioFileReader : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFileReader();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::io::File *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::io::InputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat * getAudioFileFormat(::java::net::URL *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::io::File *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::io::InputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::java::net::URL *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileReader__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileWriter.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileWriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..558e3daea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileWriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileWriter__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileWriter__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFileFormat$Type;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ namespace spi
+ {
+ class AudioFileWriter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::spi::AudioFileWriter : public ::java::lang::Object
+ AudioFileWriter();
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * > * getAudioFileTypes() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type * > * getAudioFileTypes(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isFileTypeSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *);
+ virtual jboolean isFileTypeSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *);
+ virtual jint write(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::java::io::File *) = 0;
+ virtual jint write(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFileFormat$Type *, ::java::io::OutputStream *) = 0;
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_spi_AudioFileWriter__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/FormatConversionProvider.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/FormatConversionProvider.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e00ccac45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/FormatConversionProvider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_spi_FormatConversionProvider__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_spi_FormatConversionProvider__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class AudioFormat;
+ class AudioFormat$Encoding;
+ class AudioInputStream;
+ namespace spi
+ {
+ class FormatConversionProvider;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::spi::FormatConversionProvider : public ::java::lang::Object
+ FormatConversionProvider();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream * getAudioInputStream(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioInputStream *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * > * getSourceEncodings() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * > * getTargetEncodings() = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding * > * getTargetEncodings(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat * > * getTargetFormats(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *) = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isConversionSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ virtual jboolean isConversionSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *, ::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat *);
+ virtual jboolean isSourceEncodingSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *);
+ virtual jboolean isTargetEncodingSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::AudioFormat$Encoding *);
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_spi_FormatConversionProvider__
diff --git a/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/MixerProvider.h b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/MixerProvider.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50fc476d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/javax/sound/sampled/spi/MixerProvider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-
+#ifndef __javax_sound_sampled_spi_MixerProvider__
+#define __javax_sound_sampled_spi_MixerProvider__
+#pragma interface
+#include <java/lang/Object.h>
+#include <gcj/array.h>
+extern "Java"
+ namespace javax
+ {
+ namespace sound
+ {
+ namespace sampled
+ {
+ class Mixer;
+ class Mixer$Info;
+ namespace spi
+ {
+ class MixerProvider;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class javax::sound::sampled::spi::MixerProvider : public ::java::lang::Object
+ MixerProvider();
+ virtual ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer * getMixer(::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *) = 0;
+ virtual JArray< ::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info * > * getMixerInfo() = 0;
+ virtual jboolean isMixerSupported(::javax::sound::sampled::Mixer$Info *);
+ static ::java::lang::Class class$;
+#endif // __javax_sound_sampled_spi_MixerProvider__