Many fine associative-container libraries were already written, most notably, the STL's associative containers. Why then write another library? This section shows some possible advantages of this library, when considering the challenges in Introduction. Many of these points stem from the fact that the STL introduced associative-containers in a two-step process (first standardizing tree-based containers, only then adding hash-based containers, which are fundamentally different), did not standardize priority queues as containers, and (in our opinion) overloads the iterator concept.
Associative containers require a relatively large number of policies to function efficiently in various settings. In some cases this is needed for making their common operations more efficient, and in other cases this allows them to support a larger set of operations
Associative-Container Performance Tests::Hash-Based Containers quantifies some of these points.
Figure Metadata for order-statistics and interval intersections-A, for example, shows a tree whose each node contains two entries: a floating-point key, and some size-type metadata (in bold beneath it) that is the number of nodes in the sub-tree. (E.g., the root has key 0.99, and has 5 nodes (including itself) in its sub-tree.) A container based on this data structure can obviously answer efficiently whether 0.3 is in the container object, but it can also answer what is the order of 0.3 among all those in the container object [clrs2001] (see Associative Container Examples::Tree-Like-Based Containers (Trees and Tries)).
As another example, Figure Metadata for order-statistics and interval intersections-B shows a tree whose each node contains two entries: a half-open geometric line interval, and a number metadata (in bold beneath it) that is the largest endpoint of all intervals in its sub-tree. (E.g., the root describes the interval [20, 36), and the largest endpoint in its sub-tree is 99.) A container based on this data structure can obviously answer efficiently whether [3, 41) is in the container object, but it can also answer efficiently whether the container object has intervals that intersect [3, 41) (see Associative Container Examples::Tree-Like-Based Containers (Trees and Tries)). These types of queries are very useful in geometric algorithms and lease-management algorithms.
It is important to note, however, that as the trees are modified, their internal structure changes. To maintain these invariants, one must supply some policy that is aware of these changes (see Design::Associative Containers::Tree-Based Containers::Node Invariants); without this, it would be better to use a linked list (in itself very efficient for these purposes).
Associative-Container Performance Tests::Tree-Like-Based Containers quantifies some of these points.
The STL contains associative containers based on red-black trees and collision-chaining hash tables. These are obviously very useful, but they are not ideal for all types of settings.
Figure Different underlying data structures shows different underlying data structures (the ones currently supported in pb_ds). A shows a collision-chaining hash-table, B shows a probing hash-table, C shows a red-black tree, D shows a splay tree, E shows a tree based on an ordered vector(implicit in the order of the elements), F shows a PATRICIA trie, and G shows a list-based container with update policies.
Each of these data structures has some performance benefits, in terms of speed, size or both (see Associative-Container Performance Tests and Associative-Container Performance Tests::Observations::Underlying Data-Structure Families). For now, though, note that e.g., vector-based trees and probing hash tables manipulate memory more efficiently than red-black trees and collision-chaining hash tables, and that list-based associative containers are very useful for constructing "multimaps" (see Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys, Associative Container Performance Tests::Multimaps, and Associative Container Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics Considerations).
Now consider a function manipulating a generic associative container, e.g.,
template< class Cntnr> int some_op_sequence (Cntnr &r_cnt) { ... }
Ideally, the underlying data structure of Cntnr would not affect what can be done with r_cnt. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
For example, if Cntnr is std::map, then the function can use std::for_each(r_cnt.find(foo), r_cnt.find(bar), foobar) in order to apply foobar to all elements between foo and bar. If Cntnr is a hash-based container, then this call's results are undefined.
Also, if Cntnr is tree-based, the type and object of the comparison functor can be accessed. If Cntnr is hash based, these queries are nonsensical.
There are various other differences based on the container's underlying data structure. For one, they can be constructed by, and queried for, different policies. Furthermore:
A unified tag and traits system (as used for the STL's iterators, for example) can ease generic manipulation of associative containers based on different underlying data structures (see Tutorial::Associative Containers::Determining Containers' Attributes and Design::Associative Containers::Data-Structure Genericity::Data-Structure Tags and Traits).
Iterators are centric to the STL's design, because of the container/algorithm/iterator decomposition that allows an algorithm to operate on a range through iterators of some sequence (e.g., one originating from a container). Iterators, then, are useful because they allow going over a sequence. The STL also uses iterators for accessing a specific element - e.g., when an associative container returns one through find. The STL, however, consistently uses the same types of iterators for both purposes: going over a range, and accessing a specific found element. Before the introduction of hash-based containers to the STL, this made sense (with the exception of priority queues, which are discussed in Priority Queues).
Using the STL's associative containers together with non-order-preserving associative containers (and also because of priority-queues container), there is a possible need for different types of iterators for self-organizing containers - the iterator concept seems overloaded to mean two different things (in some cases). The following subsections explain this; Tutorial::Associative Containers::Point-Type and Range-Type Methods explains an alternative design which does not complicate the use of order-preserving containers, but is better for unordered containers; Design::Associative Containers::Data-Structure Genericity::Point-Type and Range-Type Methods explains the design further.
Suppose cntnr is some associative container, and say c is an object of type cntnr. Then what will be the outcome of
std::for_each(c.find(1), c.find(5), foo);
If cntnr is a tree-based container object, then an in-order walk will apply foo to the relevant elements, e.g., as in Figure Range iteration in different data structures -A. If c is a hash-based container, then the order of elements between any two elements is undefined (and probably time-varying); there is no guarantee that the elements traversed will coincide with the logical elements between 1 and 5, e.g., as in Figure Range iteration in different data structures-B.
In our opinion, this problem is not caused just because red-black trees are order preserving while collision-chaining hash tables are (generally) not - it is more fundamental. Most of the STL's containers order sequences in a well-defined manner that is determined by their interface: calling insert on a tree-based container modifies its sequence in a predictable way, as does calling push_back on a list or a vector. Conversely, collision-chaining hash tables, probing hash tables, priority queues, and list-based containers (which are very useful for "multimaps") are self-organizing data structures; the effect of each operation modifies their sequences in a manner that is (practically) determined by their implementation.
Consequently, applying an algorithm to a sequence obtained from most containers may or may not make sense, but applying it to a sub-sequence of a self-organizing container does not.
Suppose c is some collision-chaining hash-based container object, and one calls c.find(3). Then what composes the returned iterator?
Figure Point-type iterators in hash tables-A shows the simplest (and most efficient) implementation of a collision-chaining hash table. The little box marked point_iterator shows an object that contains a pointer to the element's node. Note that this "iterator" has no way to move to the next element (i.e., it cannot support operator++). Conversely, the little box marked iterator stores both a pointer to the element, as well as some other information (e.g., the bucket number of the element). the second iterator, then, is "heavier" than the first one- it requires more time and space. If we were to use a different container to cross-reference into this hash-table using these iterators - it would take much more space. As noted in Using Point-Type Iterators for Range-Type Operations, nothing much can be done by incrementing these iterators, so why is this extra information needed?
Alternatively, one might create a collision-chaining hash-table where the lists might be linked, forming a monolithic total-element list, as in Figure Point-type iterators in hash tables-B (this seems similar to the Dinkumware design [dinkumware_stl]). Here the iterators are as light as can be, but the hash-table's operations are more complicated.
It should be noted that containers based on collision-chaining hash-tables are not the only ones with this type of behavior; many other self-organizing data structures display it as well.
Consider the following snippet:
it = c.find(3); c.erase(5);
Following the call to erase, what is the validity of it: can it be de-referenced? can it be incremented?
The answer depends on the underlying data structure of the container. Figure Effect of erase in different underlying data structures shows three cases: A1 and A2 show a red-black tree; B1 and B2 show a probing hash-table; C1 and C2 show a collision-chaining hash table.
So in classic STL, it is not always possible to express whether it is valid or not. This is true also for insert, e.g.. Again, the iterator concept seems overloaded.
[meyers02both] points out that a class's methods should comprise only operations which depend on the class's internal structure; other operations are best designed as external functions. Possibly, therefore, the STL's associative containers lack some useful methods, and provide some other methods which would be better left out (e.g., [sgi_stl] ).
iterator erase (iterator it)which takes an iterator, erases the corresponding element, and returns an iterator to the following element. Also hash-based STL associative containers provide this method. This seemingly increases genericity between associative containers, since, e.g., it is possible to use
typename C::iterator it = c.begin(); typename C::iterator e_it = c.end(); while(it != e_it) it = pred(*it)? c.erase(it) : ++it;in order to erase from a container object c all element which match a predicate pred. However, in a different sense this actually decreases genericity: an integral implication of this method is that tree-based associative containers' memory use is linear in the total number of elements they store, while hash-based containers' memory use is unbounded in the total number of elements they store. Assume a hash-based container is allowed to decrease its size when an element is erased. Then the elements might be rehashed, which means that there is no "next" element - it is simply undefined. Consequently, it is possible to infer from the fact that STL hash-based containers provide this method that they cannot downsize when elements are erased (Performance Tests::Hash-Based Container Tests quantifies this.) As a consequence, different code is needed to manipulate different containers, assuming that memory should be conserved. pb_ds's non-order preserving associative containers omit this method.
template< class Pred> size_type erase_if (Pred pred)which erases all elements matching a predicate. This is probably the only way to ensure linear-time multiple-item erase which can actually downsize a container.
size_type erase (It b, It e)erasing a range of elements given by a pair of iterators. For tree-based or trie-based containers, this can implemented more efficiently as a (small) sequence of split and join operations. For other, unordered, containers, this method isn't much better than an external loop. Moreover, if c is a hash-based container, then, e.g., c.erase(c.find(2), c.find(5)) is almost certain to do something different than erasing all elements whose keys are between 2 and 5, and is likely to produce other undefined behavior.
It is well-known that tree-based and trie-based container objects can be efficiently split or joined [clrs2001]. Externally splitting or joining trees is super-linear, and, furthermore, can throw exceptions. Split and join methods, consequently, seem good choices for tree-based container methods, especially, since as noted just before, they are efficient replacements for erasing sub-sequences. Performance Tests::Tree-Like-Based Container Tests quantifies this.
STL associative containers provide methods of the form
template< class It> size_type insert (It b, It e);for inserting a range of elements given by a pair of iterators. At best, this can be implemented as an external loop, or, even more efficiently, as a join operation (for the case of tree-based or trie-based containers). Moreover, these methods seem similar to constructors taking a range given by a pair of iterators; the constructors, however, are transactional, whereas the insert methods are not; this is possibly confusing.
Associative containers are parametrized by policies allowing to test key equivalence; e.g. a hash-based container can do this through its equivalence functor, and a tree-based container can do this through its comparison functor. In addition, some STL associative containers have global function operators, e.g., operator== and operator<=, that allow comparing entire associative containers.
In our opinion, these functions are better left out. To begin with, they do not significantly improve over an external loop. More importantly, however, they are possibly misleading - operator==, for example, usually checks for equivalence, or interchangeability, but the associative container cannot check for values' equivalence, only keys' equivalence; also, are two containers considered equivalent if they store the same values in different order? this is an arbitrary decision.
Maps (or sets) allow mapping (or storing) unique-key values. The STL, however, also supplies associative containers which map (or store) multiple values with equivalent keys: std::multimap, std::multiset, std::tr1::unordered_multimap, and unordered_multiset. We first discuss how these might be used, then why we think it is best to avoid them.
Suppose one builds a simple bank-account application that records for each client (identified by an std::string) and account-id (marked by an unsigned long) - the balance in the account (described by a float). Suppose further that ordering this information is not useful, so a hash-based container is preferable to a tree based container. Then one can use
std::tr1::unordered_map<std::pair<std::string, unsigned long>, float, ...>which hashes every combination of client and account-id. This might work well, except for the fact that it is now impossible to efficiently list all of the accounts of a specific client (this would practically require iterating over all entries). Instead, one can use
std::tr1::unordered_multimap<std::pair<std::string, unsigned long>, float, ...>which hashes every client, and decides equivalence based on client only. This will ensure that all accounts belonging to a specific user are stored consecutively.
Also, suppose one wants an integers' priority queue (i.e., a container that supports push, pop, and top operations, the last of which returns the largest int) that also supports operations such as find and lower_bound. A reasonable solution is to build an adapter over std::set<int>. In this adapter, e.g., push will just call the tree-based associative container's insert method; pop will call its end method, and use it to return the preceding element (which must be the largest). Then this might work well, except that the container object cannot hold multiple instances of the same integer (push(4), e.g., will be a no-op if 4 is already in the container object). If multiple keys are necessary, then one might build the adapter over an std::multiset<int>.
STL non-unique-mapping containers, then, are useful when (1) a key can be decomposed in to a primary key and a secondary key, (2) a key is needed multiple times, or (3) any combination of (1) and (2).
Figure Non-unique mapping containers in the STL's design shows how the STL's design works internally; in this figure nodes shaded equally represent equivalent-key values. Equivalent keys are stored consecutively using the properties of the underlying data structure: binary search trees (Figure Non-unique mapping containers in the STL's design-A) store equivalent-key values consecutively (in the sense of an in-order walk) naturally; collision-chaining hash tables (Figure Non-unique mapping containers in the STL's design-B) store equivalent-key values in the same bucket, the bucket can be arranged so that equivalent-key values are consecutive.
Put differently, STL non-unique mapping associative-containers are associative containers that map primary keys to linked lists that are embedded into the container. Figure Effect of embedded lists in STL multimaps shows again the two containers from Figure Non-unique mapping containers in the STL's design, this time with the embedded linked lists of the grayed nodes marked explicitly.
These embedded linked lists have several disadvantages.
The above reasons hold even when the ratio of secondary keys to primary keys (or average number of identical keys) is small, but when it is large, there are more severe problems:
In pb_ds, therefore, all associative containers map (or store) unique-key values. One can (1) map primary keys to secondary associative-containers (i.e., containers of secondary keys) or non-associative containers (2) map identical keys to a size-type representing the number of times they occur, or (3) any combination of (1) and (2). Instead of allowing multiple equivalent-key values, pb_ds supplies associative containers based on underlying data structures that are suitable as secondary associative-containers (see Associative-Container Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics Considerations).
Figures Non-unique mapping containers in pb_ds A and B show the equivalent structures in pb_ds's design, to those in Figures Non-unique mapping containers in the STL's design A and B, respectively. Each shaded box represents some size-type or secondary associative-container.
In the first example above, then, one would use an associative container mapping each user to an associative container which maps each application id to a start time (see; in the second example, one would use an associative container mapping each int to some size-type indicating the number of times it logically occurs (see
Associative-Container Performance Tests::Multimaps quantifies some of these points, and Associative-Container Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics Considerations shows some simple calculations.
Associative-Container Examples::Multimaps shows some simple examples of using "multimaps".
Design::Associative Containers::List-Based Containers discusses types of containers especially suited as secondary associative-containers.
Priority queues are containers that allow efficiently inserting values and accessing the maximal value (in the sense of the container's comparison functor); i.e., their interface supports push and pop. The STL's priority queues indeed support these methods, but they support little else. For algorithmic and software-engineering purposes, other methods are needed:
int select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout);then, as the select manual page [select_man] states:
The nfds argument specifies the range of file
descriptors to be tested. The select() function tests file
descriptors in the range of 0 to nfds-1.
It stands to reason, therefore, that we might wish to maintain a minimal value for nfds, and priority queues immediately come to mind. Note, though, that when a socket is closed, the minimal file description might change; in the absence of an efficient means to erase an arbitrary value from a priority queue, we might as well avoid its use altogether.
Priority-Queue Examples::Cross-Referencing shows examples for these types of operations.
Performance Tests::Priority Queues quantifies some of these points.
There are three main implementations of priority queues: the first employs a binary heap, typically one which uses a sequence; the second uses a tree (or forest of trees), which is typically less structured than an associative container's tree; the third simply uses an associative container. These are shown, respectively, in Figures Underlying Priority-Queue Data-Structures A1 and A2, B, and C.
No single implementation can completely replace any of the others. Some have better push and pop amortized performance, some have better bounded (worst case) response time than others, some optimize a single method at the expense of others, etc.. In general the "best" implementation is dictated by the problem (see Performance Tests::Priority Queues::Observations).
As with associative containers (see Associative Containers::Traits for Underlying Data-Structures), the more implementations co-exist, the more necessary a traits mechanism is for handling generic containers safely and efficiently. This is especially important for priority queues, since the invalidation guarantees of one of the most useful data structures - binary heaps - is markedly different than those of most of the others.
Design::Priority Queues::Traits discusses this further.
Binary heaps are one of the most useful underlying data structures for priority queues. They are very efficient in terms of memory (since they don't require per-value structure metadata), and have the best amortized push and pop performance for primitive types (e.g., ints).
The STL's priority_queue implements this data structure as an adapter over a sequence, typically std::vector or std::deque, which correspond to Figures Underlying Priority-Queue Data-Structures A1 and A2, respectively.
This is indeed an elegant example of the adapter concept and the algorithm/container/iterator decomposition (see [nelson96stlpql]). There are possibly reasons, however, why a binary-heap priority queue would be better implemented as a container instead of a sequence adapter: